
FIGURE 2.1: Value Types Contain the Data Directly

FIGURE 2.2: Reference Types Point to the Heap

FIGURE 3.1: Corresponding Placeholder Values

FIGURE 3.2: Calculating the Value of an Unsigned Byte

FIGURE 3.3: Calculating the Value of a Signed Byte

FIGURE 3.4: The Numbers 12 and 7 Represented in Binary

FIGURE 3.5: Collapsed Region in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET

FIGURE 4.1: Exception-Handling Program Flow

FIGURE 5.1: Class Hierarchy

FIGURE 6.1: Refactoring into a Base Class

FIGURE 6.2: Simulating Multiple Inheritance Using Aggregation

FIGURE 7.1: Working around Single Inheritances with Aggregation and Interfaces

FIGURE 8.1: Value Types Contain the Data Directly

FIGURE 8.2: Reference Types Point to the Heap

FIGURE 9.1: Identity

FIGURE 9.2: XML Comments As Tips in Visual Studio IDE

FIGURE 12.1: Delegate Types Object Model

FIGURE 12.2: Anonymous Function Terminology

FIGURE 12.3: The Lambda Expression Tree Type

FIGURE 12.4: Unary and Binary Expression Tree Types

FIGURE 13.1: Delegate Invocation Sequence Diagram

FIGURE 13.2: Multicast Delegates Chained Together

FIGURE 13.3: Delegate Invocation with Exception Sequence Diagram

FIGURE 14.1: A Class Diagram of IEnumerator<T> and IEnumerator Interfaces

FIGURE 14.2: Sequence of Operations Invoking Lambda Expressions

FIGURE 14.3: Venn Diagram of Inventor and Patent Collections

FIGURE 16.1: Generic Collection Interface Hierarchy

FIGURE 16.2: List<> Class Diagrams

FIGURE 16.3: Dictionary Class Diagrams

FIGURE 16.4: SortedList<> and SortedDictionary<> Class Diagrams

FIGURE 16.5: Stack<T> Class Diagram

FIGURE 16.6: Queue<T> Class Diagram

FIGURE 16.7: LinkedList<T> and LinkedListNode<T> Class Diagrams

FIGURE 16.8: Sequence Diagram with yield return

FIGURE 17.1: MemberInfo Derived Classes

FIGURE 17.2: BinaryFormatter Does Not Encrypt Data

FIGURE 18.1: Clock Speeds over Time

FIGURE 18.2: CancellationTokenSource and CancellationToken Class Diagrams

FIGURE 20.1: Pointers Contain the Address of the Data

FIGURE 21.1: Compiling C# to Machine Code

FIGURE 21.2: Assemblies with the Modules and Files They Reference

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