

AAD. See Azure Active Directory

access policies 215216

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 23

Active Directory Integrated 25

Active Directory Password Authentication 25

Active Directory Universal Authentication 25

ACUs. See Azure Compute Units

adaptive joins

batch mode 9

Add-AzureRmSqlServerKeyVaultKey cmdlet 139

ADFS. See Active Directory Federation Services

agent jobs 37

Agile methodology 7273

alerts 163164, 166171

associating with operators 169170

creating 166, 170

events generating 166

severity of 166167, 171

strategy for 171

Alerts and Operators nodes 163164

ALTER DATABASE statement 138, 174

ALTER INDEX statement 271

Always Encrypted

benefits of 106

configuration of 106123

implementing 120124

keys 106, 110112, 116, 119, 123

management considerations 123124

permissions 113114

AlwaysOn Availability Groups 36, 70, 8587

application logs 166

application permissions 107

ARM. See Azure Resource Manager

ASR. See Azure Site Recovery

ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait type 224


in Azure SQL Database 1617

authentication 23

Always Encrypted 107

multi-factor 23

Windows Authentication 24, 25

authenticators 127

automatic failover 2223

automatic tuning 79


of database maintenance tasks 258263


management of 3638

Availability Groups (AGs) 3638

AlwaysOn 36, 70, 8587

availability sets 9192


availability sets in 9192

backup and restore of 8184

disks in 4849

storage account 8182

virtual machines. See virtual machines (VMs)

