Chapter 4

Sources and Types of Organic Pollutants


In the past, the existence and source of such information was unknown and, if known, was not always consulted. When the existence and sources of the relevant information are known, decisions must be made in order for environmental scientists and engineers to make an informed, and often quick, decision on the next steps, even if it is decided at a later time not to use the information for a particular application. However, on the basis that it is better to know than to not know, knowing about the relevant data gives investigators and analysts the ability to assess whether or not a chemical discharge into the environment should be addressed or whether the environment can take care of itself through biodegradation of the chemical. This is especially true for scientists and engineers involved in site cleanup operations, assessment of ecological risk, and assessment of ecological damage. Modern data bases relating to the properties of chemicals, especially organic chemicals (which are the reason for the current text), there can be no reasons (or excuses) for not knowing or understanding the fundamental aspects of the behavior of organic chemicals that pollute the environment.

This chapter introduces the terminology of environmental technology as it pertains to the sources and types of organic pollutants.


Aerosols; Agrochemicals; Chemical waste; Coal products; Crude oil products; Industrial chemicals; Flame retardants; Natural gas; Volatile organic compounds; Wood smoke

1 Introduction

It is doubtful if anyone (even though there may be claims to the contrary) who can state with any degree of accuracy (although there is always someone who can make a statement with a high degree of uncertainty) when the Earth was last pristine and unpolluted. Yet, to attempt to return the environment to such a mythical time might have a severe effect on the current indigenous life, perhaps a form of pollution in reverse! However, there is the possibility that through the judicious use of resources and the application of the principles of environmental science, environmental engineering, and environmental analysis (disciplines involved in the study of the environment as well as determining the purity of the environment) (Woodside, 1999; Speight and Lee, 2000; Manahan, 2010), a state can be reached where pollution is minimal and does not pose a threat to the future. Such a program will not only involve well-appointed suites of analytical tests but also subsequent studies that cover the effects of changes in the environmental conditions on the flora and fauna of a region. These studies can include aspects of chemistry, chemical engineering, microbiology, and hydrology as they can be applied to solve environmental problems (Pickering and Owen, 1994; Speight and Lee, 2000; Schwarzenbach et al., 2003; Tinsley, 2004).

The potential for pollution of organic chemicals starts during the production stage. The typical organic chemical synthesis process involves combining one or more feedstocks in a series of unit process operations. Commodity chemicals tend to be synthesized in a continuous reactor, while specialty chemicals usually are produced in batches. Most reactions take place at high temperatures, involve metal catalysts, and include one or two additional reaction components. The yield of the organic chemical will partially determine the kind and quantity of by-products and releases. In fact, many specialty organic chemicals require a series of two or three reaction steps, each involving a different reactor system and each capable of producing by-products. Once the reaction is complete, the desired product must be separated from the by-products by a second unit operation. A number of separation techniques such as settling, distillation, or refrigeration may be used. The final product may be further processed, such as by spray drying or pelletizing, to produce the saleable item. Frequently, by-products are also sold, and their value can influence the economics of the process.

In spite of numerous safety protocols that are in place and the care taken to avoid environmental incidents that are harmful to the environment, every industry suffers accidents that lead to contamination by chemicals. It is therefore often helpful to be aware of the nature (the chemical and physical properties) of the chemical contaminants and the products arising therefrom (when ecosystem parameters interact with the chemicals) in order to understand not only the nature of the chemical contamination but also chemical changes to the contaminants following from which cleanup methods can be chosen.

In the past, the existence and source of such information was unknown and, if known, was not always consulted. When the existence and sources of the relevant information are known, decisions must be made in order for environmental scientists and engineers to make an informed, and often quick, decision on the next steps, even if it is decided at a later time not to use the information for a particular application. However, on the basis that it is better to know than to not know, knowing about the relevant data gives investigators and analysts the ability to assess whether or not a chemical discharge into the environment should be addressed or whether the environment can take care of itself through biodegradation of the chemical. This is especially true for scientists and engineers involved in site cleanup operations, assessment of ecological risk, and assessment of ecological damage. Modern data bases relating to the properties of chemicals, especially organic chemicals (which are the reason for the current text), there can be no reasons (or excuses) for not knowing or understanding the fundamental aspects of the behavior of organic chemicals that pollute the environment.

By way of clarification, an organic pollutant is an organic chemical that is released into an ecosystem and which causes pollution (however temporary or permanent) insofar as the chemical is harmful to or is destructive to the flora and/or the fauns of the ecosystem. Typically, and by virtue of the name, a pollutant is a chemical that is not indigenous to the ecosystem. However, if the discharged chemical is indigenous to the ecosystem (i.e., the organic chemical is a naturally occurring compound), it can be (should be) classed as a pollutant when it is released into the system in amounts that are in excess of the natural concentration of the organic chemical in the ecosystem, and by this increased concentration the chemical can cause harm to (or is destructive to) the flora and/or the fauna of the ecosystem.

Given time, some organic chemicals are removed from the ecosystem by natural events, such as attack by indigenous bacteria (biodegradation) or by increasing the concentration of natural-occurring bacteria to remove the chemical from the ecosystem (bioremediation) (Speight and Arjoon, 2012). However, there are organic chemicals that are known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) which are compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through the various chemical and biological processes (Jacob, 2013). POPs, as the name implies, are not easily degraded in the environment due to their stability and low decomposition rates and, thus, have a long life in various ecosystems and often require other forms of removal such as physical or chemical methods of cleanup as well as the addition of nonindigenous microbes for cleanup (Speight and Lee, 2000; Speight and Arjoon, 2012). POPs also have the ability for long-range transport, and environmental contamination by POPs is extensive, even in areas where these chemicals have never been used, and will remain in these environments for a considerable time (even years) and after restrictions implemented due to their resistance to degradation.

POPs, like any organic chemical pollutant, can enter an ecosystem through the gas phase, the liquid phase, or solid phase and which can resist degradation and are mobile over considerable distances (especially in the gas phase or through transportation in river systems) before being redeposited in a location that is remote to the location of their introduction into the ecosystem. Furthermore, POPs can be present as vapors in the atmosphere or bound to (adsorbed on) the surface of soil or mineral particles and also have variable solubility in water.

Many POPs are currently (or were in the past) arose from the extensive use of agrochemicals (agricultural chemicals) such as pesticides, herbicides, and biocides, solvents, pharmaceuticals, and various industrial chemicals (Chapter 3). Although some POPs arise naturally, for example, from various biosynthetic pathways, most are products of human industry and tend to have higher concentrations and are eliminated more slowly. If not removed and because of their properties, POPs will bioaccumulate and have significant impacts on and the flora and fauna of the environment. The most frequently used measure of the potential for bioaccumulations and persistence of an organic compound in the environment are the result of the physicochemical properties (such partition coefficients and reaction rate constants) (Mackay et al., 2001).

Furthermore, the capacity of the environment to absorb the effluents and other impacts of process technologies is not unlimited, as some would have us believe. The environment should be considered to be an extremely limited resource, and discharge of chemicals into it should be subject to severe constraints. Indeed, the declining quality of raw materials dictates that more material must be processed to provide the needed fuels. And the growing magnitude of the products and effluents from industrial processes has moved above the line where the environment has the capability to absorb such process effluents without disruption.

As a result of the increasing concern about pollution (especially pollution by organic chemicals), in May 1995, the United Nations Environment Program Governing Council investigated POPs and placed a global ban on those organic chemicals that were particularly harmful and toxic to the environment among which were many pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides which are historically or commercially important (Appendix: Table A6) (Hites, 2007) and required the participating governments to take measures to eliminate or reduce the release of POPs in the environment. On May 22, 2001, the Stockholm Convention was adopted and put into practice by the United Nations Environment Program. The purpose of the statement of the agreement is to protect the environment from POPs and the members at the recognized the potential for environmental toxicity of POPs which had the potential for long range transport resulting in bioaccumulation and biomagnification (Speight and Lee, 2000; Manahan, 2010; Speight and Arjoon, 2012).

As a commencement to this process of data examination and ingestion, this chapter introduces the terminology of environmental technology as it pertains to the sources and types of organic pollutants. Briefly, a contaminant, which is not usually classified as a pollutant unless it has some detrimental effect, can cause deviation from the normal composition of an environment. A receptor is an object (animal, vegetable, or mineral) or a locale that is affected by the pollutant. A chemical waste is any solid, liquid, or gaseous waste material that, if improperly managed or disposed of, may pose substantial hazards to human health and the environment (Table 4.1). At any stage of the management process, a chemical waste may be designated by law as a hazardous waste. Improper disposal of these waste streams, such as organic solvents (Table 4.2), in the past has created hazards to human health and the need for very expensive cleanup operations (Tedder and Pohland, 1993). Correct handling of these chemicals (NRC, 1981), as well as dispensing with many of the myths related to chemical processing (Kletz, 1990), can mitigate some of the problems that will occur, especially problems related to the flammability of organic liquids (Table 4.3), that will occur when incorrect handling is practiced. Chemical waste is also defined and classified into various subgroups (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1

Examples of the Types of Organic Chemical Waste

SourceWaste Type
Chemical manufacturingSpent solvents
Reactive materials
Cleaning agentsSpent solvents
Construction industrySpent solvents
Cosmetics manufacturingIgnitable materials
Flammable solvents
Crude oil recovery and refiningDrilling mud spills
Spilled solvents
Process sludge
Furniture manufacturing and refinishingIgnitable materials
Spent solvents
Leather productsWaste solvents
Power generationGases and coal dust
Combustion waste (ash and slag)
Printing industrySpent solvents
Vehicle maintenanceIgnitable materials
Spent solvents


Table 4.2

Effects of Organic Solvents

SolventAffected Parts of Human Body
Aliphatic hydrocarbons
Pentanes, hexanes, heptanes, octanesCentral nervous system and liver
Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons
Methylene chlorideCentral nervous system, respiratory system
Carbon tetrachlorideLiver and kidneys
Aromatic hydrocarbons
BenzeneBlood, immune system
TolueneCentral nervous system
XyleneCentral nervous system
Methyl alcohol (methanol and toxic metabolites)Optic nerve
Isopropyl alcoholCentral nervous system
Ethylene glycol (and toxic metabolites)Central nervous system

Table 4.3

Flammability of Selected Organic Liquids

LiquidFlash Point(°C)aVolume Percent in Air
Diethyl ether− 431.936
Pentane− 401.57.8
Acetone− 202.613
Gasoline (2,2,4-trimethylpentane)1.47.6


a Closed-cup flash point test.

b LFL, lower flammability limit; UFL, upper flammability limit at 25°C (77°F).

2 Aerosols

An aerosol is a suspension of liquid or solid particles in a gas, with particle diameters in the range of 10− 9 to 10− 4 m. In atmospheric science, however, the term aerosol traditionally refers to suspended particles that contain a large proportion of condensed matter other than water, whereas clouds are considered as separate phenomena (Pöschl, 2005). Aerosols give rise to a class of compounds known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which can arise from various sources.

In addition to the emissions of VOCs from vegetation, large quantities of organic compounds are emitted into the atmosphere from anthropogenic (man-made) sources, largely from combustion of petroleum products such as gasoline and diesel fuels and from other sources such as solvent use and the use of consumer products. Although the theory is that the combustion of such chemicals (alkanes in particular) should proceed completely to produce quantitative yields of carbon dioxide and water:


This is not always the case, and the reference of heteroatoms (nitrogen, oxygen, and/or sulfur) complicates the process by converting the heteroatoms to the gases oxide (such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides) that are gaseous pollutants. In addition, incomplete combustion (i.e., combustion in a dearth of oxygen) will produce polynuclear aromatic producers that appear in the atmosphere (as particulate matter) or in the soil.

In the atmosphere organic compounds are partitioned between the gaseous and particulate phases, with the chemicals being at least partially in the gas phase for liquid-phase vapor pressures of at least 10− 6 Torr at atmospheric temperature (1 Torr is a unit of pressure based on an absolute scale and is 1/760 of a standard atmosphere; thus 1 Torr = 1 mmHg pressure). In the atmosphere, these gaseous organic compounds are transformed by photolysis and/or reaction with hydroxyl (OH) radicals, nitrate (NO3) radicals, and ozone (O3). Emissions of organic compounds and their subsequent in situ atmospheric transformations lead to a number of adverse effects, including: (1) the formation—in the presence of oxides of nitrogen, NOx—of ozone, a criteria air pollutant; (2) the formation of secondary organic minute particles—aerosols—resulting in loss of visibility and risks to human health; and (3) the in situ atmospheric formation of toxic air contaminants, including, for example, formaldehyde HCHO, peroxy-acetyl nitrate, and nitrated aromatic species.


