
The zombie: to know him is to fear him.

He travels in packs, hungers for human flesh, and generally signifies the end of life as we know it. Like a scene from a 1960s horror film, his crowd of the undead appears out of nowhere. It shambles closer, revealing sunken eyes, broken teeth, and moon-pale skin that crumbles and peels away much too easily. Somehow these monsters manage to shuffle along despite missing fingers or limbs. A foot might be turned sideways or an ear might be hanging lopsided, but it doesn’t matter. These creatures don’t feel pain. They don’t even communicate with one another. And if you think they’re ambling along without direction, you’re wrong.

They’re on a mission; they’re insatiably hungry.

And they’d love to add you to the menu.


You’ve just entered The Fantasy Underground, a land where nightmares emerge from the mists of imagination, a place where dark creatures are born, the ultimate playground where you’ll learn how to add your own thumbprint to the ever-changing zombie legend. Whether you’re aching to learn how to draw these monsters or hoping to brush up on zombie folklore or planning to write your own story about this popular monster, this is the right place to be. All the information, inspiration, and instruction you need is right here.

But consider yourself warned. You should probably read this book with all the lights turned on, and all the windows and doors locked. Because the zombies are loose.

And the latest rumor is they’re hungry.



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