
above-board leadership style, 56

acceptance, belonging and, 11

accessing cues, 104

achievement, 8

self-image and, 13

acting with intent, 177178

active listening, 86, 121127

talking with intent and, 172

adaptors, 108109

alphas in artificial groups, 5455

alternative sources, accessing information from, 25

anti-charisma, operating with, 82

anti-establishment personality types, attributes of, 136139

Applewhite, Marshall, 20, 64

supertypical behavior of, 28

approaches, psychological, 86

arched eyebrow, 111

arched eyebrows, two, 111112

arms, crossed, 114115

Army tests, autonomous robot and, 3

Aron, Arthur P., 6566

artificial groups, alphas in, 5455

artificial organizations, 4142

association, 221

bonding and fracturing and, 193

bonding through, 221222

differentiating through, 227

homogenizing through, 222223

overdifferentiating through, 227228

pride and, 203

the art of, 206209

attributes, learning your target's, 133


asking questions and considering your, 9192

granting an, 7577

audience receptivity, 72

authoritarian leadership style, 5556

authority of informal leaders, 44

barriers, 109110

removing, 7475

baseline, establishing a, 159, 160

baselining, 86, 97101

and elaboration, 100

and enunciation, 100

and steering away from emotional issues, 103

and trailing, 100

cadence, 99

eye movement, 101105

pitch, 99

voice, 99


influencing, 129131

the shift toward, 186

behavior standards, morphing, 2637

behavioral patterns, overarching, 132

bell curve,

analyzing a group with the, 23

creating the, 158163

flat, 151152

plotting the, 209210

bell curve model,

new, 152154

old, 150151


attacking the sense of, 10

creating, 65, 7778

the concept of, 11

the need for, 34

the needs of, 60

belonging and differentiating, 7–32

the sense of, 33

Big Five systems, 152

Blanchett, Cate, 154

BMW, marketing strategy of, 35

body, establishing a baseline for the, 118119

body and mood, 114116

body language, 86, 97101

detecting cues in, 160

reading, 105

talking with intent and, 172

body language and engaging a person's trust, 31

bonding, 39, 216

involuntary, 4043

the dynamic of, 178187

the mechanics of fracturing and, 193213

voluntary, 4043


a person to the group, 182185

a person to you, 180181

and fracturing, 3839, 171191

and homogenizing, 216223

through association, 221222

through illustration, 217218

through isolation, 220

bonds, belonging and forming, 11

Booker, Cory, 196197

Branch Davidians, 20

bridging a timeline, 123

broken sources during interrogation, 13


knit, 110111

wrinkled, 110

bullying and self-image, 1819

Bush, George W., speech patterns of, 100


baselining, 99, 160

shifting, 124

canned questions, 90

cause, finding a common, 178

celebrities, connecting with, 26

celebrity endorsements, American culture and, 24

celebrity watching, 151

character, understanding all aspects of, 147


establishing, 223

Maslow's hierarchy of needs and, 80

mechanics of, 6382

perception of your value and, 76

the opposite of, 82


and manipulation, 65

from a distance, 81

charismatic, definition of the word, 6465

charismatic cult leaders, 64

chess-playing leadership style, 5657

chimps and the relation to humans, 2425

choice, differentiating by, 3638

choices, motivation behind, 8

Clarke, Arthur C., 64

clasped hands, 115

clingers, 210

Clinton, Bill, 81, 228

persuasive power of, 4748

policies of, 80

cloistered groups and self-image, 1923

cloistering to limit inputs to self-image, 2425

cloisters of like-minded individuals, retreating to, 26

common ground, finding, 181

companionship, 7

compound questions, 89

conforming personality types, attributes of, 136139

connection through media, 26

connections, virtual, 26

control, establishing, 133

control questions, 88

conversation, questions and driving, 93

conversation with intent, launching a 174

conversations, metaphors in, 126

conversations and dropping hooks, 125

cooperation and manipulation, 241

cooperative sources during interrogation, 13

coordination of bonding and fracturing, 177178

Cosby, Bill, 165

criticism, gathering information with, 162


arms, 114115

legs, 115

Crow, Trevor, 78

Cruise, Tom, 42

cues, accessing, 104

cult leaders,

behavior of, 1920

followers of, 6364

culture and celebrity endorsements, 24

danger and sexual arousal, 6566

DeGeneres, Ellen, 217218

deindividuation, 22

democratic leadership style, 5556

demonstrating value, 6573

differentiate, fracturing to, 223228

differentiating, the needs of, 60


and belonging, 7–32, 33

by choice, 3638

factors, 11

through association, 227

through illustration, 224225

