Handbook of Discrete-Valued Time Series
ACF Pearson residuals PIT histogram
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 0.1 0.3 0.5
0.7 0.9
Lags u*
Graphical results for the third Monte Carlo experiment.
Numerical Results for the Third Monte Carlo Experiment
GP(2) Model GP(1) Model
Pearson residual
Mean 0.0001 0.0001
Variance 1.0023 0.9999
Scoring rules
logs 1.7585 1.8363
qs 0.7845 0.8074
rps 0.8515 0.9111
AIC 87924.38 91838.88
BIC 87946.43 91852.11
G 2.551 4.710
p-value (0.9795) (0.8588)
generated data and lead to (marginal) overdispersion. The parameters have been chosen
such that the data can be tted to two stationary specications, namely, the GP(2) and the
GP(1) models as used in the previous experiment, as well as to the true specication. From
a practical point of view, if the harmonics were “too strong,” standard optimization rou-
tines may encounter problems tting the misspecied models to the data and we seek to
215 Model Validation and Diagnostics
avoid this unnecessary complication. The idea behind tting the two incorrect models is,
of course, to see which diagnostic tool(s) detect model misspecication when the deter-
ministic seasonality is ignored. In this experiment, we concentrate on the correlogram of
the Pearson residuals and the Tsay parametric bootstrap procedure using the sample serial
correlations as functional and set the sample size to 10, 000.
Figure 9.12 provides a row of panels corresponding to three tted models: the top row
arises from tting the true model with included regression effects, the second to a misspec-
ied GP(2) model ignoring harmonics, and the nal one to a misspecied GP(1) model
omitting harmonics. The top row of panels shows that neither the autocorrelation plot of
the Pearson residuals nor the parametric bootstrap analysis nds any evidence of misspeci-
cation; this is unsurprising, since the true generating process was tted. The middle panel
of the gure based on a GP(2) estimated model shows that both the ACF of the Pearson
residuals and the parametric bootstrap diagnostics indicate misspecication of this model.
However, the former shows this markedly less than the latter and then only at high lags. As
far as the tted GP(1) specication goes, it is evident that both diagnostic devices indicate
indubitably that this model is misspecied.
We conclude from these experiments that the diagnostic methods we present can be fruit-
fully applied in model validation and diagnostic checking in integer autoregressive models
for count time series. Moreover, all four potential problems mentioned in the penultimate
paragraph of Section 9.1 may be detectable with one or more of the tools discussed in this
ACF Pearson residuals Parametric bootstrap diagnostics
12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16
Graphical results for the fourth Monte Carlo experiment. (a) Estimated model based on the true DGP.
Handbook of Discrete-Valued Time Series
ACF Pearson residuals
Parametric bootstrap diagnostics
–0.20 –0.4
123456789 11 13 15 012345678910 12 14 16
ACF Pearson residuals Parametric bootstrap diagnostics
1234 56789 11 13 15 0
12345678910 12 14 16
FIGURE 9.12 (Continued)
Graphical results for the fourth Monte Carlo experiment. (b) GP(2) estimated model, and (c) GP(1) estimated
217 Model Validation and Diagnostics
9.6 Conclusions
Model validation and the assessment of the adequacy of a tted specication in discrete-
valued time series models has not been the primary concern of many authors in the eld
so far. However, it should form an integral part of any modern iterative modeling exercise,
and so we exposit a number of tools and methods to help ll this gap. Considering these as
probabilistic forecasting tools allows us to draw upon a well-developed body of literature
and adapt it for our purposes when such adaptation is required.
We focus on a range of diagnostic tools that help to assess the adequacy of t of a cho-
sen model specication. Many of these facilitate comparison between two or more model
specications. Some methods are graphical in nature, some are scoring rules, and others are
based on statistical tests. We demonstrate the applicability of our methods to two example
data sets, one each from economics and nance. Further, in a range of carefully designed
simulation experiments, we document the ability of these tools and methods to serve our
purpose for the popular class of integer autoregressive models.
We try to show how the search for a data coherent model for a count data set can be
aided by using some or all of the methods discussed. Despite the caveat quoted from Tsay
(1992) in Section 9.1, our experience is that model misspecication in integer time series
models will usually be revealed by more than one diagnostic device. Moreover, we would
counsel that no model should be used for probabilistic forecasting until it passes satisfac-
torily all the diagnostic checks advocated, for the subject matter of this chapter remains
an area of statistical methodology ripe for further development. From a practical point of
view, what we suggest here should be thought of as fairly minimal requirements that ought
to be satised by a proposed model for data. Further, any chosen model should perform at
least comparably with respect to other specications entertained with regard to summary
statistics such as scores. Finally, we hope that this work will achieve two aims: rst, to stim-
ulate researchers to improve on what we have put forward and second, to provide applied
count time series analysts with model checking techniques that can be routinely applied in
their current work.
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