

2-Propanol (isopropyl alcohol)
as a solvent, 191
92/31/EEC, 252
93/68/EEC, 252
a.c. power supply, 244
permitted voltages, 249
used in this document, 353
glass, 164
Absorption, 92
of shock, 198
Acceleration, 196
Acceleration Spectral Density, 228
Acceleration, steady state test (IEC 68.2.7), 242
to equipment. See Equipment protection
Accumulator batteries
d.c. ripple factor, 251
permitted voltages, 250
without voltage stabilisation, 250
Adsorption, 92
Aerobic soil, 160
Aerosol particles, 68
workplace requirements, 301
Air conditioning
in the workplace, 300
plant rooms, 77
Air pressure, 115. See also Altitude
at sea level, 119
component service life, 115
simply explained, 115
tunnels, 118
Air pressure and altitude
contract requirements, 118
IEC 721 tables, 120
tests, 119, 125
values and ranges, 119
Aircraft windscreens, 163
Altitude, 115. See also Air pressure
effect on equipment, 115
installation of equipment above 2000m, 118
installation of equipment up to 2000m, 118
simply explained, 115
Ambient temperature, 38. See also Temperature
contract requirements, 42
heat sources on Earth, 38
simply explained, 38
Ampere, 359
attacks on equipment, 165
Annual range of temperature, 40
Antarctic, 68
of Council Directive 89/336/EEC, 255
Arcing, 116
of railway equipment, 116
Artificial heat sources, 38
Artificial time-history, 235
Aspergillus niger, 185
Aspergillus terreus, 185
electromagnetic compatibility, 253
electromagnetic compatibility, 253
Atmosphere, 87
pollutants, 158
structure of, 116
Atmospheric discharges, 257
Atmospheric pressure, 116
Atmospheric radiation, 68
lowest values of, 68
Atmospheric temperatures, 40
Audible warnings, 289
Audio signals, 291
Audio system
output levels, 303
with fixed output levels, 291
with self-adjusting output levels, 291
Aureobasidium pullulans, 186
Availability, 308


sulphate reducing, 160
Bacterial reduction of sulphates, 160
Biologically active substances. See also Pollutants
Bleaching of colours, 106
by direct sunlight, 288
Bodily vibrations, 294
Bounce test (IEC 68.2.55), 231
Bovine quadrupeds
as a pollutant, 159
Brightness, 287
in the workplace, 297
British Standards Institution, 1
BS 6662, 341
BS EN 61069, 309
BSI Handbook No., 22, 309
Building design
fire, 319
Bump test
electrical equipment, 248
Bump test (IEC 68.2.29), 218
Bursts. See Transients


cracking of sheaths, 69
caused by electromagnetic emission, 304
Candela, 359
Carbon dioxide, 159
Carbon disulphide, 161
Carbon monoxide, 159
Carcinogens, 296
in the workplace, 301
Cathode ray tubes
effect of EMC, 260
CE marking, 253, 254
Cellulose, 167
draft standards, 1
working groups, 1
Change of temperature test (IEC 68.2.14), 95
Channel Tunnel, 118
Chemical pollution, 158
Chemical substances, 301
ergonomic considerations, 296
Chemical weathering, 135
Chlorine compounds, 159
Circuit protection. See Design of equipment
CISPR-16–1, 341
ergonomic considerations, 296
in the workplace, 296, 299
working conditions, 284
Climatic sequence test (IEC 68.2.61), 64, 112
Clogging of ventilating openings, 162
Closed rooms
shock, 203
ergonomic considerations, 287
Cloudless nights, 68
atmospheric radiation, 368
Colour schemes
man–machine interface, 304
bleaching, 69
Combined cold vibration (sinusoidal) test (IEC 68.2.50), 229
Combined cold/low air pressure test (IEC 68.2.40), 127
Combined dry heat vibration (sinusoidal) test (IEC 68.2.51), 230
Combined dry heat/low air pressure test (IEC 68.2.41), 131
Combined dust, humidity and heat test electrical equipment, 247
Combined sequential cold, low air pressure and damp heat test (IEC 68.2.39), 126
Combustion products, 160
of operatives, 286, 291
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Electrotechnique. See CENELEC
Competent Authorities
EMC, 253
Competent Bodies
EMC, 253
Component certification, 313
made of silver, 159
resonant frequency, 196
safety of mountings, 304
service life, 115
Composite temperature/humidity test (IEC 68.2.38), 108
Condensation, 90, 93
Conditions. See Environmental conditions
Conditions governing acceptance of railway products for use, 314
of product during testing, 3
Conformity Europe, 253
Conformity marking, 253, 254
Contaminants, 158. See also Pollutants and contaminants
dust, 161, 191
mould, 166
other related standards, 168, 194
sand, 162, 164
smoke, 164
test standards. See Pollutants
threshold limit values, 296
Contract requirements
air pressure and altitude, 118
ambient temperature, 42
electrical, 248
EMC, 258
ergonomics, 297
general, 297
MMI, 302
fire, 321
humidity, 93
mechanical, 200
pollutants and contaminants, 169
solar radiation, 78
water, 137
weather, 137
ergonomic considerations, 287
methods of improving, 288
Convection flow. See Sun
Cooling test
electrical equipment, 246
Copper, 160
Corona, 116
Corrosion, 133, 134, 159, 160, 161
Electrical equipment, 247
Corrosivity of atmospheres test, 193
CR 296 – 1989, 341
Critical frequencies
causing equipment malfunction, 238
Cross winds, 118
temperature rises, 94
common varieties, 185


