Chapter 11. Arachnid Attack!

Welcome to the final chapter of this book. This chapter rounds out your Game Maker development instruction by providing an overview of how to deal with the errors that inevitably occur when developing complex computer games and applications. This includes learning about the types of errors that you will run into and how to deal with them. The chapter will end by walking you through the development of this book’s final game, Arachnid Attack! This game is designed to help tie together all of the major development and programming concepts that you have learned in this book, with specific focus on the use of both actions and scripts in developing program logic.

An overview of the major topics covered in this chapter includes:

  • An examination of the different types of errors that can occur in Game Maker programs

  • Advice on how to monitor program execution and track down and fix application bugs

  • An overview of how to work with Game Maker’s built-in debugger

Troubleshooting Problems with Your Games

One unfortunate fact that every programmer has to come to terms with is that no matter how experienced or talented you may be, errors are going to occur within your applications. Errors, often referred to as bugs, result in unpredictable results, causing the generation of error messages, unreliable results, and potentially even causing applications to crash. As such, it is essential to understand the types of errors you will run into and that you learn a little something about how to track them down so that you can eliminate them.

The best way of dealing with errors is to try to prevent them from occurring. To do this, make sure that when you sit down to develop your games and their program code that you do so a piece at a time, testing your games as you go along. In addition, whenever possible, make liberal use of GML functions rather than trying to reinvent the wheel yourself.

When testing your applications, make sure that in addition to verifying that everything works as expected that you also test your application’s susceptibility to invalid input. If your applications do not handle invalid input correctly, modify them so that they do. There are a number of additional steps that you can take to help prevent errors from occurring when your games run. These steps include:

  • Commenting your code statements to make them easy to understand

  • Indenting your program code to make it easier to follow

  • Providing players with clear instruction on how to play the game

  • Adopting a consistent and descriptive naming scheme for all game resources, variables, arrays, and scripts

Identifying IDE Errors

Game Maker monitors everything that programmers do within its IDE, validating all programmer input to ensure that it makes syntactic sense. If a programmer attempts to enter data that does not make sense within the context of the current situation, it notifies the programmer of the error by highlighting the mistake, as demonstrated in Figure 11.1.

Game Maker has highlighted in red an error made by the programmer.

Figure 11.1. Game Maker has highlighted in red an error made by the programmer.

By flagging program errors made within the IDE, Game Maker helps make the programmer’s job a lot easier, saving you the hassle of having to identify and track them down yourself.

Dealing with Different Types of Errors

Like most programming languages, Game Maker is subject to three different types of errors, as listed here:

  • Syntax errors

  • Logical errors

  • Runtime errors

Avoiding Syntax Errors

The most common type of error is a syntax error, which is an error that occurs when you fail to follow GML’s syntax requirements. This can happen, for example, when you make typos when keying in code statements or when you fail to provide required arguments when calling on GML functions. Syntax errors in GML scripts prevent your games from running and result in the generation of an error message. For example, suppose you add the following statement to a GML script.


This statement was supposed to play a sound file. However, a typo has been made when attempting to reference the PlaySound() function. As a result, an error message like the one shown in Figure 11.2 is displayed if the application containing the script is executed.

A syntax error generated because of a typo in a function name.

Figure 11.2. A syntax error generated because of a typo in a function name.

Game Maker’s error messages provide an explanation of the error and tell you where it was found. This error could have easily been caught prior to running the application by clicking on the Script Editor’s Check the Script for Syntax Errors toolbar button. In response, Game Maker performs a syntax check of your code statement and highlights the error, as demonstrated in Figure 11.3.

An example of a syntax error that has been flagged by Game Maker.

Figure 11.3. An example of a syntax error that has been flagged by Game Maker.

Preventing Logical Errors

Because they generate error messages, syntax errors are relatively easy to deal with. A more sinister type of error to deal with is a logical error. A logical error is one that occurs when you apply faulty logic when performing a task. For example, a logical error occurs if you accidentally add together two numbers that you should have multiplied or divided. As a result, your application runs and does exactly what it was told to do, yielding output that is contrary to your expectations.

The challenge in tracking down logical errors is that they do not generate error messages. The best way of dealing with them is to prevent them in the first place, which you can do through careful planning and testing. If, despite your best efforts, you believe a logical error has made its way into a GML script within an application, you should review your script to see if you can spot the problem. If you are unable to track it down, you can try to track it down using Game Maker’s built-in debugger, which is covered a little later in this chapter.

