Analog ESD Library and Documents

11.1 Analog Design Library

In analog design technologies, the number of supported elements is significant [1, 2]. Analog and power technologies can support many power supply voltages leading to a large number of both passive and active elements. With the high number of power supply voltages, passive and active elements, the number of electrostatic discharge (ESD) devices and ESD circuits can also be significant [3–9]. With a large number of passive devices, active devices, and ESD networks, design errors can occur due to the following:

  • Electrical overvoltage (EOV) and electrical overcurrent (EOC) of passive elements
  • Electrical overstress (EOS) of active elements
  • Misapplication and misuse of ESD circuits to analog circuits

For a bipolar-CMOS-DMOS (BCD) technology, the power supply voltage can range from low voltage CMOS to high voltage (HV) levels. For example, a 120 V BCD technology may support 1.8, 2.5, 5.0, 10, 16, 20, 25, 40, 60, and 120 V applications. For each one of these voltage application levels, there are both passive and active elements to support these voltages.

11.2 Analog Device Library: PASSIVE ELEMENTS

Analog device libraries of supported devices can include resistors, capacitors, and inductors. In this section, analog passive elements will be reviewed.

11.2.1 Resistors

High-precision resistors are needed in analog applications, which contain high degree of matching and wide resistance ranges. Resistors in analog circuits include:

  • Polysilicon resistors
  • Metal resistors
  • Silicon resistors

The resistors have different resistance tolerance values as well as different temperature coefficients of resistance (TCR) which influence analog application results.

For ESD applications, resistors are used as series resistor elements on signal pins. Resistors can also be used between power rails, between ground rails, and as RC-triggered MOSFET ESD power clamps. For these ESD applications, interdigitated layout practices are acceptable.

ESD robustness of resistor elements is a function of the cross-sectional area of the resistor, the material properties, and the layout and design [3–9]. The power-to-failure of resistor elements are a function of the cross-sectional area, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, melting temperature of the material, and the pulse width. For resistor elements, the ordering of the interconnect melting temperature, tungsten metallurgy has the highest melting temperature, copper, and then aluminum has the lowest.

For serpentine design styles, corner design can lead to a lower ESD failure levels. ESD failure due to current crowding on the corners is worse for 90° angles. ESD failure levels in serpentine design can be improved with chamfered corners.

For analog design, corner design issues can be eliminated using strap connections between segments of the resistor. In analog design, using contacts, vias, and metal connections, the accuracy and matching can be improved between the resistors. With the integration of strap connections, resistor elements can be interdigitated for matching within a circuit.

11.2.2 Capacitors

With a wide range of voltage applications, capacitor elements are needed to support the voltage conditions. Capacitor elements can consist of the following [5]:

  • MOS capacitors
  • Metal–insulator–metal (MIM) capacitors
  • Metal–interlevel dielectric (ILD)–metal capacitors
  • Vertical natural plate (VNP) or vertical parallel plate (VPP) capacitors

Capacitors are needed for ESD networks [3–5, 7–9]. Capacitor layout can be common centroid layout or interdigitated layout design but not required since matching is not critical for these circuits. For ESD power clamps, capacitors are used for RC-triggered ESD power clamps. ESD power clamps are typically used between the power and ground rails. RC-triggered power clamps can be used on low-dropout (LDO) regulators; buck, boost, and buck–boost regulators; and other voltage regulator outputs.

The capacitor elements have different levels of ESD robustness. The dielectric thickness influences the failure level of the capacitors.

11.2.3 Inductors

On-chip inductor designs are typically planar inductors formed from the metal wiring of the back end of line (BEOL) of a semiconductor chip. Semiconductor technology utilizes copper, aluminum, and tungsten metallurgies [3–5, 7–9]. For inductors, the melting temperatures of the metallurgy play a role in the ESD failure [5]. The on-chip spiral planar inductors have one of the following design styles:

  • Square inductor
  • Polygon inductor
  • Octagonal inductor
  • Circular inductor

These spiral inductors typically have an “underpass” at the center. The underpass connection is typically a lower-level metal design level below the spiral inductor coil.

Inductors can also be formed in intertwined pairs using multiple design levels. These can be used for circuits that require matched inductors or balun applications. Multilevel inductors take up less area than single-level spiral inductors.

11.3 Analog Device Library: Active Elements

Analog device libraries require both active and passive elements [1, 2]. Analog design device libraries have a large variety of MOSFET and bipolar elements to fulfill a wide variety of power supply conditions. Analog libraries contain active elements of diodes and MOSFETs in a CMOS technology. For a bipolar-CMOS (BiCMOS) technology, analog libraries contain diodes, MOSFETs, and bipolar transistors.

Analog design libraries contain a variety of diode elements that can be used for circuits or ESD protection. Analog design libraries can consist of p+/n-well diodes, n+/substrate diodes, n-well-to-substrate diodes, Schottky diodes, and Zener diodes. Analog libraries can contain diodes with different isolation structures, from LOCOS, shallow trench isolation (STI), deep trench isolation, and polysilicon-bound gated diodes. Analog libraries can provide both isolated and nonisolated diodes. For noise reduction and higher isolation voltages, isolated diode elements can be utilized. Isolated diodes can be formed using triple well process technologies and technologies with buried layers.

Analog design libraries contain a variety of p-channel and n-channel MOSFET elements that can be used for circuits or ESD protection. Analog design libraries can consist of single-gate, dual-gate, and triple-gate oxide MOSFETs. Analog libraries can provide both isolated and nonisolated MOSFETs for noise reduction and higher isolation voltages. Isolated MOSFETs can be formed using triple well process technologies and technologies with buried layers. In LDMOS technology, LDMOS MOSFETs are added to the analog library and used for power device applications. Dual-gate and triple-gate oxide MOSFETs can be used for ESD protection for improved voltage tolerance.

