Chapter 8. Transactional Topologies

With Storm, you can guarantee message processing by using an ack and fail strategy, as mentioned earlier in the book. But what happens if tuples are replayed? How do you make sure you won’t overcount?

Transactional Topologies is a new feature, included in Storm 0.7.0, that enables messaging semantics to ensure you replay tuples in a secure way and process them only once. Without support for transactional topologies, you wouldn’t be able to count in a fully accurate, scalable, and fault-tolerant way.


Transactional Topologies are an abstraction built on top of standard Storm spouts and bolts.

The Design

In a transactional topology, Storm uses a mix of parallel and sequential tuple processing. The spout generates batches of tuples that are processed by the bolts in parallel. Some of those bolts are known as committers, and they commit processed batches in a strictly ordered fashion. This means that if you have two batches with five tuples each, both tuples will be processed in parallel by the bolts, but the committer bolts won’t commit the second tuple until the first tuple is committed successfully.


When dealing with transactional topologies, it is important to be able to replay batch of tuples from the source, and sometimes even several times. So make sure your source of data—the one that your spout will be connected to—has the ability to do that.

This can be described as two different steps, or phases:

The processing phase

A fully parallel phase, many batches are executed at the same time.

The commit phase

A strongly ordered phase, batch two is not committed until batch one has committed successfully.

Call both of these phases a Storm Transaction.


Storm uses Zookeeper to store transaction metadata. By default the one used for the topology, will be used to store the metadata. You can change this by overriding the configuration key transactional.zookeeper.servers and transactional.zookeeper.port.

Transactions in Action

To see how transactions work, you’ll create a Twitter analytics tool. You’ll be reading tweets stored in a Redis database, process them through a few bolts, and store—in another Redis database—the list of all hashtags and their frequency among the tweets, the list of all users and amount of tweets they appear in, and a list of users with their hashtags and frequency.

The topology you’ll build for this tool is described in Figure 8-1.

Topology overview

Figure 8-1. Topology overview

As you can see, TweetsTransactionalSpout is the spout that will be connecting to your tweets database and will be emitting batches of tuples across the topology. Two different bolts, UserSplitterBolt and HashtagSplitterBolt, will receive tuples from the spout. UserSplitterBolt will parse the tweet and look for users—words preceded by @—and will emit these words in a custom stream called users. The HashatagSplitterBolt will also parse the tweet, looking for words preceded by #, and will emit these words in a custom stream called hashtags. A third bolt, the UserHashtagJoinBolt, will receive both streams and count how many times a hashtag has appeared in a tweet where a user was named. In order to count and emit the result, this bolt will be a BaseBatchBolt (more on that later).

Finally, a last bolt, called RedisCommitterBolt, will receive the three streams—the ones generated by UserSplitterBolt, HashtagSplitterBolt, and UserHashtagJoinBolt. It will count everything and once finished processing the batch of tuples, it will send everything to Redis, in one transaction. This bolt is a special kind of bolt known as a committer bolt, explained later in this chapter.

In order to build this topology, use TransactionalTopologyBuilder, like the following code block:

TransactionalTopologyBuilder builder =
    new TransactionalTopologyBuilder("test", "spout", new TweetsTransactionalSpout());

builder.setBolt("users-splitter", new UserSplitterBolt(), 4).shuffleGrouping("spout");
    new HashtagSplitterBolt(), 4).shuffleGrouping("spout");

builder.setBolt("user-hashtag-merger", new UserHashtagJoinBolt(), 4)
  .fieldsGrouping("users-splitter","users", new Fields("tweet_id"))
  .fieldsGrouping("hashtag-splitter", "hashtags", new Fields("tweet_id"));

builder.setBolt("redis-committer", new RedisCommiterCommiterBolt())
  .globalGrouping("hashtag-splitter", "hashtags")

Let’s see how you can implement the spout in a transactional topology.

The Spout

The spout in a transactional topology is completely different from a standard spout.

public class TweetsTransactionalSpout extends BaseTransactionalSpout<TransactionMetadata> {

As you can see in the class definition, TweetsTransactionalSpout extends BaseTransactionalSpout with a generic type. The type you set there is something known as the transaction metadata. It will be used later to emit batches of tuples from the source.

In this example, TransactionMetadata is defined as:

public class TransactionMetadata implements Serializable {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  long from;
  int quantity;

  public TransactionMetadata(long from, int quantity) {
    this.from = from;
    this.quantity = quantity;

Here you’ll store from and quantity, which will tell you exactly how to generate the batch of tuples.