Coping with Runtime Errors

A third type of error that you need to be on the lookout for is a runtime error. A runtime error is one that occurs when your application tries to perform an illegal action. One of the problems in dealing with runtime errors is that Game Maker cannot detect them when scripts are interpreting for execution. Runtime errors can occur for a number of reasons. For example, a needed file might have been deleted or the drive on which it results might crash. As a simple example of what a runtime error looks like, consider the following script.

    number = get_string("enter a number","");
    number = real(number);
    result = 5 / number;

Here, a popup dialog window is displayed that prompts the user to enter a number. Since the get_string() function returns anything it collects as a string, the data that the user enters is converted to a real number using the real() function. This value is then used as the denominator in a mathematic expression, the result of which is then converted back to a string using the string() function and then displayed in a popup dialog using the show_message() function. A runtime error will occur when this script is executed whenever the user enters a non-numeric character or if the user enters a zero, because division by zero is an illegal operation.

Depending on what your application is designed to do, it may not be possible to eliminate every possible runtime error from occurring. However, careful testing and a little data validation may go a long way in helping to reduce their occurrence.

Monitoring Game Execution

If you find yourself in a situation where you have a program with an error that you just cannot seem to track down, not all hope is lost. Game Maker provides a built-in debugger that you can use to track down the problem. A debugger is a program designed to execute applications in a special mode that lets you control the application’s statement execution while at the same time monitoring variable values. This gives you a view as to what is happening inside your application as it executes.

To start a debug session for an application that is giving you trouble, click on Run > Run in Debug mode or click on the red Run Game in Debug Mode button located on Game Maker’s toolbar. This starts your application and displays the Debug Information window shown in Figure 11.4.

Game Maker’s built-in debugger gives you complete control over your application’s execution.

Figure 11.4. Game Maker’s built-in debugger gives you complete control over your application’s execution.


The Run menu provides access to commands that replicate the functionality of the debugger’s toolbar.

Using the buttons located on the debugger’s toolbar, you can pause the application’s execution. While paused, you can display windows that show the current values of variables and keep an eye on object instances. When you are ready, you can resume execution, execute a single step, restart the application from the beginning, or halt the application’s execution. By pausing your application, displaying variable values, and then stepping through its execution a step at a time, you can validate that variable values are being correctly set and that things are occurring in the order you want them to.

Watching Expressions

The debugger’s Watch menu provides access to the following commands.

  • Add—Lets you enter an expression you want monitored.

  • Change—Lets you change a monitored expression.

  • Delete—Lets you delete a monitored expression.

  • Clear—Clears out all listed expressions.

  • Load—Saves the current set of expressions.

  • Save—Loads a list of previously saved expressions.

Using these commands, you can enter a list of expressions whose values you want to monitor during your debug session. For example, Figure 11.5 shows how the Debugger Information window looks when monitoring three expressions.

Monitoring expressions that you want to keep an eye on during your debug session.

Figure 11.5. Monitoring expressions that you want to keep an eye on during your debug session.

Monitoring Object Instance and Variable Values

One of the most important features of Game Maker’s debugger is its ability to display and dynamically update both local and global variable values during the debug session. To do so, click on Tools > Show Global Variables or Tools > Show Local Variables. Figure 11.6 shows an example of what you will see when monitoring a game’s global variables.

The data that is displayed in the Global Variables window is continuously updated, allowing you to keep an eye on how the data is being collected and managed.

Figure 11.6. The data that is displayed in the Global Variables window is continuously updated, allowing you to keep an eye on how the data is being collected and managed.

The Local Variable window displays similar data for a local variable that you want to monitor. You can monitor as many different local variables as you want at the same time. The Tools menu also provides commands that let you monitor the status of object instances.

Executing Code Statements

If you want, you can execute a code statement during your debug session and then observe its effect on the application’s execution. One reason for doing this might be to change a variable value to see what impact it has on how the application executed. To do so, click on Tools > Execute Code. This displays the popup dialog window shown in Figure 11.7.

You can execute code statements when debugging to see how they impact your application.

Figure 11.7. You can execute code statements when debugging to see how they impact your application.