Analog design libraries contain a variety of npn and pnp bipolar elements that can be used for analog circuits or ESD protection networks. Analog design libraries can consist of self-aligned and non-self-aligned bipolar transistors. Analog libraries can provide both isolated and nonisolated bipolar transistors for noise reduction and higher isolation voltages. Analog design libraries can consist of transistors of different emitter, base, and collector configurations, as well as symmetric and asymmetric design.

11.4 Analog Design Library: Repository of Analog Circuits and Cores

Analog design library systems can include basic circuit functions and cores that are supported by the design team. The advantage of the repository of analog circuit and cores is that the design has been verified for analog functional characteristics. In some corporations, the repository of analog circuits has been verified for ESD, latchup, and EOS.

11.4.1 Analog Design Library: Reuse Library

Analog design libraries can consist of a “reuse” library where circuit design teams place basic analog design functions into a repository for other teams to use. The reuse library may be a library which is not supported by the quality and reliability team. The problem with reuse library is that if they are not qualified, then EOS and ESD problems may be propagated across many designs. This is a concern with reused analog design with unverified ESD sensitivity. As a guideline, a good business practice is as follows:

  • Test and quantify analog functional blocks for ESD and EOS sensitivity.
  • Introduce a formal qualification and release process for reuse circuitry.
  • Information notes and documentation on EOS and ESD test results on reuse functional blocks.

11.5 ESD Device Library

With the high number of power supply voltages, the number of ESD devices and ESD circuits can also be significant. What is critical to avoid functional and ESD concerns is that the correct ESD device or element is associated with a compatible circuit. Misapplication or misuse can occur.

As discussed in the prior section, for a BCD technology, the power supply voltage can range from low voltage CMOS to HV levels. For example, a 120 V BCD technology may support 1.8, 2.5, 5.0, 10, 16, 20, 25, 40, 60, and 120 V applications. As a result, ESD elements are needed for each of these power supply values; for each power supply value, a signal pin and ESD power clamp may be required for each voltage level.

This leads to a very large ESD library of elements. With a large ESD library, circuit design teams will struggle to determine what is the proper ESD element or circuit for a given circuit application. There are solutions to address this issue and are as follows:

  • ESD library is segmented by power supply voltage levels.
  • ESD library is segmented into applications.
  • ESD library is segmented by ESD type (e.g., ESD input circuit, ESD power clamps).
  • ESD device or circuit cell name is clear and comprehensive.
  • Reduction of ESD library elements size and number using hierarchical parameterized cells (PCells).
  • ESD design manual section explaining supportive ESD elements.
  • ESD “cookbook” to describe ESD cell naming convention and correspondence between circuit type and ESD cell to be used.
  • ESD checking and verification methods to avoid misuse of ESD elements.

11.6 Cadence-Based Parameterized Cells (PCells)

A design methodology is desirable that allows the optimization and tuning of ESD networks in an analog and mixed-signal environment. In an analog design environment, parameterized cells, also known as p-cells (e.g., or PCells), allow for a means to modify the size of the physical elements [5, 10–13]. Additionally, these designs must be able to integrate with guard ring technology requirements and under bond wire pads. Semiconductor devices, both active and passive elements, can be constructed from “primitive” p-cell. These primitive p-cell elements represent a single device element (e.g., resistor, capacitor, inductor, MOSFET, or bipolar element). These physical elements undergo full characterization, from which the released models are constructed. In analog ESD cosynthesis, it is desirable to be able to provide a methodology that allows the ability to vary the ESD network characteristics, whether size or topology, in order to evaluate the analog functional impacts. Given that the design methodology allows for both size and topology variations, characterization can be evaluated during the analog and ESD design phase.

An analog ESD design methodology which achieves this objective can be a method that forms ESD networks from these primitive p-cell device elements and converted to a higher-order parameterized cell [5, 10–13]. From the lowest-order device primitive parameterized cells, hierarchical parameterized cells can be constructed to form a library of ESD circuits and networks. By utilizing the primitive p-cell structures into higher-order networks, an ESD computer-aided design (CAD) strategy is developed to fulfill the objective as follows:

  • Design flexibility
  • DC characterization
  • AC characterization
  • Analog models
  • Choice of ESD network type
  • Compression of analog design library

Developing an ESD design system of hierarchical system of parameterized cells, higher-level ESD networks can be constructed without additional characterization. In this methodology, the lowest-order O[1] device p-cells can be DC and AC characterized. The basic device library is constructed of the devices, which are fully quantified; both passive and active elements are placed into DC pad sets for DC measurements. Additionally, the ESD testing can be completed on the base library of elements using wafer-level transmission line pulse (TLP) and human body model (HBM) testing. Note that the circuit characterization and ESD testing can be done on both the primitive O[1] p-cell elements or the O[n] hierarchical p-cell. In order to provide analog ESD design cosynthesis, it is desirable to have both the ability to vary physical size and circuit topology. In this method, it is possible with the generation of design layout, schematics, and symbology of both the primitive and the higher-order O[n] ESD p-cell networks.

