
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Acquisition system interfaces 151–152
Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 162–163
Ambient illuminance 179–181
Ambient lighting environments 181
Analog to digital converter (ADC) 90–91
ARRI imaging systems 106


Bayesian labeling problem 67
Bidirectional similarity (BDS) 33–34
Bidirectional similarity measure (BDSM) 75–77
Bidirectional warping 21
Bilateral filter block diagram 149–150, 150f
Blending algorithm 54
Block-based motion estimation 26–28
current frame 26
reference frame 26
Blu-ray disc association 163–164
Bright lighting environments 181
Broadcasting systems 162–163


Calibration 96, 97t
Camera under test (CUT) 94–95
CES16 HDR 216
Channel scaling 135
Clamp function 135
Color correlograms 114
Compatible double stream methods 131
Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity Index (CW-SSIM) 113
Compression system interfaces 151–152
Contrast amplification 118
Contrast loss 118
Cortex transform 117, 118f
Cross-bilateral filter (CBF) 30–31


Decoding method 135–136, 136f
Deghosting 5–8, 7f, 14–20
3D HDR video 
image alignment generation 74–77
stereoscopic imaging 63
Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcast (DTMB) 162–163
Digital TV 
capture 159–160
contribution 161
distribution 161–164
manipulation 160–161
reproduction 164
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T) 162–163
Digital video quality (DVQ) metric 113
Dirichlet boundary conditions 52
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) 87–89
Disparity maps 64
Dispersion threshold identification (I-DT). 191
Distortion-specific NR methods 113–114
Dolby Vision 221
Dominant motion regions (DMR) 36–37
DRAGON HDR modes 100
contrast sensitivity 115–116
cortex transform 117, 118f
luminance adaptation 115, 116f
psychometric function 118
visible difference 118
DSC labs Xyla-21 test chart 95–96, 96f
Dual gain architecture (DGA) 100–101
Dual layer 165
DVInfo website 93–94
Dwarves 78
DxOMark website 93–94
Dynamic camera and static scene 50–53
geometry estimation 50–51
video reconstruction 51–52


Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) 158, 167f, 168
Enhanced predictive zonal search (EPZS) 27–28
Environment context reader 185
Epipolar geometry 63–65, 64f
Equirectangular projection maps 207
Expansion operator 69
Eye trackers 190–192
accuracy 191
saccades pursuits 191
smooth pursuits 191
visual fixation 191


Fattal TMO 133
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) 146–147
LUT 147
Xilinx ZYNQ architecture 146–147, 151
Firm’s investment decision 218–219
Fusion of exposure controlled frames 25–26


Gaze-dependent tone mapping operator (GDTMO) 190, 196–197
Naka-Rushton equation 195–196
techniques 190–192
temporal adaptation 194–195
testbed and results 196–197
tone compression 195–196
visual adaptation 192–193
Generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) 114
Geometry estimation 50–51
Gradient domain editing 54


HDR decoder 185
HDR image deghosting methods 6–8
global registration 7
moving object registration. 8
moving object selection 7–8
moving objects removal 7
HDR mode tester 183–185
HDR MPEG 132–133, 138–139, 142
HDR reconstruction 30
HDR stitching 
bidirectional warping 21
radiance map recovery 21–22
unidirectional warping 21
HDR video capture methods 8–14, 46–49
HDR video metrics 
data-driven metrics 123–124
DRI-VQM 114–119
full-reference metrics 112–113
HDR-VQM 120–123
NR metrics 113–114
RR metrics 111–114
HDR visual difference predictor (HDR-VDP) 87–89
HDR visual quality measure (HDR-VQM) 87–89
emitted luminance 120–121
perceived luminance 121
pooling 122–123
visual channels 121–122
High definition TV (HDTV) 156–157
High dynamic range (HDR) video capture 
adaptive filtering for registration artifact removal 30–31
artifact removal 30
block-based motion estimation 26–28
capture methods 8–14, 20
decoder 183
digital TV basics 159–164
dynamic camera and static scene 50–53
environment context reader 185
exposure fusion video deghosting 31–32
fusion of exposure controlled frames 25–26
global deghosting algorithms 14–20
HDR model 183
HDTV 156–157
image acquisition model 5–6
image deghosting methods 6–8
image retargeting 46–49
LDR encoder 185
local deghosting algorithms 20–38
MAP estimation framework 34–36
media handler 183–185
motion aware exposure bracketing 36–38
multiple camera solutions 10–13
patch-based 33–34
professional broadcast production workflows 157–158
quality preservation 158
real-time processing of 157
reconstruction 25, 30
saturated blocks, MV refinement 28–29
SDR 46
SDTV 156–157
single aperture multiple sensor 9–10
single layer vs. dual layer 165
spatial alignment 23–24
static camera and dynamic scene 53–56
stitching 20–22
temporal alignment 24
temporal tone mapping 22
UHDTV 156–157
uncertainty over consumer demand 227–228
High dynamic range (HDR) compression 
backwards compatible methods 130, 133–136
floating point data 129–130
images 140–142
implementation 138
method and results 138–139
traditional method 129–130
video compression methods 131–133
High dynamic range (HDR) imaging 87
camera selection 98
data workflows 100–102
design 94–102
test chart 95–97
test procedure 98–100
High efficiency video codec 221–222
High efficiency video encoding (HEVC) 138–139
Higher bit-depth single stream compression methods 131
Histogram-based image registration for real-time HDR videos 15–17
Human visual system (HVS) 111–112, 123, 156–157, 168, 189–190
Hybrid method 70