Azure Active Directory (AAD) 2225

Azure Blob service 212216

Azure Command Line Interface (CLI) 11, 13, 208

firewall rules 102103

setting firewall rules using 15

Azure Compute Units (ACUs) 43

Azure Files 191

Azure Key Vault 80, 107, 111112, 115, 118, 120

Azure Portal 5, 29, 208

firewall rules 9799

Azure PowerShell

firewall rules 100101

installation 1415

Azure Recovery Services 19

Azure Recovery Vault 19

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) 4748, 7071

Azure Site Recovery (ASR) 87

Azure SLQ Database

deployment of

elastic pool configuration 2531

Azure SQL Database

auditing in 1617

automatic tuning 79

Azure Active Directory and 2325

backups 1820

benchmark information 7

changing service levels 1011

compatibility levels 811

connecting to, from inside Azure 16

deployment of 131

choosing service tier 212

creating servers and databases 1222

sysadmin role 2225

disaster recovery in 2021

high availability in 2021

performance tuning 79

secure access to 95137

Always Encrypted configuration 106123

cell-level encryption 123127

Dynamic Data Masking 127133

firewall rules 96105

transparent data encryption 135139

service tiers 218223

sizing 2

Threat Detection 1718

Azure storage

access keys 211

account overview 211

architecture 207208

blobs 212216

components 207208

configuration 207218

creating 209

files 216217

overview of 207208


backups 1820

automated 7980

Azure 8184

database 239240, 270271

differential 239, 270

frequency of 240

full 239, 270

location 56

restoring 19

storage 20

strategy for 239240, 270

system databases 270

to Azure Blob storage 58

transaction log 239, 270

Bash Shell 102

basic service tier 2, 3, 219

batch mode adaptive join 9

batch mode memory grant feedback 9

benchmark data 8789

binary collations 117

binary files 55

blobs 212216

Blob Service 82

Blob Storage Account 210

Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) 136137

bring your own license (BYOL) 3334

BYOK. See Bring Your Own Key


caching policy 58

cardinality estimation 162163

catalog views

Query Store 150

CEK. See column encryption key

cell-level encryption (CLE) 123127

central processing unit (CPU) 41

certificates 136

creation of 124

Check Database Integrity Task 267268

CHECKDB function 239, 268270, 272

checksum 270

CLE. See cell-level encryption

cloud computing 72

CMK. See column master key

cold data 195, 196, 205

collations 117

column encryption key (CEK) 106

column master key (CMK) 106

column statistics 264

compatibility level 140 811

Compatibility Level setting 180

compliance practices 16


Always Encrypted 106123

Azure storage 207218

cell-level encryption 123127

databases 179181

database scope 157163

Dynamic Data Masking 127133

elastic pools 2531

file shares 193

max server memory 154156

operators and alerts 163171

Power Plan 142

Query Store 149150

tempdb 183186

transparent data encryption 135139

configuration files 68

contained database users 37

continued standard service tier 219

core based licensing model 32

corruption, database 239, 269272

Cost Threshold for Parallelism 144146

CPU 41

CPU performance 140142

Create Certificate statement 124

Create New Database dialog 172


credit card masking 130

Cumulative Update (CU) 158

custom text masking 130131

CXPACKET wait type 223


DACPAC. See Data-Tier Application Package

database encryption key (DEK) 135

Database Engine Tuning Advisor 249, 256259

database files 171174

database-level firewall rules 104105

database maintenance 241273

automation of 258263

Database Engine Tuning Advisor 256259

indexes 249258

maintenance plans 259261, 267268

Maintenance Plan Wizard 249255

monitor DMVs 241249

PowerShell for 262263

recovery from database corruption 269272

update statistics 263266

verifying database integrity 266269

database master key 124125

Database Overview page 97

database performance settings 140154

missing index DMVs 151153

parallelism 143146

Power Plan 140142

Query Store 146151

Database Read-Only setting 179

databases. See also Azure SQL Database

automated deployment of 7377

backups 56, 84, 239240, 270271

bottlenecks 73

changing service levels 1112

compatibility levels 811

configuration 179181

corruption 239, 269272

creating 1222, 177181

firewall rules 1416, 96105

integrity of, verifying 266269

isolation of 218

recovery models 180181

shrinking 56

size of 11, 26

stretch 195205

system database files 181182

workload utilization 26

database scope

configuration 157163

Legacy Cardinality Estimation configuration setting 162163

Max DOP 157158

parameter sniffing 160162

Query Optimized Fixes configuration setting 158159

Database Transaction Units (DTUs) 2, 47, 219223

data compression 55

data definition language (DDL) 73

data disks

maximum number of 42

data encryption. See encryption

data file management 56

data files 58

Data-Tier Application Package (DACPAC) 7376

DBCC CHECKDB function 239, 268270, 271, 272

DecryptByKey function 126

default masks 130

defragmentation 250251

delayed durable transactions 179

deterministic encryption 116

developer edition 32

differential backups 239, 270

disaster recovery 20, 3638

Azure Site Recovery 87

disk caching 55

DiskSpeed 3940

disk usage 40

Distributed Replay 8789

DMFs. See dynamic management functions

DMVs. See dynamic management views

DS series 4445

DS_V2 series 45

DTUs. See Database Transaction Units

Dynamic Data Masking (DDM)

components 132

configuration 127133

using PowerShell 133134

using T-SQL 133

dynamic management functions (DMFs) 40

dynamic management views (DMVs) 40, 223, 224226

database 241242

execution 242245

index and I/O 245247

missing index 151153

monitoring 241249

transaction 247249


elastic Database Transaction Unit (eDTU) 2, 25

elastic jobs 3031

elastic pools

changing sizes of 30

configuration 2531

geo-replication and 31

sizing 2728

when to choose 2627

email masking 130

enclosure awareness 233

EncryptByKey function 125


Always Encrypted 106123

Bring Your Own Key 136137

cell-level 123127

deterministic 116

randomized 116, 117

symmetric 127128

transparent data 127, 135139

Enterprise Edition 32, 40

error messages 166167

ES_v3 series 44

existing applications

migration of 3436

Express Edition 32

ExpressRoute 84


failed storage

recovery from 238240


automatic 2223

Availability Groups 85

groups 22, 2223

process 21

Failover Cluster Instances 3638

fatal errors 166

File and Storage Services 229

filegroups 174176, 177

files 171174, 177178

Azure 191, 216217

primary data 172

secondary data 172

system database 181182

virtual log 178

file shares

configuration 193

creating 193

mounting 193194

viewing 194

file size 177178


rules 1416, 96105

database-level 104105

server-level 96103

troubleshooting 105106

fixed provisioning 234

fragmentation 177, 235, 250251

Free space in tempdb (KB) counter 168

Front-Ends 207

full backups 239, 270

FULL CONTROL permissions 191, 195


geo-redundant storage (GRS) 48

geo-replication 2021, 22, 135136

elastic pools and 31

Get-AzureRmSqlDatabaseDaaMaskingRule cmdlet 133

Get-AzureRmSqlDatabaseDataMaskingPolicy cmdlet 133

Get-AzureRmSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryptionActivity cmdlet 139