11.6.1 ESD Hierarchical PCell Physical Layout Generation

In ESD design, it is desirable to change the physical layout of the ESD network. Hence, an RF-ESD design methodology is needed that can vary the physical layout of the design in physical size (e.g., area), form factor (e.g., length, width, and ratio), shape (e.g., rectangular, circular), and relative size of elements within a given circuit (e.g., be able to vary the size of the resistor, capacitor, or MOSFET independently within the common circuit topology) [5, 10–13]. For example, in some chip architectures, it is desirable to place multiple power clamps across a design, instead of a single element. It is also desirable to place different size ESD circuits for a common topology in a common chip. Hence, these features will be needed for integration and synthesis into a semiconductor chip architecture. In the formation of the hierarchical ESD p-cell elements, the generation of the ESD physical layout can be formed using the “graphical method” or the “code method” using SKILL code. In the “graphical method,” the p-cells and physical shapes are placed in the design environment manually. The physical sizes of the O[1] p-cells are defined by its parameters. The physical dimensions that are desired to be modified are passed up to the higher-order p-cell design through “inheritance.” The inherited parameters become free variables which allow the physical size changes of the O[1] elements. The parameters that allowed adjustment in each O[1] element are contained in the final O[n] p-cell ESD network. Another methodology allows for the placement to be completed by software instead of manual placement of the physical elements and the electrical connections. SKILL code generates the schematic directly and forms placement of the elements.

In order for this design method to be successful, either the elements must be scalable or quantified. This can be verified through experimental testing of the ESD elements. Additionally, with the placement of a plurality of elements, new failure mechanisms must not occur. In our case, it was found that there is a range where linearity of ESD robustness versus structure size where this is true, and no new failure mechanisms were evident.

11.6.2 ESD Hierarchical PCell Schematic Generation

An analog ESD method that allows full circuit evaluation and the ability to change the physical size of the element through circuit simulation is desirable [10–13]. Additionally, it is desirable to provide changes in the circuit topology itself within the ESD network. The circuit topology can influence the trigger conditions, capacitance loading, linearity, and RF circuit stability. Hence, it is desirable to have ESD networks that can change the physical topology within a circuit design environment. Analog networks also have a wide range of application and power supply voltages; ESD circuits are required which can be modified to address the different application voltages. Hence, an ESD design system that allows for both change of circuit topology and structure size in an automated fashion is desirable. The circuit topology automation allows for the customer to autogenerate new ESD circuits and ESD power clamps without additional design work. In order for this method to be successful, the interconnect and associated wiring outside of the primitive elements must have a design environment that independently extracts the wiring, via, and interconnects. In our design environment, the wiring and via interconnect are autoextracted, which then eliminates the need for evaluation of electrical characteristics for every model element and every ESD structure.

11.6.3 ESD Design with Hierarchical Parameterized Cells

In semiconductor chip design, there are fundamental ESD functional blocks required in the semiconductor chip synthesis and floor planning. For ESD design, the minimum set of classes of hierarchical parameterized cells needed to support an ESD design system involved are as follows [10–13]:

  • ESD input networks
  • ESD rail-to-rail networks
  • ESD power clamps

In a mixed-signal ESD design system, the ESD design system should contain a family of these elements in each category which satisfy signal types (e.g., digital, analog, and power), analog parameters (e.g., noise, linearity, stability), and spatial placement. For analog input circuits, the loading effects of ESD input and impedance influence are critical for performance evaluation.

For ESD rail-to-rail networks, the issue is stability and noise coupling is important in mixed-signal environments. Noise is a concern in digital networks; peripheral and core circuitries are isolated when the peripheral circuit noise is significant and the interior core logic networks are sensitive to noise disruption. Noise is a large concern in semiconductor chips with both digital and analog function on a common substrate. In mixed-signal applications, functional circuit blocks are separated to minimize noise concerns. Digital noise affects both the analog and DC circuitry impacting the noise figure (NF). Designers need the ability to estimate the noise and stability of the circuit in the presence of multiple circuits and ESD networks. To eliminate noise, digital circuit blocks are separated from the analog circuit blocks without a common ground or power bus. The introduction of the ESD elements between the grounds can address the ESD concerns but increases the noise and stability implications. As a result, the cosynthesis of the ESD and noise concerns needs to be flexible to address both issues. And, for ESD power clamps, the ESD networks can influence noise, stability, and leakage.

11.6.4 Hierarchical PCell Graphical Method

For construction of the p-cell, there are different methods of p-cell definition within the CadenceTM environment. This methodology is referred to as the “graphical” technique [10–13]. The command structure for p-cell definition involves Stretch, Conditional Inclusion, Repetition, Parameterized Shapes, Repeat along Shape, Reference Point, Inherited Parameters, Parameterized Layer, Parameterized Label, Parameterized Property, Parameters, and Compile. The Stretch function allows Stretch in X, Stretch in Y, Qualify, and Modify. The Repetition function allows for Repeat in X, Repeat in Y, and Repeat in X and Y.

Stretch commands require an algorithm to define the design “expression for stretch.” For this p-cell, the “expression for stretch” is defined as {{pitch * num_stripes_up} – pitch} where “pitch” is the width of the upward diode periodicity and the “num_stripes_up” is an inherited parameter contained in the higher-order p-cell passed from the lower p-cell to address the number of fingers of the diode between the input pad and the VDD power supply. Likewise for the downward diode, a second “expression for stretch” is defined for the second p-cell diode element stretch line. The expression for stretch is defined as “{{pitch*num_stripes_down}  –  pitch}” for the second stretch line in the y-direction. For the first stretch line, the direction of stretch is “up”; for the second stretch line, the direction of stretch is “down.” For the stretch of the diode p-cells, and the busses, a stretch line exists in the x-direction. For the stretch in x, an “expression of stretch” is defined as {{a * num_segments_up} + b} where a and b are constants. The stretch direction is chosen to the right.

