Appendix A. Final Mock Exam: Coffee Cram

Do NOT try to take this exam until you believe you’re ready for the real thing. If you take it too soon, then when you come back to it again you’ll already have some memory of the questions, and it could give you an artificially high score. We really do want you to pass the first time. (Unless there were some way to convince you that you need to buy a fresh copy of this book each time you retake the exam...)

To help defeat the “I remember this question” problem, we’ve made this exam just a little harder than the real exam, by not telling you how many answers are correct for each of our questions. Our questions and answers are virtually identical to the tone, style, difficulty, and topics of the real exam, but by not telling you how many answers to choose, you can’t automatically eliminate any of the answers. It’s cruel of us, really, and we wish we could tell you that it hurts us more than it hurts you to have to take the exam this way. (But be grateful—until a few years ago, Sun’s real Java exams were written this way, where most questions ended with “Choose all that apply.”)

Most exam candidates have said that our mock exams are a little more difficult than the real SCWCD, but that their scores on our exam and on the real one were very close. This mock exam is a perfect way to see if you’re ready, but only if you:

1) Give yourself no more than two hours and 15 minutes to complete it, just like the real exam.

2) Don’t look anywhere else in the book while you’re taking the exam!

3) Don’t take it over and over again. By the fourth time, you might be getting 98% and yet still not be able to pass the real exam, simply because you were memorizing our exact questions and answers.

4) Wait until after you finish the exam to consume large quantities of alcohol or other mind-altering substances...

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