Chapter 2. Exploratory Data Analysis: Stable Versus Unstable Quarterback Statistics

In any field of study, a level of intuition (commonly known as a gut feeling) can exist that separates the truly great subject-matter experts from the average ones, the average ones from the early-career professionals, or the early-career professionals from the novices. In football, that skill is said to manifest itself in player evaluation, as some scouts are perceived to have a knack for identifying talent through great intuition earned over years of honing their craft. Player traits that translate from one situation to the next—whether from college football to the professional ranks, or from one coach’s scheme to another’s—require recognition and further investigation, while player outcomes that cannot be measured (at least using current data and tools) are discarded. Experts in player evaluation also know how to properly communicate the fruits of their labor in order to gain maximum collective benefit from it.

While traditional scouting and football analytics are often considered at odds with each other, the statistical evaluation of players requires essentially the same process. Great football analysts are able to, when evaluating a player’s data (or multiple players’ data), find the right data specs to interrogate, production metrics to use, situational factors to control for, and information to discard. How do you acquire such an acumen? The same way a scout does. Through years of deliberate practice and refinement, an analyst gains not only a set of tools for player, team, scheme, and game evaluation but also a knack for the right question to ask at the right time.


Famous statistician John Tukey noted, “Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise.” Practically, this quote illustrates that in football, or broader data science, asking the question that meets your needs is more important than using your existing data and models precisely.

One advantage that statistical approaches have over traditional methods is that they are scalable. Once an analyst develops a tried-and-true method for player evaluation, they can use the power of computing to run that analysis on many players at once—a task that is incredibly cumbersome for traditional scouting methods.

In this chapter, we give you some of the first tools necessary to develop a knack for football evaluation using statistics. The first idea to explore in this topic is stability. Stability is important when evaluating anything, especially in sports. This is because stability measures provide a comparative way to determine how much of a skill is fundamental to the player—how much of what happened in a given setting is transferable to another setting—and how much of past performance can be attributed to variance. In the words of FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver, stability analysis helps us tease apart what is signal and what is noise. If a player does very well in the stable components of football but poorly in the unstable ones, they might be a buy-low candidate—a player who is underrated in the marketplace. The opposite, a player who performs well in the unstable metrics but poorly in the stable ones, might be a sell-high player.

Exact definitions of stability vary based on specific contexts, but in this book we refer to the stability of an evaluation metric as the metric’s consistency over a predetermined time frame. For example, for fantasy football analysts, that time frame might be week to week, while for an analyst building a draft model for a team, it might be from a player’s final few seasons in college to his first few seasons as a pro. The football industry generally uses Pearson’s correlation coefficient, or its square, the coefficient of determination, to measure stability. A Pearson’s correlation coefficient ranges from –1 to 1. A value of 0 corresponds to no correlation, whereas a value of 1 corresponds to a perfect positive correlation (two variables increase in value together), and a value of –1 corresponds to a perfect negative correlation (one variable increases as the second variable decreases).

While the precise numerical threshold for a metric to be considered stable is usually context- or era-specific, a higher coefficient means a more stable statistic. For example, pass-rushing statistics are generally pretty stable, while coverage statistics are not; Eric talked about this more in a recent paper from the Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. If comparing two pass-rushing metrics, the less-stable one might have a lower correlation coefficient than the more-stable coverage metric.


Fantasy fans will know stability analysis by another term: sticky stats. This term arises because some statistical estimates “stick” around and are consistent through time.

Stability analysis is part of a subset of statistical analysis called exploratory data analysis (EDA), which was coined by the American statistician John Tukey. In contrast to formal modeling and hypothesis testing, EDA is an approach of analyzing datasets to summarize their main characteristics, often using statistical graphics and other data visualization methods. EDA is an often-overlooked step in the process of using statistical analysis to understand the game of football—both by newcomers and veterans of the discipline—but for different reasons.


John Tukey also coined other terms, some that you may know or will hopefully know by the end of this book, including boxplot (a type of graph), analysis of variance (ANOVA for short; a type of statistical test), software (computer programs), and bit (the smallest unit of computer data, usually represented as 0/1; you’re probably more familiar with larger units such as the byte, which is 8 bits, and larger units like gigabytes). Tukey and his students also helped the Princeton University football team implement data analysis using basic statistical methods by examining over 20 years of football data. However, the lack of modern computers limited his work, and many of the tools you learn in this book are more advanced than the methods he had access to. For example, one of his former students, Gregg Lange, remembered how a simple mistake required him to reload 100 pounds of data cards into a computer. To read more about Tukey’s life and contributions, check out “John W. Tukey: His Life and Professional Contributions” by David Brillinger in the Annals of Statistics.

Defining Questions

Asking the right questions is as important as solving them. In fact, as the Tukey quote highlights, the right answer to the wrong question is useless in and of itself, while the right question can lead you to prosperous outcomes even if you fall short of the correct answer. Learning to ask the right question is a process honed by learning from asking the wrong questions. Positive results are the spoils earned from fighting through countless negative results.

To be scientific, a question needs to be about a hypothesis that is both testable and falsifiable. For example, “Throwing deep passes is more valuable than short passes, but it’s difficult to say whether or not a quarterback is good at deep passes” is a reasonable hypothesis, but to make it scientific, you need to define what “valuable” means and what you mean when we say a player is “good” (or “bad”) at deep passes. To that aim, you need data.

Obtaining and Filtering Data

To study the stability of passing data, use the nflfastR package in R or the nfl_data_py package in Python. Start by loading the data from 2016 to 2022 as play-by-play, or pbp, using the tools you learned in Chapter 1.

Using 2016 is largely an arbitrary choice. In this case, it’s the last year with a material rule change (moving the kickoff touchback up to the 25-yard line) that affected game play. Other seasons are natural breaking points, like 2002 (the last time the league expanded), 2011 (the last influential change to the league’s collective bargaining agreement), 2015 (when the league moved the extra point back to the 15-yard line), 2020 (the COVID-19 pandemic, and also when the league expanded the playoffs), and 2021 (when the league moved from 16 to 17 regular-season games).