For the P-cell parameter summary, a typical output has the form as shown below:

Parameters defined in this parameterized cells

num_segments_up num_segments_down
num_stripes_up num_stripes_down
Stretch Type: Vertical
Name of Expression of Stretch: 2.52*num_stripes_down − 2.52
Stretch Direction: down
Stretch Type: Vertical
Name of Expression of Stretch: 2.52*num_stripes_up − 2.52
Stretch Direction: up
Stretch Type: Horizontal
Name of Expression of Stretch:
7.6*num_segments_up + 4.2
Stretch Direction: up

Inherited Parameters

Number of instances with parameter inheritance: 2

Instance Name: I3
Inherited Parameter: Name: num_X
Inherited Parameter: Value: num_segments_up
Inherited Parameter: Type: integer
Inherited Parameter: Default: 1
Inherited Parameter: Name: num_PD
Inherited Parameter: Value: num_stripes_up
Inherited Parameter: Type: integer
Inherited Parameter: Default: 1
Inherited Parameter: Name: num_X
Inherited Parameter: Value: num_segments_down
Inherited Parameter: Type: integer
Inherited Parameter: Default: 1
Inherited Parameter: Name: num_PD
Inherited Parameter: Value: num_stripes_down
Inherited Parameter: Type: integer
Inherited Parameter: Default: 1

As part of an analog ESD CAD design system, a hierarchical O[3] parameterized cell is designed which forms bidirectional O[2] series diode strings which can vary the number of series diode elements and the physical width of each diode element. For example, a design may use four diodes in one direction and two in the other direction between the ground rails. The automated ESD design system has the ability to adjust the design size and the number of elements. In digital circuits, the design decision is typically decided based on the digital DC voltage separation required between the grounds; in high-speed digital and analog circuits, the design issue is the capacitive coupling at high frequency. As more elements are added, capacitive coupling is reduced. In our ESD design system, the interconnects and wires automatically stretch and scale with the structure size. Algorithms are developed which autogenerate the interconnects based on the number of diodes “up” versus diodes “down.” As elements are added, both the graphical layout and physical schematics introduce the elements maintaining the electrical interconnects and pin connection.

11.6.5 Hierarchical PCell Schematic Method

A powerful feature of an automated ESD design system is the ability to autogenerate ESD networks from both the “graphical method” and the “schematic method.” Typically, ESD designers start from the graphical layout of the physical design, and circuit designers start from the schematic layout to evaluate the performance objectives. To cosynthesize the performance and the ESD objectives, it is important to be able to have different modes of integration and starting points in the design methodology.

To achieve autogeneration of ESD circuits, a design flow has been developed (Figure 11.1). The flow is based on the development of p-cells for both the schematic and layout cells. The p-cells are hierarchical, built from device O[1] primitives which have been characterized with defined models. Without the need for additional RF characterization, the design kit development cycle is compressed. Autogeneration also allows for design rule checking (DRC) correct layouts and layout-versus-schematic (LVS) correct circuits.


Figure 11.1 CAD ESD design flow.

In the ESD CAD design system, the schematic p-cell is generated by the input variables to account for the inherited parameters of input values. A problem with schematic autogeneration is the circuit simulation phase. The circuit may be placed as a subcircuit; however, specter simulation will only allow a single definition of a subcircuit. This prevents the reuse of the schematic p-cell in any other configuration. To retain the ESD circuit variability, a design flow has been built around the schematic p-cell.

From the schematic methodology, four different modes of implementation were addressed:

  • Creation of the ESD element
  • Creation and placement of an ESD element
  • Placement of an existing ESD element
  • Placement of an ESD schematic

In an automated design environment, Figure 11.3 shows a representation of the different methodologies. As an example of the schematic methodology, from the schematic editing screen, the user invokes AMS utils → ESD. From the ESD pull-down, four functions are defined: ESD → Create an ESD element, ESD → Create and Place an ESD element, ESD → Place an existing ESD element, and ESD → Place an ESD schematic.

In our ESD CAD design system, the schematic PCell is generated by the input variables to account for the inherited parameters of input values. A problem with schematic autogeneration is the circuit simulation phase. The circuit may be placed as a subcircuit; however, simulation will only allow a single definition of a subcircuit. This prevents the reuse of the schematic p-cell in any other configuration. To retain the ESD circuit variability, a design flow has been built around the schematic p-cell.

In one method, the designer is allowed the capability of building an ESD library with the creation of ESD cells. The designer will select the option to “Create an ESD element.” Figure 11.2 shows an example of where the “Create an ESD element” function initiates creation of an ESD schematic for a parameterized cell of a back-to-back diode string known as “AntiparallelDiodeString.” To generate the electrical schematic, the ESD design system requests the “number of diodes up” and the “number of diodes down”; this determines the number of diodes in the string that are used between digital VSS and analog VSS (or RF VSS) for grounds. For power supply rails, the “AntiparallelDiodeString” is used between digital VDD and analog VDD (or RF VDD). The design system also requests the number of cathode fingers in the diode structures for the “up” string and “down” string. The input parameters are passed into a procedure which will build an ESD cell with the schematic p-cell built according to the input parameters and placed in the designated ESD cell. An instance of the ESD layout p-cell will also be placed in the designated ESD cell. This allows for the automated building of an ESD library, creating a schematic, layout, and symbol of the circuit based on the input parameters. This symbol may be placed in the circuit by selecting the “Place an ESD circuit” option.


Figure 11.2 Creation of an ESD schematic of an “antiparallel diode string” using the schematic method.