All you have to do is enter the desired statement and click on the OK button and then monitor its effect on the application. If you want, you can also change the speed at which the application is executing, by clicking on Tools > Set Speed. This displays the popup dialog window shown in Figure 11.8.

Changing an application’s speed can slow down or speed up a debug session.

Figure 11.8. Changing an application’s speed can slow down or speed up a debug session.

By changing an application’s speed, you can temporarily slow things down so that you can more closely observe what is going on or you can even speed things up.

Creating Arachnid Attack!

It is time to turn your attention to the development of this book’s final game project, Arachnid Attack! This single-player game’s goal is for the player to defend the earth from hordes of invading arachnid armies, which arrive in wave after wave. To fight off the arachnids, the player is given control over a jet fighter plane capable of shooing arachnids out of the sky. The player is given three lives (jets). Game play ends after the player’s jet is shot down three times by the bugs or when they manage to overwhelm the player and descend all the way to the bottom of the screen. Player score and lives are displayed at the top of the screen throughout game play. The game keeps track of the top 10 scores and displays a high scores table at the end of the game.

The player controls the jet via the keyboard using the following keyboard keys.

  • Left Arrow. Moves the jet left.

  • Right Arrow. Moves the jet right.

  • Space. Fires the jet’s guns.

Players score points by shooting alien bugs. Points are awarded as follows:

  • 10 points for killing an ant

  • 20 points for killing a spider

  • 40 points for killing a beetle

  • 100 points for killing a wasp

Figure 11.9 shows an example of Arachnid Attack! in action.

Arachnid Attack! is based on the classic Atari Space Invaders game.

Figure 11.9. Arachnid Attack! is based on the classic Atari Space Invaders game.

The remainder of this chapter will focus on guiding you through the process of creating this game. The game’s programming logic will be provided through a combination of actions and scripts. Specifically, scripts will be used to develop any programming logic that cannot otherwise be developed using fewer than 10 action icons.

Step 1—Creating the Game’s Sprites

Begin the development of the Arachnid Attack! game by adding all the sprites required by the game. Begin by starting Game Maker. If it is already started, click on File > New to begin a new game. The following procedures outline the steps required to create the game’s sprites. Note that the graphic files for all of the game’s sprites are available for download from the book’s companion webpage (

  1. Next click on Resources > Create Sprite. The Sprite Properties window opens. Type spr_ant as the sprite’s name and click on the Load Sprite button. Navigate to the location where you saved the game’s graphic files and select the ant.gif file and then click on Open. Click on the center button to center the sprite’s alignment.

  2. Create a sprite named spr_spider, assign it spider.gif, and then center its alignment.

  3. Create a sprite named spr_beetle, assign it beetle.gif, and then center its alignment.

  4. Create a sprite named spr_wasp, assign it wasp.gif, and then center its alignment.

  5. Create a sprite named spr_jet, assign it jet.gif, and then center its alignment.

  6. Create a sprite named spr_player_bullet, assign it player_bullet.gif, and then center its alignment.

  7. Create a sprite named spr_invader_bullet, assign it bug_bomb.gif, and then center its alignment.

  8. Create a sprite named spr_block and assign it full_block.gif.

  9. Create a sprite named spr_half_block and assign it half_block.gif.

  10. Create a sprite named spr_mini_jet and assign it mini_jet.gif.

The Arachnid Attack! game will also include a front end. To support the development of this room, you will need to add five additional sprites to the game as instructed below.

  1. Create a sprite named spr_intro and assign it game_logo.gif.

  2. Create a sprite named spr_start and assign it start.gif.

  3. Create a sprite named spr_scores and assign it scores.gif.

  4. Create a sprite named spr_help and assign it help.gif.

  5. Create a sprite named spr_quit and assign it quit.gif.

Step 2—Add the Game’s Sounds

The second step in the development of the Arachnid Attack! game is to add the sounds needed to provide the game’s sound effects. These effects include playing an explosive sound whenever a bug or the player’s jet is shot, playing a sound when the bug army advances down the screen, and playing a sound when the wasps glide across the top of the screen. Sounds are also played when shots are fired. All of the audio files you will need to create these sounds are included with Game Maker. By default, Game Maker places these audio files in C:Program FilesGame Maker7Sounds.

The following procedure outlines the steps required to add and configure all of the game’s sounds.

