Abrahams, Robin, 230

abusive supervisor. See tormentor

acceptance, of situation, 249250

accomplishments, highlighting your, 193194

accountability, 111114

Adams, Gabrielle, 101, 106, 109, 212

advice, asking for, 150, 194195

affinity bias, 208209


increasing sense of, 9394

lack of, 69, 89

pessimistic behavior and, 6970, 79

aggression, 52. See also microaggressions; passive-aggressive peer

allies, 127, 146, 168, 228

Amabile, Teresa, 5455

ambivalent relationships, 2728

amplification strategy, 177

amygdala, 3435, 4041, 44

antibias strategies, 171181

appreciation, expressing, 6061

Aquino, Karl, 144

archetypes, 1011

biased coworker, 157181, 255

identifying, in coworkers, 253256

insecure boss, 4965, 254

know-it-all, 117135, 255

passive-aggressive peer, 99116, 254255

pessimist, 6785, 254

political operator, 183201, 256

tormentor, 137156, 255

victim, 8798, 254

artificial harmony, 114

assertiveness, 121122


based on identity, 162, 163

implicit, 209

making untrue, 207

Baker, Araya, 141, 147

Baran, Michael, 160

Barrett, Lisa Feldman, 41

belonging, sense of, 39, 167

benefit finding, 246

benevolent bias, 161, 163

biased coworker, 157181

background on behavior of, 159163

characteristics of, 157158, 255

company culture and, 170171

costs of working with, 166167

defensive reactions by, 176

microaggressions and, 160163

motivations of, 163165

phrases to use with, 178179

questions to ask yourself about, 167171

tactics to try with, 171181

See also microaggressions

bias(es), 8

about underestimated groups, 124125

affinity, 208209

antibias strategies, 171181

being aware of own, 208210, 220

benevolent, 161, 163

calling out, 167171, 177

cognitive, 206207

confirmation, 106, 208, 209, 217

covert, 160163

gender, 133134, 139, 144146

harm caused by, 166167

negativity, 3536

overconfidence, 119120

overt, 164165

subtle forms of, 159160, 166167

Birch, Alison Hall, 166

Black women, 145, 208


difficult, 12, 4, 14

escalating conflicts to, 227229

insecure, 4965

taking credit for others’ work, 54

See also leaders

boundary setting, 97, 224226

Boyes, Alice, 43, 44


amygdala, 3435, 4041, 44

impact of conflict on, 3143

negativity bias of, 3536

Brown, Brené, 237

Burey, Jodi-Ann, 53

Burris, Ethan, 52

caring less, 248249

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas, 119120, 123

Chen, Serena, 52

Chicken Little, 69

Chou, Eileen, 7273, 81

Chow, Rosalind, 143, 150

Chugh, Dolly, 171, 174

coalition building, 176177

cognitive abilities, stress and, 56

cognitive biases, 206207

cognitive overload, 41

“command and control” approach, 143, 238

competition, 144145, 151152

complainers, 6768, 69. See also pessimist

compliments folder, 63, 246, 249

confidence, 119, 120, 124, 125, 153154

confirmation bias, 106, 208, 209, 217


acknowledging own part in, 4748

addressing directly, 114

escalating to higher ups, 227229

impact on brain, 3143

quitting due to, 229231

reactions to, 56, 3839

self-care and, 241251

workplace, 69

See also difficult people

conflict avoidance, 103


focusing on what you can, 204205, 220

increasing feeling of, 242243

sense of, 61, 62, 7273

Cooper, Marianne, 146

Cortina, Lilia, 165

covert bias, 160163

creativity, impact of negative relationships on, 2425

credit-stealing, 54, 196, 197198, 199

cult of positivity, 76

curiosity, 217218, 219, 220

cynicism, 7778, 80. See also pessimist

David, Susan, 234235

“Debbie Downer,” 68

decision-making, 61, 78, 81, 121

defensive pessimism, 70

Derks, Belle, 150

devil’s advocate, 78, 210

difficult people

approaches to avoid with, 233239

archetypes of (see archetypes)