To finish the implementation of the spout, you need to implement the following three methods:

public ITransactionalSpout.Coordinator<TransactionMetadata> getCoordinator(
Map conf, TopologyContext context) {
  return new TweetsTransactionalSpoutCoordinator();

public backtype.storm.transactional.ITransactionalSpout.Emitter<TransactionMetadata> getEmitter(
Map conf, TopologyContext context) {
  return new TweetsTransactionalSpoutEmitter();

public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
  declarer.declare(new Fields("txid", "tweet_id", "tweet"));

In the getCoordinator method, you tell Storm which class will coordinate the generation of batches of tuples. With getEmitter, you tell Storm which class will be responsible for reading batches of tuples from the source and emitting them to a stream in the topology. And finally, as you did before, you need to declare which fields are emitted.

The RQ class

To make the example easier, we’ve decided to encapsulate all operations with Redis in one single class.

public class RQ {
  public static final String NEXT_READ = "NEXT_READ";
  public static final String NEXT_WRITE = "NEXT_WRITE";

  Jedis jedis;

  public RQ() {
    jedis = new Jedis("localhost");

  public long getAvailableToRead(long current) {
    return getNextWrite() - current;

  public long getNextRead() {
    String sNextRead = jedis.get(NEXT_READ);
    if(sNextRead == null)
      return 1;
    return Long.valueOf(sNextRead);

  public long getNextWrite() {
    return Long.valueOf(jedis.get(NEXT_WRITE));

  public void close() {

  public void setNextRead(long nextRead) {
    jedis.set(NEXT_READ, ""+nextRead);

  public List<String> getMessages(long from, int quantity) {
    String[] keys = new String[quantity];

    for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
      keys[i] = ""+(i+from);

    return jedis.mget(keys);

Read carefully the implementation of each method, and make sure you understand what they do.

The Coordinator

Let’s see the implementation of the coordinator of this example.

public static class TweetsTransactionalSpoutCoordinator implements ITransactionalSpout.Coordinator<TransactionMetadata> {
  TransactionMetadata lastTransactionMetadata;
  RQ rq = new RQ();
  long nextRead = 0;

  public TweetsTransactionalSpoutCoordinator() {
    nextRead = rq.getNextRead();

  public TransactionMetadata initializeTransaction(BigInteger txid,
        TransactionMetadata prevMetadata) {
    long quantity = rq.getAvailableToRead(nextRead);
    quantity = quantity > MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE ? MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE : quantity;
    TransactionMetadata ret = new TransactionMetadata(nextRead, (int)quantity);

    nextRead += quantity;
    return ret;

  public boolean isReady() {
    return rq.getAvailableToRead(nextRead) > 0;

  public void close() {

It is important to mention that among the entire topology there will be only one coordinator instance. When the coordinator is instantiated, it retrieves from Redis a sequence that tells the coordinator which is the next tweet to read. The first time, this value will be 1, which means that the next tweet to read is the first one.

The first method that will be called is isReady. It will always be called before initializeTransaction, to make sure the source is ready to be read from. You should return true or false accordingly. In this example, retrieve the amount of tweets and compare them with how many tweets you read. The difference between them is the amount to available tweets to read. If it is greater than 0, it means you have tweets to read.

Finally, the initializeTransaction is executed. As you can see, you get txid and prevMetadata as parameters. The first one is a unique transaction ID generated by Storm, which identifies the batch of tuples to be generated. prevMetadata is the metadata generated by the coordinator of the previous transaction.

In this example, first make sure how many tweets are available to read. And once you have sorted that out, create a new TransactionMetadata, indicating which is the first tweet to read from, and which is the quantity of tweets to read.

As soon as you return the metadata, Storm stores it with the txid in zookeeper. This guarantees that if something goes wrong, Storm will be able to replay this with the emitter to resend the batch.

The Emitter

The final step when creating a transactional spout is implementing the emitter.

Let’s start with the following implementation:

public static class TweetsTransactionalSpoutEmitter implements ITransactionalSpout.Emitter<TransactionMetadata> {

  RQ rq = new RQ();

  public TweetsTransactionalSpoutEmitter() {

  public void emitBatch(TransactionAttempt tx,
        TransactionMetadata coordinatorMeta, BatchOutputCollector collector) {
    List<String> messages = rq.getMessages(coordinatorMeta.from,

    long tweetId = coordinatorMeta.from;

    for (String message : messages) {
      collector.emit(new Values(tx, ""+tweetId, message));

  public void cleanupBefore(BigInteger txid) {

  public void close() {

Emitters are the one who will read the source and send tuples to a stream. It is very important for the emitters to always be able to send the same batch of tuples for the same transaction id and transaction metadata. This way, if something goes wrong during the processing of a batch, Storm will be able to repeat the same transaction id and transaction metadata with the emitter and make sure the batch of tuples are repeated. Storm will increase the attempt id in the TransactionAttempt. This way you know that the batch is repeated.

