Implementing AdaBoost in Python

In order to better understand how AdaBoost works, we will present a basic implementation in Python. We will use the breast cancer classification dataset for this example. As always, we first load the libraries and data:

# --- SECTION 1 ---
# Libraries and data loading
from copy import deepcopy
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn import metrics
import numpy as np
bc = load_breast_cancer()
train_size = 400
train_x, train_y =[:train_size],[:train_size]
test_x, test_y =[train_size:],[train_size:]

We then create the ensemble. First, we declare the ensemble's size and the base learner type. As mentioned earlier, we use decision stumps (decision trees only a single level deep).

Furthermore, we create a NumPy array for the data instance weights, the learners' weights, and the learners' errors:

# --- SECTION 2 ---
# Create the ensemble
ensemble_size = 3
base_classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1)
# Create the initial weights
data_weights = np.zeros(train_size) + 1/train_size
# Create a list of indices for the train set
indices = [x for x in range(train_size)]
base_learners = []
learners_errors = np.zeros(ensemble_size)
learners_weights = np.zeros(ensemble_size)

For each base learner, we will create a deepcopy of the original classifier, train it on a sample dataset, and evaluate it. First, we create the copy and sample with replacement from the original test set, according to the instance's weights:

# Create each base learner
for i in range(ensemble_size):
weak_learner = deepcopy(base_classifier)
# Choose the samples by sampling with replacement.
# Each instance's probability is dictated by its weight.
data_indices = np.random.choice(indices, train_size, p=data_weights)
sample_x, sample_y = train_x[data_indices], train_y[data_indices]

We then fit the learner on the sampled dataset and predict on the original train set. We use the predictions to see which instances are correctly classified and which instances are misclassified:

    # Fit the weak learner and evaluate it, sample_y)
predictions = weak_learner.predict(train_x)
errors = predictions != train_y
corrects = predictions == train_y

In the following, the weighted errors are classified. Both errors and corrects are lists of Booleans (True or False), but Python handles them as 1 and 0. This allows us to multiply element-wise with data_weights. The learner's error is then calculated with the average weighted error:

# Calculate the weighted errors
weighted_errors = data_weights*errors
# The base learner's error is the average of the weighted errors
learner_error = np.mean(weighted_errors)
learners_errors[i] = learner_error

Finally, the learner's weight can be calculated as half the natural logarithm of the weighted accuracy over the weighted error. In turn, we can use the learner's weight to calculate the new data weights. For erroneously classified instances, the new weight equals the natural exponent of the old weight times the learner's weight. For correctly classified instances, the negative multiple is used instead. Finally, the new weights are normalized and the base learner is added to the base_learners list:

    # The learner's weight
learner_weight = np.log((1-learner_error)/learner_error)/2
learners_weights[i] = learner_weight
# Update the data weights
data_weights[errors] = np.exp(data_weights[errors] * learner_weight)
data_weights[corrects] = np.exp(-data_weights[corrects] * learner_weight)
data_weights = data_weights/sum(data_weights)
# Save the learner

In order to make predictions with the ensemble, we combine each individual prediction through a weighted majority voting. As this is a binary classification problem, if the weighted average is more than 0.5, the instance is classified as 0; otherwise, it's classified as 1:

# --- SECTION 3 ---
# Evaluate the ensemble
ensemble_predictions = []
for learner, weight in zip(base_learners, learners_weights):
# Calculate the weighted predictions
prediction = learner.predict(test_x)
# The final prediction is the weighted mean of the individual predictions
ensemble_predictions = np.mean(ensemble_predictions, axis=0) >= 0.5
ensemble_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(test_y, ensemble_predictions)

# --- SECTION 4 ---
# Print the accuracy
print('Boosting: %.2f' % ensemble_acc)

The final accuracy achieved by this ensemble is 95%.

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