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personal, 77-80, 111-136

social, 77, 78, 80, 167-192

as source of influence, 77

structural, 77, 78, 81, 219-232

Accountability, 216

Action, connecting values and, 95-98

After-the-fact treatment, avoidance vs., 9


Alcohol abuse, 199

Amygdala, 130-132

Approval of others, reliance on, 141-142

Arrested development, 121-129

Aversive therapy, 88

Avoidance, after-the-fact treatment vs., 9


Bacon, Roger, 123

Bandura, Albert, 18-20

dehumanization studies by, 101-102

on feedback to build self-confidence, 127-128

and linking of actions to values, 97, 98

mind-changing theory of, 45-49

vicarious experiences used by, 53

and will as fixed trait, 117

Bangladesh, business startup loans in, 171-172, 202-203, 241-242

Becoming an influencer, 253-272

by adding sources, 257-264

by diagnosing changes, 258-259

example of, 265-271

by finding vital behaviors, 257

by making change inevitable, 264

by studying examples, 253-256


changed thinking and changes in, 20

choosing, 49

essential questions for changing, 50, 63

focus on, 27-28

impact of physical environment on, 222

meaning of term, 26

outcomes vs., 26-28

recovery, 37-40

shaped by observation, 18-20 (See also Vital behaviors)

Behavioral science, 4-5

Behaviorism, 18

Bell Labs, 240

Bender, Leon, 204, 229-230

Bennis, Warren, 13

Berwick, Don:

and dehumanization of people, 102-103

learning from, 254-255

on motivation, 109

peer pressure used by, 149

praise used by, 163-164

stories used by, 67-70

Best-practice research, 31, 257

Bethlehem Steel, 243

Bing Nursery School, 194-196

Blind spots, 188-189

Boyle, Tom, 187

Bride abductions (Ethiopia), 214-216

Bronfman, Edgar, 244

Business incubators, 187

Business startup loans, 168-174, 202-203, 241-242


Calendared events, 250-251

Carter, Jimmy, 70, 232-233, 244-245

The Carter Center, 16, 35, 36, 38, 41, 70-71, 232, 244-245, 255

Cause and effect, 49

CDC (See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 204-205

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41

Change agents, 8, 10-11

Change targets, 63

Changing others’ minds, 45-72

Bandura’s theory for, 46-48

concepts underlying, 49-53

by creating profound vicarious experiences, 53-57

persuasion vs. field trips for, 51-53

with stories, 57-70

China, health practices in, 150-151

Choice, honoring, 104-107

Classical conditioning, 87-88

Coaching, 188-189

Cocaine addiction, 199-200

Cognitive reappraisal, 134

Combating AIDS (Everett Rogers and Arvind Singhal), 56

Concentration, 123

Conclusions, testing, 40-41


crucial, 30, 34, 39, 40, 267-268

as motivators, 105

practicing, 120-121

social capital in, 178-180

Containerized shipping, 228-229

Conversations, crucial, 30, 34, 39, 40, 267-268

Cool (“know”) system, 130-131, 134

Coping, 8-9

Coughlin, Natalie, 124

Coward, Noel, 193

Crime reduction:

in New York City, 224

in North Carolina, 211-213, 260-261

Crucial conversations/confrontations, 34

at Delancey, 30

in Six Sigma application, 39-40

as vital behavior, 267-268

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi, 92

Culture of social support, creating, 161-164

Cystic fibrosis treatment, 258-259


Data stream, accuracy of, 230-235

Davis, Michael, 95

Dehumanization, 101-103

Delancey Street Foundation, 13-15

connecting values and behavior at, 99-100

creating new experiences at, 89-91

Games ritual at, 250-251

goals at, 128

learning from, 253-254

making right behavior easier at, 245-246

personal motivation at, 85-86

propinquity at, 237-238

risk faced at, 184-187

small rewards used at, 203-204

social support created at, 161-163

vital behaviors at, 28-30

Delayed gratification, 115-118, 132-133, 263

Deliberate practice, 118-119, 122-129

complete attention for, 123

immediate feedback for, 123-125

of interpersonal skills, 263

mini goals in, 125-128

setbacks in, 128-129

Deming, W. Edwards, 23

Denton, Henry, 26

and environmental changes, 226-227

personal ability of, 112-114

recovery behaviors for, 42-43

social support for, 180-181

vital behaviors identified by, 41-42

Dining tables, 238-239

Disablers, 181

Donne, John, 181

Dowry practice, 241

Dweck, Carol, 114


Early adopters, 148

Efficiency principles, 242-243

Egri, Lajos, 61, 62

E.I. DuPont Company, 244-245

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 75

Emery Air Freight, 228-229

Emotional skills, personal ability and, 129-135

Empathy, 62-63

Enablers, 181

Entertainment education, 15-16 (See also specific programs)

opinion leaders in, 149-150

radio programs, 54-55, 62-63, 150, 157-158, 215-216

stories, 57-70

television programs, 15, 53-54, 179

Environment, changing (See Structural ability)