d.c. power supply
permitted voltages, 249
d.c. ripple factor, 251
Daily irradiation, 76
Damp heat cyclic test (IEC 68.2.30), 106
Damp heat steady state test – primarily for equipment (IEC 68.2.56), 109
Damp heat steady state test (IEC 68.2.3), 105
Damp heat tests (IEC 68.2.3/30/56), 104
Dampers, 198
of vibrations, 295
storage, 310
Dead finger
vibration, 294
De-icing salts, 162
Demineralised water
as a solvent, 191
Dependability, 309
Deposits (flora and fauna)
effect on equipment, 165
accounting for temperature increases, 43
ease of maintenance, 304
ergonomic aspects, 284
Design of buildings
fire considerations, 319
Design of equipment, 306
circuit protection, 308
earthquakes, 307
flammability and fire hazards, 307
life expectancy, 310
lightning, 307
maintainability, 309
modifications, 310
railway track equipment, 311
reliability levels, 309
survivability, 306
Design of railway equipment
arrangement on vehicles, 312
Dew, 89
Dew point, 89
test ROMs, 310
trainborne equipment, 312
Dielectric strength, 91
Dielectric test
electrical equipment, 245
Diffused lighting, 288
Diffusion, 92
89/336/EEC, 252
92/31/EEC, 252
93/68/EEC, 252
electrostatic discharge requirements, 277
Disinfection, 167
rotary, 198
translatory, 198
of heat, 116
Distilled water
as a solvent, 191
inspection records, 323
test records, 323
caused by ventilation, 301
Drop and topple test (IEC 68.2.31), 222
Dropping onto a corner, 223
Dropping onto a face, 223
Dust, 162. See also Pollutants
as a contaminant, 162
effect on equipment, 163
Dust and sand test (IEC 68.2.68), 191
Dust storms, 164


