102 Index
declarative sentences, for effective
verbal messages, 20
defective products, advertising, 86
dependency, 66–71
direct communication, 2021
dissent, accommodating, 37
e-mail, for communicating with boss,
employee empowerment, 53–54, 96
Enron, 86
ethics, 8392, 96
and goals, 8487
means and, 8892
term defined, 84
executives, power of, 2
expertise, being source of, 2830
favor effect, 67–68, 96
favors, providing, 27
Ford Motor Company, 86
frame, 3437, 96
Franklin, Benjamin, 67–68
Gates, Bill, 75
Gen X and Gen Y, 54
ethical application of influence and,
of organizations, 32
head and heart, speaking to, 4648
Hewlett, Bill, 37
hierarchy of human needs (Maslow),
HP, 37
ideas, describing features and benefits
of, 48
In Search of Excellence (Peters and
Waterman), 30
influence, 4–5, 96
applying in many directions, 53
benefits, vii–viii
with boss, 7381
American Management Association
interaction with power and
persuasion, 7–8
meaning of, 1
with peers, 62–66
with subordinates, 52–62
influence map, 96
drawing, 4445
Influence Without Authority (Cohen
and Bradford), 2526
being source of, 2830
boss’s preferences, 78–79
sharing, 57–58
insider trading, 86
interests, in reaching common ground,
Julius Caesar, 85
key information, control of, 29
language, for persuasion, 45–49
large organizations, silo mentality in,
listening to boss, 77
lobbyists, 25
logical argument, 46
Louis XIII of France, 74–75
Machiavelli, Niccolo, The Prince,88
limits of formal power, vii
power of, 2
Maslow, Abraham, 5960
means to end, ethics and, 8892
micromanaging, 18
Motorola, 37–38
Munger, Charlie, 75
network of support
building, 37–40, 6869
expanding, 69
‘‘no-go’’ areas of boss, 77–78
‘‘open book management’’ (OBM), 57
orders, vs. appeals for cooperation, 2
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