The second method allows for the autogeneration of the schematic ESD circuit to be placed directly into the design. This procedure available with the “Place an ESD schematic” option will allow the designer to autogenerate the circuit and place it in the schematic. Since these cells are hierarchical, the primitive devices and autowiring are placed by creating an instance of the schematic p-cell and then flattening the element. The instance must be flattened to avoid redefinition of subcircuits. Figure 11.3 shows the generation of the back-to-back antiparallel diode string.


Figure 11.3 Antiparallel Diode String ESD PCell.

The problem arises during the layout phase of the design. In the schematic due to the flattening, the hierarchy has been removed, and only primitive elements remain. During design implementation, the primitives will be placed, and the hierarchy will be lost. To maintain the hierarchy, an instance box is placed in the schematic retaining the input parameters and device names and characteristics as properties and the elements are recognized and the primitives are replaced with the hierarchical p-cell.

To produce multiple implementations using different inherited parameter variable input, different embodiments of the same circuit type can be created in our methodology. In this process, the schematic is renamed to be able to produce multiple implementations in a common chip or design; the renaming process allows for the design system to distinguish multiple cell views to be present in a common design.

When the inherited parameters are defined, the circuit schematic is generated according to the selected variables. Substrate, ground, and pin connections are established for the system to identify the connectivity of the circuit. The design system can also autogenerate the layout from the electrical schematic which will appear as equivalent to the previously discussed graphical implementation.

The physical layout of the ESD circuits is implemented with p-cells using existing primitives in the reference library. The circuit topology is formed within the p-cell including wiring such that all parasitics may be accounted for in preproduction test site construction.

In a Bipolar, BiCMOS, and BCD technology, ESD networks can be constructed from these primitive p-cell elements of CMOS, bipolar, and LDMOS elements. Hierarchical parameterized cells can be formed from bipolar-only primitive p-cells, CMOS-only primitive p-cells, LDMOS p-cells, or primitive elements. Additionally, new primitive elements using hybrid levels can be used for the primitive cell design. From the lowest-order O[1] primitive parameterized cells, hierarchical parameterized cells can be constructed to form a library of ESD networks. In the list of primitive p-cell elements, the hybrid primitive elements can provide advantages in ideality, capacitance, substrate injection, noise isolation, latchup robustness, and ESD robustness.

In this mixed-signal ESD design system methodology, there are significant advantages and limitations. This methodology developed has been adopted in a foundry environment and has demonstrated significant unanticipated advantages in an analog and mixed-signal design team environment:

  • A significant improvement in design and release productivity is evident from implementation of the hierarchical parameterized cell ESD library.
  • The designs are completed at the test site phase; this allows for direct implementation into the design kit release/verification process at the test site phase of the development cycle.
  • The hierarchical parameterized ESD designs do not need unique DC and AC characterization since the designs contain all AC characterized elements; this provides no additional characterization workload and will be updated with all design releases.
  • The customers do not continue to request alternate size structures of different form factors after the initial release.
  • As the design system matures, the number of inherited parameters can be increased to allow increased customer flexibility to address area, form factor, or other issues.
  • The modular nature of the hierarchical ESD designs allows reuse and flexibility. The introduction of new ESD networks is possible utilizing the existing implementation and modifying the hierarchy for the modification.

11.7 Analog ESD Documents

ESD documents are important for analog and mixed-signal design. In the following sections, technology design manual, cookbooks, and checklists for ESD and EOS are discussed. Figure 11.4 shows an example of an EOS control program documents that can be applied to an analog technology.


Figure 11.4 ESD control program documents.

11.7.1 ESD Technology Design Manual Section

ESD technology design manual sections are important for defining the usage of ESD elements and the supported networks. ESD technology design manuals are typically contained within the technology design manual. Technology design manuals contain all the design rules for the specific technology.

Historically, in early ESD development, the ESD technology design manual section was small and not comprehensive. In the 1980s, the ESD design manual section contained one or two ESD elements, a few recommendations, and no ESD DRC rules. The analog ESD design guidelines utilized the same solution as the digital ESD guidelines. Today, ESD technology design manual sections have been significantly expanded.

ESD technology design manual sections can include the following:

  • ESD required specifications
  • ESD supported standards
  • ESD supported designs
  • ESD design rules
  • ESD design recommendations
  • ESD guard ring rules
  • ESD layout design practices
  • Do’s and Don’ts ESD Required Specifications

Design manuals include the ESD required specifications for the objectives of the technology and applications. The required ESD, EOS, and latchup testing corporate objectives can be included in the design manual. Examples of required ESD test requirements and specification level are as follows:

  • HBM—2000 V ESD specification level
  • Charged device model (CDM)—1000 V ESD specification level ESD Supported Standards

Design manuals include the ESD required supported standards for the technology and applications. The required ESD, EOS, and latchup testing corporate requirements can be included in the design manual. Examples of ESD test-supported requirements are as follows [14–23]:

  • HBM: JESD22-A114E
  • MM: EIA/JESD22-A115-A
  • CDM: JESD22-C101C
  • IEC 61000-4-2
  • IEC 61000-4-5

Existing ESD standards include the following [14–23]: Human Body Model (HBM)

ANSI/ESD ESD-STM 5.1-2007. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Human Body Model (HBM) Testing—Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 2007. Machine Model (MM)

ANSI/ESD ESD-STM 5.2-1999. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Machine Model (MM) Testing—Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 1999. Charged Device Model (CDM)

ANSI/ESD ESD-STM 5.3.1-1999. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Charged Device Model (CDM) Testing—Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 1999.

