Explore, extract, and engineer features

Understanding the distribution of individual variables and the relationships among outcomes and features is the basis for picking a suitable algorithm. This typically starts with visualizations such as scatter plots, as illustrated in the companion notebook (and shown in the following image), but also includes numerical evaluations ranging from linear metrics, such as the correlation, to nonlinear statistics, such as the Spearman rank correlation coefficient that we encountered when we introduced the information coefficient. It also includes information-theoretic measures, such as mutual information, as illustrated in the next subsection:

Scatter plots

A systematic exploratory analysis is also the basis of what is often the single most important ingredient of a successful predictive model: the engineering of features that extract information contained in the data, but which are not necessarily accessible to the algorithm in their raw form. Feature engineering benefits from domain expertise, the application of statistics and information theory, and creativity.

It relies on an ingenious choice of data transformations that effectively tease out the systematic relationship between input and output data. There are many choices that include outlier detection and treatment, functional transformations, and the combination of several variables, including unsupervised learning. We will illustrate examples throughout but will emphasize that this feature is best learned through experience. Kaggle is a great place to learn from other data scientists who share their experiences with the Kaggle community.

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