
Functional programming offers a variety of techniques for creating succinct and expressive software. While Python is not a purely functional programming language, we can do a great deal of functional programming in Python.

Python has a core set of functional programming features. This lets us borrow many design patterns and techniques from other functional languages. These borrowed concepts can lead us to create elegant programs. Python’s generator expressions, in particular, negate the need to create large in-memory data structures, leading to programs that may execute more quickly because they use fewer resources.

We can’t easily create purely functional programs in Python. Python lacks a number of features that would be required for this. We don’t have unlimited recursion, for example, we don’t have lazy evaluation of all expressions, and we don’t have an optimizing compiler.

There are several key features of functional programming languages that are available in Python. One of the most important ones is the idea of functions being first-class objects. Python also offers a number of higher-order functions. The built-in map(), filter(), and functools.reduce() functions are widely used in this role, and less obvious are functions such as sorted(), min(), and max().

In some cases, a functional approach to a problem will also lead to extremely high-performance algorithms. Python makes it too easy to create large intermediate data structures, tying up memory (and processor time). With functional programming design patterns, we can often replace large lists with generator expressions that are equally expressive but take up much less memory and run much more quickly.

We’ll look at the core features of functional programming from a Python point of view. Our objective is to borrow good ideas from functional programming languages and use those ideas to create expressive and succinct applications in Python.

Who this book is for

This book is for more experienced programmers who want to create succinct, expressive Python programs by borrowing techniques and design patterns from functional programming languages. Some algorithms can be expressed elegantly in a functional style; we can—and should—adapt this to make Python programs more readable and maintainable.

This is not intended as a tutorial on Python. This book assumes some familiarity with the language and the standard library. For a foundational introduction to Python, consider Learn Python Programming, Third Edition:

While we cover the foundations of functional programming, this is not a complete review of the various kinds of functional programming techniques. Having an exposure to functional programming in another language can be helpful.

What this book covers

We can decompose this book into two general kinds of topics:

  • Essentials of functional programming in Python. This is the content of Chapters 1 through 7.

  • Library modules to help create functional programs. This is the subject of the remaining chapters of the book. Chapter 12 includes both fundamental language and library topics.

Chapter 1, Understanding Functional Programming, introduces some of the techniques that characterize functional programming. We’ll identify some of the ways to map those features to Python. We’ll also address some ways that the benefits of functional programming accrue when we use these design patterns to build Python applications.

Chapter 2, Introducing Essential Functional Concepts, delves into central features of the functional programming paradigm. We’ll look at each in some detail to see how they’re implemented in Python. We’ll also point out some features of functional languages that don’t apply well to Python. In particular, many functional languages have complex type-matching rules required to support compiling and optimizing.

Chapter 3, Functions, Iterators, and Generators, will show how to leverage immutable Python objects, and how generator expressions adapt functional programming concepts to the Python language. We’ll look at some of the built-in Python collections and how we can leverage them without departing too far from functional programming concepts.

Chapter 4, Working with Collections, shows how you can use a number of built-in Python functions to operate on collections of data. This chapter will focus on a number of relatively simple functions, such as any() and all(), which reduce a collection of values to a single result.

Chapter 5, Higher-Order Functions, examines the commonly used higher-order functions such as map() and filter(). It also shows a number of other higher-order functions as well as how we can create our own functions that work with functions or return functions.

Chapter 6, Recursions and Reductions, teaches how to design an algorithm using recursion and then optimize it into a high-performance for statement. We’ll also look at some other reductions that are widely used, including collections.Counter().

Chapter 7, Complex Stateless Objects, showcases a number of ways that we can use immutable tuples, typing.NamedTuple, and the frozen @dataclass instead of stateful objects. We’ll also look at the pyrsistent module as a way to create immutable objects. Immutable objects have a simpler interface than stateful objects: we never have to worry about abusing an attribute and setting an object into some inconsistent or invalid state.

Chapter 8, The Itertools Module, examines a number of functions in the itertools standard library module. This collection of functions simplifies writing programs that deal with collections or generator functions.