Atmospheric aerosol particles originate from a wide variety of natural and anthropogenic sources, including biomass. Primary particles are directly emitted as liquids or solids from sources such as biomass burning, incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, volcanic eruptions, and wind-driven or traffic-related suspension of road, soil, and mineral dust, sea salt, and biological materials (such as plant fragments, microorganisms, and pollen) (Oliveira et al., 2011). This also include the commercial conversion of biomass to a variety of chemicals, some of which may not be beneficial when released to the environment (Werpy and Peterson, 2004; Kim and Holtzapple, 2005, 2006a, b; Speight, 2011). Another example of a primary aerosol is the carbonaceous soot formed during incomplete combustion processes—diesel soot is a classic example of this form of primary carbonaceous aerosol. In spite of claims to the contrary, diesel fuel is not a clean fuel—it might be clean insofar as sulfur content is concerned—try following a diesel fuel vehicle under full load and/or up an incline. The emission of black fumes becomes very evident and very uncomfortable.

Another example of primary aerosols (although not organic in nature) is the fly ash from coal combustion systems or the incineration of wastes. This material is typically generated by high-temperature processes that result in the production of condensed inorganic materials formed as small spherical beads, typically high in silicates or iron oxides. Anthropogenic sources of primary aerosol and particulate material include mechanical abrasion that produces construction and industrial dusts, as well as abrasion of tires and pavement materials on roads.

Secondary aerosol particles, on the other hand, are formed by gas-to-particle conversion in the atmosphere (new particle formation by nucleation and condensation of gaseous precursors). The most important aerosol-generating inorganic gases that are released into the atmosphere by human combustion of fossil fuels are the nitrogen oxides (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide) and sulfur dioxide. Nitric oxide (NO) is oxidized to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and subsequently to nitric acid (HNO3) by the reaction of hydroxyl radical with nitrogen dioxide. The nitric acid can in turn react with ammonia to form ammonium nitrate, a white solid. The chemical equations are often subject to debate but can be represented simply as:



Sulfur dioxide—a common product from the combustion of sulfur-containing organic fuels—in the atmosphere reacts with hydroxyl radical in the gas phase and with hydrogen peroxide and ozone in the aqueous phase to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which is water soluble and also has a very low vapor pressure, so it rapidly forms aerosol once it is formed. Sulfuric acid can also react with ammonia to form ammonium bisulfate (NH4HSO4) and ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4]. These species are all fairly water soluble, and at high relative humidity values they will grow by adding water vapor to their surfaces.

Thus, airborne particles undergo various physical and chemical interactions and transformations (often referred to as atmospheric aging) which involves changes of particle composition, particle size, and particle structure through chemical reaction, gas uptake, and restructuring. Particularly efficient particle aging occurs in clouds, which are formed by condensation of water vapor on preexisting aerosol particles. Most clouds reevaporate, and modified aerosol particles are again released from the evaporating cloud droplets or ice crystals (cloud processing). If, however, the cloud particles cause precipitation which reaches the surface of the Earth, not only the condensation nuclei but also other aerosol particles that are scavenged on the way to the surface are removed from the atmosphere (wet deposition). Particle deposition without precipitation airborne water particles—that is dry deposition—is less important on a global scale but is highly relevant with respect to air quality. Depending on the properties of the aerosol and meteorological conditions, the characteristic residence times (lifetimes) of aerosol particles in the atmosphere can range from hours to weeks (Pöschl, 2005).

Depending on the origin of organic aerosols, the components can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary organic aerosol components are directly emitted in the condensed phase (as liquid particles or as solid particles) or as semivolatile vapors which are condensable under atmospheric conditions. The main sources of primary organic aerosol particles and components are natural and anthropogenic biomass burning (forest fires, slashing and burning, domestic heating), fossil-fuel combustion (domestic heating, industrial operations, traffic density), and wind-driven or the traffic-related suspension of soil and road dust, biological materials (such as plant debris, animal debris, pollen, and spores), sea spray, and spray from other surface waters that contain dissolved organic chemicals.

Secondary organic aerosol components are formed by chemical reaction and gas-to-particle conversion of VOCs in the atmosphere, which may proceed through different chemical and physical pathways, such as: (1) new particle formation; (2) formation of semivolatile organic compounds—SVOCs—by gas-phase reactions and participation of the SVOCs in the nucleation and growth of new aerosol particles; (3) gas-particle partitioning, which results in the formation of SVOCs by gas-phase reactions and uptake through adsorption or by absorption by preexisting aerosol or cloud particles; and (4) heterogeneous or multiphase reactions: formation of low-volatile organic compounds or nonvolatile organic compounds by chemical reaction of VOCs or SVOCs at the surface or in the bulk of aerosol or cloud particles.

Thus, in summary, aerosols caused by either the entry of organic chemicals into the environment or the reactivity of organic chemicals in the environment are of major importance for atmospheric chemistry and physics, the biosphere, and climate. The airborne solid and liquid particles in the nanometer (1 × 10− 9 m) to micrometer (1 × 10− 6 m) size range influence the energy balance of the Earth, the hydrological cycle, atmospheric circulation, and the abundance of greenhouse gases and reactive trace gases. Moreover, aerosols play an important role in the reproduction of biological organisms and the primary parameters that determine the environmental effects of aerosol particles are (1) the concentration of the particles, (2) particle size, (3) particle structure, and (4) the chemical composition of the particles. These parameters, however, are spatially and temporally highly variable.

3 Agrochemicals

Agrochemicals (agricultural chemicals, agrichemicals) are the various chemical products that are used in agriculture. In most cases, the term agrochemical refers to the broad range of pesticide chemicals, including insecticide chemicals, herbicide chemicals, fungicide chemicals, and nematicides chemicals (chemicals used to kill round worms). The term may also include synthetic fertilizers, hormones, and other chemical growth agents, as well as concentrated stores of raw animal manure.

Typically, agrochemicals are toxic and when stored in bulk storage systems may pose significant environmental risks, particularly in the event of accidental spills. As a result, in many countries, the use of agrochemicals has become highly regulated and government-issued permits for purchase and use of approved agrichemicals may be required. Significant penalties can result from misuse, including improper storage resulting in chemical leaks, chemical leaching, and chemical spills. Wherever these chemicals are used, proper storage facilities and labeling; emergency cleanup equipment; emergency cleanup procedures; safety equipment; as well as safety procedures for handling, application, and disposal are often subject to mandatory standards and regulations.

While agrochemicals increase plant and animal crop production, they can also damage the environment. Excessive use of fertilizers has led to the contamination of groundwater with nitrate, a chemical compound that in large concentrations is poisonous to humans and animals. In addition, the runoff (or leaching from the soil) of fertilizers into streams, lakes, and other surface waters (the aquasphere) can increase the growth of algae, which can have an adverse effect on the life-cycle of fish and other aquatic animals.

Pesticides that are sprayed on entire fields using equipment mounted on tractors, airplanes, or helicopters often drift away (due to wind or air convection patterns) from the targeted field, settling on nearby plants and animals. Some older pesticides, such as the powerful insecticide DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), remain active in the environment for many years (Table 4.4), contaminating virtually all wildlife, well water, food, and even humans with whom it comes in contact. Although many of these pesticides have been banned (Chapter 1), some newer pesticides still cause severe environmental damage.

Table 4.4

Harmful Chemicals Identified by the United Nations Environment Program Governing Councila

Aldrin: an insecticide used in soils to kill insects such as termites, grasshoppers, and western corn rootworm
Chlordane: an insecticide used to control termites and on a range of agricultural crops; a chemical that remains in the soil with a reported half-life of 1 year
Chlordecone: a synthetic chlorinated organic compound that is primarily used as an agricultural pesticide
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT): used as insecticide during WWII to protect against malaria and typhus; after the war, used as an agricultural insecticide; can persists in the soil for 10-15 years after application
Dieldrin: a pesticide used to control termites, textile pests, insect-borne diseases, and insects living in agricultural soils; half-life is approximately 5 years
Dioxins: by-products of high-temperature processes, such as incomplete combustion and pesticide production also emitted from the burning of hospital waste, municipal waste, and hazardous waste as well as automobile emissions, combustion of peat, coal, and wood
Endosulfans: insecticides used to control pests on crops such coffee, cotton, rice, and sorghum and soybeans, tsetse flies, ectoparasites of cattle; also used as a wood preservative
Endrin: an insecticide sprayed on the leaves of crops, and used to control rodents; half-life is up to 12 years
Heptachlor: a pesticide primarily used to kill soil insects and termites, along with cotton insects, grasshoppers, other crop pests, and malaria-carrying mosquitoes
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD): a brominated flame retardant used as a thermal insulator in the building industry; persistent, toxic, and ecotoxic with bioaccumulative properties and long-range transport properties
Hexabromodiphenyl ether (hexaBDE) and heptabromodiphenyl ether: the main components of commercial octabromodiphenyl ether (octaBDE); highly persistent in the environment
Hexachlorobenzene: a fungicide used as a seed treatment, especially on wheat to control the fungal disease bunt; also a by-product produced during the manufacture of chlorinated solvents and other chlorinated compounds
α-Hexachlorocyclohexane (α-HCH) and β-hexachlorocyclohexane (β-HCH): insecticides as well as by-products in the production of lindane; highly persistent in the water of colder regions
Lindane, also known as gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane, (γ-HCH), gammaxene, Gammallin, and sometimes incorrectly called benzene hexachloride (BHC): a chemical variant of hexachlorocyclohexane that has been used as an agricultural insecticide
Mirex: an insecticide used against ants and termites or as a flame retardant in plastics, rubber, and electrical goods; half-life is up to 10 years
Pentachlorobenzene (PeCB): a pesticide and also used in polychlorobiphenyl products, dyestuff carriers, as a fungicide, a flame retardant, and a chemical intermediate
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) salts of the acid: used in the production of fluoropolymers; extremely persistent in the environment through bioaccumulation and biomagnification
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): used as heat exchange fluids in electrical transformers and capacitors; also used as additives in paint, carbonless copy paper, and plastics; a half-life up to 10 years
Polychlorinated dibenzofurans: by-products of high-temperature processes, such as incomplete combustion after waste incineration, pesticide production, and polychlorinated biphenyl production
Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (tetraBDE) and pentabromodiphenyl ether (pentaBDE): industrial chemicals and the main components of commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether (pentaBDE)
Toxaphene: an insecticide used on cotton, cereal, grain, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, as well as for tick and mite control in livestock; a half-life up to 12 years in soil


a Listed alphabetically and not by effects; all chemicals listed are harmful to flora and fauna, including humans.

There is now an awareness of the health hazards of pesticides and related chemicals due to the pioneering work that commenced in the latter half of the 20th century and has continued into the 21st century (Carson, 1962; Carson and Mumford, 1988, 1995, 2002). These materials are carefully regulated, and the safety requirements for every pesticide product are spelled out in detail. Most fertilizers have been in an opposite category, considered useful, safe, and inert. These and other environmental effects have prompted the search for nonchemical methods of enhancing soil fertility and dealing with crop pests. These alternatives, however, are still emerging and are not yet in widespread use.

4 Chemical Waste

Chemical waste is a general term and covers many types of materials but is generally recognized as a waste that is composed of harmful chemicals. Thus, by this definition, organic chemical waste is composed of harmful chemicals. However, all chemical wastes are not hazardous wastes, and organic chemical waste may or may not be classed as hazardous waste. An organic chemical hazardous waste is a gaseous, liquid, or material that displays either a hazardous characteristic or is specifically listed by name as a hazardous waste (Appendix: Tables A2A6). There are four characteristics chemical wastes that may have to be considered as hazardous are (1) ignitability, (2) corrosivity, (3) reactivity, and (4) toxicity. This type of hazardous waste must be categorized as to its identity, constituents, and hazards so that it may be safely handled and managed.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) designates more than 450 chemicals or chemical wastes that are specific substances or classes of substances known to be hazardous. Each such chemical or waste is assigned a hazardous waste number in the format of a letter followed by three numerals, where a different letter is assigned to substances from each of the following list: (1) F-type: chemicals or chemical wastes from nonspecific sources (Appendix: Table A2), (2) K-type: chemicals or chemical wastes from specific sources (Appendix: Table A3), (3) P-type: chemicals or chemical wastes that are hazardous and that are mostly specific chemical species such as fluorine (Appendix: Table A4), and (4) U-type: generally hazardous chemicals or chemical wastes that are predominantly specific compounds (Appendix: Table A5).

