Time for action – deploying JBoss ESB to JBoss AS

Okay, now it's time to install JBoss ESB into the JBoss AS server we installed previously. But, wait. Before we do that, let's examine just what it means to "deploy" JBoss ESB to an application server. "Deploying" something to the application server means putting it in a location where the application server can recognize it, control it, and start the application's lifecycle. Follow these steps to deploy JBoss ESB:

  1. The first step is to set our current directory to the install directory under the jbossesb-4.10 directory:
    cd install
  2. Before we deploy JBoss ESB, we need to tell it where it will be deployed. You'll find a file named deployment.properties-example in the install directory. Copy this file to a file named deployment.properties:
    cp deployment.properties-example deployment.properties
  3. Next, we have to define the location of the JBoss AS server directory in the deployment.properties file. Open up your favorite text editor and define these properties in that file:


    You probably noticed that we just referenced a property named org.jboss.esb.server.config. What's a server config?

    Each JBoss server profile consists of a set of server configurations (to control the level of logging detail, server start up memory requirements, and so on) and the set of services to install. JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA is shipped with these profiles:

    • all: starts all available services
    • default: a base Java EE server
    • minimal: a bare, slimmed down configuration, the minimum for starting the application server
    • production: a profile designed for use in production environments
    • standard: a Java EE certified configuration of services
    • web: a small set of services designed to mimic a web profile

    We'll use either the default or all profile for most of our work in this book.

  4. Before we actually deploy JBoss ESB to our JBoss AS server, it's a good idea to save a copy of the server, in the event that we ever want to reset the server to its original configuration. There's another useful aspect of the server profiles that's important to keep in mind; they are very easy to copy. To save a copy of the original all configuration, just copy its directory tree:
    cp -pR all all.original
  5. Apache Ant is used for many JBoss AS and JBoss ESB deployment tasks. This book assumes you use Apache Ant version 1.8.1 with JBoss ESB 4.10. The ant command to deploy JBoss ESB to JBoss AS is very simple:
    ant deploy

What just happened?

We accomplished two tasks in this section, namely:

  • We protected ourselves from any problems that we might inadvertently introduce in modifying a JBoss AS server's configuration profile by making and saving a copy of that profile. This is an easy thing to do as it only requires a copy command. You might never need to use the copy, but as a backup system for your PC, it's a nice (and easy) insurance policy.
  • We deployed JBoss ESB to our JBoss AS server, and in the process, made our first use of Apache Ant to administer JBoss ESB. We'll make a lot more use of ant later in the book, when we work with the JBoss ESB quickstarts and other example code.

But, what exactly does this invocation of ant deploy actually do? In the context of this installation, just what JBoss ESB bits are installed? The installed JBoss ESB bits are:

  • server/default/deployers/esb.deployer: The name is a dead giveaway here. This component enables the server to deploy .esb archives.
  • server/default/deploy/jbossesb-registry.sar: This service archive contains ESB's integration to its service registry. A registry is used to look up service endpoints at runtime; a repository is used to store and manage the life cycle of services. We'll describe the registry, how it works, and how you use it in a subsequent chapter.
  • server/default/deploy/jbossesb.esb: This ESB archive contains internal support for messages and message redelivery.
  • server/default/deploy/jbpm.esb: This ESB archive contains the JBoss ESB integration to the jBPM Business Process Management system.
  • server/default/deploy/jbrules.esb: This ESB archive contains the JBoss ESB integration to JBoss Rules for building rules-based services.
  • server/default/deploy/smooks.esb: This ESB archive contains the JBoss ESB integration to the Smooks message transformation and routing engine.
  • server/default/deploy/soap.esb: This ESB archive contains the JBoss ESB support for hosting Web Services.
  • server/default/deploy/spring.esb: This ESB archive contains the JBoss ESB support for applications built with the Spring framework.
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