JEDEC. JESD22-C101-A. A Field-Induced Charged Device Model Test Method for Electrostatic Discharge-Withstand Thresholds of Microelectronic Components, 2000. IEC 61000-4-2

IEC. IEC 61000-4-2. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)—Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques—Electrostatic discharge immunity test. IEC International Standard, 2007. Human Metal Model (HMM)

ESD Association. ESD-SP5.6-2008. ESD Association Standard Practice for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Human Metal Model (HMM) Testing Component Level. Standard Practice (SP) document, 2008. Transmission Line Pulse (TLP)

ANSI/ESD Association. ESD-SP5.5.1-2004. ESD Association Standard Practice for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) Testing Component Level. Standard Practice (SP) document, 2004.

ANSI/ESD Association. ESD-STM 5.5.1-2008. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) Testing Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 2008. Very Fast Transmission Line Pulse (VF-TLP)

ANSI/ESD Association. ESD-SP5.5.2-2007. ESD Association Standard Practice for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Very Fast Transmission Line Pulse (VF-TLP) Testing Component Level. Standard Practice (SP) document, 2007.

ESD Association. ESD-STM 5.5.2-2009. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Very Fast Transmission Line Pulse (VF-TLP) Testing Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 2009. ESD Supported Designs

ESD supported designs can be placed in the design manual section. To avoid usage of unsupported design, it is important to have the layout and design teams to be aware of the designs that are supported. This can be addressed by identifying the designs in a supported Cadence library. ESD Design Rules

ESD design rules should be contained in the technology design manual. Design rules are the rules the design system “check and verify” through the design system. The ESD design rules can include the following:

  • ESD signal pin network requirements (e.g., type, width, size)
  • ESD power clamp network requirements (e.g., type, width, size)
  • Signal pin wire interconnect width requirements
  • Power rail width and/or resistance rule
  • Spatial placement of ESD power clamp relative to signal pins
  • Domain-to-domain ESD network requirements
  • Domain-to-domain signal wire requirements
  • I/O guard ring rules
  • I/O-to-I/O rules
  • I/O-to-core domain rules
  • Core-to-core rules
  • Internal latchup rules
  • External latchup rules ESD Design Recommendations

ESD design recommendations should be contained in the technology design manual. A design recommendation is not required to be a design system rule that requires checking and verification. ESD Guard Ring Rules

ESD guard ring rules can include the requirements of the ESD networks themselves, and those relative to adjacent structures. ESD guard ring rules can include the following:

  • ESD signal pin element guard rings
  • ESD power clamp guard ring
  • ESD digital-to-analog rail-to-rail guard ring rules
  • ESD signal pin-to-I/O guard ring rules
  • ESD power clamp-to-I/O guard ring
  • ESD signal pin-to-analog core domain rules ESD Layout Design Practices

ESD layout requirements and design practices can be included in the design manual. In this section, interdigitated layout and common centroid practices can be integrated into the ESD layout and cosynthesis with the analog circuitry. Do’s and Don’ts

ESD layout practices are at times demonstrated as drawings to allow the layout and design teams to practice good layout practices. Some technology design manuals demonstrate these as good versus bad design practices (e.g., “Do’s and Don’ts” practices).

11.8 ESD Cookbook

In early development of analog corporations, in the 1990s, it was realized that with the complexity and breadth of the number of technologies supported, additional documents were needed for circuit design teams to address ESD issues [8, 9]. A separate document evolved which designers referred to as an “ESD cookbook.” ESD cookbooks in analog corporations provided ESD circuits, recommendations, and rules. Each section of the ESD cookbook was separated for each technology type and generation (Figure 11.5). The ESD cookbook supported bipolar, MOSFET, and power technologies, where the device set and rules were significantly different.


Figure 11.5 ESD analog cookbook.

An ESD cookbook will have specific goals for the circuit design community to guarantee correct implementation [8, 9]. Some of the specific goals are as follows:

  • Choosing the correct technology: The first goal is to determine the correct technology supported ESD network for the corresponding circuit. Tables will be formed of digital, analog, and power network applications, which identify common functional blocks. The tables will contain circuit type, application voltage, the ESD element to be used to protect the functional block, and ESD cell name.
  • ESD circuit description: The second goal is to have the ESD circuits described with the circuit schematic, cell name, and symbol cell view for quick reference.
  • ESD data of supported ESD networks: The third goal is to have ESD data (HBM, MM, and TLP) for the supported networks as a function of the structure size.
  • ESD placement: The fourth goal is to assist the circuit designer in the rules for placement of the ESD signal pin networks and ESD power clamp networks.
  • Interconnects and connecting: The fifth goal is to assist the circuit designer in proper wiring of the ESD network in the chip design synthesis. This is to include wire width, distribution, and guidelines from proper integration of the ESD circuits with the full chip design synthesis.
  • Repository of information: The sixth goal is to have a repository for customer information notes (CIN), guidelines, and concerns with the various networks.

The ESD cookbook must provide guidance to the circuit design teams. In addition, the document is to provide guidance for the following [9]:

  • Usage of appropriate ESD signal pin and power networks for circuit and product application: Choose appropriate size based on ESD specifications type and magnitude of product requirements.
  • Identify the appropriate supported ESD network for the given voltage requirements.
  • Placement the peripheral I/O circuitry: Provide guard rings based on supported ESD and latchup design rules.
  • Establish power and ground bus width and via number for adequate width to support I, O, and I/O circuits and ESD networks: Provide wire width and via number based on wire width and via number design rules.
  • Placement of the ESD signal pin networks: Provide adequate metal and via width for signal pad to ESD network based on wire width and via number design rules.
  • Placement of the ESD power rail networks (e.g., VDD to VSS, VSS to VSS): Verify worst-case resistance between the farthest signal pin and the ESD power rail networks (e.g., ESD transient clamps and ground to ground).
  • Verify bidirectional current paths between signal pins and power rails: Bidirectional current paths must exist between pin-to-rail and rail-to-rail of common or separated function domains.
  • Checklist: Complete ESD checklist for the product release team from the design conception to the final product release.
  • Product release: Test the ESD product according to the corporate ESD test requirements and the supported ESD standards.