In Python, load the pandas and numpy packages as well as the nfl_data_py package:

## Python
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import nfl_data_py as nfl

Python starts numbering at 0. R starts numbering at 1. Many an aspiring data scientist has been tripped up by this if using both languages. Because of this, you need to add + 1 to the input of the last value in range() in this example.

Next, tell Python what years to load by using range(). Then import the NFL data for those seasons:

## Python
seasons = range(2016, 2022 + 1)
pbp_py = nfl.import_pbp_data(seasons)

In R, first load the required packages. The tidyverse collection of packages helps you wrangle and plot the data. The nflfastR package provides you with the data. The ggthemes package assists with plotting formatting:

## R

In R, you may use the shortcut 2016:2022 to specify the range 2016 to 2022:

## R
pbp_r <- load_pbp(2016:2022)

With any dataset, understand the metadata, or the data about the data. For example, what do 0 and 1 mean? Which is yes and which is no? Or do the authors use 1 and 2 for levels? We have heard about scientific studies being retracted because the data analysts and scientists misunderstood the metadata and the uses of 1 and 2 versus the standard 0 and 1. Thus, scientists had to tell people their study was flawed because they did not understand their own data structure. For example, a 2021 article in Significance describes an occurrence of this mistake.

To get the subset of data you need for this analysis, filter down to just the passing plays, which can be done with the following code:

## Python
pbp_py_p = 
    .query("play_type == 'pass' & air_yards.notnull()")

In R, filter() the data by using the same criteria:

## R
pbp_r_p <-
    pbp_r |>
    filter(play_type == "pass" & !

Here, play_type being equal to pass will eliminate both running plays and plays that are negated because of a penalty. Sometimes you want to include plays that have a penalty (for example, if you are using a grade-based system like the one at PFF). Grade-based systems attempt to measure how well the player performed on a play independent of the final statistics of the play, so keeping data where play_type == no_play might have value.

For the sake of this exercise, though, we have you omit such plays. You also omit plays where air_yards is NA (in R) or NULL (in Python). These plays occur when a pass is not aimed at an intended receiver because it’s batted down at the line of scrimmage, thrown away, or spiked. While those passes certainly count toward a passer’s final statistics, and are fundamental to who he is as a player, they are not necessarily relevant to the question being asking here.

Next, you need to do some data cleaning and wrangling.

First, define a long pass as a pass that has air yards greater than or equal to 20 yards, and a short pass as one with air yards less than 20 yards. The NFL has a categorical variable for pass length (pass_length) in data, but the classifications are not completely clear to the observer (see the exercises at the end of the chapter). Luckily, you can easily calculate this on your own (and use a different criterion if desired, such as 15 yards or 25 yards).

Second, the passing yards for incomplete passes are recorded as NA in R, or NULL in Python, but should be set to 0 for this analysis (as long as you’ve filtered properly previously).

In Python, the numpy (imported as np) package’s where() function helps with this change. First, create the filtering criteria:

## Python
pbp_py_p["pass_length_air_yards"] = np.where(
    pbp_py_p["air_yards"] >= 20, "long", "short"

Then use the filtering criteria to replace missing values:

## Python
pbp_py_p["passing_yards"] = 
        pbp_py_p["passing_yards"].isnull(), 0, pbp_py_p["passing_yards"]

In R, the ifelse() function inside mutate() allows the same change:

## R
pbp_r_p <-
    pbp_r_p |>
        pass_length_air_yards = ifelse(air_yards >= 20, "long", "short"),
        passing_yards = ifelse(, 0, passing_yards)

Appendix B covers data manipulation topics such as filtering in great detail. Refer to this source if you need help better understanding our data wrangling. We are glossing over these details to help you get into the data right away with interesting questions.


Naming objects can be surprisingly hard when programming. Try to balance simple names that are easier to type with longer, more informative names. This can be especially important if you start writing scripts with longer names. The most important part of naming is to create understandable names for both others and your future self.

Summarizing Data

Briefly examine some basic numbers used to describe the passing_yards data. In Python, select the passing_yards column and then use the describe() function:

## Python

Resulting in:

count    131606.000000
mean          7.192111
std           9.667021
min         -20.000000
25%           0.000000
50%           5.000000
75%          11.000000
max          98.000000
Name: passing_yards, dtype: float64

In R, take the dataframe and select (or pull()) the passing_yards column and then calculate the summary() statistics:

## R
pbp_r_p |>
    pull(passing_yards) |>

This results in:

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
-20.000   0.000   5.000   7.192  11.000  98.000

In the outputs, here are what the names describe (Appendix B shows how to calculate these values):

  • The count (only in Python) is the number of records in the data.

  • The mean in Python (Mean in R) is the arithmetic average.

  • The std (only in Python) is the standard deviation.

  • The min in Python or Min. in R is the lowest or minimum value.

  • The 25% in Python or 1st Qu. in R is the first-quartile value, for which one-fourth of all values are smaller.

  • The Median (in R) or 50% (in Python) is the middle value, for which half of the values are bigger and half are smaller.

  • The 75% in Python or 3rd Qu. in R is the third-quartile value, for which three-quarters of all values are smaller.

  • The max in Python or Max. in R is the largest or maximum value.

What you really want to see is a summary of the data under different values of pass_length_air_yards. For short passes, filter out the long passes and then summarize, in Python:

## Python
    .query('pass_length_air_yards == "short"')["passing_yards"]

Resulting in:

count    116087.000000
mean          6.526812
std           7.697057
min         -20.000000
25%           0.000000
50%           5.000000
75%          10.000000
max          95.000000
Name: passing_yards, dtype: float64

And in R:

## R
pbp_r_p |>
    filter(pass_length_air_yards == "short") |>
    pull(passing_yards) |>

Which results in:

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
-20.000   0.000   5.000   6.527  10.000  95.000

Likewise, you can filter to select long passes in Python:

## Python
    .query('pass_length_air_yards == "long"')["passing_yards"]

Resulting in:

count    15519.000000
mean        12.168761
std         17.923951
min          0.000000
25%          0.000000
50%          0.000000
75%         26.000000
max         98.000000
Name: passing_yards, dtype: float64

And in R:

## R
pbp_r_p |>
    filter(pass_length_air_yards == "long") |>
    pull(passing_yards) |>

Resulting in:

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
   0.00    0.00    0.00   12.17   26.00   98.00

The point to notice here is that the interquartile range, the difference between the first and third quartile, is much larger for longer passes than for short passes, even though the maximum passing yards are about the same. The minimum values are going to be higher for long passes, since it’s almost impossible to gain negative yards on a pass that travels 20 or more yards in the air.

