Starting the WordPress install

Let's start by reinstalling WordPress. We will show how it works and then verify that storage is still present after a reboot:

  1. Start reinstalling using the following command:
helm install stable/wordpress --name handsonaks-wp
  1. At the time of writing, the preceding command didn't work. We debugged the error by running the following code:
kubectl logs pod/cantankerous-buffoon-wordpress-<rs-id>-<pod-id>
  1. This gives us the following error:
Error executing 'postInstallation': You should specify username, password, host, port for SMTP configuration

This error showed that some bug in the script was expecting that the SMTP variables would be set (in theory, you are allowed to set it as empty).

  1. To work around the issue, run the helm command as follows:
helm delete --purge handsonaks-wp
kc delete pvc/data-handsonaks-wp-mariadb-0
helm install stable/wordpress --name handsonaks-wp --set --set smtpPort=25 --set smtpPassword=abcd1234 --set [email protected] --set smtpUsername=handsonaks --set smtpProtocol=ssl

This will take a couple of minutes to process. 

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