hearing, 291
Ear defenders, 294
Earthing, 262
Earthquakes. See Design of equipment
ergonomic aspects, 284
Elastic suspension, 198
Elasticity of rubber, 68
Electric power, 244
contract requirements, 248
interference, 245
simply explained, 244
bump test, 248
combined dust, humidity and heat test, 247
cooling test, 246
dielectric test, 245
in a corrosive atmosphere, 247
performance test, 245
shock test, 248
temperature rise test (damp heat), 246
temperature rise test (dry heat), 246
vibration test, 248
voltage surge test, 245
watertightness test, 248
values and ranges, 251
Electrical engineering, 244
Electrical fast transient/burst requirements, 277
Electrical storms, 257, 259
Electrochemical effect on metallic materials, 134
Electromagnetic compatibility. See also EMC
assessment bodies, 253
assessment procedures, 253
conformity mark, 254
fast transient/burst requirements, 257
other related standards, 278
radiated electromagnetic field requirements, 277
simply explained, 252
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC, 252
Electromagnetic disturbance, 252
Electromagnetic emission
cause of cancer, 304
Electromagnetic radiation
Sun, 67, 68
Electronic components – water, 133
Electronic engineers, 245
Electronics, 244. See also Electrical
Electrostatic charges
from dust storms, 164
Electrostatic discharge requirements, 277
Electrostatic discharges, 245
of noise, 293
cause of cancer, 304
conformity marking, 253, 254
contract requirements, 258
effect on small businesses, 256
emission limits, 254
for industrial process measurement and control equipment, 276
interference, 256
nature of interference, 257
non-compliant products, 256
railway specific requirements, 278
standards, 262–277
certification bodies, 253
compatibility levels, 268
disturbances to IT equipment, 268
general emission standard, 254
general immunity standard, 253,
HEMP environment, 269
installation guidelines, 276
limits for current emissions, 269
limits for voltage fluctuations, 270
supplier’s declaration of conformity, 253
testing and measuring techniques, 270–276
testing laboratory standards, 262
testing. A comparison of alternative facilities, 281
tests, 283
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, 252
application, 255
enforcement of Directive, 254
objectives, 253
requirement, 253
Emission limits
EMC, 254
EN 45001, 262, 283, 341
EN 45002, 263, 283, 341
EN 45003, 263, 283, 341
EN 45004, 264, 283, 341
EN 45011, 264, 283, 341
EN 45012, 265, 283, 341
EN 45013, 265, 283, 341
EN 45014, 266, 283, 341
EN 50065.1, 341
EN 50081.1, 266, 341
EN 50081.2, 341
EN 50082.1, 267, 341
EN 50082.2, 267, 342
EN 50083.2, 278, 342
EN 50090.2.2, 278, 342
EN 50091.2, 279, 342
EN 50123, 92, 117, 342
EN 50124.2, 307, 342
EN 50125, 1, 77, 92, 342
EN 50126, 309, 342
EN 50128, 342
EN 50129, 342
EN 50130.4, 279, 342
EN 50155, 92, 117, 342
EN 50159.1, 342
EN 50159.2, 342
EN 50199, 279, 342
EN 55013, 342
EN 55014, 342
EN 55015, 342
EN 55020, 267, 342
EN 55022, 268, 342
EN 55024, 343
EN 55103.1, 279, 343
EN 55103.2, 279, 343
EN 55104, 279, 343
EN 60269.1, 343
EN 60282.1, 343
EN 60439.1, 279, 343
EN 60521, 279, 343
EN 60529, 343
EN 60555.2, 343
EN 60555.3, 343
EN 60601.1.2, 279, 343
EN 60687, 343
EN 60721, 322, 343
EN 60721.3.0, 343
EN 60721.3.3, 322, 343
EN 60721.3.4, 322, 343
EN 60730.1, 279
EN 60730.2.11, 279, 343
EN 60730.2.5, 279, 343
EN 60730.2.6, 279, 343
EN 60730.2.7, 279, 343
EN 60730.2.8, 279, 344
EN 60730.2.9, 279, 344
EN 60870.2.1, 279, 344
EN 60945, 280, 344
EN 60947.1, 280, 344
EN 60947.2, 280, 344
EN 60947.3, 280, 344
EN 60947.4.1, 280, 344
EN 60947.5.1, 280, 344
EN 60947.5.2, 280, 344
EN 60947.6.1, 280, 344
EN 60947.6.2, 280, 344
EN 61000.2.4, 268, 344
EN 61000.2.9, 269, 344
EN 61000.3.2, 269, 344
EN 61000.3.3, 344
EN 61000.4.1, 270, 345
EN 61000.4.10, 274, 345
EN 61000.4.11, 275, 345
EN 61000.4.12, 275, 345
EN 61000.4.2, 271
EN 61000.4.24, 275, 345
EN 61000.4.3, 271, 345
EN 61000.4.4, 271, 345
EN 61000.4.5, 272, 345
EN 61000.4.6, 272, 345
EN 61000.4.7, 272, 345
EN 61000.4.8, 273, 345
EN 61000.4.9, 274, 345
EN 61000.5.5, 276, 345
EN 61003.3, 270
EN 61008.1, 280, 345
EN 61009.1, 280, 346
EN 61036, 346
EN 61037, 346
EN 61038, 346
EN 61131.2, 280, 346
EN 61543, 280, 346
EN 61547, 280, 346
EN 61800.3, 280, 346
Encapsulated outdoor enclosures
shock to equipment, 202
of EMC directive, 254
ENV 50121, 346
ENV 50121.1, 278, 346
ENV 50121.2, 278, 346
ENV 50121.3, 278, 346
ENV 50121.4, 278, 346
ENV 50121.5, 278, 346
Environmental classifications
IEC 721, 2, 5
Environmental conditions
affecting equipment, 36
sequence of exposure, 5
severity, 4
simultaneous exposure, 4
summary, 2
Environmental ergonomics, 284
Environmental values
maximum and minimum, 3
Enzymes, 165
damage by solar radiation, 67
effect of external humidity, 93
effect of flora and fauna, 165
effect of humidity, 89
effect of mould growth, 166
effect of water, 133
heating, 93
housings, 38
humidity at start-up, 94
immunity levels (EMC), 259
installed in tunnels, 94
maintenance, 310
mechanical effects of flora and fauna, 165
placed by the roadside, 201
protection from solar radiation, 70
reliability, 195
situations where specification applies, 37
surface coatings, 76
thermal properties, 68
useful life, 310
warm-up time, 2
Equipment design, 306
ergonomic aspects, 284
weather protection, 137
Equipment protection, 311
Equipment survival, 306
air changes, 301
air temperatures for different tasks, 300
body vibration levels, 294
chemical carcinogens, 296
clothing, 287
contract requirements, 297
general, 297
MMI, 302
environmental, 284
examples of chemical carcinogens, 302
hardware, 284
harmful and non-harmful noise levels, 292
illuminance, 287
light intensity
methods of improving light
intensity and contrast, 288
lighting, 297
luminance ratios, 299
macroergonomics, 284
material temperatures, 300
methods of tackling noise, 293
noise levels (maximum annoyance), 292
recommended air temperatures for different tasks, 300
recommended rate of air changes, 301
recommended values for the reflectance of various surfaces, 299
results of vibration on human body, 296
simply explained, 284
software, 284
surface reflectance values, 299
tests, 305
VDU, 286
visual field, 287
windows, 287
Erosion, 136
ERRI Question A118, 92, 117
of lubricants, 116
of water, 87, 133
of electrical equipment, 245
Excrement, 165
Exfoliation, 135
Explosions. See Design of equipment
to EMC interference, 256
External humidity levels, 93


pigments, 70
Failure rate
of equipment, 309
Fast transient impulsive interference, 257
locating, 310
Faults in components
damage limitation, 308
Fauna and flora, 164
deterioration of equipment from deposits, 165
effects on equipment, 165
mechanical forces on equipment, 165
Fertilisers, 162
Final-peak saw-tooth pulse, 196
to equipment, 76
Fire, 313
building design, 319
contract requirements, 321
development, 316
flashover, 316
growth, 316
test standards, 319
Fire hazards, 307
Fire products, 318
Fireproof materials, 307
Fire protection, 308
Flammability. See Design of equipment
Flashover, 316
Flickering light, 288
leakage from containers, 116
Fluorescent tubes, 288
Fog, 89
Fossil fuels, 160
as a source of sulphur dioxide, 160
Free fall, 225
Free fall (repeated), 225
Free fall test (IEC 68.2.32), 224
Freeze thaw, 135
Fresh air
workplace requirements, 301
as a contaminant See Smoke
Fungi, 166
Fungicide, 186