Chapter 9, Itertools for Combinatorics – Permutations and Combinations, covers the combinatoric functions in the itertools module. These functions are more specialized than those in the previous chapter. This chapter includes some examples that illustrate ill-considered use of these functions and the consequences of combinatoric explosion.

Chapter 10, The Functools Module, focuses on how to use some of the functions in the functools module for functional programming. A few functions in this module are more appropriate for building decorators, and they are left for Chapter 12, Decorator Design Techniques.

Chapter 11, The Toolz Package, covers the toolz package, a number of closely related modules that help us write functional programs in Python. The toolz modules parallel the built-in itertools and functools modules, providing alternatives that are often more sophisticated and make better use of curried functions.

Chapter 12, Decorator Design Techniques, covers how we can look at a decorator as a way to build a composite function. While there is considerable flexibility here, there are also some conceptual limitations: we’ll look at ways that overly complex decorators can become confusing rather than helpful.

Chapter 13, The PyMonad Library, examines some of the features of the PyMonad library. This provides some additional functional programming features. It also provides a way to learn more about monads. In some functional languages, monads are an important way to force a particular order for operations that might get optimized into an undesirable order. Since Python already has strict ordering of expressions and statements, the monad feature is more instructive than practical.

Chapter 14, The Multiprocessing, Threading, and Concurrent.Futures Modules, points out an important consequence of good functional design: we can distribute the processing workload. Using immutable objects means that we can’t corrupt an object because of poorly synchronized write operations.

Chapter 15, A Functional Approach to Web Services, shows how we can think of web services as a nested collection of functions that transform a request into a reply. We’ll see ways to leverage functional programming concepts for building responsive, dynamic web content.

Chapter 16, A Chi-Squared Case Study, is a bonus, online-only case study applying a number of functional programming techniques to a specific exploratory data analysis problem. We will apply a χ2 statistical test to some complex data to see if the results show ordinary variability, or if they are an indication of something that requires deeper analysis. You can find the case study here:

To get the most out of this book

This book presumes some familiarity with Python 3 and general concepts of application development. We won’t look deeply at subtle or complex features of Python; we’ll avoid much consideration of the internals of the language.

Some of the examples use exploratory data analysis (EDA) as a problem domain to show the value of functional programming. Some familiarity with basic probability and statistics will help with this. There are only a few examples that move into more serious data science.

Python 3.10 is required. The examples have also been tested with Python 3.11, and work correctly. For data science purposes, it’s often helpful to start with the conda tool to create and manage virtual environments. It’s not required, however, and readers should be able to use any available Python.

Additional packages are generally installed with pip. The command looks like this:

 % python -m pip install toolz pymonad pyrsistent beautifulsoup4

Complete the exercises

Each chapter includes a number of exercises that help the reader apply the concepts in the chapter to real code. Most of the exercises are based on code available from the book’s repository on GitHub:

In some cases, the reader will notice that the code provided on GitHub includes partial solutions to some of the exercises. These serve as hints, allowing the reader to explore alternative solutions.

In many cases, exercises will need unit test cases to confirm they actually solve the problem. These are often identical to the unit test cases already provided in the GitHub repository. The reader should replace the book’s example function name with their own solution to confirm that it works.

In some cases, the exercises suggest writing a response document to compare and contrast multiple solutions. It helps to find a mentor or expert who can help the reader by reviewing these small documents for clarity and completeness. A good comparison between design approaches will include performance measurements using the timeit module to show the performance advantages of one design over another.

Download the example code files

The code bundle for the book is hosted on GitHub at We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at Check them out!

Download the color images

We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

Conventions used

There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

CodeInText: Indicates code words in the text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. For example: ”Python has other statements, such as global or nonlocal, which modify the rules for variables in a particular namespace.”

Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words you see on the screen, such as in menus or dialog boxes. For example: ”The base case states that the sum of a zero-length sequence is 0. The recursive case states that the sum of a sequence is the first value plus the sum of the rest of the sequence.”

A block of code is set as follows:

print("Hello, World!")

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

 % conda create -n functional3 python=3.10

Warnings or important notes appear like this.

Tips and tricks appear like this.

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