Time for action – ESB SOAP client

We exported an ESB service as a web service in the previous section. Let us now invoke that web service with another ESB service.

  1. In JBoss Developer Studio, open the esbcontent/META-INF/jboss-esb.xml file in Source mode.
  2. Append the following service definition to the <services> tag.
    <service category="Chapter8Sample" description=""
        <jms-listener busidref="Chapter8EsbChannel2"
      <actions mep="RequestResponse">
        <action name="requestAction"
        <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPClient"
          <property name="wsdl" value="http://localhost:8080/Chapter8/ebws/Chapter8Sample/Chapter8Service?wsdl"/>
          <property name="SOAPAction" value="Chapter8ServiceOp"/>
  3. Click the Save button and the modified application should now be deployed in the server.
  4. Select the src folder, expand it till the SendEsbMessage.java file is displayed in the tree. Now click Run | Run As | Java Application:
    Time for action – ESB SOAP client
  5. The server Console will display the output as follows:
    INFO  [STDOUT] (Thread-46) Progress: 1 - Caching definition from url [http://localhost:8080/Chapter8/ebws/Chapter8Sample/Chapter8Service?wsdl]
  6. The test Console will display the output as follows:
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'><env:Header></env:Header><env:Body><ns2:getAuthorsResponse xmlns:ns2='http://chapter8.samples.esb.soa.jboss.org/'><return>Charles Dickens</return><return>Sir Arthur Conan Doyle</return><return>Dan Brown</return><return>Amish Tripathi</return></ns2:getAuthorsResponse></env:Body></env:Envelope>

What just happened?

We deployed an ESB service with the ability to invoke an external web service. Note that the configuration of the pipeline contains a request mapper called MyRequestAction, used to convert the incoming message into a Map for populating the SOAP request template.

Have a go hero – quickstarts

Have a look at the webservice_consumer1 quickstart. Examine the configuration and the usage of the MyRequestAction class.

Request processing

As mentioned previously the soapUI version of SOAPClient generates a template based on the WSDL definition for the appropriate service operation, which is then populated from a set of parameters extracted from the current ESB message.

The SOAP parameters for the template are defined within a map that resides in the payload location of the ESB message, the keys of the map entries specifying the template location of their associated values. There are two choices when specifying values:

  • Individual text values based on their explicit location: For this choice each value must be explicitly configured within the payload parameter map with the key for each entry consisting of the concatenation of the local names of each element starting with the first element within the SOAP body. For example the value represented by the key processOrder.order.id would be used to populate the id element nested within the order and processOrder elements.
  • A single object instance representing all contents: For this second choice a single object instance would be placed within the map to represent the contents of the SOAP body, with each nested value being taken from the object by following the normal java bean naming conventions. For example an instance of ProcessOrderRequest, located within the parameter map with a key of processOrder, would populate the order id by invoking the getOrder().getId() methods and converting the result to a string.


The naming convention used in each choice follows the notation defined as part of the Object-Graph Navigational Language (OGNL) expression language for accessing properties of java objects. See http://incubator.apache.org/ognl/ for more information.

Request transformations

The soapUI codebase creates a template based on the WSDL of the target web service which is then populated using the parameters extracted from the ESB message. This template, and its population, focus on the contents of the SOAP envelope's Body element but do not support creation of elements within the SOAP envelope's Header element.

In order to attach SOAP headers to the request it is necessary to transform the populated message before it is sent to the target web service. This can be achieved by including a Smooks transformation in the configuration of the action, using the smooksTransform parameter.

An example of this configuration is as follows:

<action name="soapui-client-action"
  <property name="wsdl" value="http://localhost:8080/Chapter8/ebws/Chapter8Sample/Chapter8Service?wsdl"/>
  <property name="SOAPAction" value="getBooks"/>
  <property name="smooksTransform" value="smooks-transform.xml"/>

Have a go hero – SOAP request header transformation

Add a Smooks transformation to create SOAP headers as part of the request.

You can see the effect on the resulting request contents by specifying an extra entry into the parameter map, using the dumpSOAP key. The existence of this key will cause the integration code to display the raw template and the populated template for the request on the server console.

Response processing

The SOAP response from the web service can be processed in one of three ways, the result of which will be stored as the payload of the resulting ESB message:

  • As a string containing the raw SOAP response message (the default)
  • As a map containing the explicit element values, keyed using the same OGNL notation as used in the request processing
  • As an Object Graph created and populated by the XStream toolkit


In order to return a map containing the contents of the SOAP response message using the OGNL notation it is necessary to configure an additional property on the SOAPClient action. This property, responseAsOgnlMap, must be configured with the value true.

The following is an example of receiving our sample's response as an OGNL map:

<action name="soapui-client-action"
  <property name="wsdl" value="http://localhost:8080/Chapter8/ebws/Chapter8Sample/Chapter8Service?wsdl"/>
  <property name="SOAPAction" value="Chapter8ServiceOp"/>
  <property name="responseAsOgnlMap" value="true"/>

Have a go hero – OGNL response

Go ahead and set the responseAsOgnlMap property to true and see how the response looks on the test Console. Take a look at the webservice_consumer2 quickstart and familiarize yourself with the OGNL notation. Change the request map of the quickstart so that it uses explicit locations instead of an object instance.


XStream (http://xstream.codehaus.org/) is an Open Source library which supports the serialization and deserialization of XML to and from Java Objects. When used through the SOAPClient it supports the deserialization of the SOAP response into a Java object which is then returned through the ESB message payload.

In order to use the XStream functionality it is necessary to define a responseXStreamConfig action property containing the appropriate mappings. Here is an example of how our getAuthorsResponse SOAP envelope can be converted into a List<String> object.

<action name="soapui-client-action"
  <property name="wsdl" value="http://localhost:8080/Chapter8/ebws/Chapter8Sample/Chapter8Service?wsdl"/>
  <property name="SOAPAction" value="Chapter8ServiceOp"/>
  <property name="responseXStreamConfig">
    <alias name="getAuthorsResponse" class="java.util.ArrayList"
    <alias name="return" class="java.lang.String" namespace=""/>

Have a go hero – XStream conversion

Go ahead and add the highlighted section above to the sample and see how it changes the response output.

The Wise SOAPClient

The second SOAPClient action is based on Wise (Wise Invokes Services Easily), a JBoss Open Source project (http://www.jboss.org/wise) which handles most of the necessary interactions of dealing with the JAX-WS APIs and proxies.

The goal of Wise is to make your life easier by automatically processing a web service's WSDL to generate the client-side proxy classes, select the appropriate services and endpoints, and enable the invocation of the operations by mapping an object model that you define to the JAX-WS objects needed to perform the operation. The result is that you can access a web service without having to generate the classes yourself.

A typical configuration sample would be like this:

<action name="soap-wise-client-action"
  <property name="wsdl" value="http://localhost:8080/Chapter8/ebws/Chapter8Sample/Chapter8Service?wsdl"/>
  <property name="SOAPAction" value="getBooks"/>
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