You can perform the same analysis for expected points added (EPA), which was introduced in Chapter 1. Recall that EPA is a more continuous measure of play success that uses situational factors to assign a point value to each play. You can do this in Python:

## Python
    .query('pass_length_air_yards == "short"')["epa"]

Resulting in:

count    116086.000000
mean          0.119606
std           1.426238
min         -13.031219
25%          -0.606135
50%          -0.002100
75%           0.959107
max           8.241420
Name: epa, dtype: float64

And in R:

## R
pbp_r_p |>
    filter(pass_length_air_yards == "short") |>
    pull(epa) |>

Which results in:

    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.     NA's
-13.0312  -0.6061  -0.0021   0.1196   0.9591   8.2414        1

Likewise, you can do this for long passes in Python:

## Python
    .query('pass_length_air_yards == "long"')["epa"]

Resulting in:

count    15519.000000
mean         0.382649
std          2.185551
min        -10.477922
25%         -0.827421
50%         -0.465344
75%          2.136431
max          8.789743
Name: epa, dtype: float64

Or in R:

## R
pbp_r_p |>
    filter(pass_length_air_yards == "long") |>
    pull(epa) |>

Resulting in:

    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.
-10.4779  -0.8274  -0.4653   0.3826   2.1364   8.7897

You get the same dynamic here: wider outcomes for longer passes than shorter ones. Longer passes are more variable than shorter passes.

Furthermore, if you look at the mean passing yards per attempt (YPA) and EPA per attempt for longer passes, they are both higher than those for short passes (while the relationship flips for the median, why is that?). Thus, on average, you can informally confirm the first part of our guiding hypothesis for the chapter: “Throwing deep passes is more valuable than short passes, but it’s difficult to say whether or not a quarterback is good at deep passes.”


Line breaks and white space are important for coding. These breaks help make your code easier to read. Python and R also handle line breaks differently, but sometimes both languages treat line breaks as special commands. In both languages, you often split function inputs to create shorter lines that are easier to read. For example, you can space a function as follows to break up line names and make your code easier to read:

## Python or R

In R, make sure the comma stays on a previous line. In Python, you may need to use a for line breaks.

## Python
x =
    2 + 4

Or put the entire command in parentheses:

## Python
x = (
    2 + 4

You can also write one Python function per line:

## Python
my_out = 

Plotting Data

While numerical summaries of data are useful, and many people are more algebraic thinkers than they are geometric ones (Eric is this way), many people need to visualize something other than numbers. Reasons we like to plot data include the following:

  • Checking to make sure the data looks OK. For example, are any values too large? Too small? Do other wonky data points exist?

  • Are there outliers in the data? Do they arise naturally (e.g., Patrick Mahomes in almost every passing efficiency chart) or unnaturally (e.g., a probability below 0 or greater than 1)?

  • Do any broad trends emerge at first glance?


Histograms, a type of plot, allow you to see data by summing the counts of data points into bars. These bars are called bins.


If you have previous versions of the packages used in this book installed, you may need to upgrade if our code examples will not work. Conversely, future versions of packages used in this book may update how functions work. The book’s GitHub page ( may have updated code.

In Python, we use the seaborn package for most plotting in the book. First, import seaborn by using the alias sns. Then use the displot() function to create the plot shown in Figure 2-1:

## Python
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sns.displot(data=pbp_py, x="passing_yards");;
Figure 2-1. A histogram in Python using seaborn for the passing_yards variable

On macOS, you also need to include import matplotlib.pyplot as plt when you load other packages. Likewise, macOS users also need to include for their plot to appear after their plotting code. We also found we needed to use with some editors on Linux (such as Microsoft Visual Studio Code) but not others (such as JupyterLab). If in doubt, include this optional code. Running will do no harm but might be needed to make your figures appear. Windows may or may not require this.

Likewise, R allows for histograms to be easily created.


Although base R comes with its own plotting tools, we use ggplot2 for this book. The ggplot2 tool has its own language, based on The Grammar of Graphics by Leland Wilkinson (Springer, 2005) and implemented in R by Hadley Wickham during his doctoral studies at Iowa State University. Pedagogically, we agree with David Robinson, who describes his reasons for teaching plotting with ggplot2 over base R in a blog post titled “Don’t Teach Built-in Plotting to Beginners (Teach ggplot2)”.

In R, create the histogram shown in Figure 2-2 by using ggplot2 in R with the ggplot() function. In the function, use the pbp_r_p dataset and set the aesthetic for x to be passing_yards. Then add the geometry geom_histogram():

## R
ggplot(pbp_r, aes(x = passing_yards)) +

Resulting in:

`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
Warning: Removed 257229 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).
Figure 2-2. A histogram in R using ggplot2 for the passing_yards variable

Intentionally using the wrong number of bins to hide important attributes of your data is considered fraud by the larger statistical community. Be thoughtful and intentional when you select the number of bins for a histogram. This process requires many iterations as you explore various numbers of histogram bins.

Figures 2-1 and 2-2 let you understand the basis of our data. Passing yards gained ranges from about –10 yards to about 75 yards, with most plays gaining between 0 (often an incompletion) and 10 yards. Notice that R warns you to be careful with the binwidth and the number of bins and also warns you about the removal of missing values. Rather than using the default, set each bin to be 1 yard wide. You can either ignore the second warning about missing values or filter out missing values prior to plotting to avoid the warning. With such a bin width, the data no longer looks normal, because of the many, many incomplete passes.

Next, you will make a histogram for each pass_depth_air_yards value. We will show you how to create the short pass in Python (Figure 2-3) and the long pass in R (Figure 2-4).