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) gives a broader definition of hazardous substances that includes the following: (1) any element, compound, mixture, solution, or substance, the release of which may substantially endanger public health, public welfare, or the environment; (2) any element, compound, mixture, solution, or substance in reportable quantities designated by CERCLA Section 102; (3) certain substances or toxic pollutants designated by the Water Pollution Control Act; (4) any hazardous air pollutant listed under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act; (5) any imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture that has been the subject of government action under Section 7 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); and (6) any hazardous chemical or chemical waste listed or having characteristics identified by the Resource Conservation Recovery Act, with the exception of those suspended by Congress under the Solid Waste Disposal Act.

In terms of quantity by weight, more wastes than all others combined are those from categories designated by hazardous waste numbers preceded by F and K. The F categories are those wastes from nonspecific sources. The K-type hazardous wastes are those from specific sources produced by industries such as, in the context of organic chemicals, the manufacture of organic chemicals, pesticides, explosives, as well as from processes such as wood preservation petroleum refining or wood preservation.

Some refinery wastes that might exhibit a degree of hazard are exempt from the Resource Conservation Recovery Act regulation by legislation and include the following: (1) ash and scrubber sludge from thermal generation or power generation by utilities, (2) oil field and gas field drilling mud, (3) by-product brine from petroleum production, and (4) catalyst dust (Speight, 2005a). Eventual reclassification of these kinds of low-hazard wastes could increase the quantities of regulated wastes several-fold. Thus, as stated earlier, an organic chemical waste is considered hazardous if it exhibits one or more of the following characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity. Under the authority of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a hazardous substance has one or more of the earlier characteristics.

Briefly, ignitability is that characteristic of chemicals that are volatile liquids and the vapors are prone to ignition in the presence of an ignition sources. Nonliquids that may catch fire from friction or contact with water and which burn vigorously or are persistently ignitable compressed gases and oxidizers also fall under the mantle of ignitable chemicals. Examples include solvents, friction-sensitive substances, and pyrophoric solids that may include catalysts and metals isolated from various refining processes. Organic solvents are indigenous to the petroleum industry and release to the atmosphere as vapor and can pose a significant inhalation hazard. Improper storage, use, and disposal can result in the contamination of land systems as well as groundwater and drinking water (Barcelona et al., 1990; Speight, 2005a).

Often, the term ignitable chemical (ignitable organic chemical, such as naphtha or gasoline) is used in the same sense as the term flammable organic chemical insofar as it is a chemical that will burn readily but a combustible organic chemical (any higher boiling hydrocarbon product of refining but which can include naphtha or gasoline) often requires relatively more persuasion to burn, that is, the chemical is less flammable. Most petroleum products that are likely to burn accidentally are low-boiling liquids that form vapors that are usually denser than air and thus tend to settle in low spots. The tendency of a liquid to ignite is measured by a test in which the liquid is heated and periodically exposed to a flame until the mixture of vapor and air ignites at the liquid's surface. The temperature at which this occurs is called the flash point (Speight, 2015).

There are several standard tests for determining the flammability of materials. For example, the upper and lower concentration limits for the flammability of chemicals and waste can be determined by standard test methods (ASTM D4982, 2016; ASTM E681, 2016) as can the combustibility and the flash point (ASTM D1310, 2016; ASTM E176, 2016; ASTM E502, 2016). With these definitions in mind it is possible to divide ignitable materials into four subclasses. Thus:

1. A flammable solid is a solid that can ignite from friction or from heat remaining from its manufacture, or which may cause a serious hazard if ignited. Explosive materials are not included in this classification.

2. A flammable liquid is a liquid having a flash point below 37.8°C (100°F) (ASTM D92, 2016; ASTM D1310, 2016). A combustible liquid has a flash point in excess of 37.8°C (100°F), but below 93.3°C (200°F). Gases are substances that exist entirely in the gaseous phase at 0°C (32°F) and 1 atm pressure (14.7 psi) pressure. A flammable compressed gas (such as liquefied petroleum gas, LPG, or any liquefied hydrocarbon gas or petroleum product) meets specified criteria for lower flammability limit, flammability range, and flame projection.

In considering the ignition of vapors, two important concepts are flammability limit and flammability range. Values of the vapor/air ratio below which ignition cannot occur because of insufficient fuel define the lower flammability limit. Similarly values of the vapor/air ratio above which ignition cannot occur because of insufficient air define the upper flammability limit. The difference between upper and lower flammability limits at a specified temperature is the flammability range. In addition, explosions that are not due to the flammability of an organic chemical can also occur. Dust explosions (ASTM E789, 2016) can occur during catalytic reactor shutdown and cleaning are due to production of finely divvied solids through attrition. Many catalyst dusts can burn explosively in air. Thus, control of dust generated by catalyst attrition is essential (Mody and Jakhete, 1988). Organic chemicals that catch fire spontaneously in air without an ignition source are called pyrophoric organic chemicals, all of which may occur on a refinery site. Moisture in air is often a factor in spontaneous ignition.

Corrosivity is that characteristic of chemicals that exhibit extremes of acidity or basicity or a tendency to corrode steel. Such chemicals, as used in various refining (treating) processes, are acidic and are/or capable of corroding metal such as tanks, containers, drums, and barrels. On the other hand, reactivity is a violent chemical change (an explosive substance is an obvious example) that can result to pollution and/or harm to indigenous flora and fauna. Such wastes are unstable under ambient conditions insofar as they can create explosions, toxic fumes, gases, or vapors when mixed with water. Finally, toxicity (defined in terms of a standard extraction procedure followed by chemical analysis for specific substances) is a characteristic of all chemicals be the petroleum or nonpetroleum in origin. Toxic wastes are harmful or fatal when ingested or absorbed and, when such wastes are disposed of on land, the chemicals may drain (leach) from the waste and pollute groundwater. Leaching of such chemicals from contaminated soil may be particularly evident when the area is exposed to acid rain. The acidic nature of the water may impart mobility to the waste by changing the chemical character of the waste or the character of the minerals to which the waste species are adsorbed.

As with flammability, there are many tests that can be used to determine corrosivity (ASTM D1838, 2016; ASTM D2251, 2016). Most corrosive substances belong to at least one of the four following nonorganic chemical classes: (1) strong acids, (2) strong bases, (3) oxidants, or (4) dehydrating agents, which are all are used in the refining industry (Speight, 2005a). For example, sulfuric acid is a prime example of a corrosive substance (ASTM C694, 2016). As well as being a strong acid, concentrated sulfuric acid is also a dehydrating agent and oxidant. The heat generated when water and concentrated sulfuric acid are mixed illustrates the high affinity of sulfuric acid for water. If this is done incorrectly by adding water to the acid, localized boiling and spattering can occur and result in personal injury. The major destructive effect of sulfuric acid on skin tissue is removal of water with accompanying release of heat. Contact of sulfuric acid with tissue results in tissue destruction at the point of contact. Inhalation of sulfuric acid fumes or mists damages tissues in the upper respiratory tract and eyes. Long-term exposure to sulfuric acid fumes or mists has caused erosion of teeth, as well as destruction of other parts of the body!

Reactive chemicals are those that tend to undergo rapid or violent reactions under certain conditions. Such substances include those that react violently or form potentially explosive mixtures with water, such as some of the common oxidizing agents. Explosives (Sudweeks et al., 1983; Austin, 1984) constitute another class of reactive chemicals. For regulatory purposes, those substances are also classified as reactive that react with water, acid, or base to produce toxic fumes, particularly hydrogen sulfide or hydrogen cyanide.

Heat and temperature are usually very important factors in reactivity since many reactions require energy of activation to get them started. The rates of most reactions tend to increase sharply with increasing temperature, and most chemical reactions give off heat. Therefore, once a reaction is started in a reactive mixture lacking an effective means of heat dissipation, the rate will increase exponentially with time (doubling with every 10° rise in temperature), leading to an uncontrollable event. Other factors that may affect the reaction rate include the physical form of reactants, the rate and degree of mixing of reactants, the degree of dilution with a nonreactive medium (e.g., an inert solvent), the presence of a catalyst, and pressure.

Toxicity is of the utmost concern in dealing with chemicals and their disposal. This includes both long-term chronic effects from continual or periodic exposures to low levels of toxic chemicals and acute effects from a single large exposure (Zakrzewski, 1991). Not all toxins are immediately apparent. For example, living organisms require certain metals for physiological processes. These metals when present at concentrations above the level of homeostatic regulation can be toxic (ASTM E1302, 2016). In addition, there are metals that are chemically similar to, but higher in molecular weight than, the essential metals (heavy metals). Metals can exert toxic effects by direct irritant activity, blocking functional groups in enzymes, altering the conformation of biomolecules, or displacing essential metals in a metalloenzyme.

5 Coal and Coal Products

Coal (the term is used generically throughout the book to include all types of coal) is a black or brownish-black organic sedimentary rock of biochemical origin which is combustible and occurs in rock strata (coal beds, coal seams) and is composed primarily of carbon with variable proportions of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. Coal occurs in seams or strata. In terms of coal grade, the grade of a coal establishes its economic value for a specific end use. Grade of coal refers to the amount of mineral matter that is present in the coal and is a measure of coal quality. Sulfur content, ash fusion temperature (i.e., the temperature at which measurement the ash melts and fuses), and quantity of trace elements in coal are also used to grade coal. Although formal classification systems have not been developed around grade of coal, grade is important to the coal user.

Coal is a naturally occurring combustible material with varying composition, and it not surprising that the properties of coal vary considerably from coal type to coal type and even from sample to sample within a specific coal types. This can only be ascertained by application of a series of standard test methods (Zimmerman, 1979; Speight, 2005b).

The constituents of coal can be divided into two groups: (1) the organic fraction, which can be further subdivided into soluble and insoluble fractions as well as microscopically identifiable macerals and (ii) the inorganic fraction, which is commonly identified as ash subsequent to combustion. Because of this complex heterogeneity, it might be expected that the properties of coal can vary considerable, even within a specific rank of coal (Speight, 2005b, 2013).

5.1 Coal

Coal is one of the many vital commodities that contributes on a large scale to energy supply and, unfortunately to environmental pollution, including acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and allegedly global warming (global climate change) (Bell, 2011; Speight, 2013). Whatever the effects, the risks attached to the coal-fuel cycle could be minimized by the introduction of new clean coal technologies (Speight, 2013), remembering that there is no single substitute for coal fuel in the generation of energy.

Coal itself is harmless and presents no risk when it is in situ where it was deposited millions of years·ago. When involved in coal-related activities, however, its environmental impacts are deleterious if the coal is utilized in the wrong place at the wrong time and in the wrong amounts. At one time, oil-fuel and then nuclear power were considered to be the answer to the world energy demands. These assumptions were to be proved inadequate: (1) because of the unrest and armed hostile conflicts in the Middle East affecting oil supplies and (2) second, the catastrophic nuclear accidents in various parts of the world, which have (justifiably or unjustifiably—it is not the purpose of this text to decide on the viability of energy from nuclear sources) posed serious questions on the viability and safety of the nuclear industry.

By comparison, coal offers substantial opportunities for diversification of energy supply. Coal reserves are abundant, and it is well dispersed geographically. This makes it an invaluable source of energy and fundamental raw material for the generation of electrical power. However, the use of coal does pose serious environment questions some of which have been answered with satisfaction and others which have not been answered to the satisfaction of everyone.

In addition to the adverse effects that can occur during mining, cleaning, and transportation, the major issues of coal use (in the current context) arise from combustion, coke production (coal carbonization), and gasification (Chakrabartty and Selucky, 1985; Speight, 2013). Large amounts of coal are consumed in generating electricity, and the emissions from power stations and similar industrial sources represent a potential, and considerable, environmental hazard. These power plants and the accompanying flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) processes emit effluents, which often are pollutants, and which by mere contact with the external environment or by (generally) simple atmospheric chemical transformations, may form secondary pollutants that are more harmful than the initial effluent/pollutant.

5.2 Coal Products

Coal-based processes involved in conversion facilities release gaseous and liquid effluents as well as solid effluents deleterious to the environment and human health. The preference can be made from the following alternatives (1) removing the pollutant from the process effluent, for example, passing polluted air through a series of dust collectors which filter the fine particulates; (2) removing the pollutant from the process input, desulfurization of coal; (3) controlling the process, lowering combustion temperature to minimize the generation of nitrogen oxides and their emission; (4) replacing the process with one that does not generate or will minimize the pollutant, for example, pressurized fluidized bed combustion instead of pulverized coal burning; and (5) selecting a type of coal-fuel that eliminates the pollutant, for example, use of low-sulfur coal.