Ericsson, Anders, 118, 119, 122

Ethopian bride abductions, 214-216

Expectations, 49-50


combining stories and, 67-70

creating, 89-92

surrogate for, 53 (See also Vicarious experience)


Facts, credibility of stories vs., 60-61

Failure, means/ends confusion in, 27

Family planning messages, 57

Farmers, influencing crop choices of, 145-149

Fears, overcoming, 46-48

Feedback, 92

to cover blind spots, 188-189

at Delancey, 162-163, 250-251

in deliberate practice, 124-125

Feeney, Edward, 228, 229

Festinger, Leon, 236

Field trips, 51-53

Flow, 92

Fogassi, Leonardo, 62

Ford Motor Company, 97-98

Frequent flyer miles, 200

Friedman, Bill, 248-249

Fundamental attribution error, 112


Gallese, Vittorio, 62

Galton, Francis, 174-175

Gama, Vasco de, 147

Gambling casinos, 248-249

Games, making new experiences into, 92

Gauvreau, Emile Henry, 137

General Electric, 75

Gilbert, Daniel, 89

Gioia, Dennis, 97-98

“Go” (hot) system, 129-131, 134


in deliberate practice, 125-128

ever-more challenging, 92

Gowon, General, 70-71

Graham, Ginger, 106-109

Grameen Bank, 172-173, 183, 241

Group solidarity, 189-191

Groups, intelligence of, 174-175

Guinea worm disease, 16-17

changing minds about, 70-71

conclusions about, 40, 41

data stream for, 232-234

learning from treatment of, 255-256

making change inevitable, 75

making good choices easier, 244-245

and opinion leaders, 149

positive deviance in, 35-36

and recovery behaviors, 37-38

sources of influence, 79-81


Health care, 36-37

best practice for, 263

in China, 150-151

coaching in, 188

cost control in, 229

making right behaviors easier in, 247

100,000 lives campaign, 68-70, 102-103, 149, 254-255 (See also specific conditions, e.g.: Hospital infections)

Heath, Ralph, 15, 106

Hewlett-Packard, 239-240

Higgins, Stephen, 199

High-leverage behaviors (See Vital behaviors)


in Tanzania, 54-55, 60

in Thailand, 24-28, 120-121, 190-191

Hopkins, Donald:

environmental changes made by, 232, 233

learning from, 255-256

peer pressure used by, 149

vital behaviors identified by, 16, 17

Hospital infections, 158-159, 204-205, 229-230

Hot (“go”) system, 129-131, 134

Human consequences, spotlighting, 100-104


IHI (See Institute for Healthcare Improvement)

Imai, Masaaki, 208

Incentives (See Rewards)

India, business startup loans in, 168-171, 173-174

Individuals, power of, 142-145

Influence strategies, 20, 21

combinations of, 76

single-source, 75-76

value-neutral nature of, 21 (See also Becoming an influencer)

Information, visibility of, 230-235

Innovators, 148

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 67-68, 149

Interdependence, 182-183

Interpersonal skills, practice of, 119-121, 263

Interviewing, motivational, 105-106

Intrinsic satisfaction, 84 (See also Personal motivation)


Japhet, Garth, 178-180

Jess, 176-178

Johns Hopkins Hospital, 199


Kaizen (Masaaki Imai), 208

Kelling, George, 224

Kerr, Steve, 209

King, Josie, 68-69

“Know” (cool) system, 130-131, 134-135, 138


Labels, 103

Lancaster, John, 147

Langer, Ellen, 95


influencing, 145

opinion leaders, 145-152

social support encouraged by, 164

Lear, Norman, 56, 57

Learned Helplessness (Martin Seligman), 211

Lepper, Mark, 196-198

Lifeguard behavior, 6

Literacy, 15, 54

Lloyd, William Forster, 189

Lund, Robert, 95-96


Making change inevitable, 75-81, 264

and six sources of influence, 77-81

using physical environment for, 249-251

Manufacturing efficiency, 51-53, 64-65

Mao Zedong, 150-151

Markman, Howard, 28, 149

Marriage, critical behaviors in, 28, 149

Martin, Demetri, 196

Martin, Joanne, 60

Milgram, Stanley, 138-143

Miller, Mike, 15

Miller, William, 104-106

Mini goals, 125-128

Minyans (Delancey), 185-186

Mirror neurons, 62-63

Mischel, Walter, 115-117, 132-133

Mistrust, 59-60

Modeling (See Vicarious experience)

