Conversion Factors

1. Area

1 square centimeter (1 cm2) = 0.1550 square inches

1 square meter (1 m2) = 1.1960 square yards

1 hectare = 2.4711 acres

1 square kilometer (1 km2) = 0.3861 square miles

1 square inch (1 in.2) = 6.4516 square centimeters

1 square foot (1 ft2) = 0.0929 square meters

1 square yard (1 yd2) = 0.8361 square meters

1 acre = 4046.9 square meters

1 square mile (1 mi2) = 2.59 square kilometers

2. Concentration Conversions

1 part per million (1 ppm) = 1 microgram per liter (1 μg/L)

1 microgram per liter (1 μg/L) = 1 milligram per kilogram (1 mg/kg)

1 microgram per liter (μg/L) × 6.243 × 108 = 1 lb per cubic foot (1 lb/ft3)

1 microgram per liter (1 μg/L) × 10− 3 = 1 milligram per liter (1 mg/L)

1 milligram per liter (1 mg/L) × 6.243 × 105 = 1 pound per cubic foot (1 lb/ft3)

I gram mole per cubic meter (1 g mol/m3) × 6.243 × 105 = 1 pound per cubic foot (1 lb/ft3)

10,000 ppm = 1% w/w

1 ppm hydrocarbon in soil × 0.002 = 1 lb of hydrocarbons per ton of contaminated soil

3. Nutrient Conversion Factor

1 pound, phosphorus × 2.3 (1 lb P × 2.3) = 1 pound, phosphorous pentoxide (1 lb P2O5)

1 pound, potassium × 1.2 (1 lb K × 1.2) = 1 pound, potassium oxide (1 lb K2O)

4. Temperature Conversions

°F = (°C × 1.8) + 32

°C = (°F − 32)/1.8

(°F − 32) × 0.555 = °C

Absolute zero = − 273.15°C

Absolute zero = − 459.67°F

5. Sludge Conversions

1700 lbs wet sludge = 1 yd3 wet sludge

1 yd3 sludge = wet tons/0.85

Wet tons sludge × 240 = gallons sludge

1 wet ton sludge × % dry solids/100 = 1 dry ton of sludge

6. Various Constants

Atomic massmu = 1.6605402 × 10− 27
Avogadro’s numberN = 6.0221367 × 1023 mol− 1
Boltzmann’s constantk = 1.380658 × 10− 23 J K− 1
Elementary chargee = 1.60217733 × 10− 19 C
Faraday’s constantF = 9.6485309 × 104 C · mol− 1
Gas (molar) constantR = k · N ~ 8.314510 J · mol− 1 · K− 1
= 0.08205783 L atm mol− 1 K− 1
Gravitational accelerationg = 9.80665 m s− 2
Molar volume of an ideal gas at 1 atm and 25°CVideal gas = 24.465 L mol− 1
Planck’s constanth = 6.6260755 × 10− 34 J s
Zero, Celsius scale0°C = 273.15°K