In Python, change the theme to be colorblind for the palette option and use a whitegrid option to create plots similar to ggplot2’s black-and-white theme:

## Python
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid", palette="colorblind")

Next, filter out the short passes:

## Python
pbp_py_p_short = 
    .query('pass_length_air_yards == "short"')

Then create a histogram and use set_axis_labels to change the plot’s labels, making it look better, as shown in Figure 2-3:

## Python
# Plot, change labels, and then show the output
pbp_py_hist_short = 
        "Yards gained (or lost) during a passing play", "Count"
Figure 2-3. Refined histogram in Python using seaborn for the passing_yards variable

In R, filter out the long passes and make the plot look better by adding labels to the x- and y-axes and using the black-and-white theme (theme_bw()), creating Figure 2-4:

## R
pbp_r_p |>
    filter(pass_length_air_yards == "long") |>
    ggplot(aes(passing_yards)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) +
    ylab("Count") +
    xlab("Yards gained (or lost) during passing plays on long passes") +
Figure 2-4. Refined histogram in R using ggplot2 for the passing_yards variable

We will use the black-and-white theme, theme_bw(), for the remainder of the book as the default for R plots, and sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid", palette="colorblind") for Python plots. We like these themes because we think they look better on paper.

These histograms represent pictorially what you saw numerically in “Summarizing Data”. Specifically, shorter passes have fewer variable outcomes than longer passes. You can do the same thing with EPA and find similar results. For the rest of the chapter, we will stick with passing YPA for our examples, with EPA per pass attempt included within the exercises for you to do on your own.


Notice that ggplot2, and, more broadly, R, work well with piping objects and avoids intermediate objects. In contrast, Python works well by saving intermediate objects. Both approaches have trade-offs. For example, saving intermediate objects allows you to see the output of intermediate steps of your plotting. In contrast, rewriting the same object name can be tedious. These contrasting approaches represent a philosophical difference between the two languages. Neither is inherently right or wrong, and both have trade-offs.


Histograms allow people to see the distribution of data points. However, histograms can be cumbersome, especially when exploring many variables. Boxplots are a compromise between histograms and numerical summaries (see Table 2-1 for the numerical values). Boxplots get their name from the rectangular box containing the middle 50% of the sorted data; the line in the middle of the box is the median, so half of the sorted data falls above the line, and half of the data falls under the line.

Some people call boxplots box-and-whisker plots because lines extend above and under the box. These whiskers contain the remainder of the data other than outliers. Boxplots in both seaborn and ggplot use a default for outliers to be points that are more than 1.5 times the interquartile range (the range between the 25th and 75th percentiles)—either greater than the third quartile or less than the first quartile. These outliers are plotted with dots.

Table 2-1. Parts of a boxplot
Part nameRange of data

Top dots

Outliers above the data

Top whisker

100% to 75% of data, excluding outliers

Top portion of the box

75% to 50% of data

Line in the middle of the box

50% of data

Bottom portion of the box

50% to 25% of data

Bottom whisker

25% to 0% of data, excluding outliers

Bottom dots

Outliers under the data

Various types of outliers exist. Outliers may be problem data points (for example, somebody entered –10 yards when they meant 10 yards), but they often exist as parts of the data. Understanding the reasons behind these data points often provides keen insights to the data because outliers reflect the best and worst outcomes and may have interesting stories behind the points. Unless outliers exist because of errors (such as the wrong data being entered), outliers usually should be included in the data used to train models.


We place a semicolon (;) after the Python plot commands to suppress text descriptions of the plot. These semicolons are optional and simply a preference of the authors.

In Python, use the boxplot() function from seaborn and change the axes labels to create Figure 2-5:

## Python
pass_boxplot = 
    xlabel="Pass length (long >= 20 yards, short < 20 yards)",
    ylabel="Yards gained (or lost) during a passing play",
Figure 2-5. Boxplot of yards gained from long and short air-yard passes (seaborn)

In R, use geom_boxplot() with ggplot2 to create Figure 2-6:

## R
ggplot(pbp_r_p, aes(x = pass_length_air_yards, y = passing_yards)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab("Pass length in yards (long >= 20 yards, short < 20 yards)") +
    ylab("Yards gained (or lost) during a passing play")
Figure 2-6. Boxplot of yards gained from long and short air-yard passes (ggplot2)

Player-Level Stability of Passing Yards per Attempt

Now that you’ve become acquainted with our data, it’s time to use it for player evaluation. The first thing you have to do is aggregate across a prespecified time frame to get a value for each player. While week-level outputs certainly matter, especially for fantasy football and betting (see Chapter 7), most of the time when teams are thinking about trying to acquire a player, they use season-level data (or sometimes data over many seasons).

Thus, you aggregate at the season level here, by using the grouby() syntax in Python or group_by() syntax in R. The group by concept borrows from SQL-type database languages. When thinking about the process here, group by may be thought of as a verb. For example, you use the play-by-play data and then group by the seasons and then aggregate (in Python) or summarize (in R) to calculate the mean of the quarterback’s passing YPA.

For this problem, take the play-by-play dataframe (pbp_py or pbp_r) and then group by passer_player_name, passer_player_id, season, and pass_length. Group by both the player ID and the player name column because some players have the same name (or at least same first initial and last name), but the name is important for studying the results of the analysis. Start with the whole dataset first before transitioning to the subsets.