  1. Create the first sound by clicking on Resources > Create Sound. The Sound Properties window appears. Name the sound snd_bug_move, click on the Load Sound button, navigate to the C:Program FilesGame Maker7Sounds folder, assign the click.wav file to the file, and then click on Open. Click on OK to close the Sprite Properties window.

  2. Create a new sound named snd_shot and assign it the zap.wav file.

  3. Create a new sound named snd_bug_explosion and assign it the gunshot2.wav file.

  4. Create a new sound named snd_jet_explosion and assign it the explosion.wav file.

  5. Create a new sound named snd_wasp and assign it the beep6.wav file.

Step 3—Creating a New Font

The game will display the player’s score on the screen during game play. Game Maker’s default font size of 12 is too small to adequately display the player’s score. To address this situation, you must add a font to the game using the following procedure.

  1. Click on Resources > Create Font. Game Maker responds by displaying the Font Properties window.

  2. Assign a name of font_terminal to the font.

  3. Enter 14 as the font’s size, enable the font’s Bold setting, and then click on OK to close the Font Properties window.

Step 4—Creating the Game’s Objects

The Arachnid Attack! game is made up of 12 objects plus an additional five objects needed for its front end. The objects include different types of bugs, the player’s jet, player and bug bullets, and the wall objects that are used to build bunkers behind which the player can hide his ship. The game will use a parent object for the ant, spider, and beetle bugs, allowing behavior to be inherited and thus simplifying game development. Likewise, a parent wall object will be created. Finally, there will be a special controller object and a series of objects needed to build the front end. Instructions for creating all of these objects are provided here:

  1. Click on Resources > Create Object. The Object Properties window appears. Type obj_bug_parent in the Name field. Click on OK to close the Object Properties window.

  2. Add another object named obj_parent_block.

  3. Add a new object named obj_ant, assigning it the spr_ant sprite, and setting its parent to obj_bug_parent.

  4. Add a new object named obj_spider, assigning it the spr_spider sprite, and setting its parent to obj_bug_parent.

  5. Add a new object named obj_beetle, assigning it the spr_beetle sprite and setting its parent to obj_bug_parent.

  6. Add a new object named obj_wasp, assigning it the spr_wasp sprite, but do not assign it a parent.

  7. Add a new object named obj_block, assigning it the spr_block sprite, and setting its parent to obj_parent_block.

  8. Add a new object named obj_half_block, assigning it the spr_half_block sprite, and setting its parent to obj_parent_block.

  9. Add a new object named obj_controller.

  10. Add a new object named obj_player, assigning it the spr_jet sprite.

  11. Add a new object named obj_player_bullet, assigning it the spr_player_bullet sprite.

  12. Add a new object named obj_invader_bullet, assigning it the spr_invader_ bullet sprite.

  13. Add a new object named obj_intro, assigning it the spr_intro sprite.

  14. Add a new object named obj_start, assigning it the spr_start sprite.

  15. Add a new object named obj_scores, assigning it the spr_scores sprite.

  16. Add a new object named obj_help, assigning it the spr_help sprite.

  17. Add a new object named obj_quit, assigning it the spr_quit sprite.

Step 5—Creating the Game’s Rooms

The next step in the development of the Arachnid Attack! game is to add two rooms to it. These rooms represent the game’s front end and the room that the game is played in. Instructions for creating and designing these rooms are provided in the sections that follow.

Adding a Room for the Game’s Front End

To create the game’s front end room, click on Resources > Create Room. The Room Properties window appears. Click on the Settings tab and then name the room room_intro. Change the size of the room, setting width to 514 and its height to 360, and then add a caption of Arachnid Attack! to the Caption for the Room field.

To finish up the development on the room, click on the Objects tab and then add an instance of each of the following objects to the room: obj_intro, obj_ start, obj_scores, obj_help, and obj_quit. Arrange these instances as shown in Figure 11.10.

Completing layout and design of the game’s front end room.

Figure 11.10. Completing layout and design of the game’s front end room.

Adding a Room in which to Play the Game

Add a second room to the game and click on the Settings tab, naming the room room_level1. Change the size of the room, setting width to 514 and its height to 360 and then add a caption of Arachnid Attack! to the Caption for the Room field. Also, modify the room’s Speed stetting to 55. This will speed up the play of the game within the room to an appropriate level.

To wrap up work on this room, click on the Objects tab and then add the following object instances to it: obj_ant, obj_spider, and obj_beetle; obj_block, obj_half_block, obj_player, and obj_controller. Arrange these instances as shown in Figure 11.11.