Get-AzureRmSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption cmdlet 138

Get-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule cmdlet 100

Get-AzureRmSqlServerKeyVaultKey cmdlet 139

Get-AzureRmSqlServerTransparentDataEncryptionProtector cmdlet 139

GitHub 72

GracePeriodWithDataLossHours parameter 22

GS series 46


hardware reliability 238

HashBytes function 127

high availability 20

management of 3638

hot data 195

hotfixes 158

hybrid network connections 8485


IaaS. See Infrastructure as a Service

indexes 7, 9091

analysis of 257258

DMVs 245247

fragmentation 250251

maintaining 249258

missing 151153

rebuilding 252255

reorganization of 252, 255

index statistics 264

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 2

installation of SQL Server on 6368

performance tuning 8991

INSERT INTO statement 134

instances. See SQL Server instances

instant file initialization 56

interleaved execution 9

Internal Load Balancer 86

internal objects 183

I/O Operations Per Second (IOPs) 39

I/O-related indexes 245

IP addresses 105

Is Read Committed Snapshot On setting 179


“just-in-time” allocation 235


latency 39

LCK_* wait type 223

Legacy Cardinality Estimation configuration setting 162163

licensing 3234

Location Service 207208

locked pages in memory 57

Locked Pages In Memory 154

log files 17, 56, 58, 178

logical file names 172

logical servers 1314

login-azurermaccount cmdlet 86

login issues 105

logins 24


maintenance plans 259261, 267268

Maintenance Plan Wizard 249254, 259, 267

managed disks 48, 227228

masking functions 132

masking policy 133134

masking rules 128130, 132, 134

master keys 118, 119, 124125

Maximum Degree of Parallelism (MaxDOP) 143146, 157158

maximum file size 177178

Max plans per query option 150

max server memory

configuration 154156

memory 4041

batch mode memory grant feedback 9

locked pages in 57

max server memory 154156

VM 42

missing indexes 151153

multi-factor authentication 23


Net Use command 193

network address translation (NAT) 105

network bandwidth 43

network connections

hybrid 8485

New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseDataMaskingRule cmdlet 133