Coal-based processes involved in combustion and conversion facilities release gaseous and liquid effluents as well as solid effluents deleterious to the environment and human health. The preference can be made from the following alternatives: (1) removing the pollutant from the process effluent, e.g., passing polluted air through a series of dust collectors which filter the fine particulate matter; (2) removing the pollutant from the process input, desulfurization of coal; (3) controlling the process, lowering combustion temperature to minimize the generation of nitrogen oxides and their emission; (4) replacing the process with one that does not generate or will minimize the pollutant, for example, pressurized fluidized bed combustion instead of pulverized coal burning; and (5) selecting a type of coal-fuel that eliminates the pollutant, for example, use of low-sulfur coal.

Coal combustion products (CCPs), also called coal combustion wastes (CCW) or coal combustion residuals, are categorized in four groups, each based on physical and chemical forms derived from coal combustion methods and emission controls: (1) fly ash, (2) FGD products, and (3) bottom ash.

Fly ash, which can carry with it carbonaceous organic products, is captured after coal combustion by filters, bag houses, electrostatic precipitators, and other air pollution control devices. It comprises 60% (w/w) of all CCW (labeled here as CCPs). It is most commonly used as a high-performance substitute for Portland cement or as clinker for Portland cement production. Cements blended with fly ash are becoming more common. Building material applications range from grouts and masonry products to cellular concrete and roofing tiles. Many asphaltic concrete pavements contain fly ash. Geotechnical applications include soil stabilization, road base, structural fill, embankments, and mine reclamation. Fly ash also serves as filler in wood and plastic products, paints, and metal castings.

FGD materials are produced by chemical scrubber emission control systems that remove sulfur and oxides from power plant flue gas streams. FGD comprises 24% of all CCW. Residues vary, but the most common are FGD gypsum (or “synthetic” gypsum) and spray dryer absorbents. FGD gypsum is used in almost 30% of the gypsum panel products manufactured in the United States. It is also used in agricultural applications to treat undesirable soil conditions and to improve crop performance. Other FGD materials are used in mining and land reclamation activities.

Bottom ash and boiler slag can be used as a raw feed for manufacturing Portland cement clinker, as well as for skid control on icy roads. The two materials comprise 12% and 4% (w/w) of CCW, respectively. These materials are also suitable for geotechnical applications such as structural fills and land reclamation. The physical characteristics of bottom ash and boiler slag lend themselves as replacements for aggregate in concrete masonry products. Boiler slag is also used for roofing granules and as blasting grit.

The majority of CCPs are landfilled, placed in mine shafts or stored on site at coal-fired power plants. Approximately 43% (w/w) of CCPs were recycled for beneficial uses. The chief benefit of recycling is to stabilize the environmental harmful components of the CCPs such as arsenic, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, strontium, thallium, and vanadium, along with dioxins and polynuclear aromatic compounds.

Combustion of coal produces environmentally harmful emissions which are typically carbon dioxide, the oxides of sulfur and nitrogen that contribute to acid rain if not removed from the gaseous effluents.



However, some gases produced from burning coal are organic compounds (such as methane) which are known as greenhouse gases because they trap the earth's heat like the roof of a greenhouse and may contribute to possible global warming. Other emissions from coal combustion can lead to air and water pollution.

More pertinent to the present text, coal processing is a source of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs, also called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs), which are a large group of organic compounds with two or more fused aromatic rings. They have a relatively low solubility in water but are highly lipophilic. Most of the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons with low vapor pressure in the air are adsorbed on particles. When dissolved in water or adsorbed on particulate matter, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons can undergo photodecomposition when exposed to ultraviolet light from solar radiation. In the atmosphere, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons can react with pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide, yielding diones, nitro-polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and dinitro-polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and sulfonic acids, respectively. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons may also be degraded by some microorganisms in the soil.

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons also occur as part of the carbonaceous deposits found on spent catalysts from crude oil refineries and are also deposited on the ash from combustion as well as from incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuel in the absence of oxygen and are often referred to as black carbon (Shrestha et al., 2010). Thus, black carbon is the collective term for a range of carbonaceous substances encompassing partly charred plant residues to highly graphitized soot. Depending on its form, condition of origin, storage, and surrounding environmental conditions, black carbon can influence the environment at local, regional, and global scales in different ways.

The toxicity of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons is perhaps one of the most serious long-term problems associated with the use of crude oil. They comprise a large class of crude oil compounds containing two or more benzene rings. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are formed in nature by long-term, low-temperature chemical reactions in sedimentary deposits of organic materials and in high-temperature events such as volcanoes and forest fires. The major source of this pollution is, however, human activity. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons accumulate in soil, sediment, and biota. At high concentrations, they can be acutely toxic by disrupting membrane function. Many cause sunlight-induced toxicity in humans and fish and other aquatic organisms. In addition, long-term chronic toxicity has been demonstrated in a wide variety of organisms. Through metabolic activation, some polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons form reactive intermediates that bind to deoxyribonucleic acid. For this reason, many of these hydrocarbons are mutagenic (tending to cause mutations), teratogenic (tending to cause developmental malformations), or carcinogenic (tending to cause cancer).

6 Crude Oil

Petroleum (also known as crude oil) is perhaps the most important substance consumed in modern society. It provides not only raw materials for the ubiquitous plastics and other products but also fuel for energy, industry, heating, and transportation. From a chemical standpoint, petroleum is an extremely complex mixture of hydrocarbon compounds, usually with minor amounts of nitrogen-, oxygen-, and sulfur-containing compounds as well as trace amounts of metal-containing compounds (Speight, 2014, 2015).

Petroleum is a carbon-based resource. Therefore, the geochemical carbon cycle is also of interest to fossil fuel usage in terms of petroleum formation, use, and the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Thus, the more efficient use of petroleum and is of paramount importance. Petroleum technology, in one form or another, is with us until suitable alternative forms of energy are readily available (Ramage, 1997). For example, the fuels that are derived from petroleum supply more than half of the world's total supply of energy. Gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil provide fuel for automobiles, tractors, trucks, aircraft, and ships. Fuel oil and natural gas are used to heat homes and commercial buildings, as well as to generate electricity. Petroleum products are the basic materials used for the manufacture of synthetic fibers for clothing and in plastics, paints, fertilizers, insecticides, soaps, and synthetic rubber. The uses of petroleum as a source of raw material in manufacturing are central to the functioning of modern industry.

6.1 Crude Oil

Crude oil and the equivalent term petroleum cover a wide assortment of materials consisting of mixtures of hydrocarbons and other compounds containing variable amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen, which may vary widely in volatility, specific gravity, and viscosity. Metal-containing constituents, notably those compounds that contain vanadium and nickel, usually occur in the more viscous crude oils in amounts up to several thousand parts per million and can have serious consequences during processing of these feedstocks (Speight, 2014). Because crude oil is a mixture of widely varying constituents and proportions, its physical properties also vary widely and the color from colorless to black.

Indeed, crude oil reservoirs have been found in vastly different parts of the world, and their chemical composition varies greatly. Consequently, no single composition of crude oil can be defined. Thus crude oil-derived inputs to the environment vary considerably in composition and the complexity of crude oil composition is matched by the range of properties of the components and the physical, chemical, and biochemical processes that contribute to the distributive pathways and determine the fate of the inputs. Put simply, crude oil is a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbons, generally in a liquid state, which may also include compounds of sulfur nitrogen oxygen metals and other elements (Speight, 2014).

In terms of the elemental composition of crude oil, the carbon content is relatively constant, while the hydrogen and heteroatom contents are responsible for the major differences between crude oil from different sources. The nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur can be present in only trace amounts in some crude oil, which as a result consists primarily of hydrocarbons. On the other hand, a crude oil containing 9.5% (w/w) heteroatoms may contain essentially no true hydrocarbon constituents insofar as the constituents contain at least one or more nitrogen, oxygen, and/or sulfur atoms within the molecular structures.

Crude oil use is a necessary part of the modern world, hence the need for stringent controls over the amounts and types of emissions from the use of crude oil and its products. So it is predictable that crude oil will be a primary source of energy for the next several decades and, therefore, the message is clear. The challenge is for the development of technological concepts that will provide the maximum recovery of energy from crude oil not only cheaply but also efficiently and with minimal detriment to the environment.

The use of crude oil has significant social and environmental impacts, from accidents and routine activities such as seismic exploration, drilling, and generation of polluting wastes. Crude oil from subterranean and submarine reservoirs extraction can be environmentally damaging. Crude oil and refined fuel spills from tanker ship accidents have damaged fragile ecosystems. Burning oil releases carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. The general prognosis for emission cleanup is not pessimistic and can be looked upon as being quite optimistic. Indeed, it is considered likely that most of their environmental impact of crude oil refining can be substantially abated. A considerable investment in retrofitting or replacing existing facilities and equipment might be needed. However, it is possible and a conscious goal must be to improve the efficiency with which crude oil is transformed and consumed.

Considering the composition of crude oil and crude oil products (Speight, 2014), it is not surprising that crude oil and crude oil-derived chemicals are environmental pollutants (Speight, 2005a, b). The world's economy is highly dependent on crude oil for energy production and widespread use has led to enormous releases to the environment of crude oil, crude oil products, exhaust from internal combustion engines, emissions from oil-fired power plants, and industrial emissions where fuel oil is employed (Speight, 2014).

6.2 Crude Oil Products

Crude oil is rarely used in the form produced at the well but is converted in refineries into a wide range of products, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, jet fuel, domestic fuel oil, and industrial fuel oil, together with petrochemical feedstocks such as ethylene, propylene, the butene, butadiene, and isoprene. Crude oil is refined, that is, separated into useful products (Table 4.5) from which saleable products are produced by additional refining. Refining consists of, initially unless properties dictate otherwise (Speight, 2014, 2016a), dividing the crude oil into fractions of different boiling ranges by distillation. Other forms of treatment are utilized during the refining process to remove undesirable components of the crude oil. The fractions themselves are often further distilled to produce the desired commercial product. A variety of additives may be incorporated into some of the refined products to adjust the octane ratings or improve engine performance characteristics.

Table 4.5

Boiling Ranges of Crude Oil Products

Boiling RangeProduct
 Straight-run gasoline
205–345400–655Middle distillates: kerosene, jet fuel, heating oil, diesel fuel
345–565655–1050Gasoil, including lubricating (lube) oil and wax


The lowest boiling (lightest) constituents of crude oil are gases at room temperature and are collected and used as heating gas mixtures and in the petrochemical industry or as a refinery fuel. The next lightest hydrocarbons occur in molecule that contain four-to-nine carbon atoms and have a boiling range (also known as the light and heavy naphtha fraction) and are used in gasoline formulation. Constituents boiling in the middle ranges or middle distillates are used for production of kerosene diesel fuel, jet fuel, and fuel oil. These fuels contain paraffins (alkanes), cycloparaffins (cycloalkanes), aromatics, and olefins from approximately 9- to 20-carbons molecular range.

A residuum (pl. residua, also shortened to resid, pl. resids) is the residue obtained from crude oil after nondestructive distillation has removed all the volatile materials. The temperature of the distillation is usually maintained below 350°C (660°F) since the rate of thermal decomposition of crude oil constituents is minimal below this temperature, but the rate of thermal decomposition of crude oil constituents is substantial above 350°C (660°F) (Speight, 2014). Residua are black, viscous materials and are obtained by distillation of a crude oil under atmospheric pressure (atmospheric residuum) or under reduced pressure (vacuum residuum). They may be liquid at room temperature (generally atmospheric residua) or almost solid (generally vacuum residua) depending upon the cut-point of the distillation or depending on the nature of the crude oil (Speight, 2014, 2016a).

The highest boiling molecular weight compounds that do not distill under refinery conditions vaporize at all are residua or paraffin derivatives, depending on the source of the crude oil. The highest boiling fractions are high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons suitable for lubricants and heating oil. Lubricants may contain hydrocarbons ranging from 18 to 25 carbon atoms per molecule. Paraffin wax and crude oil jelly typically contain 28 to 38 carbon atoms per molecule. Other crude oil products include a wide variety of solvents and other refined oils (such as lubricating oils) which may also include a number of additives such as gelling inhibitors that are added to diesel fuels during cold weather (Speight and Exall, 2014). Certain additives may be of special concern in an injury assessment, either because they are toxic themselves or because they significantly change the behavior of the oil products.

Crude oil products have a vast array of uses. In approximate order of importance, the uses are: fuels for vehicles and industry, heating oils, lubricants, raw materials in manufacturing petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals, and solvents. By a wide margin, most of the products derived from crude oil find use as fossil fuels to run vehicles, produce electricity, and to heat homes and business. About 65% (v/v) of the crude oil used as fuel is consumed as gasoline in automobiles. Thus, crude oil products are ubiquitous in the modern environment that leads to contamination problems both for the environment and in sampling activities. In particular, the toxicity of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons is perhaps one of the most serious long-term problems associated with the use of crude oil. They comprise a large class of crude oil compounds containing three or more condensed benzene rings and are concentrated mainly in crude oil residua (Speight, 2014).