changing, 1314

disengaging from, 223226

documenting transgressions of, 226227

quitting due to, 2, 229231

direct approach

to microaggressions, 169, 170, 175176

with passive-aggressive peers, 109, 110

with political operators, 195196

with tormentors, 153, 154

disengagement, 223226, 248249

double bind, 104, 189

downward envy, 140141

Duffy, Michelle, 140

Dutton, Jane, 2627

ego defensiveness, 52

emotional contagion, 74, 91, 97, 235

emotional disengagement, 248249

emotional leakage, 234235

emotional pain, 3637


labeling, 107

suppressing, 234235


inward, 247248

lack of, 139140

using, to see differently, 211213, 220

envy, 140141

exclusion, subtle acts of, 160163, 166167. See also microaggressions

experimentation, 216217, 220

failure, fear of, 102103

Fast, Nathanael, 52, 55, 60

favoritism threat, 143

fight-or-flight reaction, 35, 39

flattery, 6061

“flip it to test it,” 125, 210

Floyd, George, 165, 170171

Frankl, Viktor, 38

frenemies, 28


best friend at work, 14, 23

with coworkers, 34, 20, 2224

remote work and, 2223

frustration, venting, 233234

fundamental attribution error, 206207

gaslighting, 167

gender, 120, 121, 127, 133134, 142, 150

gender bias, 133134, 139, 144146

gender norms, 161

generational differences, 138, 139, 141

generational envy, 140

generosity, modeling, 199200

Gielan, Michelle, 69, 224, 249

Gino, Francesca, 121122


focusing on shared, 151, 154

helping boss to achieve, 5859

identifying your, 213214, 220

Goldman-Wetzler, Jennifer, 217

Goleman, Daniel, 35

gossip, 111, 190, 197, 199, 214216, 220, 243

Grant, Adam, 205

Grant, Heidi, 70, 77, 79, 81, 109

gratitude, expressing, 6061

Greenwood, Kelly, 11, 246247

Greer, Lindred, 60, 107

group norms, 113114

growth mindset, 172, 218

Groysberg, Boris, 230

Halpern, Nancy, 189, 191

Harris, Kamala, 128129

Heaphy, Emily, 21

Hendriksen, Ellen, 51

Higgins, E. Tory, 70, 102

human resources (HR), taking problems to, 228

humility, 130131, 133

hypercompetitive colleagues. See political operator

illegitimate tasks, 138

imposter syndrome, 53, 153

incivility, 2425, 27, 144, 165, 245

incompetence, 52, 53, 55, 122, 187188

information sharing, 61, 63, 175176

inner critic, 3334

insecure boss, 4965

background on behavior of, 5154

being nonthreatening to, 5960

being objective about, 5556

characteristics of, 4950, 254

complimenting, 60

costs of having, 5455

expressing gratitude and appreciation for, 6061

helping to achieve goals, 5859

phrases to use with, 62

pressures on, 5758

questions to ask yourself about, 5557

restoring sense of control to, 60, 63

tactics to try with, 5765

insecurities, 122123, 124, 151, 187188

intelligence, ascription of, 160161, 163

interpersonal conflict. See conflict

interpersonal relationships

impact of, 24

importance of, 250251

interpersonal resilience, 9, 204, 245247


preempting, 126128, 132

tactfully addressing, 128129, 132

Jana, Tiffany, 160

job changes, 229231

job crafting, 225226

journaling, 244

Kendi, Ibram X., 165

Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R., 89, 90

know-it-all, 117135

addressing interruption from, 128129, 132

appreciating contributions of, 126

asking for facts and data from, 130, 133

background on behavior of, 118123

characteristics of, 117118, 255

costs of working with, 123124

modeling humility for, 130131, 133

phrases to use with, 132133

preempting interruptions from, 126128, 132

questions to ask yourself about, 124126

tactics to try with, 126135


preconceptions about, 124125

self-doubt in, 5254

tormentors, 137156

women, 142146, 150

See also boss

Lencioni, Patrick, 114

liars, confronting, 196197, 198

Maner, Jon, 188

mansplaining, 120121, 127, 132, 133134

mantras, 241, 250

McKee, Annie, 244

“me against them” mentality, 210211, 220

mental health, maintaining your, 241251

mental space, 3843

mentors, 138, 150, 154

Merchant, Nilofer, 78

microaggressions, 92, 160165

addressing directly, 169, 175176, 179

calling out, 167171, 177

coalition building to address, 176177

costs of, 166167

defensiveness about, 176

emotional response to, 173

labeling, 174175

questions to ask yourself about, 167171

reporting, 171

responding with question to, 173174, 178

sharing information about, 175176

See also biased coworker

microculture, 244245

micromanaging, 51, 52, 61

Minuchin, Salvador, 219

motivational focus, 7071

Murthy, Vivek, 22

naive realism, 206

narcissism, 101, 118119

Neff, Kristen, 247248

negative outlook, 6970, 74, 89. See also pessimist

negativity, 67, 68, 76, 81, 83, 91. See also pessimist

negativity bias, 3536

Nelson, Shasta, 3

Nkomo, Stella, 162

office politics, 184190

avoiding getting dragged into, 192193

corporate culture and, 191

engaging in, 191192

good versus bad, 186187

gossip and, 190

underrepresented groups and, 188189

in virtual work environments, 189

See also political operator

online disinhibition effect, 165

Opie, Tina, 173

optimists, 74, 81, 83

organizational culture, 103, 148149, 170, 191, 238

overconfidence bias, 119120

overfamiliarity, 162, 163

overt bias, 164165

passive-aggressive peer, 99116