Creating a room that the game will be played in.

Figure 11.11. Creating a room that the game will be played in.

Step 6—Developing Object Programming Logic

Now it is time to develop the programming logic required to bring the Arachnid Attack! game to life. As previously explained, the game’s programming logic will be developed using a combination of GML scripts and action icons. Let’s begin by developing the three GML scripts that will be used to do the following:

  • Initialize variables for the obj_controller object.

  • Manage the programming logic that is performed by the obj_controller at every step of the game.

  • Control the movement of the arachnid armies.

Creating the Game’s GML Scripts

The first script that you need to create will be executed by the obj_controller object to initialize a number of variables. To create this script, click on Resources > New Script. The Script Properties window appears. Assign the script a name of scr_obj_controller_variables and then add the following statements to it.

/*This script creates a number of variables for the obj_controller object*/
     //Used to set the bug's pace
     game_pace = 20;

     //Used to keep track of when obj_controller should do something
     counter = 0;

     //Specifies the direction the bugs are currently moving
     currentDirection = 9;

     //Specifies the direction the bugs should move (initially to the right)
     targetDirection = 9;

     //When set to true the bugs should move
    timeToMoveBugs = false;

     //When set to true the bugs should move down the screen
     moveBugsDownward = false;

     //Used to set flag indicating when the bugs have been moved downward
     downMoveComplete = false;

     //Capture the initial starting location of the player's ship
     startx = obj_player.x;

     //Capture the initial starting location of the player's ship
     starty = obj_player.y;

As you can see, there are nine assignment statements that make up the scripts, along with comments that document the purpose of each variable that is declared. When done, click on the green checkmark button located on the Script Properties toolbar to close the script.

Next, create another script named scr_obj_controller_step and add the following statements to it.

/*This script is executed by obj_controller at every step that occurs in
the game. */
   counter = counter + 1; //Increment the variable by 1

   //When counter equals game_pace it is time to move the bugs
   if (counter == game_pace) {
       timeToMoveBugs = true;       //Set bug movement trigger
       sound_play(snd_bug_move); //Play the sound

   //See if the bugs have already been moved
   if (moveBugsDownward == true) {

       //If downcheck equals true the bugs have already been moved
       if (downMoveComplete == true) {
           moveBugsDownward = false; //No need to move bugs
           downMoveComplete = false; //Turn off variable flag

    //Determine if a new cycle should be started
    if (counter > game_pace) {
        counter = 0;        //Reset counter to zero to
        timeToMoveBugs = false; //Disable bug movement trigger

    //See if the bugs have switched directions
    if (targetDirection != currentDirection) {
        moveBugsDownward = true; //Time to move the bugs downward
        targetDirection = currentDirection; //Update the target direction
    //Check to see if the player has killed all of the bugs
    if (instance_number(obj_bug_parent) == 0) {
        room_restart() //Restart the room if all bugs are destroyed
        sound_stop(snd_wasp) //Disable sound playback

    //Randomly create instances obj_wasp
    if (action_if_dice(2000) == true) {
        //Position it in the upper-left corner
        instance_create(20, 30, obj_wasp)

As the embedded comments explain, the script uses a variable named counter to keep track of the number of steps that have occurred, and every 24 steps (e.g., when counter == game_pace) the timeToMoveBugs variable is set to true and the snd_bugMove sound is played using the GML sound_play() function. Since this script runs at the same time as the scr_bug_movement script, which you will work on next, a check is made of the value assigned to the downMoveComplete variable to see whether the bugs have already been moved on the screen. If this is the case, both moveBugsDownward and downMoveComplete are set to false. The value of counter is checked again to see if it has become greater than 24, in which case it is time to reset counter back to 0, and timeToMoveBugs to false in order to start a new cycle.

Next, a check is made to see if the bugs have switched directions on the screen. If this is the case, they need to be moved downward, so moveBugsDownward is set equal to true, and then the bug’s target direction is updated based on their current direction. A check is then made to see if the player has killed all of the bugs on the screen, in which case the room needs to be restarted. This is achieved using the GML room_ restart() function. Also, the GML sound_stop() function is used to halt the playing of the snd_wasp sound, just in case there was an instance of the obj_wasp object on the screen when the round ended. Finally, the GML action_if_dice() function is used to randomly generate the creation of a new obj_wasp object. The instance of the obj_wasp object is created using the GML instance_Create() function.