In terms of the composition of crude oil, it contains compounds that are composed of carbon and hydrogen only which do not contain any heteroatoms (nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur as well as compounds containing metallic constituents, particularly vanadium, nickel, iron, and copper). The hydrocarbons found in crude oil are classified into the following types: (1) paraffin derivatives, which are saturated hydrocarbons with straight or branched chains, but without any ring structure; (2) cycloparaffin derivatives also called naphthene derivatives but more correctly known as alicyclic hydrocarbons, which are saturated hydrocarbons containing one or more rings, each of which may have one or more paraffinic side-chains; and (3) aromatic derivatives, which are hydrocarbons containing one or more aromatic nuclei such as the benzene ring system, the naphthalene ring system, and the phenanthrene ring system that may be linked up with (substituted) naphthalene rings and/or paraffinic side-chains.

Another way to describe or characterize crude oil products is by generalized spill cleanup categories and the following categories are in use by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to identify cleanup options: (1) gasoline-type products, (2) diesel-type products, (3) intermediate products, (4) fuel oil products, and (5) residua.

Gasoline-type products are highly volatile products that evaporate quickly (often completely) within 1–2 days. They are narrow cut fraction with no residue, low viscosity, that spreads rapidly to a thin sheen on water or on to the land. They are highly toxicity to biota, will penetrate the substrate, and are nonadhesive. Diesel-like products (jet fuel, diesel, No. 2 fuel oil, kerosene) are moderately volatile products that can evaporate with no residue. They have a low-to-moderate viscosity and spread rapidly into thin films as well as form stable emulsions. These products also have a moderate-to-high (usually high) toxicity to biota and the specific toxicity is often related to type and concentration of aromatic compounds. They have the ability to penetrate substrate, but fresh (unoxidized) spills are nonadhesive. Intermediate products (No. 4 fuel oil, lube oil) are products that are less volatile than the two previous categories—up to one-third will evaporate within 24 h. They have a moderate-to-high viscosity and a variable toxicity that depends on amount of the lower boiling components. These products may penetrate the substrate and, therefore, cleanup most effective if conducted quickly.

Fuel oil (heavy industrial fuel oil) is a medium viscosity product that is highly variable and often blended with lower boiling products. The blends may be unstable and the oil may separate when spilled on to the ground or on to a waterway. The oil may be buoyant or sink in water depending on water density. The sunken oil has little potential for evaporation and may accumulate on bottom (of the waterway) under calm conditions. However, the sunken oil may be resuspended during storm events providing shoreline oiling (contamination). These products weather (oxidize) slowly. Residual products (No. 6 fuel oil, Bunker C oil): these products have little (usually/no) ability to evaporate. When spilled, persistent surface and intertidal area contamination is likely with long-term contamination of the sediment. The products are very viscous to semisolid and often become less viscous when warmed and such products weather oxidize (often referred to as weathering) slowly and may form tar balls that can sink in waterways (depending on product density and water density). They are highly adhesive to soil. Heavy oil, a highly viscous crude oil, and bitumen (isolated from tar sand deposits) also come into this category of contaminant.

Also, the petrochemical industry uses fossil fuels (e.g., natural gas) or petroleum refinery products (e.g., naphtha) as feedstocks. Petrochemicals are chemical products derived from crude oil. The two most common petrochemical classes are olefins (including ethylene, CH2glyph_dbndCH2, and propylene, CH3CHglyph_dbndCH2) and aromatic derivatives (including benzene, toluene, and xylene isomers). Primary petrochemicals are divided into three groups depending on their chemical structure: (1) olefins, which ethylene, propylene, and butadiene, CH2glyph_dbndCHCHglyph_dbndCH2; (2) aromatics, which includes benzene, C6H6, toluene C6H5CH3, and xylene isomers, CH3C6H4CH3; and (3) synthesis gas, which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen that is to make ammonia (NH3) and methanol (methyl alcohol, CH3OH).

6.3 Refinery Waste

There are several hundred individual hydrocarbon chemicals defined as petroleum-based. Furthermore, each petroleum product has its own mix of constituents because (Chapter 2) petroleum varies in composition from one reservoir to another, and this variation may be reflected in the finished product(s).

The chemicals in petroleum vary from (chemically speaking) simple hydrocarbons of low-to-medium molecular weight to organic compounds containing sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen, as well as compounds containing metallic constituents, particularly vanadium nickel, iron, and copper. Many of these latter compounds are of indeterminate molecular weight. Residua, that are produced by distillation that is a concentration process, contain significantly less hydrocarbon constituents than the original crude oil. The constituents of residua, depending on the crude oil, may be molecular entities of which the majority contains at least one heteroatom.

Typical refinery products include (1) natural gas and LPG, (2) solvent naphtha, (3) kerosene, (4) diesel fuel, (5) jet fuel, (6) lubricating oil, (7) various fuel oils, (8) wax, (9) residua, and (10) asphalt (Chapter 3). A single refinery does not necessarily produce all of these products. Some refineries are dedicated to particular products, for example, the production of gasoline or the production of lubricating oil or the production of asphalt. However, the issue is that refineries also produce a variety of waste products (Table 4.1) that must be disposed in an environmentally acceptable manner.

Waste treatment processes also account for a significant area of the refinery, particularly sulfur compounds in gaseous emissions together with various solid and liquid extracts and wastes generated during the refining process. The refinery is therefore composed of a complex system of stills, cracking units, processing and blending units and vessels in which the various reactions take place, as well as packaging units for products for immediate distribution to the retailer, for example, lubricating oils. Bulk storage tanks usually grouped together in tank farms are used for storage of both crude and refined products. Other tanks are used in the processes outlined, for example, treating, blending, and mixing, while others are used for spill and fire control systems. A boiler and electrical generating system usually operate for the refinery as a whole.

Petroleum hydrocarbons are environmental contaminants, but they are not usually classified as hazardous wastes. Soil and groundwater petroleum hydrocarbon contamination has long been of concern and has spurred various analytical and site remediation developments, for example, risk-based corrective actions. In some instances, it may appear that such cleanup operations were initiated with an incomplete knowledge of the charter and behavior of the contaminants. The most appropriate first assumption is that the spilled constituents are toxic to the ecosystem. The second issue is an investigation of the products of the spilled material to determine an appropriate cleanup method. The third issue is whether or not the chemical nature of the constituents has changed during the time since the material was released into the environment. If it has, a determination must be made of the effect of any such changes on the potential cleanup method.

Despite the large number of hydrocarbons found in petroleum products and the widespread nature of petroleum use and contamination, many of the lower boiling constituents are well characterized in terms of physical properties, but only a relatively small number of the compounds are well characterized for toxicity. The health effects of some fractions can be well characterized, based on their components or representative compounds (e.g., light aromatic fraction benzene-toluene-ethylbenzene-xylenes). However, higher-molecular-weight (higher boiling) fractions have far fewer well-characterized compounds.

This section deals with the toxicity of petroleum and petroleum products, and toxicity, the effects of petroleum constituents on the environment, and the individual process wastes, and the means by which petroleum, petroleum products, and process wastes are introduced into the environment. The processes are restricted to those processes by which the common products are produced (Chapter 3).

6.3.1 Process Wastes

Petroleum refineries are complex, but integrated, unit process operations that produce a variety of products from various feedstock blends (Speight, 2005a, b, 2014, 2016a). During petroleum refining, refineries use and generate an enormous amount of chemicals, some of which are present in air emissions, wastewater, or solid wastes. Emissions are also created through the combustion of fuels, and as by-products of chemical reactions occurring when petroleum fractions are upgraded. A large source of air emissions is, generally, the process heaters and boilers that produce carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides, leading to pollution and the formation of acid rain.



Hence, there is the need for gas-cleaning operations on a refinery site so that such gases are cleaned from the gas stream prior to entry into the atmosphere.

In addition, some processes create considerable amounts of particulate matter and other emissions from catalyst regeneration or decoking processes. Volatile chemicals and hydrocarbons are also released from equipment leaks, storage tanks, and wastewaters. Other cleaning units such as the installation of filters, electrostatic precipitators, and cyclones can mitigate part of the problem.

Process wastewater is also a significant effluent from a number of refinery processes. Atmospheric and vacuum distillation create the largest volumes of process wastewater, about 26 gallons per barrel of oil processed. Fluid catalytic cracking and catalytic reforming also generate considerable amounts of wastewater (15 and 6 gallons per barrel of feedstock, respectively). A large portion of wastewater from these three processes is contaminated with oil and other impurities and must be subjected to primary, secondary, and sometimes tertiary water treatment processes, some of which also create hazardous waste.

Wastes, residua, and by-products are produced by a number of processes. Residuals produced during refining are not necessarily wastes. They can be recycled or regenerated, and in many cases do not become part of the waste stream but are useful products. For example, processes utilizing caustics for neutralization of acidic gases or solvent (e.g., alkylation, sweetening/chemical treating, lubricating oil manufacture) create the largest source of residuals in the form of spent caustic solutions. However, nearly all of these caustics are recycled.

The treatment of oily wastewater from distillation, catalytic reforming, and other processes generates the next largest source of residuals in the form of biomass sludge from biological treatment and pond sediments. Water treatment of oily wastewater also produces a number of sludge materials associated with oil-water separation processes. Such sludge is often recycled in the refining process and is not considered wastes.

Catalytic processes (fluid catalytic cracking, catalytic hydrocracking, hydrotreating, isomerization, ethers manufacture) also create some residuals in the form of spent catalysts and catalyst fines or particulates. The latter are sometimes separated from exiting gases by electrostatic precipitators or filters. These are collected and disposed in landfills or may be recovered by off-site facilities.

6.3.2 Spills

It is almost impossible to transport, store, and refine crude oil without spills and losses. It is difficult to prevent spills resulting from failure or damage on pipelines. It is also impossible to install control devices for controlling the ecological properties of water and the soil along the length of all pipelines. The soil suffers the most ecological damage in the damage areas of pipelines. Crude oil spills from pipelines lead to irreversible changes of the soil properties. The most affected soil properties by crude oil losses from pipelines are filtration, physical and mechanical properties. These properties of the soil are important for maintaining the ecological equilibrium in the damaged area.

Principal sources of releases to air from refineries include: (1) combustion plants, emitting sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and particulate matter; (2) refining operations, emitting sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, VOCs, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, and other sulfurous compounds; (3) bulk storage operations and handling of VOCs (various hydrocarbons). In light of this, it is necessary to consider (1) regulatory requirements—air emission permits stipulating limits for specific pollutants, and possibly health and hygiene permit requirements; (2) requirement for monitoring program; and (3) requirements to upgrade pollution abatement equipment.

6.3.3 Storage and Handling of Petroleum Products

Large quantities of environmentally sensitive petroleum products are stored in (1) tank farms (multiple tanks), (2) single above-ground storage tanks (ASTs), (3) semiunderground or underground storage tanks (USTs). Smaller quantities of materials may be stored in drums and containers of assorted compounds (such as lubricating oil, engine oil, other products for domestic supply). In light of this, it is also necessary to consider (1) secondary containment of tanks and other storage areas and integrity of hard standing (without cracks, impervious surface) to prevent spills reaching the wider environment: also secondary containment of pipelines where appropriate; (2) age, construction details, and testing program of tanks; (3) labeling and environmentally secure storage of drums (including waste storage); (4) accident/fire precautions, emergency procedures; and (5) disposal/recycling of waste or “out of spec” oils and other materials.

There is a potential for significant soil and groundwater contamination to have arisen at petroleum refineries. Such contamination consists of (1) petroleum hydrocarbons including lower boiling, very mobile fractions (paraffins, cycloparaffins, and volatile aromatics such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) typically associated with gasoline and similar boiling range distillates; (2) middle distillate fractions (paraffins, cycloparaffins, and some polynuclear aromatics) associated with diesel, kerosene, and lower boiling fuel oil, which are also of significant mobility; (3) higher boiling distillates (long-chain paraffins, cycloparaffins, and polynuclear aromatics) are associated with lubricating oil and heavy fuel oil; (4) various organic compounds associated with petroleum hydrocarbons or produced during the refining process, for example, phenols, amines, amides, alcohols, organic acids, nitrogen, and sulfur containing compounds; (5) other organic additives, for example, antifreeze (glycols), alcohols, detergents, and various proprietary compounds; (6) organic lead, associated with leaded gasoline and other heavy metals.

