Other people to : credit

At O’Reilly:

Our biggest thanks to Mike Loukides at O’Reilly, for starting it all, and helping to shape the Head First concept into a series. We love having an editor who is a Real Java Guy. And a big thanks to the driving force behind Head First, Tim O’Reilly. Lucky for us, he’s always thinking about the future, and enjoys being a disruptive influence. Thanks to the clever Head First “series mom” Kyle Hart for figuring out how Head First fits into the rest of the computer book world.

Our intrepid reviewers:

OK, so the book took a little longer than we’d planned. But without JavaRanch review manager Johannes deJong, it would have been scarily late. You are our hero, Johannes. And our special thanks to Joe Konior, whose feedback on each chapter was pretty much the same size as the chapter. We deeply appreciate the relentless effort and expertise (and cheerfulness) of Philippe Macquet. All three of the authors love him so much we want to marry him...but that would be weird. And we’re very grateful to Andrew Monkhouse for both technical feedback and help with the subtle English-to-Australian translations. Jef Cumps, your MP3 rendition of the “setHeader” song was terrific (except for maybe being a bit emo), and your technical comments were really helpful.

Dave Wood hammered us on everything, and was fond of pointing to early pages and saying, “That’s not very Head Firsty.” We also got some excellent feedback from JavaRanch moderators Jason Menard, Dirk “fish face” Schreckmann, Rob Ross, Ernest Friedman-Hill, and Thomas Paul. And as always, thanks especially to the javaranch.com Trail Boss, Paul Wheaton.

Special thanks to the following tech reviewers for the second edition: Bear Bibeault, Theodore Casser, Ulf Dittmer, Preetish Madalia, Sergio Ramírez, Oliver Roell, Neeraj Singhal, and Collins Tchoumba.

Mock Exam Questions

If you find yourself banging your head over a particularly twisty or turn-y JSP mock question, don’t blame us—blame Marc Peabody! Thanks Marc for helping us keep all the SCWCD candidates on their toes. Marc spends copious amounts of his free time moderating at JavaRanch, where he has been known to incite ranchers to construct horrible mashups out of innocent Java EE technologies.

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