The important method here is emitBatch. In this method, use the metadata, given as a parameter, to get tweets from Redis. Also increase the sequence in Redis that keeps track of how many tweets you’ve read so far. And of course, emit the tweets to the topology.

The Bolts

First let’s see the standard bolts of this topology:

public class UserSplitterBolt implements IBasicBolt{
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
    declarer.declareStream("users", new Fields("txid", "tweet_id", "user"));

  public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
    return null;

  public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context) {

  public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
    String tweet = input.getStringByField("tweet");
    String tweetId = input.getStringByField("tweet_id");
    StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(tweet, " ");
    TransactionAttempt tx = (TransactionAttempt)input.getValueByField("txid");
    HashSet<String> users = new HashSet<String>();

    while(strTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String user = strTok.nextToken();

      // Ensure this is an actual user, and that it's not repeated in the tweet
      if(user.startsWith("@") && !users.contains(user)) {
        collector.emit("users", new Values(tx, tweetId, user));

  public void cleanup() {


As mentioned earlier in this chapter, UserSplitterBolt receives tuples, parses the text of the tweet, and emits words preceded by @, or the Twitter users. HashtagSplitterBolt works in a very similar way.

public class HashtagSplitterBolt implements IBasicBolt{

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
    declarer.declareStream("hashtags", new Fields("txid", "tweet_id", "hashtag"));

  public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
    return null;

  public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context) {

  public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
    String tweet = input.getStringByField("tweet");
    String tweetId = input.getStringByField("tweet_id");
    StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(tweet, " ");
    TransactionAttempt tx = (TransactionAttempt)input.getValueByField("txid");
    HashSet<String> words = new HashSet<String>();

    while(strTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String word = strTok.nextToken();

      if(word.startsWith("#") && !words.contains(word)) {
        collector.emit("hashtags", new Values(tx, tweetId, word));

  public void cleanup() {

Now let’s see what happens in UserHashtagJoinBolt. The first important thing to notice is that it is a BaseBatchBolt. This means that the execute method will operate on the received tuples but won’t be emitting any new tuple. Eventually, when the batch is finished, Storm will call the finishBatch method.

public void execute(Tuple tuple) {
  String source = tuple.getSourceStreamId();
  String tweetId = tuple.getStringByField("tweet_id");

  if("hashtags".equals(source)) {
    String hashtag = tuple.getStringByField("hashtag");
    add(tweetHashtags, tweetId, hashtag);
  } else if("users".equals(source)) {
    String user = tuple.getStringByField("user");
    add(userTweets, user, tweetId);

Since you need to associate all the hashtags of a tweet with the users mentioned in that tweet and count how many times they appeared, you need to join the two streams of the previous bolts. Do that for the entire batch, and once it finishes, the finishBatch method is called.

public void finishBatch() {

  for (String user : userTweets.keySet()) {
    Set<String> tweets = getUserTweets(user);
    HashMap<String, Integer> hashtagsCounter = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    for (String tweet : tweets) {
      Set<String> hashtags = getTweetHashtags(tweet);
      if(hashtags != null) {
        for (String hashtag : hashtags) {
          Integer count = hashtagsCounter.get(hashtag);
          if(count == null)
            count = 0;
          count ++;
          hashtagsCounter.put(hashtag, count);


    for (String hashtag : hashtagsCounter.keySet()) {
      int count = hashtagsCounter.get(hashtag);
      collector.emit(new Values(id, user, hashtag, count));

In this method, generate and emit a tuple for each user-hashtag, and the amount of times it occurred.

You can see the complete implementation in the downloadable code available on GitHub.

The Committer Bolts

As you’ve learned, batches of tuples are sent by the coordinator and emitters across the topology. Those batched of tuples are processed in parallel without any specific order.

The coordinator bolts are special batch bolts that implement ICommitter or have been set with setCommiterBolt in the TransactionalTopologyBuilder. The main difference with regular batch bolts is that the finishBatch method of committer bolts executes when the batch is ready to be committed. This happens when all previous transactions have been committed successfully. Additionally, finishBatch method is executed sequentially. So if the batch with transaction ID 1 and the batch with transaction ID 2 are being processed in parallel in the topology, the finishBatch method of the committer bolt that is processing the batch with transaction ID 2 will get executed only when the finishBatch of batch with transaction ID 1 has finished without any errors.

