To those who have allowed me to be of service as a coach, I am honored by the trust you have placed in me. Serving you is a privilege. I am deeply grateful for the way you have allowed me to share this journey with you. Your progress continues to be a source of inspiration and hope for me.

To my very own Supercoach, Kristi Palma, thanks for showing me where the waves are. To my motivational experts, Sarah Kostin and Ken Orman, thanks for taking time to help me find the narrative when it wasn't always clear. And Russ Cusick – your HR expertise input was invaluable! Thank you for your talents and your friendship.

This project never would have come to life without the influence of my coaches and clients. To Michael Neill and Barb Patterson, I owe you a deep debt of gratitude. Your insights have shaped my own in powerful ways. Steve Chandler, what can I say? Call me.

To the team at Wiley, Jeanenne, Kezia, Dawn, Amy, and Chloé: Thank you for your understanding and your support. Kezia, we share a common thread, and your insights brought this story to a new level. The journey has been better because of you! To my promotional team, especially my assistant Gabriela Arraga, my sincere appreciation for helping me to know that I don't have to go it alone.

To my beautiful wife, Lisa-Gabrielle Greene: you are my lifeline and my support. Thank you for everything that you are. To my wonderful daughters, Ruby and Noli, you inspire me more than you know. I am so proud of both of you!

Finally, to you, the reader. Thank you for taking this journey. May you always find every possible way to make life easier. And help others to do the same.

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