through isolation, 226

your target, 65, 7881


creating an image of, 66

the downside of, 187

direct questions, 88, 94

discretion, the skill of, 181

DNA, family and, 4041


leaders, 5354

leadership style, 49

Dutton, Donald G., 6566

dynamics of family, 42

earthy personality types, attributes of, 134136

ego, interrogators and, 155

elaboration and baselining, 100

emotional intelligence tests, 152

emotional issues, baselining and steering away from, 103

emotional state, managing a person's, 86

emotions, using, 95

emphasizing words, 123

enculturation, 183184

enemy, finding a common, 178

energy, heightened, 74

engaging with intent, 175177

Enneagram system, the, 146

enunciation and baselining, 100

establishing a baseline for the body, 118119

ethics issues and Google, 35

external motivators of self-actualization, 9

extinction, personal, 1516

extracting information with questions, 91

extreme interpersonal skills, applying, 13

eye movement,

baselining, 101105

observing, 103


arched, 111

raised, 74

eyebrows, two arched, 111112

face and mood, 110114


contact, 2

interactions, 33

facial signs, observing, 104

family, dynamics of, 42

fear-down technique, 95

fear-up technique, 9495

flat bell curve, 151152

flattery, gathering information with, 162

fluid illustrators, 116

focusing on human drives, 85

formal leaders, 4546

fracture points, predicting, 30

fracturing, 39, 216

bonding and, 171191

the dynamics of, 187191

the mechanics of bonding and, 193213


and bonding, 3839

and politics, 30

through illustration, 224

to differentiate, 223228

to overdifferentiate, 223228

your target from the group, 212

fragmentation in neighborhoods, 5253

fragmenting, 2930

fragmenting and predictability, 30

frame of reference and self-image, 11

Frantzman, Seth J., 17

fundamental drives and supertypical people, 27

futility, 96

gathering information, 159

gathering information

with criticism, 162

with flattery, 162

genetic links and involuntary groups, 41

Ghraib, Abu, abuse of, 27

glossing over a topic, 123

Goodall, Jane, 30, 63, 129

Google, ethics issues and, 35

Graner, Charles, 27

Greek gods as prototypicals, 164

group norms, developing, 1920


bonding a person to the, 177, 182185, 188189

defining a, 2328

dynamics in a, 3361

fracturing a person from the, 177

fracturing a person from the, 188191

holding distinction among the, 2

leadership among the, 43

separating your target from the, 212

groups, self-awareness and understanding, 29

groupthink, 72

guilty knowledge, 124127

guru-seeker personality types, attributes of, 139141

habits, learning your target's, 133

hands, clasped, 115

hands on hips, 115116

Harris, Tristan, 3536

hazing rituals, 2223

Heaven's Gate, 20, 28

Hegghammer, Thomas, 187

heightened energy, 74

hierarchy of fulfillment, 198199

hips, hands on, 115116

Hitler, Adolph,

groupthink and, 73

leadership of, 4748

Hoffer, Eric, 31

homogenizing, 216

bonding and, 216223


through association, 222223

through illustration, 218219

through isolation, 221

human behavior, influencing, 85

human drives, focusing on, 85

human modeling, 129167

humor as a differentiator, 68

Hussein, Saddam, interrogation of, 67

IBM Watson technology, 3


bonding and fracturing and, 193

bonding through, 217218

differentiating through, 224225

fracturing through, 224

homogenizing through, 218219

manipulation and, 205

overdifferentiating through, 225226

pride and, 203

illustrators, 106107

open and fluid, 116

imposed leaders, 4355

incentives, offering, 95

infighting and weak leadership, 5354

influence, styles of, 5559

informal leader, power of an, 59

informal leaders, 4348

information, gathering, 159, 161162

initial reaction and human psyche, the, 70

inquisitiveness, outline of, 7475

insecurity and self-image, 27

intelligence quotient tests, 152


acting with, 177178

engaging with, 175177

launching a conversation with, 174

talking with, 172175


face-to-face, 33

virtual, 33

internal motivators of self-actualization, 9

interpersonal skills, applying extreme, 13

interrogation cycle, 219200

interrogation, the science of, 10, 13

interrogators, leverage of, 15

intimidating as psychological leverage, 9495


bonding, 4043

movements, 106

ISIS fighters, 17

ISIS prisoners, noncoercive techniques and, 17

isolation, 219223

bonding and fracturing and, 193

bonding through, 220

differentiating through, 226

homogenizing through, 221

overdifferentiating through, 226227

pride and, 203205

the danger of, 178

isolation as a tactic of leadership, 5961

Jackson, Michael, 165

jihadist culture, 186187

Jones, Jim, 35