G. Major et al., 77, 346
leakage from containers, 116
General corrosion tests (IEC 68.2.42 and 43), 187
abrasion by sand, 164
Global mean irradiance, 72, 76
Gold, 189
Growth of mould, 166
bodily vibrations (ergonomic considerations), 294
chemical substances (ergonomic considerations), 296
climate (ergonomic considerations), 296
contaminants, 161
mechanical stresses, 195
noise (ergonomic considerations), 288
sound (ergonomic considerations), 288
vibration (ergonomic considerations), 294
methods of preventing vibration, 295
visual field (ergonomic considerations), 287


Hail, 137
Half-sine pulse, 196
Hardware ergonomics, 284
Harmonics, 261
of operatives, 286
Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment)
regulations 1993, 287
Health and safety
compliance with legislation, 308
Health hazards
from mould tests, 186
ear, 293
loss of, 288, 291
tinnitus, 291
sources on Earth, 38
Heat dissipation
by conduction, 116
by convection, 116
Heat sensitive parts, 77
Heat shields, 77
Heat sources, 38
Heat transfer, 40
effect of pollutants, 164
workplace, 300
Heating effects, 76
Heating of materials, 70
Hermetically sealed components, 92
High air pressure, 116
High frequency burst interference, 257
High frequency bursts
equipment immunity levels power supply lines, 260
High relative humidity, 90
Highest annual mean averages of irradiation, 76
Housed equipment
humidity, 90
Housings, 38
Human body
vibration of, 294
Human ear, 293
Humidity, 68, 88
contract requirements, 93
during start-up, 94
effect on equipment, 90
external humidity levels, 93
housed equipment, 90
IEC 721 tables, 95
in the workplace, 300
in tunnels, 90
indoor installations, 93
office equipment, 91
other related standards, 93
peripheral units, 94
procuring specifications, 94
production configuration, 94
protection against, 92
simply explained, 88
test standards, 91
tests, 94, 95
tunnels, 93
unventilated enclosure, 90
values and ranges, 95
Hydraulic transmissions, 295
Hydrocarbons, 159
Hydrogen sulphide, 160
as a pollutant, 160
Hydrological cycle, 133
Hydrophilic materials, 166
Hygroscopic materials, 90


