Alternative algorithmic trading libraries

Additional open-source Python libraries for algorithmic trading and data collection include (see links on GitHub):

  • QuantConnect is a competitor to Quantopian
  • WorldQuant offers online competition and recruits community contributors to a crowd-sourced hedge fund
  • Alpha Trading Labs offers high-frequency focused testing infrastructure with a business model similar to Quantopian
  • Python Algorithmic Trading Library (PyAlgoTrade) focuses on backtesting and offers support for paper-trading and live-trading. It allows you to evaluate an idea for a trading strategy with historical data and aims to do so with minimal effort.
  • pybacktest is a vectorized backtesting framework that uses pandas and aims to be compact, simple and fast (the project is currently on hold)
  • ultrafinance is an older project that combines real-time financial data collection, analyzing and backtesting of trading strategies
  • Trading with Python offers courses and a collection of functions and classes for Quantitative trading
  • Interactive Brokers offers a Python API for live trading on their platform
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