New-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule cmdlet 100, 101

New-AzureRmStorageAccount cmdlet 208

NTFS allocation unit size 55

NTFS permissions 191, 195

NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) 143


object-based storage 47

OLEDB wait type 224

online analytical processing databases (OLAP) 41

online transaction processing (OLTP) 7

on-premises environments

deployment of SQL Server instances in 5963

operating system file names 172


associating alerts with 169170

configuration 163165

creating 164165

optimize-storagepool cmdlet 54

O/S disks 58

Overall Resource Consumption view 148

over-indexing 247


PaaS. See Platform as a Service

PAGEIOLATCH_* wait type 223

PAGELATCH_* wait type 224

page life expectancy (PLE) 40

pages 174

Page Verify setting 179

paired regions 20

parallelism 143146

parameter sniffing 160162

Partition Layer 207

pass-through authentication 23

password issues 105

peak workloads 26


benchmark data 8789

CPU 140142

DTUs and 219223

Query Store and 9091

settings 139170

database scope 157163

max server memory 154156

missing index DMVs 151153

operators and alerts 163171

parallelism 143146

Power Plan 140142

Query Store 146151

tuning, on Azure IaaS 8991

performance analysis of logs (PAL) tool 36

performance conditions 167168

performance levels 24

performance management 3839

Performance Monitor 3436, 40, 87, 141, 168

performance tuning 79


Always Encrypted 113114

application 107

cell-level encryption 124


NTFS 191, 195


physical file names 173

plan change regression analysis 1011

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 1, 12

PLE. See page life expectancy

Point to Site VPNs 84


building VM using 6870

Power Plan 140142


Azure Key Vault configuration with 115

DDM using 133134

deploying Azure VM using 7072

firewall rules 100101

maintenance automation using 262263

setting firewall rules using 15

TDE using 138139

premium RS service tier 2, 4

premium service tier 2, 3, 220

premium storage 39, 48, 89

primary data files 172

primary filegroups 174

primary servers 22

provisioning types 234235


Queries with Forced Plans view 148

Queries with High Variation view 148

query execution plans 146

Query Optimized Fixes configuration setting 158159

query optimizer 151, 153

statistics 263266

Query Performance Insight 6, 7

query plans 151, 153

Query Store 6, 7, 10, 9091, 146151

built-in views 148149

catalog views 150

configuration 149150

enabling 146147

folders 148149


RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) 47

randomized encryption 116, 117

random number masking 130

read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) 18, 48


from database corruption 269272

from failed storage 238240

Recovery Model setting 180

regression analysis 1011

Remove-AzureRmSqlDatabaseDataMaskingRule cmdlet 133

Remove-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule cmdlet 100

Remove-AzurermSqlServerKeyVaultKey cmdlet 139


replicas 37

replication options 210

Resource Manager deployment model 210

resource manager model 72

Rest API 11

Restrict Access setting 179

retention policy 19

row versions 183


SaaS. See Software as a Service

SAS tokens 83, 84

secondary data files 172

secondary servers 22

security. See also encryption

Dynamic Data Masking 127133

firewall rules 1416

Threat Detection 1718

security patches 57

SELECT INTO statement 134

SELECT permissions 131

SELECT statement 243, 246

Server/Client Access License (CAL) model 32

server-level firewall rules 96103

Server Management Objects (SMOs) 262

Server Manager 229

Server Overview page 97


creating 1222

firewall rules 1416

logical 1314

max server memory 154156

primary 22

secondary 22

service level agreement (SLA) 10

service tiers 212

changing 1112, 218223

choosing 218

choosing initial 10

Database Transaction Units 47

DTUs and 219223

performance levels 24, 219223

Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseDataMaskingPolicy cmdlet 133

Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseDataMaskingRule cmdlet 133

Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption cmdlet 138, 139

Set-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule cmdlet 100

Set-AzureRmSqlServerTransparentDataEncryptionProtector cmdlet 139

severity 23, 166

shared access signatures 83

shared access signatures (SAS) 215

Sign-On URLs 107

Site to Site VPNs 84

SMB files shares 190195

SMB (Server Message Block) protocol 190195

social security number masking 130

Software as a Service (SaaS) 14, 26

Software Assurance 32


sp_delete_database_firewall_rule 104

sp_delete_firewall_rule 99

sp_set_database_firewall_rule 104

sp_set_firewall_rule 99

SqlConnectionStringBuilder class 120

SQL Database Benchmark 7

SQL Injection 1718

SqlParameter objects 120

SQL Server

availability management 3638

Azure Site Recovery and 87

Azure VMs for 4445


bottlenecks 73

deployment of 7276

deployment to VMs 8192

migrating to VMs 8187

deployment planning 3141

editions 32

events 166

installation 3159

best practices for 5557

manual, on Azure VMs 6368

requirements 3839


changing name of 63

database creation 177181

deployment 5981

files and filegroups 171176

in IaaS and on-premises 5963

managing 171186

provisioning VM to host 6872

system database files 181182

tempdb 183186

licensing 3234

memory 4041

migration of existing applications to 3436

performance settings 139170

database 140154

database scope 157163

max server memory 154156

missing index DMVs 151153

operators and alerts 163171

parallelism 143146

Power Plan 140142

Query Store 146151

performance tuning 8991

Query Store 146151

settings 5557

size selection 4146

SMB file shares 190195

storage pools 4755

storage requirements 3940


building 5963

deployment using 7680

wait statistics 89, 223227

SQL Server Agent 163164

SQL Server Authentication 25

SQL Server Data Tools 73

SQL Server Management Studio 66, 83, 172

max server memory configuration in 155

SQL Server Reporting Services 64

Standard Edition 32

standard performance tier 3

standard service tier 2, 219


column 264

index 264

update 263266

STATS_DATE function 266


Azure storage account 8182

backups 20

configuration 7879

failed 238240

geo-redundant 48

layout 5758, 233234

management 189238

Azure 207218

changing service tiers 218223

pools 227238

SMB file shares 190195

stretch databases 195205

wait statistics 223227

object-based 47

premium 48, 89

read-access geo-redundant 48

requirements 3940

size 12

spaces 4854, 78

standard 4849

storage pools 227238

planning, based on performance requirements 4755

Storage Stamps 207

stored procedures

parameter sniffing and 161162

Stream Layer 207

Stretch Database

benefits of 195

disabling 204205

enabling 196

identifying databases and tables for 205

limitations of 206207

management of 195204

Stretch Database Monitor 203204

symmetric encryption 127128

symmetric keys 135

creation of 124

sysadmin role 2225

sys.database_files 173

sys.database_firewall_rules 104

sys.database_query_store_options 150

sys.dm_db_column_store_row_group_physical_stats 154

sys.dm_db_file_space_usag 241

sys.dm_db_index_operation_stats 154

sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats 154, 246

sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats system function 250

sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats 154, 246

sys.dm_db_missing_index_columns 151, 152, 246

sys.dm_db_missing_index_details 151, 152, 153, 246

sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups 151

sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats 151, 152

sys.dm_db_operation_stats 242

sys.dm_db_partition_stats 242

sys.dm_db_resources_stats 242

sys.dm_db_session_space_usage 242

sys.dm_db_stats_properties 265

sys.dm_db_wait_stats 227, 242

sys.dm_exec_connections 243, 244

sys.dm_exec_query_plan 243

sys.dm_exec_query_stats 243

sys.dm_exec_requests 224, 243, 244

sys.dm_exec_session 244

sys.dm_exec_sessions 243

sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats 243

sys.dm_exec_session_wait_status 223

sys.dm_exec_sql_text 224, 243, 244

sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan 225, 243

sys.dm_io_pending_io_requests 246

sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats 246

sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks 223

sys.dm_os_wait_stats 223

sys.dm_tran_active_transactions 247

sys.dm_tran_current_transactions 247

sys.dm_tran_database_transactions 247

sys.dm_tran_locks 247248

sys.dm_tran_session_transactions 247

sys.firewall_rules 99

sysprep 59

sys.query_context_settings 150

sys.query_store_plan 150

sys.query_store_query 150

sys.query_store_query_text 150

sys.query_store_stats 150

sys.query_store_wait_stats 150

System Admin role 2225

system backups 270

system database files 181182


table valued functions (TVFs) 9

TDE. See transaction data encryption

tempdb 179, 183186

TempDB workloads 58


for Azure features 72


building 5963

deployment using 7680

temporary disks 58

temporary user objects 183

temp storage 42

thin provisioning 234235

THREADPOOL wait type 224

Threat Detection 1718

Top Resource Consuming Queries view 148

trace files 56

Tracked Queries view 148

transaction DMVs 247249

transaction log backups 239, 270

transaction log files 172

Transactions object 168

Transact-SQL (T-SQL) 96

creating alerts with 170

DDM using 133

enabling Query Store via 147

firewall rules 99100, 104105

max server memory configuration in 156157

operator creation with 165

Query Store configuration 150

TDE using 138

transparent data encryption (TDE) 127

configuration 135139

using PowerShell 138139

using T-SQL 138


database firewall 105106

SQL Server 163164

TVFs. See table values functions


Unwrap Key permission 113

update statistics 263266

USE PLAN query hint 146

user-defined filegroups 174


vCPU 42

virtual disks

creating 233234

provisioning types 234235

selecting 236237

size of 236

storage layout 233234

Virtual Log Files (VLFs) 178

virtual machines (VMs)

adding disks to 4950

building, using portal 6870

components 4243

compute units 43


SQL Server databases to 8192

using PowerShell 7072

for SQL Server 4445

manual installation of SQL Server on 6368

migration of on-premises SQL Server database to 8187

performance tuning 8991

provisioning to host SQL Server instances 6872

sizing 4146, 87

storage layout for 5758

types of 4243


wait statistics 89, 223227

wait types 223227

warm data 195

Windows Authentication 24, 25

Windows Azure Service Management API 108

Windows Power Plan 140142

Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) 36

Wrap Key permission 113

WRITELOG wait type 224

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