Chapter 14. The Database Tuneup

In the foreword to the second edition I rhapsodized about the straightforwardness and other virtues of the common automobile repair manual. In this chapter, I'll attempt to emulate that style of writing and outline a basic procedure that will allow you to tune an Informix database.

So why am I pushing this auto repair analogy so far? I want all of the DBAs reading this to take off their white lab coats and put on their overalls because proper database tuning will require them to poke around in places they usually don't poke. I want to demystify the tuning process. It's not rocket science, but a lot of users and DBAs are intimidated by database tuning and would rather do almost anything else but tune the database. If the database tuning process is approached with a methodical attitude and the guidelines found in this chapter are followed, the reader should be able to tune for most types of applications.

An author always has the question of how to address his readers. I think it makes the most sense in this context to address you as "consultants," for that is usually the role that you will be filling. That means that anyone that owns or uses the database you are tuning will be "clients." Actually, I think that just about all knowledge workers should view themselves as consultants. A consultant is hired and kept around only as long as she is needed. It's not really any different if you work for a large corporation Such terms as "job security" are practically oxymorons now anyway. If you think of yourself as a consultant no matter where you work, you'll better appreciate the need to deliver value. In most organizations, you're only as good as your last assignment.

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