The implementation of this class follows:

public class RedisCommiterCommiterBolt extends BaseTransactionalBolt
    implements ICommitter {
  TransactionAttempt id;
  BatchOutputCollector collector;
  Jedis jedis;

  public void prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context,
        BatchOutputCollector collector, TransactionAttempt id) { = id;
    this.collector = collector;
    this.jedis = new Jedis("localhost");

  HashMap<String, Long> hashtags = new HashMap<String, Long>();
  HashMap<String, Long> users = new HashMap<String, Long>();
  HashMap<String, Long> usersHashtags = new HashMap<String, Long>();

  private void count(HashMap<String, Long> map, String key, int count) {
    Long value = map.get(key);
    if(value == null)
    value = (long) 0;
    value += count;
    map.put(key, value);

  public void execute(Tuple tuple) {
    String origin = tuple.getSourceComponent();
    if("users-splitter".equals(origin)) {
      String user = tuple.getStringByField("user");
      count(users, user, 1);
    } else if("hashtag-splitter".equals(origin)) {
      String hashtag = tuple.getStringByField("hashtag");
      count(hashtags, hashtag, 1);
    } else if("user-hashtag-merger".equals(origin)) {
      String hashtag = tuple.getStringByField("hashtag");
      String user = tuple.getStringByField("user");
      String key = user + ":" + hashtag;
      Integer count = tuple.getIntegerByField("count");
      count(usersHashtags, key, count);

  public void finishBatch() {
    String lastCommitedTransaction = jedis.get(LAST_COMMITED_TRANSACTION_FIELD);
    String currentTransaction = ""+id.getTransactionId();

      return ;

    Transaction multi = jedis.multi();

    multi.set(LAST_COMMITED_TRANSACTION_FIELD, currentTransaction);

    Set<String> keys = hashtags.keySet();
    for (String hashtag : keys) {
      Long count = hashtags.get(hashtag);
      multi.hincrBy("hashtags", hashtag, count);

    keys = users.keySet();
    for (String user : keys) {
      Long count = users.get(user);
      multi.hincrBy("users", user, count);

    keys = usersHashtags.keySet();
    for (String key : keys) {
      Long count = usersHashtags.get(key);
      multi.hincrBy("users_hashtags", key, count);


  public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {

This is all very straightforward, but there is a very important detail in the finishBatch method.

multi.set(LAST_COMMITED_TRANSACTION_FIELD, currentTransaction);

Here you are storing in your database the last transaction ID committed. Why should you do that? Remember that if a transaction fails, Storm will be replaying it as many times as necessary. If you don’t make sure that you already processed the transaction, you could overcount and the whole idea of a transactional topology would be useless. So remember: store the last transaction ID committed and check against it before committing.

Partitioned Transactional Spouts

It is very common for a spout to read batches of tuples from a set of partitions. Continuing the example, you could have several Redis databases and the tweets could be split across those Redis databases. By implementing IPartitionedTransactionalSpout, Storm offers some facilities to manage the state for every partition and guarantee the ability to replay.

Let’s see how to modify your previous TweetsTransactionalSpout so it can handle partitions.

First, extend BasePartitionedTransactionalSpout, which implements IPartitionedTransactionalSpout.

public class TweetsPartitionedTransactionalSpout extends
        BasePartitionedTransactionalSpout<TransactionMetadata> {

Tell Storm, which is your coordinator.

public static class TweetsPartitionedTransactionalCoordinator implements Coordinator {
  public int numPartitions() {
    return 4;

  public boolean isReady() {
    return true;

  public void close() {

In this case, the coordinator is very simple. In the numPartitions method, tell Storm how many partitions you have. And also notice that you don’t return any metadata. In an IPartitionedTransactionalSpout, the metadata is managed by the emitter directly.