7. Volume Conversion

Barrels (petroleum, US) to Cu feet multiply by 5.6146

Barrels (petroleum, US) to Gallons (US) multiply by 42

Barrels (petroleum, US) to Liters multiply by 158.98

Barrels (US, liq.) to Cu feet multiply by 4.2109

Barrels (US, liq.) to Cu inches multiply by 7.2765 × 103

Barrels (US, liq.) to Cu meters multiply by 0.1192

Barrels (US, liq.) to Gallons multiply by (US, liq.) 31.5

Barrels (US, liq.) to Liters multiply by 119.24

Cubic centimeters to Cu feet multiply by 3.5315 × 10− 5

Cubic centimeters to Cu inches multiply by 0.06102

Cubic centimeters to Cu meters multiply by 1.0 × 10− 6

Cubic centimeters to Cu yards multiply by 1.308 × 10− 6

Cubic centimeters to Gallons (US liq.) multiply by 2.642 × 10− 4

Cubic centimeters to Quarts (US liq.) multiply by 1.0567 × 10− 3

Cubic feet to Cu centimeters multiply by 2.8317 × 104

Cubic feet to Cu meters multiply by 0.028317

Cubic feet to Gallons (US liq.) multiply by 7.4805

Cubic feet to Liters multiply by 28.317

Cubic inches to Cu cm multiply by 16.387

Cubic inches to Cu feet multiply by 5.787 × 10− 4

Cubic inches to Cu meters multiply by 1.6387 × 10− 5

Cubic inches to Cu yards multiply by 2.1433 × 10− 5

Cubic inches to Gallons (US liq.) multiply by 4.329 × 10− 3

Cubic inches to Liters multiply by 0.01639

Cubic inches to Quarts (US liq.) multiply by 0.01732

Cubic meters to Barrels (US liq.) multiply by 8.3864

Cubic meters to Cu cm multiply by 1.0 × 106

Cubic meters to Cu feet multiply by 35.315

Cubic meters to Cu inches multiply by 6.1024 × 104

Cubic meters to Cu yards multiply by 1.308

Cubic meters to Gallons (US liq.) multiply by 264.17

Cubic meters to Liters multiply by 1000

Cubic yards to Bushels (Brit.) multiply by 21.022

Cubic yards to Bushels (US) multiply by 21.696

Cubic yards to Cu cm multiply by 7.6455 × 105

Cubic yards to Cu feet multiply by 27

Cubic yards to Cu inches multiply by 4.6656 × 104

Cubic yards to Cu meters multiply by 0.76455

Cubic yards to US Gallons (liquid) multiply by 201.97

Cubic yards to Liters multiply by 764.55

Cubic yards to Quarts multiply by 672.71

Cubic yards to Quarts multiply by 694.28

Cubic yards to Quarts multiply by 807.90

Gallons (US liq.) to Barrels (US liq.) multiply by 0.03175

Gallons (US liq.) to Barrels (petroleum, US) multiply by 0.02381

Gallons (US liq.) to Bushels (US) multiply by 0.10742

Gallons (US liq.) to Cu centimeters multiply by 3.7854 × 103

Gallons (US liq.) to Cu feet multiply by 0.13368

Gallons (US liq.) to Cu inches multiply by 231

Gallons (US liq.) to Cu meters multiply by 3.7854 × 10− 3

Gallons (US liq.) to Cu yards multiply by 4.951 × 10− 3

Gallons (US liq.) to Gallons (wine) multiply by 1.0

Gallons (US liq.) to Liters multiply by 3.7854

Gallons (US liq.) to Ounces (US fluid) multiply by 128.0

Gallons (US liq.) to Pints (US liq.) multiply by 8.0

Gallons (US liq.) to Quarts (US liq.) multiply by 4.0

Liters to Cu centimeters multiply by 1000

Liters to Cu feet multiply by 0.035315

Liters to Cu inches multiply by 61.024

Liters to Cu meters multiply by 0.001

Liters to Gallons (US liq.) multiply by 0.2642

Liters to Ounces (US fluid) multiply by 33.814

8. Weight Conversion

1 ounce (1 ounce) = 28.3495 grams (18.2495 g)

1 pound (1 lb) = 0.454 kilogram

1 pound (1 lb) = 454 grams (454 g)

1 kilogram (1 kg) = 2.20462 pounds (2.20462 lb)

1 stone (English) = 14 pounds (14 lb)

1 ton (US; 1 short ton) = 2000 lbs

1 ton (English; 1 long ton) = 2240 lbs

1 metric ton = 2204.62262 pounds

1 ton = 2204.62262 pounds

9. Other Approximations

14.7 pounds per square inch (14.7 psi) − 1 atmosphere (1 atm)

1 kilopascal (kPa) × 9.8692 × 10− 3 = 14.7 pounds per square inch (14.7 psi)

1 yd3 = 27 ft3

1 US gallon of water = 8.34 lbs

1 imperial gallon of water – 10 lbs

1 ft3 = 7.5 gallon = 1728 cubic inches = 62.5 lbs.

1 yd3 = 0.765 m3

1 acre-inch of liquid = 27,150 gallons = 3.630 ft3

1-foot depth in 1 acre (in-situ) = 1613 × (20–25% excavation factor) = ~ 2000 yd3

1 yd3 (clayey soils-excavated) = 1.1–1.2 tons (US)

1 yd3 (sandy soils-excavated) = 1.2–1.3 tons (US)

Pressure of a column of water in psi = height of the column in feet by 0.434.

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