In Python, use groupby() with a list of the variables (["item1", "item2"] in Python syntax) that you want to group by. Then aggregate the data for passing_yards for the mean:

## Python
pbp_py_p_s = 
    .groupby(["passer_id", "passer", "season"])
    .agg({"passing_yards": ["mean", "count"]})

With Python, also collapse the columns to make the dataframe easier to handle (list() creates a list, map() iterates over items, like a for loop without the loop syntax—see Chapter 7 details on for loops):

## Python
pbp_py_p_s.columns = list(map("_".join, pbp_py_p_s.columns.values))

Next, rename the columns to names that are shorter and more intuitive:

    .rename(columns={'passing_yards_mean': 'ypa',
                     'passing_yards_count': 'n'},

In R, pipe pbp_p to the group_by() function and then use the summarize() function to calculate the mean() of passing_yards, as well as to calculate the number, n() of passing attempts for each player in each season. Include .groups = "drop" to tell R to drop the groupings from the resulting dataframe. The resulting mean of passing_yards is the YPA, which is a quarterback’s average passing distance per play. Use the <- function to save the resulting calculations as a new dataframe, pbp_r_p_s:

## R
pbp_r_p_s <-
    pbp_r_p |>
    group_by(passer_player_name, passer_player_id, season) |>
        ypa = mean(passing_yards, na.rm = TRUE),
        n = n(),
        .groups = "drop"

Now look at the top of the resulting dataframe by using head() in Python and then sort() by ypa to help you better see the results. The ascending=False option tells Python to sort high to low (for example, arranging the values as 9, 8, 7) rather than low to high (for example, arranging the values as 7, 8, 9):

## Python
    .sort_values(by=["ypa"], ascending=False)

Resulting in:

                              ypa  n
passer_id  passer    season
00-0035544 T.Kennedy 2021    75.0  1
00-0033132 K.Byard   2018    66.0  1
00-0031235 O.Beckham 2018    53.0  2
00-0030669 A.Wilson  2018    52.0  1
00-0029632 M.Sanu    2017    51.0  1

In R, use arrange() with ypa to sort the outputs. The negative sign () tells R to reverse the order (for example, 7, 8, 9 becomes 9, 8, 7 when sorted):

## R
pbp_r_p_s |>
    arrange(-ypa) |>

Resulting in:

# A tibble: 746 × 5
   passer_player_name passer_player_id season   ypa     n
   <chr>              <chr>             <dbl> <dbl> <int>
 1 T.Kennedy          00-0035544         2021    75     1
 2 K.Byard            00-0033132         2018    66     1
 3 O.Beckham          00-0031235         2018    53     2
 4 A.Wilson           00-0030669         2018    52     1
 5 M.Sanu             00-0029632         2017    51     1
 6 C.McCaffrey        00-0033280         2018    50     1
 7 W.Snead            00-0030663         2016    50     1
 8 T.Boyd             00-0033009         2021    46     1
 9 R.Golden           00-0028954         2017    44     1
10 J.Crowder          00-0031941         2020    43     1
# ℹ 736 more rows

Now this isn’t really informative yet, since the players with the highest YPA values are players who threw a pass or two (usually a trick play) that were completed for big yardage. Fix this by filtering for a certain number of passing attempts in a season (let’s say 100) and see what you get.

Appendix C contains more tips and tricks for data wrangling if you need more help understanding what is going on with this code. In Python, reuse pbp_py_p_s and the previous code, but include a query() for players with 100 or more pass attempts by using 'n >= 100':

## Python
pbp_py_p_s_100 = 
    .query("n >= 100")
    .sort_values(by=["ypa"], ascending=False)

Now, look at the head of the data:

## Python

Resulting in:

                                      ypa    n
passer_id  passer        season
00-0023682 R.Fitzpatrick 2018    9.617886  246
00-0026143 M.Ryan        2016    9.442155  631
00-0029701 R.Tannehill   2019    9.069971  343
00-0033537 D.Watson      2020    8.898524  542
00-0036212 T.Tagovailoa  2022    8.892231  399

In R, group by the same variables and then summarize—this time including the number of observations per group with n(). Keep piping the results and filter for passers with 100 or more (n >= 100) passes and arrange the output:

## R
pbp_r_p_100 <-
    pbp_r_p |>
    group_by(passer_id, passer, season) |>
        n = n(), ypa = mean(passing_yards),
        .groups = "drop"
    ) |>
    filter(n >= 100) |>

Then print the top 20 results:

## R
pbp_r_p_100 |>
    print(n = 20)

Which results in:

# A tibble: 300 × 5
   passer_id  passer        season     n   ypa
   <chr>      <chr>          <dbl> <int> <dbl>
 1 00-0023682 R.Fitzpatrick   2018   246  9.62
 2 00-0026143 M.Ryan          2016   631  9.44
 3 00-0029701 R.Tannehill     2019   343  9.07
 4 00-0033537 D.Watson        2020   542  8.90
 5 00-0036212 T.Tagovailoa    2022   399  8.89
 6 00-0031345 J.Garoppolo     2017   176  8.86
 7 00-0033873 P.Mahomes       2018   651  8.71
 8 00-0036442 J.Burrow        2021   659  8.67
 9 00-0026498 M.Stafford      2019   289  8.65
10 00-0031345 J.Garoppolo     2021   511  8.50
11 00-0033319 N.Mullens       2018   270  8.43
12 00-0033537 D.Watson        2017   202  8.41
13 00-0033077 D.Prescott      2020   221  8.40
14 00-0034869 S.Darnold       2022   137  8.34
15 00-0037834 B.Purdy         2022   233  8.34
16 00-0029604 K.Cousins       2020   513  8.31
17 00-0031345 J.Garoppolo     2019   532  8.28
18 00-0025708 M.Moore         2016   122  8.28
19 00-0033873 P.Mahomes       2019   596  8.28
20 00-0020531 D.Brees         2017   606  8.26
# i 280 more rows

Even the most astute of you probably didn’t expect the Harvard-educated Ryan Fitzpatrick’s season as Jameis Winston’s backup to appear at the top of this list. You do see the MVP seasons of Matt Ryan (2016) and Patrick Mahomes (2018), and a bunch of quarterbacks (including Matt Ryan) coached by the great Kyle Shanahan.

Deep Passes Versus Short Passes

Now, down to the business of the chapter, testing the second part of the hypothesis: “Throwing deep passes is more valuable than short passes, but it’s difficult to say whether or not a quarterback is good at deep passes.” For this stability analysis, do the following steps:

  1. Calculate the YPA for each passer for each season.

  2. Calculate the YPA for each passer for the previous season.

  3. Look at the correlation from the values calculated in steps 1 and 2 to see the stability.

Use similar code as before, but include pass_length_air_yards with the group by commands to include pass yards. With this operation, naming becomes hard.

We have you use the dataset (play-by-play, pbp), the language (either Python, _py, or R, _r), passing plays (_p), seasons data (_s), and finally, pass length (_pl).