IBC/NAB 221, 226–227
acquisition model 5–6
compression methods 133–134, 136–137
retargeting 46–49
warping 68
Image quality assessment (IQA) 111–114, 123
Image quality metrics (IQM) 111–112
Incremental innovation 220–222
Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting (ISDB-T) 162–163
Inverse methods 139


JPEG HDR 131–133, 138, 140–142
Just noticeable differences (JND) values 115


Kalman filter application 15
KLT method 23–24


Laplacian pyramids 54
LDR encoder 185
LDR HD sequence 220
Learning-based Predictor of Localized Distortions (LPLD) 123–124
Linear regression algorithm 23–24
Lloyd Max quantization 131
Local deghosting algorithms 20–38
Local motion regions (LMR) 36–37
Log-encoded ratio frame 133
LogLUV 130–131
LogPSNR 137–138
Long-term temporal pooling 122–123
LookUp Table (LUT) 113
Low dynamic range (LDR) 4, 61, 129–130, 175, 190, 204–205
Luminance adaptation 115, 116f
Luminance modulation factor 116–117


Magic Lantern 98
Maladaptation state 189–190
Map representation 207
Markov Random Field (MRF) 50–51
Mask classification 55
Masking effects 122–123
Maximum a posteriori (MAP) 34
Mean squared error (MSE) 75–77
Median threshold bitmaps (MTBs) 16
Medium/high-end cameras 56
Mobile devices, HDR video 
ambient illuminance 179–181
features 176–178
local storage availability 178
power supply 178–179
reflections 181–182
Modified multiview stereo (MVS) algorithm 50–51, 51f, 52
Moore’s law 178, 186–187, 224
Motion vectors (MVs) 17, 27–29, 29f
Moving picture quality metric (MPQM) 112–113
Multiple camera solutions 10–13
Multisource methods 7–8


Naka-Rushton equation 195–196
Natural density (ND) filters 48–49
Natural scene statistics 114
Nearest neighbor field (NNF) 72
HSV color space 73–74
patch-match algorithm 73
propagation 72
random search 72
random transformation values 72
Nearest neighbor search 72–74
Netflix 216, 233
Neutral density (ND) filters 206
Neutralization and high dynamic range imaging 
fisheye images 205–206, 207f
map representation 207
neutralizing 209–210
sampling environment maps 209
tracking accuracy 210–211
Niquin’s algorithm 11
No-reference (NR) metrics 87–89, 113–114
No-reference objective quality metric (NROQM) 87, 89
NoRM 124
Normalized cross correlation (NCC) 16, 66–67


Objective measurements 
full-reference 87–89
no-reference 87–89
reduced-reference 87–89
Object recognition 203, 212
Octocam 77–78
Offline CRF recovery methods 68–71
OOYALA 173–174, 174f
OpenEXR RGBA 130–131
Opto-electronic conversion function (OECF) 90–93
Opto-Electronic Transfer Function (OETF) 158, 167f, 168
Opto-Optical Transfer Function (OOTF) 165