Ice, 133, 135, 138
IEC 1052, 241
IEC 1098, 241
IEC, 144, 136, 169, 190, 349
IEC, 165, 248, 349
IEC 34.5, 136, 168, 346
IEC 490, 248, 349
IEC, 50, 346
IEC 529, 136, 169, 190, 349
IEC 571, 349
IEC 60300, 309
IEC 60695 series, 321, 346
IEC 62.18, 138
IEC 62.2.30, 92
IEC 651, 346
IEC 68 series, 203
IEC 68.1, 41, 44, 51, 117, 218, 229, 233, 235, 237, 239, 241, 243, 347
IEC 68.2, 241, 347
IEC 68.2.1, 41, 45, 521, 117, 128, 347
IEC 68.2.10, 168, 170, 185, 347
IEC 68.2.11, 136, 138, 145, 168, 347
IEC 68.2.13, 41, 116, 119, 125, 128, 132, 347
IEC 68.2.14, 41, 45, 58, 93, 347
IEC 68.2.17, 136, 168, 347
IEC 68.2.18, 136, 146, 168, 347
IEC 68.2.2, 41, 55, 93, 117, 132, 347
IEC 68.2.2/2A, 45
IEC 68.2.27, 199, 207, 215, 347
IEC 68.2.28, 41, 92
IEC 68.2.29, 199, 207, 218, 347
IEC 68.2.3, 92, 95, 104, 105, 136, 168, 347
IEC 68.2.30, 42, 95, 104, 106, 347
IEC 68.2.31, 199, 207, 222, 347
IEC 68.2.32, 199, 207, 224, 347
IEC 68.2.33, 42, 347
IEC 68.2.34, 239, 347
IEC 68.2.34/35/36/37, 228
IEC 68.2.35, 199, 207, 239, 347
IEC 68.2.36, 199, 207, 239, 347
IEC 68.2.37, 199, 207, 239, 347
IEC 68.2.38, 42, 92, 95, 108, 347
IEC 68.2.39, 42, 95, 117, 119, 347
IEC 68.2.40, 42, 117, 119, 126, 127, 348
IEC 68.2.41, 41, 45, 60, 117, 119, 126, 131, 348
IEC 68.2.42, 168, 170, 187, 191, 348
IEC 68.2.43, 168, 170, 187, 191, 348
IEC 68.2.45, 168, 170, 190, 348
IEC 68.2.46, 348
IEC 68.2.47, 200, 239, 241, 348
IEC 68.2.5, 76, 83, 348
IEC 68.2.50, 42, 200, 207, 229, 348
IEC 68.2.51, 42, 200, 207, 230, 231, 348
IEC 68.2.52, 136, 157, 168, 348
IEC 68.2.53, 200, 230, 231, 348
IEC 68.2.55, 200, 207, 231, 348
IEC 68.2.56, 42, 92, 95, 106, 109, 348
IEC 68.2.57, 200, 207, 233, 307, 348
IEC 68.2.59, 200, 207, 236, 348
IEC 68.2.6, 200, 207, 237, 348
IEC 68.2.61, 41, 45, 64, 92, 95, 112, 348
IEC 68.2.62, 200, 239, 348
IEC 68.2.63, 241
IEC 68.2.64, 239, 348
IEC 68.2.68, 168, 170, 191, 348
IEC 68.2.7, 200, 207, 242, 349
IEC 68.2.9, 77, 349
IEC 68.3.1, 349
IEC 68.3.1/1A, 117
IEC 68.3.2, 42, 117, 349
IEC 68.3.3, 349
IEC 68.4, 349
IEC 68.5.52, 136
IEC 721, 241, 349
environmental classifications, 1
optimum use, 2
IEC 721 tables
air pressure and altitude, 120
humidity, 95
mechanical, 208
pollutants and contaminants, 171
solar radiation, 79
temperature, 46
weather, 139
IEC 721.1, 92, 137, 169, 239, 349
IEC 721.2, 313
IEC 721.2.1, 42, 349
IEC 721.2.2, 137, 349
IEC 721.2.3, 42, 117
IEC 721.2.4, 77, 349
IEC 721.2.5, 169, 349
IEC 721.2.6, 350
IEC 721.2.7, 169, 186, 349
IEC 721.2.8, 350
IEC 721.3.4, 169, 350
IEC 778, 350
IEC 801, 350
IEC 801.1, 276, 350
IEC 801.2, 277, 350
IEC 801.3, 277, 350
IEC 801.4, 277, 350
IEC 817, 241, 350
IEC 947.1, 350
ergonomic considerations, 287
man–machine interface, 302
contract requirements, 297
Immersion (Test Rc), 148
Immersion in cleaning solvent test (IEC 68.2.45), 190
Immunity levels
high frequency bursts, 260
induced common mode voltages, 259
Impact, 195
protection, 196
Impact pendulum hammer test (IEC 68.2.62), 239
Impacting water (Test Rb), 149
Imperial measurements, 363
Indoor installations
humidity, 93
Induced common-mode voltages
equipment immunity levels input/output lines, 259
Infrared reflectors, 76
Initialisation routines, 313
Input/output connections, 261
Inspection records
documentation, 323
of railway equipment, 312
temperature, 44
Installation of equipment above 2000m, 118
Installation of equipment up to 2000 m, 118
Insulating materials, 167
Insulation resistance, 91
Interference, 252
Interference coupling paths, 259
International Conveyance Zone, 115
International Electrotechnical Commission, 1
International Standards Organisation, 1
Irradiance, 69, 71
measurement equipment, 78
Irritants, 296
ISO 1052, 350
ISO 1098, 350
ISO 11845, 194, 350
ISO 14001, 169, 350
ISO 2039.2, 241, 350
ISO 2041, 239, 241, 350
ISO 2533, 350
ISO 2631, 305, 350
ISO 2671, 350
ISO, 48, 200, 350
ISO 4892, 77, 350
ISO 5349, 305, 351
ISO 5657, 351
ISO 5658, 351
ISO 5660, 351
ISO 7539, 351
ISO 7726, 305, 351
ISO 7730, 305, 351
ISO 7731, 305, 351
ISO 9000, 351
application of standard, 322
ISO 9001, 351
ISO 9002, 351
ISO 9003, 351
ISO 9223, 194, 351
ISO 9224, 194, 351
ISO 9225, 168, 170, 191, 193, 351
ISO 9226, 194, 351
ISO 9705, 351
ISO TR 5924, 351
ISO TR 9112.1, 351
Isopropyl alcohol
as a solvent, 191
Isothermal layer, 40
ITCZ, 115


Kelvin, 359
Kilogram, 359


from containers, 116
Leather, 167
Life expectancy
of equipment, 310
Light intensity
ergonomic considerations, 287
for differing tasks, 298
methods of improving, 288
Light sources
in the workplace, 298
Lighting, 286
contract requirement, 298
ergonomic considerations, 286
man–machine interface, 302
Lightning, 257, 259. See also Design of equipment
Lightning arresters, 164
Local data transmission links, 262
Long distance transmission links, 262
Long-term exposure
shock, 202
Loose cargo
simulation, 231
Loss of hearing, 288
Low air pressure, 116
Low air pressure test (IEC 68.2.13), 125
Low thermal time constant, 91
Lubricants, 167
ergonomic considerations, 287