Moral disengagement, 97-98, 103-104

Moral thinking, 95-98


creating, 93-100

mini goals for, 127

multiple sources of, 261-262

personal, 77-79, 83-109

social, 77, 78, 80, 137-165

as source of influence, 77-78

with stories, 61-63

structural, 77, 78, 80, 193-217

Motivational interviewing, 105-106

Murthy, Rekha, 230


National Restaurant Association, 220, 221

National Weight Control Registry, 42

Negative reinforcement studies, 138-143

Network quotient (NQ), 187

Networks of relationships, 174-175

New York City, crime reduction in, 224

North Carolina, crime reduction in, 211-213, 260-261

NQ (network quotient), 187


Observation, behavior shaped by, 18-20

Oil fields workers, 214

100,000 lives campaign, 68-70, 102-103, 149, 254-255

Opinion leader(s), 145-152

engaging, 151-152

in entertainment, 150

innovators vs. early adopters, 148-149

qualities of, 154

Ouchi, Bill, 239


behaviors vs., 26-28, 126

connecting behavior to, 101

processes vs., 126

vicarious experience of, 53

Overjustification hypothesis, 195


Pain, changing to pleasure from, 86-88

Palmer, Arnold, 111

Pavlov, Ivan, 87, 88

Peck, M. Scott, 86-87

Peele, Stanton, 98–99

Peer pressure (See Social motivation)

Perelman, Grigori, 93-94

Perfect practice, 118-119

Personal ability, 77-80, 111-136

as basis of will, 115-118

deliberate practice for, 121-129

and emotional skills, 129-135

growth mindset for, 114

role of practice in, 118-121

Personal experiences:

as cognitive map changers, 51

social support for, 152-153

Personal motivation, 77-79, 83-109

creating new experiences for, 89-92

creating new motives for, 93-100

from honoring choice, 104-107

from making pain pleasurable, 86-88

spotlighting human consequences for, 100-104

Physical environment (See Structural ability)

Pleasure, changing pain to, 86-88

Poincare Conjecture, 94

Poindexter, David, 54, 57

Positive deviance, 35-37, 41-43, 257


deliberate, 118-119, 122-129, 263

perfect, 118-119

and personal ability, 118-121


at Delancey, 161-162

need for, 163

punishment vs., 33

Price, Ray, 60

Productivity, as taboo topic, 155-157

Progress, proof of, 127

Propinquity, 235-242

Punishment, 210-216

at Delancey, 161-162

emotional effects of, 211

praise vs., 33

providing warnings of, 211-213


Racist behavior, 216

Radio programs:

Tinka, Tinka Sukh, 150, 157-158

Twende na Wakati, 54-55, 62-63

Yeken Kignit, 215

Rama IX, King of Thailand, 24

Rattine-Flaherty, Elizabeth, 58

Recovery behaviors, 37-40

Redwoods Insurance, 6

Reid, Ethna, 31-35, 124, 257

Representative heuristic, 231

Resiliency, 128-129

Restaurant employee conflicts, 220-222


connecting behavior to, 101

rewarding, 205-207

Rewards, 33

for activities already enjoyed, 194-195

size of, 201-205

symbolic, 201-203

as third step in strategy, 194-198

for vital behaviors, 205-210

wise use of, 198-201

Risk, social capital and, 184-185

Rituals, 250-251

Rizzolatti, Giacomo, 62

Rogers, Everett, 56, 145-149

Rogers, Will, 45

Rojanapithayakorn, Wiwat, 23-28, 120-121, 190-191

Ross, Lee, 112

Ruiz-Tiben, Ernesto, 233


Sabido, Miguel, 15-16, 53-54, 91

Saving money, 209

Scared Straight program, 65-66

Scheduled events, 250-251

Self-discipline, 114-118

Self-esteem, 100

Self-image, 7, 21

Seligman, Martin, 211

Sense of self, connecting to, 93-94

Serenity trap, 4-5

Shakes, Ronnie, 253

Shared norms, 154-160

Silbert, Mimi, 13-15, 81

calendared events used by, 250

and connecting values and behavior, 99-100

and creation of new experiences, 89-91

learning from, 253, 254

and making right behavior easier, 245-246

and personal motivation, 85-86

and propinquity, 237

risk faced by, 184-185

small rewards used by, 203-204

social support created by, 161-163, 165

sources of influence used by, 260

vital behaviors targeted by, 29-30

Silence, conspiracies of, 159-160 (See also Shared norms)

Silka, Paul, 205

Singhal, Arvind:

and models for behavior change, 56

and Soul City program, 179

study of Tinka, Tinka Sukh by, 150, 157

Single-source strategies, 75-76

Six Sigma training, 38-41

Skills (See Ability)