11.9 Electrical Overstress (EOS) Documents

For EOS, it is important to include representation for various members of the design team in the release and sign-off process [9]. In the EOS design release, there are members of the team from application engineering, product definition, device design, circuit design, packaging, and reliability engineering.

11.9.1 EOS Design Release Process

An EOS design release process should contain some of the following items:

  • Package EOS requirement
  • Bond wire EOS requirement
  • On-chip EOS protection
  • On-chip ESD protection
  • On-chip power rail requirements for EOS and ESD
  • On-chip interconnect width requirements for EOS and ESD
  • EOS robustness of technology elements
  • Product—application EOS and ESD compatibility
  • Product—technology EOS and ESD compatibility
  • EOS DRC results
  • EOS LVS results
  • EOS electrical rule check (ERC) results

By establishing a good semiconductor chip release process, the risks for EOS can be reduced for semiconductor manufacturing release. Figure 11.6 shows an example of an EOS control program that can be applied to an analog technology.


Figure 11.6 EOS control program.

11.9.2 Electrical Overstress (EOS) Cookbook

In the product definition, design integration, and planning stage, many corporations have developed “cookbook” documents for circuit and printed circuit board (PCB) design teams [8, 9]. An EOS cookbook can be used by the entire team to avoid design implementation errors and insure product success.

By establishing a good product release process, the risks for EOS can be reduced for semiconductor manufacturing release and EOS robustness in the field. Whereas an EOS or ESD design manual may refer to the different EOS and ESD design, an “EOS cookbook” will provide information of correspondence between circuit type and the protection elements. An EOS cookbook should contain some of the following items:

  • Guideline on how to use the document
  • EOS specification requirements for qualification
  • EOS and ESD models
  • EOS and ESD specification references
  • Off-chip EOS protection solutions library
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different EOS protection solutions
  • Off-chip EOS protection layout
  • Off-chip EOS guidelines
  • PCB EOS protection solutions
  • Package EOS requirement
  • Bond wire EOS requirement
  • On-chip EOS protection
  • On-chip ESD protection
  • On-chip ESD layout
  • On-chip power rail requirements for EOS and ESD
  • On-chip interconnect width requirements for EOS and ESD
  • Guard ring placement and definition
  • On-chip ESD power clamp placement
  • EOS robustness of technology elements
  • Product—application EOS and ESD compatibility
  • Product—technology EOS and ESD compatibility
  • Table of pin types

One of the most critical issues in an EOS and ESD cookbook is the interrelationship and compatibility of the EOS and ESD solutions used for specific pin types. Hence, the table of pin types is the key core of the EOS and ESD cookbooks. Table of Pin Types

The table of pin types is the most critical element of the EOS and ESD cookbooks. This section identifies the type of pin and the power domain of the pin. For the specific pin type, a specific recommendation of what EOS and ESD solution is needed. In this section, the pin type identifies the Cadence library element cell name, circuit schematic, and the connectivity. For example, the pin types would be segmented by power domain (e.g., 2.5, 5.0 V, and HV domain). Additionally, there is segmentation of analog, digital, and HV circuitry. Circuit functions of inputs, outputs, and bidirectional are segmented for the different ESD and EOS solutions. In the end, clear guidelines are set for the circuit design teams so that the correct EOS and ESD circuit is used for the specific circuit to avoid mismatch between the product application voltage tolerance of the elements and proper “turn-on” of the different EOS and ESD elements for the specific circuit (Figure 11.7).


Figure 11.7 EOS cookbook.

The pin type table for the different voltage domains can include the following [9]:

  • VDD power input
  • VDD power input/output
  • Digital input
  • Digital output
  • Digital open-drain output
  • Bidirectional I/O
  • Analog input
  • Analog output

The pin type table and corresponding ESD network for HV domains can include the following:

  • VIN or VDD power input
  • HV digital input
  • HV analog output
  • HV open-drain output
  • HV phase output
  • HV phase input
  • Analog output

The ESD design networks can include isolated and nonisolated designs. For power technologies, the ESD designs can include the following:

  • Nonisolated ESD networks
  • Isolated ESD networks (5, 10, 40, 60, 80, and 120 V)

Isolated and nonisolated designs are required for the following:

  • Primary stage signal pin ESD
  • Secondary CDM signal pin ESD
  • Domain-to-domain ground ESD networks
  • ESD power clamps

11.9.3 Electrical Overstress Checklist

In the product definition, design integration, and product release, it is very important to establish checklist for providing EOS product robustness [8, 9]. EOS checklists can be used in the product release and sign-off process.

An ESD checklist for a product release is commonly in the development of semiconductor components. Figure 11.8 is an example of an ESD checklist.


Figure 11.8 ESD checklist.

In the product sign-off and release process, there are members of the team that are from application engineering, product definition, marketing, device design, circuit design, packaging, reliability engineering, quality engineers, functional test engineers, and management. An EOS checklist must be understood by the entire team to avoid design implementation errors and insure product success.