Macroergonomics, 284
Magnetic fields, 260
Maintainability, 308, 309
equipment, 310
of equipment, 310
provision of test points, 309
from arcing, 116
from corona, 116
Man–machine interface, 302
air conditioning, 300
colour schemes, 304
contract requirements, 302
lighting, 302
lighting requirements, 302
materials, contact with skin, 304
noise, 303
structural safety, 303
surface coatings and colours, 304
vibration, 303
Manufacturers’ responsibilities
for quality, 323
for waste, 311
provision of specialist maintenance equipment, 310
Mass movement, 136
contact with skin, 304
flammability, 307
Mean annual extreme range, 40
of pollution, 193
contract requirements, 200
IEC 721 tables, 208
other related standards, 200
procuring specification, 207
production configuration, 206
simply explained, 195
test standards, 199
tests, 215
values and ranges, 208
Mechanical shock, 195
Mechanical stresses
guidance, 195
Mechanical transmissions, 295
Methods of measurement of pollution (ISO 9225), 193
Methyl mercaptan, 161
Metre, 359
Microbiological pollution, 302. See Pollutants
Mines, 116
Mixing of pollutants, 158
Modifications. See Design of equipment
Moisture traps, 167
Moisture absorbing materials, 91
Mole, 359
Monitor. See Visual display unit
Monomers, 167
Mould, 166. See also Pollutants
common cultures, 185
effect on equipment, 166
germination and growth, 166
prevention, 167
Mould growth test (IEC 68.2.10), 185
Mould resistant materials, 166
Mutagens, 296
Mycelium, 166, 167
Mycologists, 186


Natural frequency, 195
Natural pollutants, 159
Natural time-history, 235
Nitrogen, 159
Nitrogen oxides, 159
as pollutants, 161
Noble metals, 160
absorbing materials, 294
absorbing surfaces, 291
daily limits, 288
ergonomic considerations, 288
from machines, 289
high frequency, 288
levels – harmful and non-harmful, 293
levels – maximum annoyance, 292
levels in everyday life, 292
man–machine interface, 303
methods of tackling
elimination at source, 293
isolation during transmission between source and user, 294
protect the operator, 294
unexpectedly loud, 289
Noisy environments, 292
Non-compliant products
EMC, 254
Non-polymerised monomers, 167
Notified Bodies
EMC, 254


Oligomers, 167
Operating temperatures
of equipment, 41
Operational requirements
temperature, 43
comfort, 291
health, 286
Optical devices, 164
Optical glass, 69
Output levels
audio systems, 303
Ozone, 69
sterilisation, 168


breakdown, 71
Pathologists, 186
Penicillium funiculosum, 186
Penicillium ochrochloron, 186
Performance of components and equipments, 88
Performance test
electrical equipment, 245
Peripheral units
humidity, 428
Personal protective equipment, 294
Phillip Ling, 255
Photochemical degradation, 69
fading, 71
Plant rooms
air conditioning, 72
Plasticiser, 167
Plasticity of rubber, 69
Plastics, 167
Pneumatic transmissions, 295
Poecilomyces variotii, 186
Poisons. See Toxic substances
Polarising filters for VDUs, 287
Pollutants, 158. See also Pollutants and contaminants
carbon dioxide, 159
carbon monoxide, 159
chemical, 159
dust, 162
effect of leakage currents, 164
effect on heat transfer rates, 164
guidance, 159
hydrocarbons, 159
hydrogen sulphide, 160
man-made, 159
microbiological, 286, 302
mixing in air, 158
mould, 166
natural, 159
nitrogen oxides, 161
other related standards, 168, 194
sand, 162, 164
simply explained, 158
smoke, 164
sulphur dioxide, 160
test standards, 168
methods of measuring pollution.
ISO 9225, 193
threshold limit values, 296
Pollutants and contaminants
contract requirements, 169
IEC 721 tables, 171
tests, 170, 185
values and ranges, 171
measurement, 193
reduction, 169
severity, 169
Power consumption, 260
Power supplies
a.c. (primary main), 249
d.c., 250
from accumulator battery, 249
permitted levels, 258
Power supply
disturbance by atmospheric discharge, 258
Precious metal
corrosion tests, 187
Precipitation, 133, 137
Pressure pulses, 118
of mould growth, 167
Printed circuit boards
immersion in solvents, 190
Procuring specification
mechanical, 207
humidity, 94
solar radiation, 78
temperature, 44
weather, 138
Product conformity
verification, 323
Production configuration
during testing, 4
humidity, 94
mechanical, 206
solar radiation, 78
temperature, 44
water and precipitation, 138
weather tests, 138
against shock, 196
Protection – humidity, 91
Protective housing, 46
final-peak saw-tooth, 196
half-sine, 196
trapezoidal, 196
shock, 201
Pyrometer, 78


manufacturers’ responsibility, 323
of railway products
manufacturers’ responsibility, 313
plan, 323
Quality assurance, 322
manuals, 325
Quality control, 322
Quality documents, 325
Quality plan, 323
Quality requirements, 324
Quartz, 162, 164


