A mode of behavior or communication in which a person has no reluc-
tance to impose his or her views on others, or harm their interests in the
pursuit of his or her own. Rather than collaborate with others, the aggres-
sive person prefers to dominate them, using threats, organizational au-
thority, or bullying when necessary.
A mode of personal behavior and communication characterized by a will-
ingness to stand up for one’s needs and interests in an open and direct
A model of management in which information relative to customers and
operations flows upward through the chain of command. Decisions are
made at the top, then communicated downward through the same chain
for execution.
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Community of interest
A group of people who share common concerns or interests. A group of
this type typically meets periodically to share ideas, information, and best-
practice solutions for common concerns.
Employee empowerment
A management model that gives subordinates substantial discretion in
how they accomplish their objectives.
A body of rules of conduct deemed acceptable by the larger community.
Favor effect
The likelihood that a person whom you’ve asked for a favor will, once he
or she has complied, be positively disposed to you and will likely be will-
ing to do you another favor.
A mental window through which we view reality.
A means of getting what we want without command or compulsion.
Influence map
A graphic representation of the patterns and strength of influence.
An unassertive condition characterized by submissiveness and a fear of
standing up for one’s needs and interests or an unwillingness to do so.
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A person of roughly equal organizational standing over whom one has no
Peer influence (or peer pressure)
The influence that group values and behaviors exert on individuals.
A process of communication through which one person alters the beliefs,
attitudes, or actions of others. This process uses rhetorical tools such as
structured language, logical argument, and emotional appeals.
The ability to get what we want by virtue of command or compulsion.
Principle of reciprocity
A principle that asserts that a favor done for someone demands a favor in
In Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, the feeling people have when they
are in control of their lives, and when they sense that they are exploiting
their full potential.
Silo mentality
The narrowness of focus and outlook caused by work within specialized
functional units. In the worst cases, people within silos become so insular
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that they lose sight of the organization’s goals and substitute self-interest
in their place.
Thought leader
A person to whom others turn for advice or new ideas.
American Management Association
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