Key sources of such contamination at petroleum refineries are at (1) transfer and distribution points in tankage and process areas, also general loading and unloading areas; (2) land farm areas; (3) tank farms; (4) individual ASTs and particularly individual USTs; (5) additive compounds; and (6) pipelines, drainage areas as well as on-site waste treatment facilities, impounding basins, lagoons, especially if unlined.

While contamination may be associated with specific facilities the contaminants are relatively highly mobile in nature and have the potential to migrate significant distances from the source in soil and groundwater. Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination can take several forms: free-phase product, dissolved phase, emulsified phase, or vapor phase. Each form will require different methods of remediation so that cleanup may be complex and expensive. In addition, petroleum hydrocarbons include a number of compounds of significant toxicity, for example, benzene and some polyaromatics are known carcinogens. Vapor-phase contamination can be of significance in terms of odor issues. Due to the obvious risk of fire, refineries are equipped with sprinkler or spray systems that may draw upon the main supply of water, or water held in lagoons, or from reservoirs or neighboring water courses. Such water will be polluting and require containment.

Refining facilities require significant volumes of water for on-site processes (e.g., coolants, blow-downs, etc.) as well as for sanitary and potable use. Wastewater will derive from these sources (process water) and from storm water run-off. The latter could contain significant concentrations of petroleum product. Petroleum hydrocarbons, dissolved, emulsified or occurring as free-phase, will be the key constituents although wastewater may also contain significant concentrations of phenols, amines, amides, alcohols, ammonia, sulfide, heavy metals, and suspended solids.

Wastewaters may be collected in separate drainage systems (for process, sanitary, and storm water) although industrial water systems and storm water systems may in some cases be combined. In addition, ballast water from bulk crude tankers may be pumped to receiving facilities at the refinery site prior to removal of floating oil in an interceptor and treatment as for other wastewater streams. On-site treatment facilities may exist for wastewater or treatment may take place at a public wastewater treatment plant. Storm water/process water is generally passed to a separator or interceptor prior to leaving the site which takes out free-phase oil (i.e., floating product) from the water prior to discharge, or prior to further treatment, e.g., in settling lagoons). Discharge from wastewater treatment plants is usually passed to a nearby watercourse. Other wastes that are typical of a refinery include (1) waste oils, process chemicals, still resides; (2) nonspecification chemicals and/or products; (3) waste alkali (sodium hydroxide); (4) waste oil sludge (from interceptors, tanks, and lagoons); and (5) solid wastes (cartons, rags, catalysts, and coke).

The pollution of ecosystems, either inadvertently or deliberately, has been a fact of life for millennia (Pickering and Owen, 1994). In recent times, the evolution of industrial operations has led to issues related to the production and disposal of a wide variety of organic chemicals (Chapter 3) (Easterbrook, 1995). Chemical wastes that were once exotic have become commonplace and hazardous (Tedder and Pohland, 1993). Recognition of this makes it all the more necessary that steps be taken to terminate the pollution, preferably at the source or before it is discharged into the environment. It is also essential that the necessary tests be designed to detect the pollution and its effect on living forms.

Any chemical substance, if improperly managed or disposed of, may pose a danger to living organisms, materials, structures, or the environment, by explosion or fire hazards, corrosion, toxicity to organisms, or other detrimental effects. In addition, many chemical substances, when released to the environment, can be classified as hazardous or nonhazardous. Consideration must be given to the distribution of chemical wastes on land systems, in water systems, and in the atmosphere.

In general terms, the origin of chemical wastes refers to their points of entry into the environment. Point-source leaks and spills (i.e., sources that release emissions through a confined vent (stack) or opening and nonpoint-source emissions) have resulted in environmental contamination from crude oil and crude oil products. Spills of crude oil and fuels have caused wide-ranging damage in the marine and freshwater environments. Oil slicks and tars in shore areas and beaches can ruin the esthetic value of entire regions. Other sources of environmental leakage as it affects the crude oil industry may consist of (1) deliberate addition to soil, water, or air by humans, for example, the disposal of used engine oil; (2) evaporation or wind erosion from emissions into the atmosphere; (3) leaching from waste dumps into groundwater, streams, and bodies of water; (4) leakage, such as from USTs or pipelines; (5) accidents, such as fire or explosion; and (6) emissions waste treatment or storage facilities.

In terms of waste definition, there are three basic approaches (as it pertains to crude oil, crude oil products, and noncrude oil chemicals) to defining crude oil or a crude oil product as hazardous: (1) a qualitative description of the waste by origin, type, and constituents; (2) classification by characteristics based upon testing procedures; and (3) classification as a result of the concentration of specific chemical substances.

However, various countries use different definitions of chemical waste and, many times, there are several inconsistencies in the definitions. Usually the definition involves qualification of whether or not the material is hazardous. For example, in some countries, a hazardous waste is any material that is especially hazardous to human health, air, or water, or which are explosive, flammable, or may cause diseases. Poisonous waste is material that is poisonous, noxious, or polluting and whose presence on the land is liable to give rise to an environmental hazard. But, in more general terms (in any country), hazardous waste is waste material that is unsuitable for treatment or disposal in municipal treatment systems, incinerators, or landfills and that therefore requires special treatment.

Moreover, and somewhat paradoxically, measures taken to reduce air and water pollution may actually increase production of chemical wastes. As examples, disposal of crude oil wastes by water treatment processes can yield a chemical sludge or concentrated liquor that require stabilization and disposal (Cheremisinoff, 1995). Scrubbing to remove hydrogen sulfide, sulfur oxides, and low-boiling organic sulfides as well as carbon dioxide (gas cleaning) are not immune to process waste, even though the chemistry of the cleaning processes is, in theory, reversible (Speight, 2007). Sludge is often produced, and the disposal of this material became a major environmental issue that cannot be ignored. In addition, electrostatic precipitators, used to remove metals from flue gases (Speight, 2007) also yield significant quantities of solid by-products; some of which are hazardous.

7 Flame Retardants

Flame retardant chemicals are used in commercial and consumer products (such as furniture and building insulation) to meet flammability standards. Not all flame retardants present concerns, but the following types often do: (1) halogenated flame retardants, also known as organo-halogen flame retardants that contain chlorine or bromine bonded to carbon and (2) organo-phosphorous flame retardants that contain phosphorous bonded to carbon.

Flame retardants inhibit or delay the spread of fire by suppressing the chemical reactions in the flame or by the formation of a protective layer on the surface of a material. They may be mixed with the base material (additive flame retardants) or chemically bonded to it (reactive flame retardants). Mineral flame retardants are typically additive, while organohalogen and organophosphorus compounds can be either reactive or additive.

Many flame retardants, while having measurable or considerable toxicity, degrade into compounds that are also toxic, and in some cases, the degradation products may be the primary toxic agent. For example, halogenated compounds with aromatic rings can degrade into dioxin derivatives, particularly when heated, such as during production, a fire, recycling, or exposure to sun. In addition, polybrominated diphenyl ethers with higher numbers of bromine atoms, such as decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE), are less toxic than pentabromodiphenyl ether derivatives with lower numbers of bromine atoms (Table 4.4). However, as the higher-order pentabromodiphenyl ether derivatives degrade biotically or abiotically, bromine atoms are removed, resulting in more toxic pentabromodiphenyl ether derivatives.

In addition, when some of the halogenated flame retardants such as pentabromodiphenyl ether derivatives are metabolized, they form hydroxylated metabolites that can be more toxic than the parent compound. These hydroxylated metabolites, for example, may compete more strongly to bind with transthyretin or other components of the thyroid system, can be more potent estrogen mimics than the parent compound, and can more strongly affect neurotransmitter receptor activity.

When products with flame retardants reach the end of their usable life, they are typically recycled, incinerated, or landfilled. Recycling can contaminate workers and communities near recycling plants, as well as new materials, with halogenated flame retardants and their breakdown products. Electronic waste, vehicles, and other products are often melted to recycle their metal components, and such heating can generate toxic dioxins and furans. Brominated flame retardants may also change the physical properties of plastics, resulting in inferior performance in recycled products. Poor-quality incineration similarly generates and releases high quantities of toxic degradation products. Controlled incineration of materials with halogenated flame retardants, while costly, substantially reduces release of toxic by-products.

Many products containing halogenated flame retardants are sent to landfills. Additive, as opposed to reactive, flame retardants are not chemically bonded to the base material and leach out more easily. Brominated flame retardants, including pentabromodiphenyl ether derivatives, have been observed leaching out of landfills in some countries. Landfill designs must allow for leachate capture, which would need to be treated, but these designs can degrade with time.

8 Industrial Chemicals

Organic chemistry chemicals are some of the important starting materials for a great number of major chemical industries (Chapter 3). The production of organic chemicals as raw materials or reagents for other applications is a major sector of manufacturing polymers, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, paints, artificial fibers, food additives, etc. Organic synthesis on a large scale, compared to the laboratory scale, involves the use of energy, basic chemical ingredients from the petrochemical sector, catalysts and after the end of the reaction, separation, purification, storage, packaging, distribution, etc. During these processes there are many problems of health and safety for workers in addition to the environmental problems caused by their use and disposition as waste.

The industrial organic chemical sector produces organic chemicals used as either chemical intermediates or end-products (Chapter 3) (Sheldon, 2010). This categorization corresponds to Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 286 established by the Bureau of Census to track the flow of goods and services within the economy. The 286 category includes gum and wood chemicals (SIC 2861), cyclic organic crudes and intermediates, organic dyes and pigments (SIC 2865), and industrial organic chemicals not elsewhere classified (SIC 2869). By this definition, the industry does not include plastics, drugs, soaps and detergents, agricultural chemicals or paints, and allied products which are typical end-products manufactured from industrial organic chemicals. In 1993, there were 987 establishments in SIC 286 of which the largest 53 firms (by employment) accounted for more than 50% of the industry's value of shipments. The SIC 286 may include a small number of integrated firms that are also engaged in petroleum refining and manufacturing of other types of chemicals at the same site although firms primarily engaged in manufacturing coal tar crudes or petroleum refining are classified elsewhere.

The industrial organic chemical industry uses feedstocks derived from petroleum and natural gas (about 90%) and from recovered coal tar condensates generated by coke production (about 10%) (Chapter 3) (Speight, 2013, 2014). The chemical industry produces raw materials and intermediates, as well as a wide variety of finished products for industry, business, and individual consumers. The important classes of products within SIC code 2861 are hardwood and softwood distillation products, wood and gum naval stores, charcoal, natural dyestuffs, and natural tanning materials.

The chemicals industry is very diverse, comprising basic or commodity chemicals; specialty chemicals derived from basic chemicals (adhesives and sealants, catalysts, coatings, electronic chemicals, plastic additives, etc.); products derived from life sciences (pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and products of modern biotechnology); and consumer care products (soap, detergents, bleaches, hair and skin care products, fragrances, etc.). The global chemicals industry today produces tens of thousands of substances (some in volumes of millions of tons, but most of them in quantities of less than 1000 tons per year). The substances can be mixed by the chemicals industry and sold and used in this form, or they can be mixed by downstream customers of the chemicals industry (e.g., retail stores which sell paint). It is important to note that most of the output from chemical companies is used by other chemical companies or other industries (e.g., metal, glass, electronics), and chemicals produced by the chemicals industry are present in countless products used by consumers (e.g., automobiles, toys, paper, clothing).

The chemical industry involves the use of chemical processes such as chemical reactions and refining methods to produce a wide variety of solid, liquid, and gaseous materials. Most of these products serve to manufacture other items, although a smaller number goes directly to consumers. Solvents, pesticides, lye, washing soda, and Portland cement provide a few examples of product used by consumers. The industry includes manufacturers of and organic-industrial chemicals, petrochemicals, agrochemicals, polymers and rubber (elastomers), oleo-chemicals (oils, fats, and waxes), explosives, fragrances, and flavors (Table 4.6) (Chapter 3).

Table 4.6

Examples of Industrial Organic Chemicals

Product TypeExamples
Organic industrialAcrylonitrile, phenol, ethylene oxide, urea
PetrochemicalsEthylene, propylene, benzene, styrene
AgrochemicalsFertilizers, insecticides, herbicides
PolymersPolyethylene, Bakelite, polyester
ElastomersPolyisoprene, neoprene, polyurethane
Oleo-chemicalsLard, soybean oil, stearic acid
ExplosivesNitroglycerin, ammonium nitrate, nitrocellulose
Fragrances and flavorsBenzyl benzoate, coumarin, vanillin
Industrial gasesAcetylene, olefin derivatives alkane derivatives

Chemical processes such as chemical reactions operate in chemical plants to form new substances in various types of reaction vessels. In many cases the reactions take place in special corrosion-resistant equipment at elevated temperatures and pressures with the use of catalysts. The products of these reactions are separated using a variety of techniques including distillation, especially fractional distillation, precipitation, crystallization, adsorption, filtration, sublimation, and drying (Speight, 2002).

