
Active management, 8

Behavioral theories, 6, 7

Boss look good, 41, 42

Boss’s ideas, 41

Communicate, 36


caring, 44

concise, 45, 46

straightforward, 46

truthful, 46, 47

Contingency theories, 6, 7

Contingent rewards, 8

Differentiate yourself, 3840

Effective communication, 36

The Elements of Euclid (Heath, Sir Thomas), 10

Existence, relatedness, and growth (ERG) theory, 21

Flexible, 37, 38

Followership, 1

Followership theory

competencies and components, 15, 16

dimensions of, 14

potential leader, 17, 18

styles of, 13

successful followership, 12

Gossip, workplace environment, 40

Great man theory, 4, 5

Idealized influence, 9

Imagination, 4951

Independent thinking, 52, 53

Individualized consideration, 10


imagination, 4951

independent thinking, 52, 53

inspiration, 51, 52

Inspiration, 51, 52

Inspirational motivation, 9

Intellectual stimulation, 9

Job, preparation for

competency, 20

interpretation, 3133

motivation, 2031

Job well, 41

Laissez-faire, 8

Leadership theory, 14

Make the Right Career Move (Canter, Rachelle J.), 19

Manage expectations, 35, 36

Management theories, 8

Motivating Yourself for Achievement (Bell and Smith), 23

Negative thinking, 61, 62

Passive management, 8

Path-goal theory, 6

Pay attention, 38

Positive attitude, 36, 37

annoying and cheesy, 64

control, 56

embrace life, 58

focus on present, 59

grateful, 61

learning, 61

“library” of, 57

love yourself, 59

meaningful way, 60, 61

negative thinking, 61, 62

perfection, 60

positive language, 60

positive people, 60

positive vocabulary, 57, 58

positive way, 56, 57

powerful, 58

qualify, 59

reactions, 58

reality, 62, 63

real world, 63, 64

stay cool, 59

whiners and complainers, 57

wish, 62

Positive vocabulary, 57, 58

Problem solving

algorithm, 73

analytical and critical thinking skills, 71

decision making, 72

evaluate the problem, 72

generate and test, 75

heuristics, 73, 74

hill-climbing strategy, 75, 76

insight, 74

manage the problem, 72

mental imagery, 77

reasoning, 77

resolve the problem, 72, 73

subproblems strategy, 76

trial-and-error, 74

working backwards, 76


definitions, 65

honesty, 65, 66

integrity, 66

personal responsibility, 6669

Self-motivated, 37

Skills up-to-date, 37

Squad leader, 4

Team Building: Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance (Dyer, William G.), 82

Team player, 37


communication, 80

hard work, 8183

listening, 79

patience, 81

relationships, 80

sharing, 80

support, 81

willingness to accept, 80, 81

Trait theories, 5, 6

Transactional theory, 8

Transformational theory, 9, 10

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