This script made use of five built-in GML functions. These functions all have equivalent action icons as shown below.

  • sound_play()---The Play Sound action

  • room_restart()---The Restart Room action

  • stop_sound()---The Stop Sound action

  • action_if_dice()---The Test Chance action

  • instance_create()---The Create Instance action

The game’s final script is responsible for managing the movement of the arachnid armies on the screen. To create it, add a new script to the game, naming it scr_bug_movement, and then assigning the following statements.

/* This script controls the movement of the bugs*/

    //See if it is time to move the bugs
    if (obj_controller.timeToMoveBugs == true) {
        //See if the bugs should be moved to the right
        if (obj_controller.currentDirection == 9) {
             //Make sure the bugs should not be moved downward
             if (obj_controller.moveBugsDownward == false){
                  x=x+9; //Move the bugs 9 pixels to the right
                  y=y+0; //Make no changes downward


        //See if the bugs should be moved to the left
        if (obj_controller.currentDirection == -9) {
             //Make sure the bugs should not be moved downward
             if (obj_controller.moveBugsDownward == false){
                 x=x- 9; //Move the bugs 9 pixels to the left
                 y=y+0; //Make no changes downward

        //See if the bugs should be moved downward
        if (obj_controller.moveBugsDownward == true) {
            x = x + 0; //Make no changes left or right
            y = y + 9; //Move the bugs downward 9 pixels
           //Mark the downward movement as complete
           obj_controller.downMoveComplete = true;
   }  else {
        //Make sure the bugs have not tried to move too far to the right
        if (self.x > 480) {
            obj_controller.currentDirection = -9 //Change the bugs' direction
        //Make sure the bugs have not tried to move too far to the left
        if (self.x < 32) {
            obj_controller.currentDirection = 9 //Change the bugs' direction

As you can see, the script consists of a series of nested if statement code blocks, all of which are embedded within one large if statement code block that has an else block. The high level if statement code block manages bug movement and the lower else statement code block is responsible for making sure that the bugs change directions when they reach the sides of the game window.

The arachnid armies move nine pixels at a time, left or right, depending on their direction. Remember, movement occurs every 24 steps in the game. Movement left or right is controlled by adding or subtracting a value of 9 to the x coordinate. Likewise, movement downward is managed by adding a value of 9 to the y coordinate. Downward movement only occurs when the arachnid armies reach the side of the screen.

The else statement code block ensures that the arachnid armies do not scroll off the side of the screen by monitoring the value assigned to self.x and reversing direction when its value exceeds 480. Likewise, direction is changed when the value of self.x becomes less than 32.

Assembling the Rest of the Game’s Programming Logic

Now that you have completed the development of the game’s scripts, it is time to add the programming logic that is controlled through action icons. Again, the use of action icons in this game has been restricted to tasks for which actions exist and can be completed using fewer than 10 action icons. As is the case with most Game Maker games, not all objects are going to have any action icons, either because they do not take any action or because they inherent their actions from parent objects.

Adding Actions to the obj_bug_parent Object

In order to simplify the game’s development, common functionality shared between the obj_ant, obj_spider, and obj_beetle objects will be added to a parent object named obj_bug_parent. Instructions for programming this object are provided below.

  1. Double-click on the obj_bug_parent object to open its Object Properties window.

  2. Add a Step event to the object.

  3. Add an Execute Script action to the event and configure the action to execute the scr_bug_movement script.

Adding Actions to the obj_beetle Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_beetle object and add a Step event to the object.

  2. Add a Test Chance action to the event and assign it 1500 sides.

  3. Add a Start Block and an End Block to the event, then embed a Create Instance action inside these two actions, setting the Create Instance action to create the obj_invader_bullet at x coordinate 0 and y coordinate 15. Enable the action’s Relative setting.

  4. Add an Execute Script action to the bottom of the actions area and set it to run the scr_bug_movement script.

Adding Actions to the obj_player Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_player object.

  2. Add a Create event to the object and then add a Set Variable action to the event, assigning a value of false to a new variable named gun_fired.

  3. Add a Step event and assign it the following actions.

    • Test Lives—Setting it to check for a value smaller than 1.