mass suicide orchestrated by, 29

paranoia of, 64

justified thinker personality types, attributes of, 144146

Kavanaugh, Brett, 196197

Kennedy, John F., 81

knit brow, 110111

know-it-all personality types, attributes of, 139141

knowledge, guilty, 124126

Koresh, David, 20, 35

emotional disturbance of, 64

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 165

Landrum, Don, 202, 205

Landrum factor, 202209


Draconian, 49

followers of religious sect

and cult, 6364

formal, 4546

imposed, 4355

informal, 4348

natural, 4355


assessing, 4855

isolation as a tactic of, 5961

leadership among the group, 43

leading questions, 8889

legs, crossed, 115

levers, psychological, 86

Lewinsky, Monica, 228

like-minded individuals, retreating to cloisters of, 26

lips, parted, 113114


active, 121127

the importance of, 100

Lohan, Lindsay, 219

luring young minds to online content, 3536

maneuvering leadership style, 56


choosing options and, 195

convincing someone through, 203

cooperation and, 241

mechanics of, 3840

peer-group, 185187

secrets of, 7071

your perception of, 1


and charisma, 65

and politicians, 2

of self-image, 219220

of social media, 36

through media, 4

Manson, Charles, 20, 64

leadership of, 4748

Maslow's hierarchy of needs and, 3940

negative use of positive tools by, 27

personality of, 4243

Manson family, 20

marketers, belonging and differentiating of, 3336

Maslow, Abraham, 8


criticisms of, 8

hidden, 203204

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 89

basic premise of, 232

bonding and fracturing on, 171

charisma and, 80

Charles Manson and, 3940

finding your target on, 229230

fulfilling, 241

manipulation and, 195196

moving through levels of, 79

needs on, 197198

placing your target on, 167

raising and lowering on, 210, 211

matrix of fulfillment, 197201

McCormick, Jim, 146


of charisma, 6382

of manipulation, 3840


exposure to alphas through, 25

manipulation through, 4

the impact of, 2526

media and virtual cloisters, 26

messages, strong, 116118

metaphors in conversations, 126

modeling, human, 129167


body and, 114116

face and, 110114

motivation, approaches to, 31

motivation behind choices, 8

movement, observing, 118


involuntary, 106

universal, 106

Mullineaux, Trevor, 16

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, 146, 152

mystery as a differentiator, 76

natural leaders, 4355

naughty leadership style, 5859

needs, shared, 7–32

negative questions, 90

nice leadership style, 5859

noncoercive techniques and ISIS prisoners, 17

nonverbal messaging, 87

norms, developing group, 1920

Obama, Barack, 81


eye movement, 103

movement, 118

odd word choices, making, 122

online content providers, bonding and differentiating with, 35

open illustrators, 116

open leadership style, 56

open-ended thinker personality types, attributes of, 144146

opportunity, recognizing, 65, 7375

options, paring, 209211

overarching behavioral patterns, 132

overdifferentiate, fracturing to, 223228

overdifferentiating, 216


through association, 227228

through illustration, 225226

through isolation, 226227

parallel questioning, 120121

paring options, 195197, 209211

parted lips, 113114

passive voice, switching to, 123124

peacock theory, 71

peer-group manipulation, 185187

Peoples Temple, 20

fragmenting and the, 2930

perception of your value and charisma, 76

personal extinction, 1516

personal operating system, the, 131147


styles and stress, 5051

types, 132134

persuading as psychological leverage, 9497

physical attributes as a differentiator, 68

Piro, George, 67

pitch, baselining, 99, 160

planting questions, talking with intent and, 172

political rallies, rituals and, 14

politicians and manipulation, 2

politics and fracturing, 30

possibilities, seeing yourself in terms of, 201

power of an informal leader, 59

predictability, fragmenting and, 30

pretentious personality types, attributes of, 134136

pride-and-ego technique, 96

pride-and-ego up/down lever, 162

Princess Diana, 81

prison life, the psyche and, 21

private knowledge, 124127

probing, 86, 120121

talking with intent and, 172

projection of intent, understanding someone and, 166

prototypical person, 164

social dynamic of a, 165


approaches, 86, 9497

levers, 86, 9497

push-pull word, 122

Queen Elizabeth II, 81

questioning, 86, 8792

parallel, 120121

questioning strategy, 9293


compound, 90

considering your audience when asking, 9192

control, 88

direct, 88, 94

extracting information with, 91

leading, 8889

negative, 90

planting, 172

repeat, 88

vague, 90


and applying a psychological approach, 87