An EOS checklist for a product release should contain some of the following items (Figure 11.9):

  • EOS environment and application requirements
  • ESD environment and application requirements
  • Product specifications and EOS implications
  • Off-chip EOS protection solutions
  • PCB EOS protection solutions
  • PCB electrical characteristics
  • Package EOS requirement
  • Bond wire EOS requirement
  • On-chip EOS protection
  • On-chip ESD protection
  • On-chip power rail requirements for EOS and ESD
  • On-chip interconnect width requirements for EOS and ESD
  • EOS robustness of technology elements
  • Product—application EOS and ESD compatibility
  • Product—technology EOS and ESD compatibility
  • DRC results
  • LVS results
  • ERC results
  • Functional test results
  • ESD test results
  • EOS test results
  • System assembly procedures
  • Manufacturing audit results
  • Sign-off release of all organizations (e.g., technology, product definition, quality)

Figure 11.9 EOS checklist.

By establishing a good product release process, the minimization of EOS losses can be reduced for semiconductor manufacturing release and EOS robustness in the field.

11.9.4 Electrical Overstress Design Reviews

As part of the semiconductor chip release process, an EOS design review should be part of the process [8, 9]. In an EOS design review, the review process should evaluate the following:

  • EOS environment and product compatibility
  • Package compatibility
  • Wire bond current handling capability
  • EOS protection device—signal pin compatibility
  • EOS protection device and ESD protection device compatibility
  • EOS DRC results
  • EOS LVS results
  • EOS ERC results
  • Electromigration maximum current density compatibility

In the EOS design review process, visual inspection of traces on the PCB and interconnect wiring levels to improve the maximum current carrying conditions is valuable to build EOS robust products.

11.10 Closing Comments and Summary

In this chapter, ESD and EOS libraries and documents for an analog or mixed-signal technology were discussed. The discussion includes a plethora of items, from analog libraries, ESD library elements, Cadence-based parameterized cells, and Cadence-based hierarchical ESD designs. ESD and EOS documents for technology design manual, cookbooks, checklists, and design release processes are discussed.

In Chapter 12, ESD and latchup checking and verification methods are discussed. ESD DRCs for implementing ESD networks into the design are reviewed. Latchup DRCs for both internal and external latchup are highlighted as part of the design implementation. A key issue is the checking and verification of analog-to-digital cross-domain signal lines.


  1. 1. V. Vashchenko and A. Shibkov. ESD Design for Analog Circuits. New York: Springer, 2010.
  2. 2. H. Kunz, G. Boselli, J. Brodsky, M. Hambardzumyan, and R. Eatmon. An automated ESD verification tool for analog design. Proceedings of the Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge (EOS/ESD) Symposium, 2010; 103–110.
  3. 3. S. Voldman. ESD: Physics and Devices. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2004.
  4. 4. S. Voldman. ESD: Circuits and Devices. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2005.
  5. 5. S. Voldman. ESD: RF Circuits and Technology. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2006.
  6. 6. S. Voldman. Latchup. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007.
  7. 7. S. Voldman. ESD: Failure Mechanisms and Models. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2009.
  8. 8. S. Voldman. ESD Basics: From Semiconductor Manufacturing to Product Use. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012.
  9. 9. S. Voldman. Electrical Overstress (EOS): Devices, Circuits, and Systems. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2013.
  10. 10. S. Voldman, S. Strang, and D. Jordan. An automated electrostatic discharge computer-aided design system with the incorporation of hierarchical parameterized cells in BiCMOS analog and RF technology for mixed signal applications. Proceedings of the Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge (EOS/ESD) Symposium, October 2002; 296–305.
  11. 11. S. Voldman, S. Strang, and D. Jordan. A design system for auto-generation of ESD circuits. Proceedings of the International Cadence Users Group, September 2002.
  12. 12. S. Voldman. Automated hierarchical parameterized ESD network design and checking system. U.S. Patent No. 5,704,179, March 9, 2004.
  13. 13. D. Collins, D. Jordan, S. Strang, and S. Voldman. ESD design, verification, and checking system and method of use. U.S. Patent Application 20,050,102,644, May 12, 2005.
  14. 14. ANSI/ESD ESD-STM 5.1-2007. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Human Body Model (HBM) Testing—Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 2007.
  15. 15. ANSI/ESD ESD-STM 5.2-1999. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Machine Model (MM) Testing—Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 1999.
  16. 16. ANSI/ESD ESD-STM 5.3.1-1999. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Charged Device Model (CDM) Testing—Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 1999.
  17. 17. JEDEC. JESD22-C101-A. A Field-Induced Charged Device Model Test Method for Electrostatic Discharge-Withstand Thresholds of Microelectronic Components, 2000.
  18. 18. IEC. IEC 61000-4-2. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)—Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques—Electrostatic discharge immunity test. IEC International Standard, 2007.
  19. 19. ESD Association. ESD-SP5.6-2008. ESD Association Standard Practice for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Human Metal Model (HMM) Testing Component Level. Standard Practice (SP) document, 2008.
  20. 20. ANSI/ESD Association. ESD-SP5.5.1-2004. ESD Association Standard Practice for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) Testing Component Level. Standard Practice (SP) document, 2004.
  21. 21. ANSI/ESD Association. ESD-STM 5.5.1-2008. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) Testing Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 2008.
  22. 22. ANSI/ESD Association. ESD-SP5.5.2-2007. ESD Association Standard Practice for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Very Fast Transmission Line Pulse (VF-TLP) Testing Component Level. Standard Practice (SP) document, 2007.
  23. 23. ESD Association. ESD-STM 5.5.2-2009. ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items—Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing—Very Fast Transmission Line Pulse (VF-TLP) Testing Component Level. Standard Test Method (STM) document, 2009.
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