For both languages, you will create a copy of the dataframe and then shift the year by adding 1. Then you’ll merge the new dataframe with the original dataframe. This will let you have the current and previous year’s values.


Longer names are tedious, but we have found unique names to be important so that you can quickly search through code by using tools like Find and Replace (which are found in most code editors) to see what is occurring with your code (with Find) or change names (with Replace).

In Python, create pbp_r_p_s_pl, using several steps. First, group by and aggregate to get the mean and count:

## Python
pbp_py_p_s_pl = 
    .groupby(["passer_id", "passer", "season", "pass_length_air_yards"])
    .agg({"passing_yards": ["mean", "count"]})

Next, flatten the column names and rename passing_yards_mean to ypa and passing_yards_count to n in order to have shorter names that are easier to work with:

## Python
pbp_py_p_s_pl.columns =
    list(map("_".join, pbp_py_p_s_pl.columns.values))
    .rename(columns={'passing_yards_mean': 'ypa',
                     'passing_yards_count': 'n'},

Next, reset the index:

## Python

Select only short-passing data from passers with more than 100 such plays and long-passing data for passers with more than 30 such plays:

## Python
q_value = (
    '(n >= 100 & ' +
     'pass_length_air_yards == "short") | ' +
     '(n >= 30 & ' +
     'pass_length_air_yards == "long")'
pbp_py_p_s_pl = pbp_py_p_s_pl.query(q_value).reset_index()

Then create a list of columns to save (cols_save) and a new dataframe with only these columns (air_yards_py). Include a .copy() so edits will not be passed back to the original dataframe:

## Python
cols_save =
    ["passer_id", "passer", "season",
     "pass_length_air_yards", "ypa"]
air_yards_py =

Next, copy air_yards_py to create air_yards_lag_py. Take the current season value and add 1 by using the shortcut command += and rename the passing_yards_mean to include lag (which refers to the one-year offset or delay between the two years):

## Python
air_yards_lag_py =
air_yards_lag_py["season"] += 1
    .rename(columns={'ypa': 'ypa_last'},

Finally, merge() the two dataframes together to create air_yards_both_py and use an inner join so only shared years will be saved and join on passer_id, passer, season, and pass_length_air_yards:

## Python
pbp_py_p_s_pl =
           on=['passer_id', 'passer',
               'season', 'pass_length_air_yards'])

Check the results of your choice in Python by examining a couple of quarterbacks of your choice such as Tom Brady (T.Brady) and Aaron Rodgers (A.Rodgers) and include only the necessary columns to have an easier-to-view dataframe:

## Python
    pbp_py_p_s_pl[["pass_length_air_yards", "passer",
                    "season", "ypa", "ypa_last"]]
    .query('passer == "T.Brady" | passer == "A.Rodgers"')
    .sort_values(["passer", "pass_length_air_yards", "season"])

Resulting in:

   pass_length_air_yards     passer  season        ypa   ypa_last
47                  long  A.Rodgers    2019  12.092593  12.011628
49                  long  A.Rodgers    2020  16.097826  12.092593
51                  long  A.Rodgers    2021  14.302632  16.097826
53                  long  A.Rodgers    2022  10.312500  14.302632
45                 short  A.Rodgers    2017   6.041475   6.693523
46                 short  A.Rodgers    2018   6.697446   6.041475
48                 short  A.Rodgers    2019   6.207224   6.697446
50                 short  A.Rodgers    2020   6.718447   6.207224
52                 short  A.Rodgers    2021   6.777083   6.718447
54                 short  A.Rodgers    2022   6.239130   6.777083
0                   long    T.Brady    2017  13.264706  15.768116
2                   long    T.Brady    2018  10.232877  13.264706
4                   long    T.Brady    2019  10.828571  10.232877
6                   long    T.Brady    2020  12.252101  10.828571
8                   long    T.Brady    2021  12.242424  12.252101
10                  long    T.Brady    2022  10.802469  12.242424
1                  short    T.Brady    2017   7.071429   7.163022
3                  short    T.Brady    2018   7.356452   7.071429
5                  short    T.Brady    2019   6.048276   7.356452
7                  short    T.Brady    2020   6.777600   6.048276
9                  short    T.Brady    2021   6.634697   6.777600
11                 short    T.Brady    2022   5.832168   6.634697

We suggest using at least two players to check your code. For example, Tom Brady is the first player by passer_id, and looking at only his values might not show a mistake that does not affect the first player in the dataframe.

In R, similar steps are taken to create pbp_r_p_s_pl. First, create air_yards_r by selecting the columns needed and arrange the dataframe:

## R
air_yards_r <-
    pbp_r_p |>
    select(passer_id, passer, season,
           pass_length_air_yards, passing_yards) |>
    arrange(passer_id, season,
            pass_length_air_yards) |>
    group_by(passer_id, passer,
             pass_length_air_yards, season) |>
    summarize(n = n(),
              ypa = mean(passing_yards),
              .groups = "drop") |>
    filter((n >= 100 & pass_length_air_yards == "short") |
           (n >= 30 & pass_length_air_yards == "long")) |>

Next, create the lag dataframe including a mutate to the seasons and add 1:

## R
air_yards_lag_r <-
    air_yards_r |>
    mutate(season = season + 1) |>
    rename(ypa_last = ypa)

Last, join the dataframes to create pbp_r_p_s_pl:

## R
pbp_r_p_s_pl <-
    air_yards_r |>
              by = c("passer_id", "pass_length_air_yards",
                     "season", "passer"))

Check the results in R by examining passers of your choice such as Tom Brady (T.Brady) and Aaron Rodgers (A.Rodgers):

## R
pbp_r_p_s_pl |>
    filter(passer %in% c("T.Brady", "A.Rodgers")) |>
    print(n = Inf)

Which results in:

