Appendix C. Glossary


Activities that occur in response to events such as the creation of object instances and sound playback.


A time-triggered event that is used to execute the timed execution of actions.

Animated GIF.

A graphic that is made up of two or more frames, each of which is displayed as an automated sequence when the GIF file is displayed.


A value, literal, or variable passed to a subroutine or function for processing.


An indexed list of values stored and processed as a unit.

Back End.

A room displayed at the end of a game for the purpose of performing actions such as acknowledging the end of the game, displaying the developer’s URL, displaying the final score, and so on.


A graphic image used to decorate a room and provide it with appropriate background scenery.

Bounded Collision.

A collision that occurs when two bounded sprites collide with one another.

Bounded Rectangle.

A sprite is completely enclosed within the rectangle.


Commands, generally issued via special keystrokes, that allow players to perform actions like adding extra lives, repairing health, etc.

Code Block.

A graphical command used in the creation of a script.

Code Editor.

A specialized text editor used to create and save program source code.


An event that occurs any time two objects come into contact with one another in a computer game.


Statements embedded inside a computer program for the purpose of documenting the program.


The process of joining two or more strings together to create a new string.

Conditional Logic.

The process of executing sets of code blocks based on whether or not a tested condition proves true.


A descriptive name assigned to a known value that does not change during program execution.


The information that your applications collect, store, process, and modify during execution.


A software utility used to locate and analyze errors that occur during the application development process, allowing programmers to monitor and pause program execution in order to check the status program flow and variable value assignments.


A Microsoft technology that enables the execution of commands that control and manage the high-end graphics and audio.


Things that occur during game play like collisions that are used to initiate the execution of actions.

Event Handling.

This process of initiating script execution based on the occurrence of predefined events, such as the pressing of keyboard keys or the clicking of a sprite.


A program statement that is evaluated and produces a result.

Extension Package.

An add-on software package that extends Game Maker’s capabilities and features.


A statement that is evaluated and produces a result.


A Game Maker resource that defines the type, size, and other attributes of a font used to display text in games.

Front End.

A room that displays opening menu options or buttons that provide players with control over the execution of a game.


A collection of statements that is called and executed as a unit and which has the ability to return a value back to the statement that called upon it.

Game Engine.

A collection of commands specifically designed to support game development, providing everything required to display graphic images, collect player input, and play various types of sounds and music.

Game Maker Lite.

A software development tool that provides a development environment designed to support the creation of computer games.

Game Maker Pro.

An advanced software development tool that provides an advanced development environment, including features like a particle system.

Global Variable.

A variable that can be modified by any script in an application.

GML (Game Maker Language).

An interpreted programming language that you can use to substantially enhance the games you create using Game Maker, allowing you to supplement, extend, or replace Game Maker’s actions.

IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

An application or group of applications designed to facilitate program development, which usually includes a code editor, compiler, and debugger.

Impact Collision.

Occurs only when the pixels that make up the actual sprites themselves come into contact with one another.


The representation of an object within a computer application.


An absolute or whole number that does not have a decimal point.


A programming language whose scripts must be interpreted (converted into an executable format) every time they are executed.


The process of repeatedly executing the statements that make up a loop.


A reserved word in a programming language that has a special meaning and which must be used in accordance with specific syntax rules.

Local Variable.

A variable that is accessible only within the scope in which it is created.

Logical Error.

An error created by a programmer’s mistake when developing the logic used to perform a given task.


A set of programming statements that are repeatedly executed.

Midi (Musical Instrument Digital Interface).

A communications protocol that allows electronic musical instruments and computers to communicate.


An audio file that utilizes advanced compression technology while retaining high audio quality.


The process of embedding one set of code blocks within another set of code blocks.


A programming environment in which you define objects, representing different characters and things that make up computer games.


A logical representation of items in a computer game, providing the basis for creating things like ships, tanks, monsters, etc.

Order of Precedence.

A set of rules that dictate the order in which the different parts of a numeric expression are evaluated.


A variable defined within a function that maps to an argument passed to the function.


A small graphic, consisting of individual pixels or small sprites, that has a shape, size, and color, that exists for a limited amount of time and moves in a specified speed and direction.


A Game Maker resource that establishes a predetermined direction and course along which games are played.

Pixel (Picture Element).

The smallest addressable area that can be written to or drawn on the screen or window.


A file, often referred to as a computer application, that contains code statements that when executed tell the computer to do something.


An object attribute that describes a characteristic of the object.


A number that includes a decimal point.


A loop that repeats until a specified condition becomes true.


An area within a game where sprites interact with one another as the game is played.

Runtime Error.

An error that occurs when an application performs an illegal action.


A term that refers to the area within an application where a variable’s value can be accessed and modified.


A collection of code blocks that outline the programming logic that influences the operation of a sprite.

Scrolling Shooter.

A game in which the game’s background moves (scrolls) under the objects on the screen, giving the illusion that they are moving.


A game resource that allows audio files (wave and midi files) to be played when events occur during game play or that is played as background music to provide the game with appropriate atmosphere.

Splash Screen.

A window that displays graphics and text at game startup.


A 2D bitmap that represents an object, such as a tank or game character, that can be moved within a larger graphic image in a 2D computer game.


Instructions that make up a computer program.


A small interval of time that Game Maker uses to perform its operations (in Game Maker, 30 steps equals one second).


A set of characters enclosed within matching double quotation marks.


A graphic file that contains all of the graphic images needed to generate an animated sequence.


Rules enforced by a programming language that specify how programming statements should be formulated.

Syntax Error.

An error that occurs when a programmer fails to write a program statement in accordance with the rules of the programming language.

Tile Set.

A background made up of a collection of smaller graphic images that can be added to rooms.

Time Lines.

A Game Maker resource that executes predefined actions at predetermined intervals during game play.


The display of a sprite object on a background that is not visible during game play.


The identification, location, and elimination of programming errors, or bugs, that prevents applications from executing properly.


A pointer to a location in memory where an individual piece of data is stored.


A file with a .wav extension that supports the storage and playback of audio files.

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