SKS, 168

Small business startups, 168-174, 202-203, 240-241

Snakes, fear of, 46-48

Social ability, 77, 78, 80, 167-192

and investment in social capital, 175-191

and power of social capital, 174-175

when others are part of the problem, 176-181

when you can’t succeed on your own, 181-191

and Yunus’ business startup loans, 168-174

Social capital, 173, 174

as change resource, 263-264

at Delancey, 185-187

investing in, 175-191

power of, 174-175

Social learning theory, 18

Social motivation, 77, 78, 80, 137-165

to change shared norms, 154-160

creating entire culture for, 160-164

identifying opinion leaders for, 145-152

for influencing yourself, 152-154

and Milgram’s negative reinforcement research, 138-143

and power of one person, 142-145

Solidarity, 189-191

Solutions, providing, 66-67

Soul City program, 179

Sources of influence, 77-81

multiple, 259-264

in personal influencer strategy, 257-258 (See also each specific source)

Southwest Airlines, 9-10

Space, effects of, 235-242

Stakeholders, data for, 234-235

Steele, Fred, 222, 225, 264

Stone, Clement, 219

Stories, 57-70

combining experiences and, 67-70

conveying full information in, 65-66

effectiveness of, 64-65

memorability and credibility of, 60-61

mistrust mitigated by, 60

for motivating, 61-63

solutions offered in, 66-67

transporting listener into, 61-63

Structural ability, 77, 78, 81, 219-252

and changing environment vs.

behavior, 222-225

and cues for critical data points, 230-235

and ease of tasks, 242-249

and effects of physical space, 235-242

making behaviors unavoidable for, 249-251

making elements visible for, 227-230

noticing cues about, 225-227

Structural motivation, 77, 78, 80, 193-217

punishment and absence of punishment, 210-216

from rewarding vital behaviors, 205-210

and rewards as third step in strategy, 194-198

and size of rewards, 201-205

wise use of incentives for, 198-201

Suicide prevention incentive, 200-201

Surowiecki, James, 174, 175

Surpassing limits (See Personal ability)

Surrogates, 53 (See also Vicarious experience)

Swai, Martha, 54

Symbolic rewards, 201-203


Tanzania, HIV/AIDS in, 54-55, 60

Taylor, Frederick, 243

Teaching methods, efficacy of, 31-34

Teamwork, 182-183

Teffera, Negussie, 215


family planning messages via, 57

opinion leaders on, 150

Soul City, 179

Ven Conmigo, 15, 54

vicarious experiences via, 15, 53-55

violence on, 19, 20


immediate corrections based on, 33

short intervals for, 124

to verify vital behaviors, 40-41

Thailand, HIV/AIDS in, 24-28, 120-121, 190-191

Thinking: altering, 63

and choice of behaviors, 49

moral, 95-98

Tinka, Tinka Sukh (“Happiness Lies in Small Things”), 150, 157-158

Toyota, 7

Trust, 59-60, 153-154

Twain, Mark, 167

Twende na Wakati (“Let’s Go with the Times”), 54-55, 62-63


Underhill, Paco, 248



connecting behavior and, 95-100

reconnecting existing behavior to, 105

Ven Conmigo (“Come with Me”), 15, 54

Verbal persuasion, 5

to change expectations, 50-51

disbelief of, 59-61

and misunderstanding of words, 58-59

stories vs., 57-61

Vicarious experience: creating, 53-57

in fear of snakes study, 47-48

for personal motivation, 91

Vietnam War reward structure, 209-210

Visibility of cues, 227-230

Vital behaviors, 23-41

at-home identification of, 41-43

in becoming an influencer, 257

and behaviors vs. outcomes, 26-28

best practices for discovering, 30-35

changing feelings associated with, 86-88

crucial conversations as, 267-268

enabling, 220

essential expectations of, 49-50

master influences’ use of, 30-35

positive deviance in identification of, 35-37

and recovery behaviors, 37-40

reinforcing, 142

rewarding, 205-210

search for, 28-30

testing identification of, 40-41

value of searching for, 23-26

vicarious experience of, 47-48


Wansink, Brian, 16, 88, 226-228, 246

Warwick, Warren, 258-259

Weight loss, 16

changing environment for, 226-228

making right behaviors easier for, 246-247

personal ability for, 112-114

power of social capital for, 180-181

vital behaviors for, 41-43

Weissmuller, Johnny, 123

Werhane, Patricia, 95

Whyte, William Foote, 220-222, 243, 264

Will, 115-118, 133

The Wisdom of Crowds (James Surowiecki), 174

Words, different understandings of, 58-59

Wright, Steven, 83


Yeken Kignit (“Looking Over One’s Daily Life”), 215


Yunus, Muhammad:

and propinquity, 240, 241

rewards used by, 202, 203

small business loans made by, 171-173

social support used by, 183

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