The processes and product or products are usually tested during and after manufacture by dedicated instruments and on-site quality control laboratories to ensure safe operation and to assure that the product will meet required specifications. More organizations within the industry are implementing chemical compliance software to maintain quality products and manufacturing standards. The products are packaged and delivered by many methods, including pipelines, tank-cars and tank-trucks (for both solids and liquids), cylinders, drums, bottles, and boxes. Chemical companies often have a research-and-development laboratory for developing and testing products and processes. These facilities may include pilot plants, and such research facilities may be located at a site separate from the production plant(s).

Industrial organic chemical manufacturers use and generate both large numbers and quantities of chemicals (Chapter 3). The types of pollutants a single facility will release depend on the feedstocks, processes, equipment in use, and maintenance practices. These can vary from hour to hour and can also vary with the part of the process that is underway. For example, for batch reactions in a closed vessel, the chemicals are more likely to be emitted at the beginning and end of a reaction step (associated with vessel loading and product transfer operations) than during the reaction.

Industrial organic synthesis, followed a largely stoichiometric line of evolution that can be traced back to the synthesis of mauveine by Perkin, the subsequent development of the dyestuffs industry based on coal tar, and the fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries, which can be regarded as spin-offs from the dyestuffs industry. Consequently, fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals manufacture, which is largely the domain of synthetic organic chemists, is rampant with classical stoichiometric processes (Chapter 3).

The desperate need for more catalytic methodologies in industrial organic synthesis is nowhere more apparent than in oxidation chemistry. For example, as any organic chemistry textbook will note that the reagent of choice for the oxidation of secondary alcohols to the corresponding ketones, a pivotal reaction in organic synthesis, is the Jones reagent. The latter consists of chromium trioxide and sulfuric acid and is reminiscent of the phloroglucinol process referred to earlier. The introduction of the storage-stable pyridinium chlorochromate and pyridinium dichromate in the 1970s represented a practical improvement, but the stoichiometric amounts of carcinogenic chromium(VI) remain a serious problem. Obviously there is a definite need in the fine chemical and pharmaceutical industry for catalytic systems that are green and scalable and have broad utility.

9 Natural Gas

As with other fuels, natural gas also affects the environment when it is produced, stored, and transported (Renesme et al., 1992; Speight, 2007, 2014). Because natural gas is made up mostly of methane (another greenhouse gas), small amounts of methane can sometimes leak into the atmosphere from wells, storage tanks, and pipelines. The natural gas industry is working to prevent any methane from escaping. Exploring and drilling for natural gas will always have some impact on land and marine habitats. But new technologies have greatly reduced the number and size of areas disturbed by drilling, sometimes called “footprints.” Satellites, global positioning systems, remote sensing devices, and 3D and 4D seismic technologies make it possible to discover natural gas reserves while drilling fewer wells. Plus, use of horizontal drilling and directional drilling make it possible for a single well to produce gas from much bigger areas.

While the primary constituent of natural gas is methane (CH4), it may contain smaller amounts of other hydrocarbons, such as ethane (C2H6) and various isomers of propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10), and pentane (C5H12), as well as trace amounts of higher boiling hydrocarbons up to octane (C8H18). Nonhydrocarbon gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), helium (He), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), nitrogen (N2), and water vapor (H2O), may also be present. At the pressure and temperature conditions of the source reservoir, natural gas may occur as free gas (bubbles) or be dissolved in either crude oil or brine.

The major constituent of natural gas, methane, also directly contributes to the greenhouse effect. Its ability to trap heat in the atmosphere is estimated to be 21 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, so although methane emissions amount to only 0.5% (v/v) of the emissions of carbon dioxide in the United States, they account for approximately 10% (v/v) of the greenhouse effect of these emissions.

There is a great deal of uncertainty about the precise methods and the amounts by which hazardous pollution is being emitted into the air during the development and processing of natural gas. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, far more warming than carbon dioxide. Methane also adds to ozone levels. Some methane—it is unclear exactly how much—leaks out of natural gas pipelines and fracking equipment. This is unintentional and can happen at many points along the system.

The fracking process (Speight, 2016b) can release VOCs, such as benzene, toluene, and methane, into the air, where they contribute to ozone formation. Ozone is formed when the sun reacts with VOCs and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere—the presence of these gases play a role in the formation of ozone, which is a powerful oxidant that can irritate the airways, causing a burning sensation, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Natural gas is the cleanest of all the fossil fuels. Composed primarily of methane, the main products of the combustion of natural gas are carbon dioxide and water vapor, the same compounds we exhale when we breathe. Coal and oil are composed of much more complex molecules, with a higher carbon ratio and higher nitrogen and sulfur contents. This means that when combusted, coal and oil release higher levels of harmful emissions, including a higher ratio of carbon emissions, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Coal and fuel oil also release ash particles into the environment, substances that do not burn but instead are carried into the atmosphere and contribute to pollution. The combustion of natural gas, on the other hand, releases very small amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, virtually no ash or particulate matter, and lower levels of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other reactive hydrocarbons.

Natural gas, as the cleanest of the fossil fuels, can be used in many ways to help reduce the emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Burning natural gas in the place of other fossil fuels emits fewer harmful pollutants, and an increased reliance on natural gas can potentially reduce the emission of many of these most harmful pollutants. Pollutants from the combustion of fossil fuels have led to the development of many pressing environmental problems. Natural gas, emitting fewer harmful chemicals into the atmosphere than other fossil fuels, can help to mitigate some of these environmental issues. These issues include: (1) greenhouse gas emissions and (2) smog, air quality and acid rain.

9.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Global warming, or the “greenhouse effect,” is an environmental issue that deals with the potential for global climate change due to increased levels of atmospheric “greenhouse gases.” There are certain gases in our atmosphere that serve to regulate the amount of heat that is kept close to the earth's surface. Scientists theorize that an increase in these greenhouse gases will translate into increased temperatures around the globe, which would result in many disastrous environmental effects.

The principle greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, and some engineered chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbon derivatives. While most of these gases occur in the atmosphere naturally, levels have been increasing due to the widespread burning of fossil fuels by growing human populations. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions has become a primary focus of environmental programs in countries around the world.

One of the principle greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide. Although carbon dioxide does not trap heat as effectively as other greenhouse gases (making it a less potent greenhouse gas), the sheer volume of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere is very high, particularly from the burning of fossil fuels. In fact, according to the Energy Information Administration in its Dec. 2009 report Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States, 81.3% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States in 2008 came from energy-related carbon dioxide.

One issue that has arisen with respect to natural gas and the greenhouse effect is the fact that methane, the principle component of natural gas, is itself a potent greenhouse gas. Methane has an ability to trap heat almost 21 times more effectively than carbon dioxide. Sources of methane emissions in the United States include the waste management and operations industry, the agricultural industry, as well as leaks and emissions from the oil and gas industry itself.

9.2 Smog, Air Quality, and Acid Rain

Smog and poor air quality is a pressing environmental problem, particularly for large metropolitan cities. Smog, the primary constituent of which is ground level ozone, is formed by a chemical reaction of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, VOCs, and heat from sunlight. As well as creating that familiar smoggy haze commonly found surrounding large cities, particularly in the summer time, smog and ground level ozone can contribute to respiratory problems ranging from temporary discomfort to long-lasting, permanent lung damage. Pollutants contributing to smog come from a variety of sources, including vehicle emissions, smokestack emissions, paints, and solvents. Because the reaction to create smog requires heat, smog problems are the worst in the summertime.

The use of natural gas does not contribute significantly to smog formation, as it emits low levels of nitrogen oxides, and virtually no particulate matter. For this reason, it can be used to help combat smog formation in those areas where ground level air quality is poor. The main sources of nitrogen oxides are electric utilities, motor vehicles, and industrial plants. Increased natural gas use in the electric generation sector, a shift to cleaner natural gas vehicles, or increased industrial natural gas use could all serve to combat smog production, especially in urban centers where it is needed the most. Particularly in the summertime, when natural gas demand is the lowest and smog problems are the greatest, industrial plants and electric generators could use natural gas to fuel their operations instead of other, more polluting fossil fuels. This would effectively reduce the emissions of smog-causing chemicals, and result in clearer, healthier air around urban centers.

Particulate emissions also cause the degradation of air quality in the United States. These particulates can include soot, ash, metals, and other airborne particles. Natural gas emits virtually no particulates into the atmosphere: in fact, emissions of particulates from natural gas combustion are 90% lower than from the combustion of oil, and 99% lower than burning coal. Thus increased natural gas use in place of other dirtier hydrocarbons can help reduce particulate emissions in the United States.

Acid rain is another environmental problem that affects much of the Eastern United States, damaging crops, forests, wildlife populations, and causing respiratory and other illnesses in humans. Acid rain is formed when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water vapor and other chemicals in the presence of sunlight to form various acidic compounds in the air. The principle source of acid rain-causing pollutants, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, are coal fired power plants. Since natural gas emits virtually no sulfur dioxide, and up to 80% less nitrogen oxides than the combustion of coal, increased use of natural gas could provide for fewer acid rain-causing emissions.

Other aspects of the development and use of natural gas need to be considered as well in looking at the environmental consequences related to natural gas. For example, the major constituent of natural gas, methane, also directly contributes to the greenhouse effect through venting or leaking of natural gas into the atmosphere. This is because methane is 21 times as effective in trapping heat as is carbon dioxide. Although methane emissions amount to only 0.5% of US emissions of carbon dioxide, they account for about 10% of the greenhouse effect of US emissions. A major transportation-related environmental advantage of natural gas is that it is not a source of toxic spills. But, because there are about 300,000 miles of high-pressure transmission pipelines in the United States and its offshore areas, there are corollary impacts. For instance, the construction right-of-way on land commonly requires a width of 75 to 100 ft along the length of the pipeline; this is the area disturbed by trenching, soil storage, pipe storage, vehicle movement, etc. This area represents between 9.1 and 12.1 acres per mile of pipe which is, or has been, subject to intrusion.

10 Volatile Organic Compounds

Organic compounds that evaporate easily are collectively referred to as VOCs. Microbial volatile organic compounds are a variety of compounds formed in the metabolism of fungi and bacteria (Korpi et al., 2009). Typically, a VOC is any organic compound that will evaporate at the temperature of use and which, by a photochemical reaction, will cause oxygen in the air to be converted into smog-promoting ozone under favorable climatic conditions.

Thus, VOCs are gases that are emitted into the air from products or processes (Table 4.7). Some are harmful by themselves, including some that cause cancer. In addition, they can react with other gases and form other air pollutants after they are in the air. Many VOCs have been classified as toxic and carcinogenic. They are found in a wide variety of commercial, industrial, and residential products including fuel oils, gasoline, solvents, cleaners and degreasers, paints, inks, dyes, refrigerants, and pesticides. When VOCs are spilled or improperly disposed, they can soak into the soil and eventually end up in groundwater. VOCs are found in almost all natural and synthetic materials and are commonly used in fuels, fuel additives, solvents, perfumes, flavor additives, and deodorants. Potential health hazards and environmental degradation resulting from the widespread use of VOCs have prompted increasing concern among scientists, industry, and the general public (Table 4.8).

Table 4.7

Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds

Indoor Sources

 Tobacco smoke

 Paint, paint remover

 Cleaning products, varnishes, wax


 Air fresheners

 Personal care products such as cosmetics

 Hobby products such as glue

 Office equipment including printers and copiers

 Wood burning stoves

 Fuel oil, gasoline

 Furniture or building products such as flooring, carpet, pressed wood products

 Car exhaust in an attached garage

Outdoor Sources

 Gasoline emissions

 Diesel emissions

 Wood burning

 Crude oil production and refining

 Natural gas production and refining

 Industrial emissions


Table 4.8

Harmful Effects of Selected Constituents of Volatile Organic Compounds

BenzeneExposure to benzene can cause skin and respiratory irritation, and long-term exposure can lead to cancer and blood, developmental, and reproductive disorders
TolueneLong-term exposure to toluene can cause skin and respiratory irritation, headaches, dizziness, birth defects, and damage the nervous system
EthylbenzeneCan cause irritation of the throat and eyes, and dizziness and long-term exposure can cause blood disorders
XyleneHigh levels of xylene exposure have numerous short-term impacts, including nausea, gastric irritation, and neurological effects, and long-term exposure can negatively impact the nervous system
n-HexaneExposure can cause dizziness, nausea, and headaches, while long-term exposure can lead to numbness, muscular atrophy, blurred vision, and fatigue

Typically, VOCs are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary room temperature. The high vapor pressure results from a low boiling point, which causes large numbers of molecules to evaporate from the liquid form or sublime from the solid form of the compound and enter the surrounding air. VOCs are numerous, varied, and ubiquitous. They include both human-made and naturally occurring chemical compounds. Many VOCs are dangerous to human health or cause harm to the environment. Anthropogenic VOCs are regulated by law, especially indoors, where concentrations are the highest. Harmful VOCs typically are not acutely toxic but have compounding long-term health effects.

