Time for action – testing the installation

The following steps will demonstrate how to start our server allowing us to test the installation:

  1. We'll start by running the JBoss AS server all profile. Change to the bin directory and enter the following command to start the server using the all server profile:
    sh ./run.sh -c all
  2. At this point, many, many lines of logging information are written to the screen. Near the end of the display, you should see lines that look like this:
    19:52:20,592 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/admin-console
    19:52:20,670 INFO  [config] Initializing Mojarra (1.2_12-b01-FCS) for context ‘/admin-console'
    19:52:22,410 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/
    19:52:22,452 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console
    19:52:22,672 INFO  [Http11Protocol] Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
    19:52:22,697 INFO  [AjpProtocol] Starting Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-
    19:52:22,708 INFO  [ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221634)] Started in 44s:251ms

    (If you are not seeing this, but you are seeing lots of lines of text that include ERROR, then skip ahead a few sections to the section named And what to do if you see an error.)

What just happened?

We had previously started the JBoss AS server without specifying a server profile. This time, we used the -c option to select the server profile into which we had deployed JBoss ESB.

So far, so good. The server seems to be running, based on a quick look—correct at the surface. Now, let's look a little deeper and see what you can do to verify that the JBoss ESB installation is correct and that you will be able to use it for the remainder of the book.

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