For more than two decades, the computer industry has been inspired and motivated by the observation made by Gordon Moore (A.K.A “Moore's law”) that the density of transistors on die was doubling every 18 months. This observation created the anticipation that the performance a certain application achieves on one generation of processors will be doubled within two years when the next generation of processors will be announced. Constant improvement in manufacturing and processor technologies was the main drive of this trend since it allowed any new processor generation to shrink all the transistor's dimensions within the “golden factor”, 0.3 (ideal shrink) and to reduce the power supply accordingly. Thus, any new processor generation could double the density of transistors, to gain 50% speed improvement (frequency) while consuming the same power and keeping the same power density. When better performance was required, computer architects were focused on using the extra transistors for pushing the frequency beyond what the shrink provided, and for adding new architectural features that mainly aim at gaining performance improvement for existing and new applications.
During the mid 2000s, the transistor size became so small that the “physics of small devices” started to govern the characterization of the entire chip. Thus frequency improvement and density increase could not be achieved anymore without a significant increase of power consumption and of power density. A recent report by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) supports this observation and indicates that this trend will continue for the foreseeable future and it will most likely become the most significant factor affecting technology scaling and the future of computer based system.
To cope with the expectation of doubling the performance every known period of time (not 2 years anymore), two major changes happened (1) instead of increasing the frequency, modern processors increase the number of cores on each die. This trend forces the software to be changed as well. Since we cannot expect the hardware to achieve significantly better performance for a given application anymore, we need to develop new implementations for the same application that will take advantage of the multicore architecture, and (2) thermal and power become first class citizens with any design of future architecture. These trends encourage the community to start looking at heterogeneous solutions: systems which are assembled from different subsystems, each of them optimized to achieve different optimization points or to address different workloads. For example, many systems combine “traditional” CPU architecture with special purpose FPGAs or Graphics Processors (GPUs). Such an integration can be done at different levels; e.g., at the system level, at the board level and recently at the core level.
Developing software for homogeneous parallel and distributed systems is considered to be a non-trivial task, even though such development uses well-known paradigms and well established programming languages, developing methods, algorithms, debugging tools, etc. Developing software to support general-purpose heterogeneous systems is relatively new and so less mature and much more difficult. As heterogeneous systems are becoming unavoidable, many of the major software and hardware manufacturers start creating software environments to support them.AMD proposed the use of the Brook language developed in Stanford University, to handle streaming computations, later extending the SW environment to include the Close to Metal (CTM)and the Compute Abstraction Layer (CAL) for accessing their low level streaming hardware primitives in order to take advantage of their highly threaded parallel architecture. NVIDIA took a similar approach, co-designing their recent generations of GPUs and the CUDA programming environment to take advantage of the highly threaded GPU environment. Intel proposed to extend the use of multi-core programming to program their Larrabee architecture. IBM proposed the use of message-passing-based software in order to take advantage of its heterogeneous, non-coherent cell architecture and FPGA based solutions integrate libraries written in VHDL with C or C++ based programs to achieve the best of two environments. Each of these programming environments offers scope for benefiting domain-specific applications, but they all failed to address the requirement for general purpose software that can serve different hardware architectures in the way that, for example, Java code can run on very different ISA architectures.
The Open Computing Language (OpenCL) was designed to meet this important need. It was defined and managed by the nonprofit technology consortium Khronos The language and its development environment “borrows” many of its basic concepts from very successful, hardware specific environments such as CUDA, CAL, CTM, and blends them to create a hardware independent software development environment. It supports different levels of parallelism and efficiently maps to homogeneous or heterogeneous, single- or multiple-device systems consisting of CPUs, GPUs, FPGA and potentially other future devices. In order to support future devices, OpenCL defines a set of mechanisms that if met, the device could be seamlessly included as part of the OpenCL environment. OpenCL also defines a run-time support that allows to manage the resources, combine different types of hardware under the same execution environment and hopefully in the future it will allow to dynamically balance computations, power and other resources such as memory hierarchy, in a more general manner.
This book is a text book that aims to teach students how to program heterogeneous environments. The book starts with a very important discussion on how to program parallel systems and defines the concepts the students need to understand before starting to program any heterogeneous system. It also provides a taxonomy that can be used for understanding the different models used for parallel and distributed systems. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 build the students' step by step understanding of the basic structures of OpenCL (Chapter 2) including the host and the device architecture (Chapter 3). Chapter 4 provides an example that puts together these concepts using a not trivial example.
Chapters 5 and 6 extend the concepts we learned so far with a better understanding of the notions of concurrency and run-time execution in OpenCL (Chapter 5) and the dissection between the CPU and the GPU (Chapter 6). After building the basics, the book dedicates 4 7, 8, 9 and 10 to more sophisticated examples. These sections are vital for students to understand that OpenCL can be used for a wide range of applications which are beyond any domain specific mode of operation. The book also demonstrates how the same program can be run on different platforms, such as Nvidia or AMD. The book ends with three chapters which are dedicated to advanced topics.
No doubt that this is a very important book that provides students and researchers with a better understanding of the world of heterogeneous computers in general and the solutions provided by OpenCL in particular. The book is well written, fits students' different experience levels and so, can be used either as a text book in a course on OpenCL, or different parts of the book can be used to extend other courses; e.g., the first two chapters are well fitted for a course on parallel programming and some of the examples can be used as a part of advanced courses.
Dr. Avi Mendelson
Microsoft R&D Israel Adjunct Professor, Technion
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