as steering mechanisms, 87

for establishing baseline eye movement, 102

QVC, marketing strategy of, 34

radical behavior, shift toward, 186

raised eyebrows, 74


establishing, 7778, 133, 159160

reinforcing, 159, 163164

reaching, inquisitiveness and, 75

Reagan, Ronald, persuasive power of, 4748

receptivity, audience, 72

recognizing opportunity, 7375

reforming a group into subsets, 220

regulators, 108

Rekers, George Alan, 228

religious sect leaders, followers of, 6364

removing barriers, 7475

repeat questions, 88


what people say, 120

words, 162

repetition technique, 9697

reptilian brain, the, 35

reputation, 8

attacks on, 10

Reynolds, Ryan, 147149

bell curve model and, 156157

characteristics of, 154

rituals, hazing, 2223

rituals and political rallies, 14

Ryan, Leo, murder of, 2930

self-actualization, 8, 29, 201

defining, 89

self-awareness, gaps in, 233

self-awareness and understanding groups, 29

self-image, 1113

challenging your target's, 134

cloistering to limit inputs of, 2425

hidden Maslow and, 203204

insecurity and, 27

manipulation of, 219220

poisoning someone's, 18


and bullying, 1819

and cloistered groups, 1923

sense, asking questions that isolate a single, 102103

senses, sharpening your, 4

sexual arousal and danger, 6566

shares needs, 7–32

silence technique, 95

Simpson, O. J., 165

skills, cultivating, 71

smiling, 112

smirking, 113

Snapchat, sense of reward on, 36

Snapstreaks, Snapchat and, 36

snowball effect, 72

creating a, 80

social dynamics, complex, 29

social media,

definition of friends on, 2728

manipulation of, 36

reasons for posting on, 42

social media and informal leaders, 44

source leads, 79

speech patterns, identifying oddities in, 126127

splatter pattern, asking questions in a, 92

Stambor, Zak, 2526

state of mind, learning your target's, 133

status, belonging to a group and, 182

Stockholm syndrome, 182183

Strauss, Neil, 7071

strength of leadership, assessing, 4855

strength/weakness paradox, 146

stress, personality styles and, 5051

strong messages, 116118

styles of influence, 5559

subsets, reforming a group into, 220

subtypical characteristics, bell curve model and, 150151

subtypical members of a group, 2324

subtypical person, results representing a, 155

subtypical status, behavior of people with, 28

suicide, 1819

supertypical characteristics, bell curve model and, 150151

supertypical members of a group, 2324

supertypical people, fundamental drives and, 27

supertypical person, results representing a, 155

supertypicals and violence, 2627

survival, autonomic functions and, 3536

Swift, Taylor, politics of, 25

talking with intent, 172175


3–D bell of your, 159

differentiating your, 65, 7881

getting what you want from your, 166167

target audience,

create belonging among a, 7778

taking into account your, 68

Tate-LaBianca murders, 40

Taylor, Elizabeth, 165

team-building in the workplace, 1

terrorists, techniques for handing, 1617

thinking before you speak, 92

Third Reich, rituals of the, 15

threat-and-rescue technique, 212

3-D bell, 154158, 193194

association and the, 206

strengths and weaknesses on the, 201

working with the, 194195

3-D bell curve model of your target, 211, 228

threshold, understanding the, 160161

threshold-breaking metaphor, 160161

timeline, bridging a, 123

tone, baselining, 98, 160

tools to get what you want, 85127

traditional personality types, attributes of, 141144

trailing and baselining, 100

trendy personality types, attributes of, 141144

trust, engaging a person's, 31

typical characteristics, bell curve model and, 150151

typical members of a group, 2324

typical person, results representing a, 155

United States elections, 34

universal movements, 106

vague questions, 9091

value consistency,

demonstrating, 79


creating your own, 68

debunking the, 80

demonstrating, 6573, 66, 67, 71

value step, short circuiting the, 80

Vela, Brandy, suicide of, 1819

verbal clues and active listening, 122124

video games, 23

violence and supertypicals, 2627


connections, 26

contact, 2

interactions, 33

virtual cloisters, media and, 26

voice, baselining the, 9899

voluntary bonding, 4043

Washington, George, leadership of, 47

Watson technology, 3

weakness of leadership, assessing, 4855

Western powers and ascetic jihadists, 17

Whalen, Joe, 6364

Winfrey, Oprah, 218

word choice,

baselining, 160

importance of, 99


emphasizing, 123

repeating, 162

workplace, team-building in the, 1

wrinkled brow, 110

young minds, online content and luring, 3536

Zimbardo, Philip, 2021

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