    • Start Block

    • Stop Sound—Setting it to stop playing the snd_wasp sound.

    • Show Highscore

    • Different Room—Setting it to go to the room_intro room.

    • End Block

  4. Add a collision event for the obj_ant object and then add the Set Lives action, setting new lives to 0.

  5. Add a collision event for the obj_spider object and then add the Set Lives action, setting new lives to 0.

  6. Add a collision event for the obj_beetle object and then add the Set Lives action, setting new lives to 0.

  7. Add a <Left> keyboard event and then add the following actions to it.

    • Comment—Enter Do not allow the player to move the ship past the left-hand side of the screen.

    • Test Variable—Set it to test whether x is larger than 22.

    • Jump to Position—Set x to -4 and y to 0 and enable the Relative property.

  8. Add a <Right> keyboard event and then add the following actions to it.

    • Comment—Enter Do not allow the player to move the ship past the right-hand side of the screen.

    • Test Variable—Set it to test whether x is smaller than 490.

    • Jump to Position—Set x to 4 and y to 0 and enable the Relative property.

  9. Add a <Space> keyboard event and then add the following actions to it.

    • Start Block

    • Set Variable—Set gun_fired to true.

    • Create Instance—Set it to create an instance of obj_player_bullet, setting x to 0 and y to -16. Enable the action’s Relative property.

    • End Block

Adding Actions to the obj_player_bullet Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_player_bullet object.

  2. Add a Create event to the object and then add a Speed Vertical action to the event, assigning a value of -9 to Vert. Speed, followed by a Play Sound action set to snd_shot.

  3. Add a collision event for the obj_ant object and then add the following actions to it.

    • Play Sound—Set it to play the snd_bug_explosion sound.

    • Set Score—Set New Score to 10 and enable the Relative setting.

    • Create Effect—Set type to explosion, size to small, and where to below objects, and enable the Relative setting.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Other.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Self.

    • Set Variable—Set Applies to to obj_player and set gun_fired to false.

  4. Add a collision event for the obj_spider object and then add the following actions to it.

    • Play Sound—Set it to play the snd_bug_explosion sound.

    • Set Score—Set New Score to 20 and enable the Relative setting.

    • Create Effect—Set type to explosion, size to small, and where to below objects and enable the Relative setting.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Other.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Self.

    • Set Variable—Set Applies to to obj_player and set gun_fired to false.

  5. Add a collision event for the obj_beetle object and then add the following actions to it.

    • Play Sound—Set it to play the snd_bug_explosion sound.

    • Set Score—Set New Score to 40 and enable the Relative setting.

    • Create Effect—Set type to explosion, size to small, and where to below objects and enable the Relative setting.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Other.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Self.

    • Set Variable—Set Applies to to obj_player and set gun_fired to false.

  6. Add a collision event for the obj_wasp object and then add the following actions to it.

    • Play Sound—Set it to play the snd_bug_explosion sound.

    • Set Score—Set New Score to 100 and enable the Relative setting.

    • Create Effect—Set type to explosion, size to small, and where to below objects and enable the Relative setting.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Other.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Self.

    • Stop Sound—Set sound to snd_wasp.

    • Set Variable—Set Applies to to obj_player and set gun_fired to false.

  7. Add an Outside Room event, add the Destroy Instance action (set to Self) and the Set Variable action, setting Applies to to obj_player and set gun_fired to false.

Adding Actions to the obj_invader_bullet Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_invader_bullet object.

  2. Add a Create event to the object and then add a Speed Vertical action to the event, assigning a value of 5 to Vert. Speed followed by a Play Sound action set to snd_shot.

  3. Add a collision event for the obj_player object and then add the following actions to it.

    • Play Sound—Set it to play the snd_jet_explosion sound.

    • Set Lives—Set New Lives to -1 and enable the Relative setting.

    • Create Effect—Set type to explosion, size to small, and where to below objects and enable the Relative setting.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Other.

    • Destroy Instance—Set Applies to to Self.

    • Sleep—Set Milliseconds to 500.

    • Create Instance—Set object to obj_player, x to obj_controller. startx, and y to obj_controller.starty.

  4. Add an Outside Room event and then add the Destroy Instance action (set to Self).

Adding Actions to the obj_controller Object

  1. Add a Step event and then add an Execute Script action, assigning it to execute the scr_obj_controller_step script.

  2. Add a Start Room event and then add an Execute Script action, assigning it to execute the scr_obj_controller_variables script followed by the Score Caption action, setting show score, show lives, and show health to don't show.

