Time for action – querying the UDDI server

To get a sense of UDDI, let's try sending some UDDI queries to JBoss ESB. For this exercise, you'll need to use JBoss ESB 4.10 on top of the JBoss 5.1.0.GA AS. There are instructions on setting up this scenario in Chapter 1. After setting that up, follow these steps:

  1. To start, download a copy of SOAPUI (http://www.soapui.org—the free open source edition is all that is needed).
  2. Run the soapui startup script (soapui.sh or soapui.bat, depending on our OS).
    Time for action – querying the UDDI server
  3. Next, we need to find the jUDDI services WSDL. Copy uddi-ws-3.1.0.jar from jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deployers/esb.deployer/lib/ to a temporary location. Uncompress the file and create a new SOAPUI project (File | New SOAPUI Project in the SOAPUI menu) using the uddi_v3_service.wsdl file from the JAR you just uncompressed as the initial WSDL:
    Time for action – querying the UDDI server
  4. We'll try a simple query—scroll down to UDDI_Security_SoapBinding, and choose get_AuthToken. Double-click on the Request 1 request to open it in the editor:
    Time for action – querying the UDDI server
  5. Change "?" in the userID="?" property to "root", and then change the "?" in the cred="?" property to "root" as well.
  6. Select the dropdown box which contains the endpoint—it should by default say something like http://localhost/uddi/security—and choose edit current, enter your endpoint address, which is You can look this up by using the JBoss WS console (http://localhost:8080/jbossws) and then viewing the list of deployed services and searching for the Endpoint Address that corresponds to the jUDDI SecurityService:
    Time for action – querying the UDDI server
  7. Press the green button, you should receive a response with an <authinfo> element that contains a generated authToken string.
    Time for action – querying the UDDI server

What just happened

You've just completed your first UDDI query using SOAPUI as a client and the jUDDI server that comes along with JBoss ESB. For more information on UDDI queries, a good starting point would be the jUDDI web site (http://juddi.apache.org) or the UDDI v3 specification (http://www.uddi.org/pubs/uddi_v3.htm).

Pop quiz

Before we move on, it's time to see what you've learned. Pencils ready? Let's begin!

  1. What is federation?

    a. Clustering a service over multiple nodes to support failover

    b. Using multiple transports to relay a message

    c. Protecting a service with authentication

  2. What is UDDI?

    a. Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration

    b. Universal Data Display Interface

    c. Unguarded Data Determination Invocation

  3. What is JAXR?

    a. An abstraction on top of XML registries

    b. A new database

    c. A standard for federation

  4. If your server suffers a hard crash, what might happen that would slow your services down?

    a. The logs fill up

    b. Stale EPRs might accumulate

    c. The database slows down with age

  5. What is the purpose of a registry within an ESB?

    a. Tracking the endpoints of services at runtime

    b. Speeding up your service

    c. To track every invocation that occurs

  6. How can I view my service data within the registry?

    a. Use a bean in the JMX Console

    b. Send a message

    c. Federation

  7. What UDDI registry does JBoss ESB use by default? Can I use another implementation?

    a. jUDDI

    b. MUDDI

    c. PUDDI

  8. What is an EPR?

    a. A runtime address of your service that the ESB sends messages to

    b. A standard for federation

    c. A way of invoking services

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