Sending and using TWO parameters

HTML form

image with no caption

HTTP POST request

image with no caption

Servlet class

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
                                             throws IOException, ServletException {
   String colorParam = request.getParameter("color");
   String bodyParam = request.getParameter("body");
     // more code here


Now the String variable colorParam has a value of “dark” and bodyParam has a value of “heavy”.

Watch it!

You can have multiple values for a single parameter! That means you’ll need getParameterValues() that returns an array, instead of getParameter() that returns a String.

Some form input types, like a set of checkboxes, can have more than one value. That means a single parameter (“sizes”, for example) will have multiple values, depending on how many boxes the user checked off. A form where a user can select multiple beer sizes (to say that he’s interested in ALL of those sizes) might look like this:

<form method=POST
 Select beer characteristics<p>
 Can Sizes: <p>
 <input type=checkbox name=sizes value="12oz"> 12 oz.<br>
 <input type=checkbox name=sizes value="16oz"> 16 oz.<br>
 <input type=checkbox name=sizes value="22oz"> 22 oz.<br>

   <input type="SUBMIT">

In your code, you’ll use the getParameterValues() method that returns an array:

String one = request.getParameterValues("sizes")[0];

String [] sizes = request.getParameterValues("sizes");

If you want to see everything in the array, just for fun or testing, you can use:

String [] sizes = request.getParameterValues("sizes");
for(int x=0; x < sizes.length ; x++) {
   out.println("<br>sizes: " + sizes[x]);

(assume that “out” is a PrintWriter you got from the response)

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