Patch-based HDR image synthesis algorithms 33–34
Patch-based multiscopic HDR generation 71–77
Patch-Match algorithm 62, 70–71
Payback periods 224
Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) 75–77, 87–89
Perceptual distortion metric (PDM) 113
Perceptually uniform (PU) 121, 121f
Perceptual quantitiser (PQ) method 221–222
Per frame CRF recovery methods 66–68
Per-pixel image-quality datasets 123
Photographic Tone Mapping Reproduction operator 136–138
Poisson process 15
Pooling 122–123
long-term temporal pooling 122–123
short-term temporal pooling 122–123
Poynton 89–90
Practical Backwards Compatible (pBC) 
decoding method 135–136, 136f
encoding method 134–135, 134f
HDR images 140–142, 141f
rate distortion method 136–137
straightforward method 142
Precomputed radiance transfer (PRT) 208–209
Professional broadcast production workflows 157–158
Programmable hardware 145–147
Psychometric function 118
Pupil-corneal reflection (P-CR) technique 191
Pyramid-based image fusion method 25


Quality preservation 
banding 158
chromatic deviations 158
Quantization function (QF) 132–133


Radiance map 21–22, 32
Radiance RGBE 130–131
Rank minimization-based HDR imaging (RM-HDR) 34
Rapid technological change 223–224
Rate Distortion method 136–137
Rate Distortion Optimized HDR video compression method 133
Real-time HDR video 157
acquisition process 147–149
acquisition task 146–147
compression task 146–147
features 152–153
implementation 149–151
software structure 152
Real-time manipulation and monitor 165–168
Real-time system for capturing HDR videos 17–20
Reconstruction function (RF) 132–133
Rectification 64
RED imaging systems 106
RED tone-mapping functions 102–104
Reduced-reference (RR) 87–89, 113–114
Reflections 181–182
Region of Interest (ROI) selection tool 96–97
Reinhard tone mapper 140–142
Request manager 185
Robust object recognition and tracking 204
Root mean squared error (RMSE) 111–112
Rose criterion 91–93
Rose model 91–93


Saccades pursuits 191
Sampling environment maps 209
Short-term temporal pooling 122–123
Signal Detection Theory (SDT) 91–93
Signal Known Exactly (SKE) 91–93
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 87–89
Simple standard spatial observer (SSO) 113
Single aperture multiple sensor solutions 9–10
Single source methods 7–8
Small screen devices, HDR video 
mobile devices 176–182
tone-mapping 174–187
SMI iViewX software 196–197
Smooth pursuits 191
Sony F65 216
Spatial alignment 23–24
Spherical harmonic (SH) coefficients 208–209
SpheronVR 159
Standard definition TV (SDTV) 156–157
Standard dynamic range (SDR) 46, 112, 217, 220
Static camera and dynamic scene 53–56
blending algorithm 54
mask classification 55
Steerable Pyramid 112–113
Stereo matching 65–71
offline CRF recovery methods 68–71
per frame CRF recovery methods 66–68
Stereoscopic Image 63
Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) 87–89
Structure-from-motion (SfM) algorithm 50–51, 50f, 52
Sum of absolute differences (SAD) 27
Sum of squared differences (SSD) 66
Support vector machines (SVM) 114


Target patch 10–11
Temporal coherence 176
Temporal tone mapping 22
Time-dependent visual adaptation 175
TMO handler 185
Tone-mapping function 106, 114–115, 119f, 150–151
Tone-mapping operators (TMOs) 174–176
adaptive display 175
ambient lighting environments 181
bright lighting environments 181
perceptually based tone mapping 175
six state-of-the-art 180–181
temporal coherence 176
time-dependent visual adaptation 175
Tone mapping techniques 190–191
Tracking accuracy 210–211
Traditional PSNR method 137–138


Ultra high definition (UHD) 215–216
Ultra-high definition TV (UHDTV) 156–157
Uncertainty over consumer demand 227–228
Unidirectional warping 21


Velocity-threshold identification (I-VT) 191
Vicomtech-IK4 165, 167f, 168f
Video compression method 130–133
Video delivery 183, 184f, 186
Video eye trackers 191
Video quality assessment (VQA) 111–115, 124
Video quality metrics (VQM) 111–112
Video reconstruction 51–52
Video streaming 183–186
View dependent enhancement of the dynamic range of video 14–15
Visual fixation 191


Ward’s MTB registration method 32
Ward’s scaling tone mapping approach 194


X frames 100
Xilinx ZYNQ chip 146–147, 151


Zero mean normalized cross correlation (ZNCC) 11–12
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