Radiated electromagnetic field requirements, 277
Radiation. See Solar radiation
Railway equipment
arrangement on vehicles, 312
installation, 312
RAMS requirements, 311
technical approval, 313
track, 312
train, 312
Railway specific requirements EMC, 278
Rain, 133, 137. See also Water
penetration rate, 137
RAMS, 308
railway equipment, 311
Random vibration, 206
Random vibration tests (IEC 68.2.34 to 37), 228
Rapid temperature variations, 90
of noise, 293
Reduction in thermal conductivity, 162
comprehensive list, 341
in the workplace, 298
Relative humidity. See Humidity
Reliability, 308
failure rates, 309
Reliability of equipment, 195
Repetitive shock, 231
as a form of protection, 199
search procedure, 228
Resonant frequency
of components, 196
Resonant oscillations, 195
Rotary displacements, 198
Rough handling, 222
Rubbish. See Waste
pressurised containers, 116
Safety, 308
Salt mist (cyclic) test (IEC 68.2.52), 643
Salt mist test (IEC 68.2.11), 145
Salt spray, 138
Salt water, 134, 138
Sand, 162, 164. See also Pollutants
as a contaminant, 164
Sand and dust test, 191
Sand storms, 164
Saturated air, 87
Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, 186
Sea level
air pressure, 119
Second, 359
of equipment, 311
Sediment. See Sand
Seismic phenomena, 237
Selective reflectors, 76
the use of correct terminology, 41
of circuits, 199
Shock, 195
closed rooms, 203
during transportation, 203
encapsulated outdoor installations, 202
equipment in other locations, 203
long-term exposure, 202
of equipment in the workplace, 299
pulses, 201
repetitive, 231
short-term exposure, 202
electrical equipment, 248
tests, 206, 215
tractive units and other vehicles, 203
trainborne equipment, 203


Shock absorbers, 198
Shock absorption, 198
Shock protection, 197, 203
Shock response spectrum, 196
Shock test (IEC 68.2.27), 215
Short-term exposure
shock, 202
Short-term radiation, 76
the correct use of terminology, 41
SI units, 359–363
deprecated prefixes, 361
derived units, 361
prefixes, 360
tolerated units, 362
without special names, 362
Signal/noise ratio, 291
Silica glass compositions, 164
Silk, 167
Silver, 159
in components, 159
Simulated solar radiation at ground level test (IEC 68.2.5), 83
loose cargo, 231
of cleaning operations, 190
Single-axis sinusoidal excitation, 236
Sinusoidal excitation, 236
where environmental spec. applies, 37
contact with materials, 304
Sleet, 133
Smoke, 161, 164, 318
Snow, 90, 133, 135, 137
Software ergonomics, 284
Solar radiation, 67. See also Electromagnetic radiation
contract requirements, 77
damage to equipment, 69
IEC 721 tables, 79
protection of equipment, 71
severity, 77
simply explained, 67
tests, 83
immersion, 190
Soot, 159
ergonomic considerations, 288
exposure limits, 288
South Pole, 76
Spare parts
non-availability, 310
Specialist maintenance equipment
provision by manufacturer, 310
acceleration spectral density, 228
Spores. See Cultures and mould
Spray, 90
fire, 319
others related to
air pressure and altitude, 117
ambient temperature, 41
electromagnetic compatibility, 278
fire, 321
humidity, 92
mechanical, 199
pollutants and contaminants, 168, 194
solar radiation, 77
weather, 136
contaminants, 185
humidity, 94
mechanical, 206
pollutants, 185
solar radiation, 83
temperature, 44
water (weather), 145
Steam, 133
vibration, 228
temperature, 44
Storage of data, 310
Storage temperatures, 44
lightning, 257, 259
Stratosphere, 158
Stress. See also Mechanical stress
Structural safety
component mountings, 304
Sulphate reducing bacteria, 160
Sulphur, 159
Sulphur dioxide, 135, 193
as a pollutant, 160
Sulphur trioxide, 161
Sulphur vapour, 161
convection flow, 77
protection from, 287
Supply frequency interference, 257
Supply voltage
variations in, 250
Supply voltages, 249
Surface abrasion, 161
Surface coatings
equipment, 76
man–machine interface, 304
Surface temperatures
of radiating surfaces, 76
permitted levels, 258
voltage test, 245
Survivability. See Design of equipment
used in this document, 355


