Handling HTML actions

Often, in an application, we'll need to allow interaction with controls that affect the application state. To accomplish this, we'll use actions.

How to do it...

The {{action}} helper is used on HTML elements to send actions back to the template's corresponding controller or component when the user clicks on an element. Let's take a look at an example of this.

  1. Create a new project, navigate to the root of the application directory, and type this command to generate a new component:
    $ ember g component action-component

    Keep in mind that all components must have a dash in their names. This will generate the component template, JavaScript files, and test files.

  2. Edit the action-component.js file in the components folder. We'll add the action, toggleText:
    // app/components/action-component.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
      showText: true,
      actions: {

    In this example, we have a showText property that's defaulted to true. When the action, toggleText, is triggered, it toggles the showText property. The toggleProperty method sets the opposite value of its current property.

  3. The toggleText action is now ready to be added to the template. The next step is to add the action to the component template using the {{action}} helper:
    // app/templates/components/action-component.hbs
    {{#if showText}}
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dui est, auctor sit amet augue vel, mattis maximus libero. Praesent feugiat ex justo, vitae convallis nulla venenatis quis.
    <button {{action 'toggleText'}}>{{if showText 'Hide Text' 'Show Text'}}</button>

    The if helper will display text only if the showText property is true. The button at the bottom has an action called toggleText attached to it. Whenever this button is pressed, the toggleText action will be invoked by the corresponding action-component component. To keep things clear, the button text will show Hide Text if the text is shown and Show Text if it's hidden.

    The action helper can be added to any HTML element. As soon as the element is clicked, the action will be triggered.

  4. It's good to know that you can attach an action to any HTML element but not all will respond. Some browsers may ignore the click event. In this case, you can use this css trick as a workaround:
    [data-ember-action] {
      cursor: pointer;


    Specifying the type of event

    By default, all actions listen for click events. When a click occurs, that action is triggered in the context, component, or controller. You can specify an alternative to the click event with the on option. For example, a button with a double-click action would look like <button {{action 'toggleText' on='doubleClick'}}Show Text</button>. All event names must be camel-cased and lowercase when assigned to on.

  5. We now need to add the component to the application template file so that it can be displayed:
    // app/templates/application.hbs
    <h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember</h2>

    This will add our action component to our application template.

  6. After loading the application with the Ember server, it will look as follows:
    How to do it...

    Pressing the Hide Text button will hide the text. Pressing it again will show the text.


    Allowing modifier keys

    By default, the action helper will ignore click events when modifier keys such as Alt or Ctrl are pressed at the same time. If needed, you can specify an allowedKeys option. For example, a button with an allowed key Alt would look like <button {{action 'toggleText' allowedKeys='alt'}}Show Text</button>.

Adding a parameter to an action event

You can have arguments in an action handler that will be passed back to the context. Anything after the action name of the action helper will be passed as an argument to the component or controller.

  1. To begin, we'll create a new component. After the project is created, run this command in the root of the project folder:
    $ ember g component param-component

    This will generate the necessary component files for our new param-component.

  2. Edit the param-component.js file and add a new action called pressed:
    // app/components/param-component.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
      actions: {

    In this simple example, the pressed action has only one parameter. When the action is triggered, an alert box is displayed with the passed in parameter text.

  3. The next step is to edit the template and add the action:
    // app/templates/components/param-component.hbs
    {{input text='text' value=hello}}
    <button {{action 'pressed' hello}}>Press Me</button>

    In this template, we have an input helper. The input helper will be discussed in more detail in the Using template input helpers recipe. The button press triggers the pressed action and passes the hello text from the input helper to the action.


    Allowing default browser action

    The action helper, by default, prevents the default browser action of the DOM event. In other words, when a user clicks on a link or button that might otherwise reload the page, Ember prevents this. If needed, you can turn this behavior off using preventDefault=false. For example, we can add an action event to a link and have it redirected to a page as well as trigger an event <a href="thispage.htm" {{action 'pressed' preventDefault=false}}>Press Me</a>.

  4. The next step is to add param-component to the application:
    // app/templates/application.hbs
    <h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember</h2>

    In this code, we added param-component to the application template.

  5. After starting the server, a textbox will be displayed. Pressing the Press Me button will display the text in an alert box. It should look as follows:
    Adding a parameter to an action event
  6. In some cases, we may not be using an input helper. Let's say that we want to have an action event trigger onblur. We can specify a value option in our action helper:
    // app/templates/components/param-component.hbs
    <input type="text" value={{hello}} onblur={{action 'pressed' value='target.value'}} />

    The input text field has value equal to the hello property. The onblur event is raised whenever the element loses focus. By default, the action handler receives the first parameter of the event listener. In this case, it would be Event {}. We must specify the value option to specify the target value using target.value.

Unfortunately, due to the way Ember binds values, we cannot simply just send the hello property as a parameter to the action. This is why we must use the value option.

You can test this by entering text in the textbox and clicking outside the box so that it loses focus. It should show the correct text in the alert popup.

How it works...

The action helper attaches to HTML elements in order to allow user interaction. It sends named events to the template's corresponding context, component, or controller.

The action helper by default sends the first parameter of the event listener. You can send any parameter that you want after the action event. If needed, you can specify the value option and use value.target, which will send the target of the event.

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