B.Com (Hons.)
International Business


Marks: 75

Time: 3 Hours

Note: Attempt all questions

All questions carry equal marks

    1. What is globalization? List and explain the main factors driving the phenomenon of globalization.


    2. Identify the mode of entry used in the examples given below and list the major advantages and disadvantages of each mode.
      1. Airtel purchased Zain Telecommunications in South Africa
      2. Pizza Hut has a large number of outlets in India but none of them are owned by Pizza Hut.

        (4 + 4)



    1. What are the main differences between the national economic and cultural environment? What are their implications for business between different countries?


    2. What are the salient features of global trade? Write a short note enumerating recent trends in world trade.


    1. What is the Product Life Cycle Theory of International Trade?


    2. Briefly explain the role and performance of the WTO.




    1. Enumerate the different components of the Balance of Payments Account.


    2. List and explain the different commercial policy instruments used by nations to regulate foreign trade.


    1. What do you understand by foreign exchange risks ? How these risks are managed?


    2. Do you think that ASEAN has been successful in promoting regional integration among various countries of Asia? Give reasons for your answer.




    1. Briefly explain the role and contribution of foreign investment in driving India’s economic growth.


    2. Write a short note on exchange rates.


    1. What is the purpose of organizational structure for international business operations? Explain the Global Product Structure in this context.


    2. What is a strategic alliance ? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of using strategic alliances as a form of international business?




    1. What are the main factors involved in making international production decisions?


    2. Explain the role of IT in international business.


  1. Write short notes on any two of the following:
    1. SEZs
    2. Joint ventures
    3. EXIM Bank

      (7½ + 7½)



    1. What are the different promotional measures initiated by the Indian government to improve export performance.


    2. Enumerate the different modes of payment in foreign trade.


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