Understanding What Is Required

In a new job or even in your current situation, it can often be difficult to know for sure what is required of you by the organization. More often than not, the human resources department will have an orientation to help individuals become acclimated to the culture of the organization. However, the very best way to find out anything is to ask questions.

In order to find out what is expected on the job, ask questions of your coworkers about your boss. Coworkers can tell you how the boss wants you to respond to his or her job requirements. This all depends upon which type of organization you are associated with. When asking questions of your manager, make sure you are illuminating their requirements of you, and the questions are designed to help you understand what they are expecting from you.

Not many businesses define specifically what management expects of their employees.1 The company may provide you with the outcome—like “get the work done by five.” But what is the work that must be done by five? If possible, you should ask for a specific set of expectations for both production and culture. Sara Nichols, vice president of finance for Kforce, provides 10 ways you can meet and exceed your boss’s expectations and standout as an exceptional employee.2 Those 10 items are stated next.

Manage Expectations

While it is important to focus on ways to meet and exceed your boss’s expectations, first and foremost, your boss will likely want you to manage his or her expectations efficiently. Take the time to understand what the boss expects when it comes to project deadlines and deliverables. By frequently communicating with the boss about his or her expectations around the nature and timing of deliverables, the likelihood of exceeding those expectations can dramatically increase.


Whether it is verbal or written, expressing ideas, deadlines, and other messages to your boss efficiently is a must. Effective communication skills can differentiate you as a professional and help your boss gain confidence in your ability to take on new roles and responsibilities. When communicating with the boss, both online and in-person, it is important to craft well-thought-out, concise messages. When crafting your communication, think about the perception you are trying to create and choose your tone and words accordingly.

Ask Questions

In addition to effective communication, it is also important to know when to ask questions. Nichols suggests asking the boss, and even another team member, about additional details regarding project requirements or possible strategies to implement on a new assignment. After you have asked the question, it is vital to listen to the answer. If you ask a question and do not know the answer, be sure to ask clarifying questions until you understand. You cannot come up with a thoughtful solution for a situation if you do not understand the problem. “If your boss notices that you are asking thoughtful questions, they are likely to see you as a crucial contributor to the team who can add value,” says Nichols. Just remember to listen to the feedback provided.

Display a Positive Attitude

It is expected that some days at work can be challenging or stressful, when meeting deadlines or working on a budget. However, Nichols says a positive attitude is a must-have when it comes to building a successful team, and it is important to stay optimistic and encouraging in even the most difficult of circumstances. From the moment you meet someone, take notice of their approach. A positive attitude is a key quality that can demonstrate strength of character and can win the respect of your coworkers by making you someone with whom it is easy to do business.

Be a Team Player

Just as it is important to display a positive attitude, most employers appreciate those professionals who are good listeners that work well with others and contribute to the team effort.

All employees should be working toward the same goal, whether that means generating revenue or promoting a positive image of the company. Those employees who align their own goals to the team’s goals are likely to be noticed by management.

Become Self-motivated

With little direction, self-motivated employees are the go-getters that take the lead on assignments or research details before important meetings. Be the kind of self-starter that can help your boss save time and allow them to focus on other areas. Employees who routinely rise to new challenges, and demonstrate a high degree of self-motivation, tend to get recognized when the opportunity for advancement is presented.

Keep Your Skills Up-to-Date

As technology evolves, so must professionals. Whether it is the latest version of the software or regulatory changes, Nichols says most bosses will expect their employees to keep their professional skills up-to-date. Staying abreast of the latest developments in your industry can show continuous improvement and help you become a more efficient and effective employee.

Be Flexible

In addition to changes in technology, changes to the organization, goals, and project requirements are inevitable. While it may be a challenge for some, remaining flexible and adapting to these changes can be a crucial skill. Most importantly, she reminds employees to continue to maintain flexibility when changes occur in the workplace.

Pay Attention to Detail

When it comes to overseeing multiple projects, not all bosses may have the time to manage all the specifics. Employees who can pay attention to details and raise concerns may not only have the opportunity to earn the trust of their boss but be recognized for their efforts in spotting errors and correcting any inaccuracies.

Differentiate Yourself

Last but not least, identify what differentiates you professionally from the rest and make it a characteristic that your boss can depend on. Making small efforts such as routinely showing up to work early each day or consistently finding new, more efficient ways to accomplish everyday tasks can help you position yourself as a valuable resource to your boss and team. Nichols says that while many professionals may have the qualifications to do the job, differentiating yourself and what unique elements you can bring to the table will set you apart.

Implement the 10 aforementioned strategies, and you too can stand out as a star employee, an exemplary follower. It is your job to demonstrate to your boss that you can continue to add value to the team and its goals.3 Ask yourself each day how can I make my boss’s job easier? Then you can begin to meet and exceed his or her expectations.