Tarnishing, 159. See also Corrosion
Task effectiveness, 286
Technical approval
procedure for railway equipment, 314
railway products, 313
Temperature. See also Ambient temperature
annual range of temperature, 39
at altitude, 40
below ground level, 39
contract requirements, 42
deviation from specification, 43
deviations, 45
equipment operating range, 43
geographical values, 45
gradients, 41
IEC 721 tables, 46
in shade, 38
in the atmosphere, 40
increases, 43
installation, 44
limit, 43
mean annual extreme range, 40
operational requirements, 43
other related standards, 53
peripheral units, 44
procuring specifications, 44
production configuration, 44
ranges, 43
rise occurring in operation, 43
rises within cubicles and equipment cases, 43
specified operating levels, 43
storage, 44
storage of equipment, 41
stresses, 40, 43
tests, 44, 51
values and ranges, 45
variations, 43
Temperature rise test
damp heat (electrical equipment), 246
dry heat (electrical equipment), 246
Teratogens, 296
shall, 41
should, 41
Test Ca, 104, 105
Test Cb, 104, 109
Test Db, 104, 106
Test Ea, 215
Test Eb, 218
Test Ec, 222
Test Ed, 224
Test Ee, 231
Test Ef, 239
Test Fc, 237
Test Fd, 228
Test Fe, 236
Test Ff, 233
Test Ga, 242
Test J, 185
Test Ka, 145
Test Kb, 156
Test Kc, 187
Test Kd, 188
Test L, 191
Test M, 125
Test N, 58
Test points
for maintenance, 309
Test R, 146
Test Ra, 146
Test Rb, 147
Test Rc, 148
Test records
documentation, 323
Test routines, 325
Test Sa, 83
Test specifications
summary, 3
Test standards
contaminants. See Pollutants
ergonomics, 297, 305
fire, 319, 322
humidity, 92
mechanical, 199
pollutants, 168
solar radiation, 76
temperature, 41
water, 136
weather, 136
Test XA, 190
Test Z/ABDM, 64, 112
Test Z/AD, 108
Test Z/AFc, 229
Test Z/AM, 127
Test Z/AMD, 126
Test Z/BFc, 230
Test Z/BM, 131
acceleration, 242
air pressure and altitude, 119, 125
bounce, 231
bump, 248
combined cold vibration (sinusoidal), 229
combined dry heat vibration (sinusoidal), 230
drop, 222
combined dust, humidity and heat test, 247
cooling test, 246
corrosive atmosphere, 247
dielectric test, 245
performance test, 245
temperature rise test (damp heat), 246
temperature rise test (dry heat), 246
vibration, shock and bump test, 248
voltage surge test, 245
watertightness test, 248
EMC, 252
EMC. A comparison of alternative facilities, 281
ergonomics, 305
free fall, 224
humidity, 94, 95
impact hammer, 239
mechanical, 215
non-repetitive shock, 215
pollutants and contaminants, 170, 185
random vibration, 227
solar radiation, 78, 83
temperature, 44, 51
topple, 222
vibration (sine-beat method), 236
vibration (sinusoidal), 237
vibration (time-history method), 233
weather and precipitation, 138, 145
Textiles, 167
Thermal properties
of equipment, 69
Thermal time constant, 91
Threshold Limit Values, 296, 301
Tinnitus, 291
Toxic substances
chemicals, 301
Threshold Limit Values, 296, 301
Tractive units
shock protection of equipment, 203
Tradewinds, 115
Trainborne equipment
diagnostics, 312
shock levels, 203
Transients, 258
fast, 277
immunity standards, 277
in power supplies, 258
permitted surges, 258
Translatory displacements, 198
Transmission links
local, 262
long distance, 262
hydraulic, 295
mechanical, 295
pneumatic, 295
Transportation environment, 216, 232
Transportation of equipment
shock prevention, 203
Trapezoidal pulse, 196
as a solvent, 191
Trichoderma viride, 186
Tropopause, 40, 88
Troposphere, 158
air pressure, 118
equipment installed in, 94
humidity, 90, 94
temperature variations, 43


Ultraviolet radiation
disinfection, 168
Ultraviolet, 69
Under temperature of components, 69
Imperial measurements, 363
obsolete, 363
SI system, 359
Useful life
of equipment, 310


Values and ranges
air pressure and altitude, 119
electrical, 251
humidity, 95
mechanical, 208
pollutants and contaminants, 171
temperature, 45
weather and precipitation, 139
Vandalism of equipment. See Equipment protection
Ventilation, 91
clogging of, 162
workplace, 301
Ventilation ducts – snow, 135
product conformity, 323
man–machine interface, 303
Vibration, 196
damping, 295
dead finger, 294
ergonomic considerations, 294
human body, 294, 295
in the workplace, 299
methods of preventing, 295
random, 206
stochastic, 228
test conditions (ergonomic considerations), 295
electrical equipment, 248
sine-beat method (IEC 68.2.59), 236
sinusoidal (IEC 68.2.6), 237
time-history method (IEC 68.2.57), 233
white finger, 294
Vibration dampers, 198
Visible warning, 76
Visual display units
ergonomic considerations, 286
in the workplace, 298
polarising filters, 287
Visual field
ergonomic considerations, 287
Visual tasks, 287
Volatilisation of plasticisers, 116
Volcanic emissions, 160
induced common-mode equipment immunity, 259
Voltage supply
a.c. (primary main), 249
d.c., 249
from accumulator battery, 249
Voltage supply
changeover, 250
Voltage surge test
electrical equipment, 245
Voltage variations
permitted maximum variations, 250
supply voltages, 250


Warm-up time of equipment, 4
audible, 289
suppliers’ responsibilities, 311
Water, 133
contract requirements, 137
demineralised or distilled, 191
immersion, 148
test standards, 136
Water – falling drops (Test Ra), 149
Water – falling drops, impacting water and immersion (IEC 68.2.18), 146, 152
Water – immersion (Test Rc), 152
Water – impacting (Test Rb), 149
Water cycle, 133
Water from hoses, 151
Water vapour, 69, 90. See also Humidity
Watertightness test
electrical equipment, 248
Weather, 133. See also Water and rain
contract requirements, 137
IEC 721 tables, 139
simply explained, 133
test standards, 136
tests, 138, 145
values and ranges, 139
Weathering, 135
White finger
vibration, 294
White vibration, 195
Wind, 118
Windows, 77
ergonomic considerations, 287
Wood, 167
Working conditions
climate, 284
Working day
noise limits, 288
air conditioning, 300
brightness, 297
carcinogens, 301
climate, 299
draughts, 218
fresh air requirements, 301
heating, 300
humidity, 300
light intensity, 298
light sources, 298
reflectance, 298
surface temperatures, 300
VDU workstations, 298
ventilation, 301
vibration and shock, 299
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