Nonmethane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) are a collection of organic compounds that differ widely in their chemical composition but display similar behavior in the atmosphere. NMVOCs are emitted into the atmosphere from a large number of sources including combustion activities, solvent use, and production processes. NMVOCs contribute to the formation of ground level (tropospheric) ozone. In addition, certain NMVOC species or species groups such as benzene and 1,3 butadiene are hazardous to human health. Quantifying the emissions of total NMVOCs provides an indicator of the emission trends of the most hazardous NMVOCs.

11 Wood Smoke

Wood smoke forms when wood is made up of a complex mixture of gases and fine particles (particulate matter, PM). In addition to particle pollution, wood smoke contains several toxic harmful air pollutants including: benzene, formaldehyde, acrolein, and PAHs.

Wood smoke is by far the most compelling argument against wood heating. In cold climates, a frigid, stagnant air mass traps the smoke close to the ground. In the process of wood combustion, wood vaporizes when heated into gases and tar particles. If the temperature is high enough, the tar particles vaporize into chemicals and carbon particles. If the temperature is higher still and there is oxygen present, the gases and particles burn in bright flames.

Chemically, wood is about half carbon, and the rest is mostly made up of oxygen and hydrogen. When a piece of wood is heated, it starts to smoke and turn black at the same time. This is because the other products vaporize under intense heat faster than the carbon burns, so smoking leaves much of the carbon behind until only charcoal, which is just about pure carbon, is left. The smoke that vaporizes out of the wood is a cloud of nasty, gooey little droplets of a tar-like liquid. Chemically, these droplets are actually big, gooey, complicated hydrocarbon molecules that take a number of different forms, mostly bad.

When wood is burned correctly in a bright, hot, turbulent fire, what is observed is the tar droplets rising off the wood into a zone of extreme heat where they revaporize, cracking into their basic, mostly gaseous, constituents, and oxidize. That is to say they burn. This leaves carbon dioxide, some carbon monoxide, and a number of other gases, water vapor and some not quite completely oxidized hydrocarbon products, which are the particulate emissions that US Environmental Protection Agency regulates.

The sentiment that wood smoke, being a natural substance, must be benign to humans is still sometimes heard. It is now well established, however, that wood-burning stoves and fireplaces as well as wildland and agricultural fires emit significant quantities of known health-damaging pollutants, including several carcinogenic compounds (Naeher et al., 2007). Two of the principal gaseous pollutants in wood smoke, carbon monoxide (CO) and the oxides of nitrogen (NOx), add to the atmospheric levels of these regulated gases emitted by other combustion sources. Health impacts of exposures to these gases and some of the other woodsmoke constituents (e.g., benzene) are well characterized in thousands of publications. As these gases are indistinguishable no matter where they come from, there is no urgent need to examine their particular health implications in woodsmoke. With this as the backdrop, this review approaches the issue of why woodsmoke may be a special case requiring separate health evaluation through two questions. The first issue is whether or not woodsmoke should be regulated and/or managed separately, even though some of the individual constituents are already regulated in many jurisdictions. The second issue is whether or not woodsmoke particles pose different levels of risk than other ambient particles of similar size.

Wood smoke interferes with normal lung development in infants and children. It also increases children's risk of lower respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Exposure to wood smoke can depress the immune system and damage the layer of cells in the lungs that protect and cleanse the airways. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), toxic air pollutants are components of wood smoke. Wood smoke can cause coughs, headaches, and eye and throat irritation in otherwise healthy people. For vulnerable populations, such as people with asthma and chronic respiratory disease, and those with cardiovascular disease, wood smoke is particularly harmful—even short exposures can prove dangerous.

The particle matter wood smoke is extremely small and therefore is not filtered out by the nose or the upper respiratory system. Instead, these small particles end up deep in the lungs where they remain for months, causing structural damage and chemical changes. Wood smoke's carcinogenic chemicals adhere to these tiny particles, which enter deep into the lungs.

12 Effects on the Environment

To start with an extremely relevant definition, environmental technology is the application of scientific and engineering principles to the study of the environment, with the goal of the improvement of the environment. Furthermore, issues related to the pollution of the environment are relative. Any organism is exposed to an environment, even if the environment is predominantly many members of the same organism. An example is a bacterium in a culture that is exposed to many members of the same species. Thus the environment is all external influences, abiotic (physical factors) and biotic (actions of other organisms), to which an organism is exposed. The environment affects basic life functions, growth, and reproductive success of organisms and determines their local and geographic distribution patterns. A fundamental idea in ecology is that the environment changes in time and space, and living organisms respond to these changes.

Since ecology is that branch of science related to the study of the relationship of organisms to their environment, an ecosystem is an ecological community (or living unit) considered together with the nonliving factors of its environment as a unit. By way of brief definition, abiotic factors include such influences as light radiation (from the sun), ionizing radiation (cosmic rays from outer space), temperature (local and regional variations), water (seasonal and regional distributions), atmospheric gases, wind, soil (texture and composition), and catastrophic disturbances. These latter phenomena are usually unpredictable and infrequent, such as fire, hurricanes, volcanic activity, landslides, major floods, and any disturbance that drastically alters the environment and thus changes the species composition and activity patterns of the inhabitants. On the other hand, biotic factors include natural interactions (e.g., predation and parasitism) and anthropogenic stress (e.g., the effect of human activity on other organisms). Because of the abiotic and biotic factors, the environment to which an organism is subjected can affect the life functions, growth, and reproductive success of the organism and can determine the local and geographic distribution patterns of an organism.

Living organisms respond to changes in the environment by either adapting or becoming extinct. The basic principles of the concept that living organisms respond to changes in the environment were put forth by Darwin and Lamarck. The former noted the slower adaptation (evolutionary trends) of living organisms, while the latter noted the more immediate adaptation of living organisms to the environment. Both essentially espoused the concept of the survival of the fittest, alluding to the ability of an organism to live in harmony with its environment. This was assumed to indicate that the organism that competed successfully with environmental forces would survive. However, there is the alternate thought that the organism that can live in a harmonious symbiotic relationship with its environment has an equally favorable chance of survival. The influence of the environment on organisms can be viewed on a large scale (i.e., the relationship between regional climate and geographic distribution of organisms) or on a smaller scale (i.e., some highly localized conditions determine the precise location and activity of individual organisms).

Organisms may respond differently to the frequency and duration of a given environmental change. For example, if some individual organisms in a population have adaptations that allow them to survive and to reproduce under new environmental conditions, the population will continue but the genetic composition will have changed (Darwinism). On the other hand, some organisms have the ability to adapt to the environment (i.e., to adjust their physiology or morphology in response to the immediate environment) so that the new environmental conditions are less (certainly no more) stressful than the previous conditions. Such changes may not be genetic (Lamarckism).

In terms of anthropogenic stress (the effect of human activity on other organisms), there is the need for the identification and evaluation of the potential impacts of proposed projects, plans, programs, policies, or legislative actions upon the physical-chemical, biological, cultural, and socioeconomic components of the environment. This activity is also known as environmental impact assessment and refers to the interpretation of the significance of anticipated changes related to a proposed project. The activity encourages consideration of the environment and arriving at actions that are environmentally compatible.

Identifying and evaluating the potential impact of human activities on the environment require the identification of mitigation measures. Mitigation is the sequential consideration of the following measures: (1) avoiding the impact by not taking a certain action or partial action; (2) minimizing the impact by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation; (3) rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment; (4) reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the action; and (5) compensating for the impact by replacing or providing substitute resources or environments.

Nowhere is the effect of anthropogenic stress felt more than in the development of natural resources of the earth. Natural resources are varied in nature and often require definition. For example, in relation to mineral resources, for which there is also descriptive nomenclature, the terms related to the available quantities of the resource must be defined. In this instance, the term resource refers to the total amount of the mineral that has been estimated to be ultimately available. Reserves are well-identified resources that can be profitably extracted and utilized by means of existing technology. In many countries, fossil fuel resources are often classified as a subgroup of the total mineral resources.

In some cases, environmental pollution is a clear—cut phenomenon, whereas in others it remains a question of degree. The ejection of various materials into the environment is often cited as pollution, but there is the ejection of the so-called beneficial chemicals that can assist the air, water, and land to perform their functions. However, it must be emphasized that the ejection of chemicals into the environment, even though they are indigenous to the environment, in quantities above the naturally occurring limits can be extremely harmful. In fact, the timing and the place of a chemical release are influential in determining whether a chemical is beneficial, benign, or harmful! Thus, what may be regarded as a pollutant in one instance can be a beneficial chemical in another instance. The phosphates in fertilizers are examples of useful (beneficial) chemicals, while phosphates generated as by-products in the metallurgical and mining industries may, depending upon the specific industry, be considered pollutants (Chenier, 1992). In this case, the means by which such pollution can be prevented must be recognized (Boyle Breen and Dellarco, 1992). Thus, increased use of the earth's resources as well as the use of a variety of chemicals that are nonindigenous to the earth have put a burden on the ability of the environment to tolerate such materials.

Finally, some recognition must be made of the term carcinogen since many of the environmental effects referenced in this text can lead to cancer. Carcinogens are cancer—causing substances and there is a growing awareness of the presence of carcinogenic materials in the environment. A classification scheme is provided for such materials (Table 4.9) (Zakrzewski, 1991; Milman and Weisburger, 1994). The number of substances with which a person comes in contact is in the tens of thousands, and there is not a full understanding of the long-term effects of these substances in their possible propensity to cause genetic errors that ultimately lead to carcinogenesis. Teratogens are those substances that tend to cause developmental malformations.

Table 4.9

Weight-of-Evidence Carcinogenicity Classification Scheme as Determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency

AHuman carcinogen
B1Probable human carcinogen; limited human data are available
B2Probable human carcinogen
CPossible human carcinogen
DNot classifiable as a human carcinogen
ENo carcinogenic activity in humans

Pollution is the introduction of indigenous (beyond the natural abundance) and nonindigenous (artificial) gaseous, liquid, and solid contaminants into an ecosystem. The atmosphere and water and land systems have the ability to cleanse themselves of many pollutants within hours or days especially when the effects of the pollutant are minimized by the natural constituents of the ecosystem. For example, the atmosphere might be considered to be self-cleaning as a result of rain. However, removal of some pollutants from the atmosphere (e.g., sulfates and nitrates) by rainfall results in the formation of acid rain that can cause serious environmental damage to ecosystems within the water and land systems (Pickering and Owen, 1994).

Briefly, lakes in some areas of the world are now registering a low pH (acidic) reading because of excess acidity in rain. This was first noticed in Scandinavia and is now prevalent in eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. Normal rainfall has a pH of 5.6 and the slight acidity (neutral water has a pH equal to 7.0) because of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air that, with water, forms carbonic acid (H2CO3):



The increased use of hydrocarbon fuels in the last five decades is slowly increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which produces more carbonic acid leading to an imbalance in the natural carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere that, in turn, leads to more acidity in the rain. In addition, there is a so-called greenhouse effect, and the average temperature of the earth may be increasing.

In addition, excessive use of fuels with high sulfur and nitrogen content cause sulfuric and nitric acids in the atmosphere from the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide products of combustion that can be represented simply as:



A pollutant is a substance (for simplicity most are referred to as chemicals) present in a particular location when it is not indigenous to the location or is in a greater-than-natural concentration. The substance is often the product of human activity. The pollutant, by virtue of its name, has a detrimental effect on the environment, in part or in toto. Pollutants can also be subdivided into two classes: (1) primary and (2) secondary.



Primary pollutants are those pollutants emitted directly from the source. In terms of atmospheric pollutants by crude oil constituents, examples are hydrogen sulfide, carbon oxides, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides from refining operations (see earlier text).

The question of classifying nitrogen dioxide and sulfur trioxide as primary pollutants often arises, as does the origin of the nitrogen. In the former case, these higher oxides can be formed in the upper levels of the combustors. The nitrogen, from which the nitrogen oxides are formed, does not originate solely from the fuel but may also originate from the air used for the combustion.

Secondary pollutants are produced by interaction of primary pollutants with another chemical or by dissociation of a primary pollutant, or other effects within a particular ecosystem. Again, using the atmosphere as an example, the formation of the constituents of acid rain is an example of the formation of secondary pollutants (see earlier text).


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