Another item that is needed to be able to meet or exceed the boss’s expectations is courage. It is important for you to be courageous as an exemplary follower. Ultimately, there are no formulas for courage; we develop it through determination and practice, self-forgiveness when we fail, and growth when we learn.4 The act of courage implies that there is a risk involved. There is no need for courage in the absence of risk. An exemplary follower must balance the asking of questions without fear and the needs of providing security for one’s family.5 It may be prudent to develop contingency plans if the need arises.

If you are consistent at performing the day to day tasks of your job and are able to demonstrate the flexibility required to develop contingency plans, you are demonstrating one facet of being trustworthy. It is important for you as a follower to be reliable. There are several things you can do to show you are reliable.

Meet your deadlines and fulfill your responsibilities.6 You cannot expect your relationship to develop positively if you are not performing up to expectations. If you are having trouble keeping up with your workload, talk with your manager as soon as possible so you can work together to find a solution.

Know which of your tasks and responsibilities your manager sees as most critical for meeting your group’s goals.7 If you are not sure which of your responsibilities takes top priority, you may not be working as efficiently as possible. Schedule time with the manager if you are uncertain about his expectations; don’t assume you are on track because you have not heard otherwise.

Don’t wait for your manager to tell you what to do.8 Make his job easier and impress him by taking the initiative to do the things you are sure you need to do without being asked. You may also want to ask for long-term projects that you can work on when you have a lull in your regular assignments.

On a personal level, show friendliness and respect toward your manager.9 You do not have to be friends with your manager, but it can be easier to establish a comfortable working relationship when you add a more personal dimension. If your manager is receptive, occasionally ask about her family, hobbies, or what movies she has seen lately. Share some information about yourself, too.

Focus on solutions, not problems.10 Problems inevitably come up. By focusing on possible solutions rather than what went wrong, you will be presenting your manager with a proactive, positive approach that will likely be appreciated.

Be a team player.11 Helps to keep up your department’s morale by being a positive, productive team player. Remember that your manager has other employees to manage and other responsibilities of which you may not be aware. You can help make his job easier by trying to get along well with everyone on your team, offering support when needed, and being flexible about changes in work routines and assignments.

Help your manager succeed.12 Making your manager look good is one of the best things you can do to improve or strengthen your relationship. Keep in mind that your manager’s success is also good for your career. Look for ways that your skills can complement hers, so that you can help your manager succeed. For example, your manager may be a terrific public speaker, but not so great at using PowerPoint. If that is your strong suit, let your manager know that you are available to help with that. Similarly, be available to help your manager out in a pinch; managers appreciate people who can come to the rescue in a tight situation. Bosses also value those employees who demonstrate loyalty to them and the organization.

Loyalty is an important trait in an employee. A boss who recognizes your support can be a champion for your career and an excellent professional advocate for you. Being loyal to your boss does not mean covering for mistakes or being deceptive in any way. It means supporting your employer’s goals and objectives through your own work contributions. Loyalty also means the following topics.

Don’t Gossip13

The boss is often the topic of gossip in a workplace environment. Don’t participate in spreading rumors that speculate about your boss’s motives or otherwise engage in talking behind the boss’s back. Any time you participate in this kind of talk, your boss will hear of it and question your honesty, reliability, and professionalism. If you hear colleagues talking poorly about your boss, discourage the conversation, say something positive, or leave the conversation, so you are not associated with the behavior.

Back Up Your Boss14

Support your boss’s ideas among the employees. Offer positive comments in staff meetings and strive to support initiatives, either in word or action. Learn what your boss’s strategic objectives are and look for ways you can contribute to their success. If you can advance your boss’s agenda through your own work efforts, look for ways to do so. It creates a successful situation for both of you.

Do Your Job Well15

You are a reflection of your boss to upper management, and doing your job efficiently and professionally makes your boss look like a competent manager. Don’t miss deadlines or do sloppy work, especially if you are working on a task or project that will be a direct reflection of your boss or your staff. For example, if you are putting together financial data for a board meeting presentation, failure to complete your tasks on time will make your boss look out of control of the area.

Make the Boss Look Good16

Make your boss look good to others; such as, customers, clients, and the boss’s superiors. Acknowledge your manager’s contributions and give credit for ideas and concepts. If your boss takes time to mentor you and help you with your career advancement, say, “Thank you.” Express your loyalty through honest communication. If you decide to make a career move that takes you outside the company, be forthright about your decision so you can part on good terms.

The final item that is required in fulfilling obligations to the job and the organization is to be truthful.17 Honesty is vital to making practical changes and identifying who you are and what you want. When you lie about who you are or what you believe, you reinforce the idea that you need to pretend to be someone else or that you are not fundamentally “good enough.” Worse, you undermine virtually every other key principle for self-improvement because they are based on the premise that you have identified your authentic self and your goals. This is impossible to achieve if you are denying or deceiving yourself. Without the truth of who you are and what you want, you cannot have clarity in life, and you cannot achieve your dreams because you have no actual direction. Now that you understand what is required of you in order to become an exemplary follower what is next? You need to understand how to communicate effectively.

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