  3. Add a Draw event and then add the following actions to it.

    • Set Color—Set color to black or a dark gray color.

    • Set Font—Set Font to font_terminal and align to left.

    • Draw Score—Set x to 10, y to 2, and caption to SCORE.

    • Draw Life Images—Set x to 450, y to 2, and image to spr_mini_jet.

Adding Actions to the obj_parent_block Object

  1. Add a collision event for the obj_ant object and then add the Destroy Instance action to it (set to Self).

  2. Add a collision event for the obj_spider object and then add the Destroy Instance action to it (set to Self).

  3. Add a collision event for the obj_beetle object and then add the Destroy Instance action to it (set to Self).

  4. Add a collision event for the obj_player_bullet object and then add the Destroy Instance action to it (set to Self). Add another Destroy Instance action to it (set to Other) followed by a Set Variable action, setting Applies to to obj_player and then assigning gun_fired a value of false.

  5. Add a collision event for the obj_invader_bullet object and then add the Destroy Instance action to it (set to Self). Add another Destroy Instance action to it (set to Other).

Adding Actions to the obj_wasp Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_wasp object.

  2. Add a Create event to the object and then add a Move Fixed action to the event, selecting the left arrow button and setting Speed to -2. Add the Play Sound action assigning is the snd_wasp sound.

  3. Add an Outside Room event and then add the Destroy Instance action (set to Self), followed by the Stop Sound action, assigning it the snd_wasp sound.

Adding Actions to the obj_start Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_start object.

  2. Add a Left Button mouse event to the object and then add the following actions to it.

    • Set Score—Set New Score to 0.

    • Set Lives—Set New Lives to 3.

    • Next Room

Adding Actions to the obj_scores Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_start object.

  2. Add a Left Button mouse event to the object and then add the Show Highscore action to it.

Adding Actions to the obj_help Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_start object.

  2. Add a Left Button mouse event to the object and then add the Show Info action to it.

Adding Actions to the obj_quit Object

  1. Double-click on the obj_start object.

  2. Add a Left Button mouse event to the object and then add the End Game action to it.

Step 7—Adding Finishing Touches

You are almost done. All that remains is to add a little game information so that the player will know how the game is played and to modify the game resolution, demonstrating how Game Maker manages screen resolution settings on computers with different resolution settings. To create the game’s information page, double-click on the Game Information entry in the resource tree folder, and then enter the text shown below, which describes the game and how it is played.

Welcome to Arachnid Attack!

The objectives of this game are to defend the world from the onslaught of an army of arachnid invaders and to score as many points as possible in the process. Points are scored by shooting down the ants, spiders, beetles, and wasps that make up the arachnid invasion army. Killing an ant is worth 10 points. Killing a spider is worth 20 points. Killing a beetle is worth 40 points. Killing a wasp is worth 100 points.

Use the left and right arrow keys to control the movement of your jet fighter plane and the spacebar to shoot. You have three lives with which to play. You lose a life each time you are shot by the enemy. Game play ends when you are killed and have no more lives with which to play. Game play also ends if the arachnid horde defeats you by making its way to the bottom of the screen.

Game Maker provides the ability to temporarily modify screen resolution on player computers and to restore the player’s previous resolution setting at the end of the game. This allows you to specify and control the resolution at which your game is played. For the Arachnid Attack! game, let’s adjust the resolution on the player’s computer to 800x600. This will ensure that the game is played within an adequately large window at a resolution that is universally supported on all modern computers. To set this up, double-click on the Global Game Settings entry in the resource tree folder, click on the Resolution tab, and then select the 800x600 bullet entry located in the Resolution sections of the tabbed page.

At this point, your new game should be ready for testing. When testing, make sure that your computer’s resolution is set to something other than 800x600 so that you can observe the manner in which the game modifies resolution.


Congratulations on making it to the end of the book. Making it all the way to the end represents the completion of a significant commitment and has provided you with a strong foundation from which you can continue to work and learn more about Game Maker and programming in general. Before you end your journey, take a few extra minutes to look through the bonus appendices on the companion website (, including Appendix B, “What’s Next?”. It provides you with recommendations of links to other Game Maker and game development resources on the internet that you can visit to continue your game development and programming education.

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