# A tibble: 22 × 6
   passer_id  passer    pass_length_air_yards season   ypa ypa_last
   <chr>      <chr>     <chr>                  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 00-0019596 T.Brady   long                    2017 13.3     15.8
 2 00-0019596 T.Brady   long                    2018 10.2     13.3
 3 00-0019596 T.Brady   long                    2019 10.8     10.2
 4 00-0019596 T.Brady   long                    2020 12.3     10.8
 5 00-0019596 T.Brady   long                    2021 12.2     12.3
 6 00-0019596 T.Brady   long                    2022 10.8     12.2
 7 00-0019596 T.Brady   short                   2017  7.07     7.16
 8 00-0019596 T.Brady   short                   2018  7.36     7.07
 9 00-0019596 T.Brady   short                   2019  6.05     7.36
10 00-0019596 T.Brady   short                   2020  6.78     6.05
11 00-0019596 T.Brady   short                   2021  6.63     6.78
12 00-0019596 T.Brady   short                   2022  5.83     6.63
13 00-0023459 A.Rodgers long                    2019 12.1     12.0
14 00-0023459 A.Rodgers long                    2020 16.1     12.1
15 00-0023459 A.Rodgers long                    2021 14.3     16.1
16 00-0023459 A.Rodgers long                    2022 10.3     14.3
17 00-0023459 A.Rodgers short                   2017  6.04     6.69
18 00-0023459 A.Rodgers short                   2018  6.70     6.04
19 00-0023459 A.Rodgers short                   2019  6.21     6.70
20 00-0023459 A.Rodgers short                   2020  6.72     6.21
21 00-0023459 A.Rodgers short                   2021  6.78     6.72
22 00-0023459 A.Rodgers short                   2022  6.24     6.78

We use the philosophy “Assume your code is wrong until you have convinced yourself it is correct.” Hence, we often peek at our code to make sure we understand what the code is doing versus what we think the code is doing. Practically, this means following the advice of former US President Ronald Reagan: “Trust but verify” your code.

The dataframes you’ve created (either pbp_py_p_s_pl in Python or pbp_r_p_s_pl in R) now contain six columns. Look at the info() for the dataframe in Python:

## Python

Resulting in:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 317 entries, 0 to 316
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------                 --------------  -----
 0   passer_id              317 non-null    object
 1   passer                 317 non-null    object
 2   season                 317 non-null    int64
 3   pass_length_air_yards  317 non-null    object
 4   ypa                    317 non-null    float64
 5   ypa_last               317 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 15.0+ KB

Or glimpse() at the dataframe in R:

## R
pbp_r_p_s_pl |>

Resulting in:

Rows: 317
Columns: 6
$ passer_id             <chr> "00-0019596", "00-0019596", "00-0019596", "00-00…
$ passer                <chr> "T.Brady", "T.Brady", "T.Brady", "T.Brady", "T.B…
$ pass_length_air_yards <chr> "long", "long", "long", "long", "long", "long", …
$ season                <dbl> 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2017, 2018, …
$ ypa                   <dbl> 13.264706, 10.232877, 10.828571, 12.252101, 12.2…
$ ypa_last              <dbl> 15.768116, 13.264706, 10.232877, 10.828571, 12.2…

The six columns contain the following data:

  • passer_id is the unique passer identification number for the player.

  • passer is the (potentially) nonunique first initial and last name for the passer.

  • pass_length_air_yards is the type of pass (either long or short) you defined earlier.

  • season is the final season in the season pair (e.g., season being 2017 means you’re comparing 2016 and 2017).

  • ypa is the yards per attempt during the stated season (e.g., 2017 in the previous example).

  • ypa_last is the yards per attempt during the season previous to the stated season (e.g., 2016 in the previous example).

Now that we’ve reminded ourselves what’s in the data, let’s dig in and see how many quarterbacks you have. With Python, use the passer_id column and find the unique() values and then find the length of this object:

## Python

Resulting in:


With R, use the (distinct) function with passer_id and then see how many rows exist:

## R
pbp_r_p_s_pl |>
    distinct(passer_id) |>

Resulting in:

[1] 65

You now have a decent sample size of quarterbacks. You can plot this data by using a scatterplot. Scatterplots plot points on a figure, which is in contrast to histograms that plot bins of data and to boxplots that plot summaries of the data such as medians. Scatterplots allow you to “see” the data directly. The horizontal axis is called the x-axis and typically includes the predictor, or causal, variable, if one exists. The vertical axis is called the y-axis and typically includes the response, or effect, variables, if one exists. With our example, you will use the YPA from the previous year as the predictor for YPA in the current year. Plot this in R by using geom_point() and call this plot scatter_ypa_r and then print scatter_ypa_r to create Figure 2-7:

## R
scatter_ypa_r <-
    ggplot(pbp_r_p_s_pl, aes(x = ypa_last, y = ypa)) +
    geom_point() +
    facet_grid(cols = vars(pass_length_air_yards)) +
        x = "Yards per Attempt, Year n",
        y = "Yards per Attempt, Year n + 1"
    ) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(strip.background = element_blank())

Figure 2-7. Stability of YPA plotted with ggplot2. Notice that both sub-plots have the same x and y scales

Figure 2-7 is encouraging for short passes. It appears that quarterbacks who are good on short passes in one year are good the following year, and vice versa. Notice that the long passes are much more unwieldy. To help you better examine these trends, include a line of best fit to the data (this is why we had you save scatter_ypa_r, so that you could reuse the plot here) to create Figure 2-8:

## R
# add geom_smooth() to the previously saved plot
scatter_ypa_r +
    geom_smooth(method = "lm")
Figure 2-8. Stability of YPA plotted with ggplot2 and including a trend line

For both pass types, the lines in Figure 2-8 have a slightly positive slope (the lines are increasing across the plot), but this is hard to see. To obtain this estimate using the correlations, look at the numerical values:

## R
pbp_r_p_s_pl |>
    filter(! & ! |>
    group_by(pass_length_air_yards) |>
    summarize(correlation = cor(ypa, ypa_last))

Resulting in:

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  pass_length_air_yards correlation
  <chr>                       <dbl>
1 long                        0.234
2 short                       0.438

These figures and analyses may be repeated in Python to create Figure 2-9:

## Python
Figure 2-9. Stability of YPA plotted with seaborn and including a trend line

Likewise, the correlation can be obtained by using pandas as well:

## Python
    .query("ypa.notnull() & ypa_last.notnull()")
    .groupby("pass_length_air_yards")[["ypa", "ypa_last"]]

Resulting in:

                                     ypa  ypa_last
long                  ypa       1.000000  0.233890
                      ypa_last  0.233890  1.000000
short                 ypa       1.000000  0.438479
                      ypa_last  0.438479  1.000000

The Pearson’s correlation coefficient numerically captures what Figures 2-8 and 2-9 show.