avoiding labeling, 107

background on behavior of, 101104

characteristics of, 99101, 254255

conflict avoidance and, 103

costs of working with, 104105

fear of failure or rejection and, 102103

phrases to use with, 112113

questions to ask yourself about, 105107

tactics to try with, 107116

peer pressure, 8081, 111

people of color

promotions and, 73

self-doubt and, 53

social identity threat and, 142

See also underrepresented groups

Perel, Esther, 3

performance, impact of negative relationships on, 2425

performance reviews, 23, 36, 5455, 158, 246


respecting others’, 205207, 220

viewing from another’s, 211213

pessimist, 6785

background on behavior of, 6974

behaviors of, 68, 69, 77

boundary setting with, 224225

challenging assumptions of, 7980

characteristics of, 6768, 254

costs of working with, 7475

legitimate concerns of, 76

looking at in positive light, 7778

motivational focus of, 7071

phrases to use with, 82

power and, 7273

questions to ask yourself about, 7577

tactics to try with, 7785

underlying reasons of, 7576

See also victim

political operator, 183201

addressing directly, 195196

asking for advice, 194195

background on behavior of, 185190

characteristics of, 183185, 256

offering help to, 194, 198

phrases to use with, 198199

questions to ask yourself about, 190192

strategies used by, 196200

tactics to try with, 192201

Porath, Christine, 2425, 27, 34, 245

positivity, 83

cult of, 76

leaning into, 8081


changing balance of, 152153

desire for, 7273, 188

prejudice, 159, 165, 208. See also bias

premature cognitive commitment, 3738

Pressner, Kristen, 125

prevention-focused people, 7071

Priesemuth, Manuela, 148149

principles for getting along

avoiding gossip, 214216, 220

avoiding “me against them” mentality, 210211, 220

awareness of own biases, 208210, 220

being curious, 217218, 220

experimenting with tactics, 216217, 220

focusing on what you can control, 204205, 220

identifying goals, 213214, 220

respecting others’ perspectives, 205207, 220

using empathy, 211213, 220

problem-solving pondering, 44

promotion-focused people, 7071

psychological safety, 106, 167

psychopaths, 52

public accountability, 111114

“queen bee” trope, 144146, 150

quitting, 2, 229231, 237238

racism, 91, 127, 139, 160, 164, 165

Rattan, Aneeta, 168, 172

reactions, observing your, 3839

rejection, fear of, 102103


ambivalent, 2728

interpersonal (see interpersonal relationships)

negative, 2428

remote work

biased behavior and, 165

disconnection and, 4

friendships and, 2223

office politics in, 189

resilience, 9, 22, 23, 204, 245247

retaliation, 235236

Roberts, Laura Morgan, 166

ruminations, 3334, 44

rumors, 216. See also gossip

sacrifices, 138, 140, 150, 154, 155

self-care, 241251

self-compassion, 213, 247248

self-doubt, 5154, 56, 63

self-promotion, 193194, 226227

sexism, 91, 127, 146

shame, 236237

Sheppard, Leah, 144

situation-behavior-impact feedback model, 175

Smith, Ella Bell, 162

social identity threat, 142143

Steele, Claude, 159160


brain and, 42

health impacts of, 26

impact on cognitive abilities, 56

microaggressions and, 166

monitoring your, 4042

from negative interactions, 9, 20

Su, Amy Jen, 244, 245

Sue, Derald Wing, 160

Sutton, Bob, 228, 229230, 237, 238

Tawwab, Nedra Glover, 224

tendency for interpersonal victimhood (TIV), 89

text-based communication

misunderstandings with, 4

not taking bait in, 109110

therapy, 246247

tormentor, 137156

addressing directly, 153, 154

avoiding unhealthy competition with, 151152

background on behavior of, 139143

changing balance of power with, 152153

characteristics of, 137139, 255

costs of working with, 143, 147

organizational culture and, 148149

phrases to use with, 154

questions to ask yourself about, 147149

tactics to try with, 150156

transgressions, documenting, 226227

Tulshyan, Ruchika, 53, 166

“two-minute drill,” 224

underrepresented groups, 142

biased coworkers and, 157181

microaggressions and, 160163

office politics and, 188189

unhealthy relationships, consequences of, 2428

universal values, 236

unproductive approaches, 233239

values, universal, 236

venting, 243244

victim, 8798

background on behavior of, 8990

characteristics of, 8788, 254

costs of working with, 9091

encouraging to take responsibility, 9495

increasing agency of, 9394

offering validation to, 93, 96

phrases to use with, 96

questions to ask yourself about, 9192

tactics to try with, 9298

validity of complaints of, 9192

victim mentality, 70, 8990, 97

victim syndrome, 89, 90

virtual work environments. See remote work

Washington, Ella, 166

Wasserman, Noam, 27

Webb, Caroline, 235

well-being, as priority, 241251

Williams, Joan, 146, 161


know-it-alls and, 133134

mistreatment of, by other women, 144146

office politics and, 188189

overconfidence bias and, 120

“queen bee” trope, 144146, 150

social identity threat and, 142

work friends, benefits of, 2224

work from home. See remote work

workplace gossip, 111, 190, 197, 199, 214216

work-related stress, 21. See also stress

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