Let’s see how the emitter is implemented.

public static class TweetsPartitionedTransactionalEmitter
        implements Emitter<TransactionMetadata> {
  PartitionedRQ rq = new PartitionedRQ();

  public TransactionMetadata emitPartitionBatchNew(TransactionAttempt tx,
        BatchOutputCollector collector, int partition,
        TransactionMetadata lastPartitionMeta) {
    long nextRead;

    if(lastPartitionMeta == null)
      nextRead = rq.getNextRead(partition);
    else {
      nextRead = lastPartitionMeta.from + lastPartitionMeta.quantity;
      rq.setNextRead(partition, nextRead); // Move the cursor

    long quantity = rq.getAvailableToRead(partition, nextRead);
    quantity = quantity > MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE ? MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE : quantity;
    TransactionMetadata metadata = new TransactionMetadata(nextRead, (int)quantity);

    emitPartitionBatch(tx, collector, partition, metadata);
    return metadata;

  public void emitPartitionBatch(TransactionAttempt tx, BatchOutputCollector collector,
        int partition, TransactionMetadata partitionMeta) {
    if(partitionMeta.quantity <= 0)
      return ;

    List<String> messages = rq.getMessages(partition, partitionMeta.from,
    long tweetId = partitionMeta.from;
    for (String msg : messages) {
      collector.emit(new Values(tx, ""+tweetId, msg));
      tweetId ++;

  public void close() {

There are two important methods here, emitPartitionBatchNew and emitPartitionBatch. In emitPartitionBatch, you receive from Storm the partition parameter, which tells you which partition you should retrieve the batch of tuples from. In this method, decide which tweets to retrieve, generate the corresponding metadata, call emitPartitionBatch, and return the metadata, which will be stored immediately in Zookeeper.

Storm will send the same transaction ID for every partition, as the transaction exists across all the partitions. Read from the partition the tweets in the emitPartitionBatch method, and emit the tuples of the batch to the topology. If the batch fails, Storm will call emitPartitionBatch with the stored metadata to replay the batch.


You can check the code at ch08-transactional topologies on GitHub.

Opaque Transactional Topologies

So far, you might have assumed that it’s always possible to replay a batch of tuples for the same transaction ID. But that might not be feasible in some scenarios. What happens then?

It turns out that you can still achieve exactly once semantics, but it requires some more development effort as you will need to keep previous state in case the transaction is replayed by Storm. Since you can get different tuples for the same transaction ID, when emitting in different moments in time, you’ll need to reset to that previous state and go from there.

For example, if you are counting total received tweets, you have currently counted five and in the last transaction, with ID 321, you count eight more. You would keep those three values—previousCount=5, currentCount=13, and lastTransactionId=321. In case transaction ID 321 is emitted again and since you get different tuples, you count four more instead of eight, the committer will detect that is the same transaction ID, it would reset to the previousCount of five, and will add those new four and update currentCount to nine.

Also, every transaction that is being processed in parallel will be cancelled when a previous transaction in cancelled. This is to ensure that you don’t miss anything in the middle.

Your spout should implement IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout and as you can see, the coordinator and emitters are very simple.

public static class TweetsOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpoutCoordinator implements IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout.Coordinator {
  public boolean isReady() {
    return true;
public static class TweetsOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpoutEmitter implements IOpaquePartitionedTransactionalSpout.Emitter<TransactionMetadata> {
  PartitionedRQ rq = new PartitionedRQ();

  public TransactionMetadata emitPartitionBatch(TransactionAttempt tx,
        BatchOutputCollector collector, int partition,
        TransactionMetadata lastPartitionMeta) {
    long nextRead;

    if(lastPartitionMeta == null)
      nextRead = rq.getNextRead(partition);
    else {
      nextRead = lastPartitionMeta.from + lastPartitionMeta.quantity;
      rq.setNextRead(partition, nextRead); // Move the cursor

    long quantity = rq.getAvailableToRead(partition, nextRead);
    quantity = quantity > MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE ? MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE : quantity;
    TransactionMetadata metadata = new TransactionMetadata(nextRead, (int)quantity);
    emitMessages(tx, collector, partition, metadata);
    return metadata;

  private void emitMessages(TransactionAttempt tx, BatchOutputCollector collector,
          int partition, TransactionMetadata partitionMeta) {
    if(partitionMeta.quantity <= 0)
      return ;

    List<String> messages =
        rq.getMessages(partition, partitionMeta.from, partitionMeta.quantity);
    long tweetId = partitionMeta.from;
    for (String msg : messages) {
      collector.emit(new Values(tx, ""+tweetId, msg));
      tweetId ++;

  public int numPartitions() {
    return 4;

  public void close() {

The most interesting method is emitPartitionBatch, which receives the previous committed metadata. You should use that information to generate a batch of tuples. This batch won’t be necessarily the same, as was said earlier, you might not be able to reproduce the same batch. The rest of the job is handled by the committer bolts, which use the previous state.

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