While both datasets include a decent amount of noise, vis-à-vis Pearson’s correlation coefficient, a quarterback’s performance on shorter passes is twice as stable as on longer passes. Thus, you can confirm the second part of the guiding hypothesis of the chapter: “Throwing deep passes is more valuable than short passes, but it’s difficult to say whether or not a quarterback is good at deep passes.”


A Pearson’s correlation coefficient can vary from –1 to 1. In the case of stability, a number closer to +1 implies strong, positive correlations and more stability, and a number closer to 0 implies weak correlations at best (and an unstable measure). A Pearson’s correlation coefficient of –1 implies a decreasing correlation and does not exist for stability but would mean a high value this year would be correlated with a low value next year.

So, What Should We Do with This Insight?

Generally speaking, noisy data is a place to look for players (or teams or units within teams) that have pop-up seasons that are not likely to repeat themselves. A baseball player who sees a 20-point jump in his average based on a higher batting average on balls in play (BABIP) one year might be someone you want to avoid rostering in fantasy or real baseball. Similarly, a weaker quarterback who generates a high YPA (or EPA per pass attempt) on deep passes one year—without a corresponding increase in such metrics on shorter passes, the more stable of the two—might be what analysts call a regression candidate.

For example, let’s look at the leaderboard for 2017 deep passing YPA in Python:

## Python
        'pass_length_air_yards == "long" & season == 2017'
        )[["passer_id", "passer", "ypa"]]
    .sort_values(["ypa"], ascending=False)

Resulting in:

      passer_id      passer        ypa
41   00-0023436     A.Smith  19.338235
79   00-0026498  M.Stafford  17.830769
12   00-0020531     D.Brees  16.632353
191  00-0032950     C.Wentz  13.555556
33   00-0022942    P.Rivers  13.347826
0    00-0019596     T.Brady  13.264706
129  00-0029604   K.Cousins  12.847458
114  00-0029263    R.Wilson  12.738636
203  00-0033077  D.Prescott  12.585366
109  00-0028986    C.Keenum  11.904762

Some good names are on this list (Drew Brees, Tom Brady, Russell Wilson) but also some so-so names. Let’s look at the same list in 2018:

## Python
        'pass_length_air_yards == "long" & season == 2018'
        )[["passer_id", "passer", "ypa"]]
    .sort_values(["ypa"], ascending=False)

Resulting in:

      passer_id      passer        ypa
116  00-0029263    R.Wilson  15.597403
14   00-0020531     D.Brees  14.903226
205  00-0033077  D.Prescott  14.771930
214  00-0033106      J.Goff  14.445946
35   00-0022942    P.Rivers  14.357143
157  00-0031280      D.Carr  14.339286
188  00-0032268   M.Mariota  13.941176
64   00-0026143      M.Ryan  13.465753
193  00-0032950     C.Wentz  13.222222
24   00-0022803   E.Manning  12.941176

Alex Smith, who was long thought of as a dink-and-dunk specialist, dropped off this list completely. He led the league in passer rating in 2017, before being traded by Kansas City to Washington for a third-round pick and star cornerback Kendall Fuller (there’s a team that knows how to sell high!).

While the list includes some repeats or YPA on deep passes, many new names emerge. Specifically, if you filter for Matt Ryan’s name in the dataset, you’ll find that he averaged 17.7 YPA on deep passes in 2016 (when he won NFL MVP). In 2017, that value fell to 8.5, then rose back up to 13.5 in 2018. Did Ryan’s ability drastically change during these three years, or was he subject to significant statistical variability? The math would suggest the latter. In fantasy football or betting, he would have been a sell-high candidate in 2017 and a buy-low candidate in 2018 as a result.

Data Science Tools Used in This Chapter

This chapter covered the following topics:

  • Obtaining data from multiple seasons by using the nflfastR package either directly in R or via the nfl_data_py package in Python

  • Changing columns based on conditions by using where in Python or ifelse() statements in R

  • Using describe() for data with pandas or summarize() for data in R

  • Reordering values by using sort_by() in Python or arrange() in R

  • Calculating the difference between years by using merge() in Python or join() in R


  1. Create the same histograms as in “Histograms” but for EPA per pass attempt.

  2. Create the same boxplots as in “Histograms” but for EPA per pass attempt.

  3. Perform the same stability analysis as in “Player-Level Stability of Passing Yards per Attempt”, but for EPA per pass attempt. Do you see the same qualitative results as when you use YPA? Do any players have similar YPA numbers one year to the next but have drastically different EPA per pass attempt numbers across years? Where could this come from?

  4. One of the reasons that data for long pass attempts is less stable than short pass attempts is that there are fewer of them, which is largely a product of 20 yards being an arbitrary cutoff for long passes (by companies like PFF). Find a cutoff that equally splits the data and perform the same analysis. Do the results stay the same?

Suggested Readings

If you want to learn more about plotting, here are some resources that we found helpful:

  • The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte (Graphics Press, 2001). This book is a classic on how to think about data. The book does not contain code but instead shows how to see information for data. The guidance in the book is priceless.

  • The ggplot2 package documentation. For those of you using R, this is the place to start to learn more about ggplot2. The page includes beginner resources and links to advanced resources. The page also includes examples that are great to browse.

  • The seaborn package documentation. For those of you using Python, this is the place to start for learning more about seaborn. The page includes beginner resources and links to advanced resources. The page also includes examples that are great to browse. The gallery on this page is especially helpful when trying to think about how to visualize data.

  • ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis, 3rd edition, by Hadley Wickham et al. (Springer). The third edition is currently under development and accessible online. This book explains how ggplot2 works in great detail but also provides a good method for thinking about plotting data using words. You can become an expert in ggplot2 by reading this book while analyzing and tweaking each line of code presented. But this is not necessarily an easy route.

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