Decision trees

Decision trees are supervised models that can either perform regression or classification.

Let's take a look at some major league baseball player data from 1986-1987. Each dot represents a single player in the league:

  • Years (x-axis): Number of years played in the major leagues
  • Hits (y-axis): Number of hits the player had in the previous year
  • Salary (color): Low salary is blue/green, high salary is red/yellow
Decision trees

The preceding data is our training data. The idea is to build a model that predicts the salary of future players based on Years and Hits. A decision tree aims to make splits on our data in order to segment the data points that act similarly to each other, but differently to the others. The tree makes multiples of these splits in order to make the most accurate prediction possible. Let's see a tree built for the preceding data:

Decision trees

Let's read this from top to bottom:

  • The first split is Years < 4.5: when a splitting rule is true, you follow the left branch. When a splitting rule is false, you follow the right branch. So for a new player, if they have been playing for less than 4.5 years, we will go down the left branch.
  • For players in the left branch, the mean salary is $166,000, hence you label it with that value (salary has been divided by 1,000 and log-transformed to 5.11 for ease of computation).
  • For players in the right branch, there is a further split on Hits < 117.5, dividing players into two more salary regions: $403,000 (transformed to 6.00) and $846,000 (transformed to 6.74).

This tree doesn't just give us predictions; it also provides some more information about our data:

  • It seems that the number of years in the league is the most important factor in determining salary, with a smaller number of years correlating to a lower salary.
  • If a player has not been playing for long (< 4.5 years), the number of hits they have is not an important factor when it comes to their salary.
  • For players with 5+ years under their belt, hits are an important factor for their salary determination.
  • Our tree only made up to two decisions before spitting out an answer (two is called our depth of the tree).

How does a computer build a regression tree?

Modern decision tree algorithms tend to use a recursive binary splitting approach:

  1. The process begins at the top of the tree.
  2. For every feature, it will examine every possible split and choose the feature and split such that the resulting tree has the lowest possible Mean Squared Error (MSE). The algorithm makes that split.
  3. It will then examine the two resulting regions and again make a single split (in one of the regions) to minimize the MSE.
  4. It will keep repeating Step 3 until a stopping criterion is met:
    • Maximum tree depth (maximum number of splits required to arrive at a leaf)
    • Minimum number of observations in a leaf (final) node

For classification trees, the algorithm is very similar with the biggest difference being the metric we optimize over. Because MSE only exists for regression problems, we cannot use it. However, instead of accuracy, classification trees optimize over either the Gini index or entropy.

How does a computer fit a classification tree?

Similarly to a regression tree, a classification tree is built by optimizing over a metric (in this case, the Gini index) and choosing the best split to make this optimization. More formally, at each node, the tree will take the following steps:

  1. Calculate the purity of the data
  2. Select a candidate split
  3. Calculate the purity of the data after the split
  4. Repeat for all variables
  5. Choose the variable with the greatest increase in purity
  6. Repeat for each split until some stop criteria is met

Let's say that we are predicting the likelihood of death aboard a luxury cruise ship given demographic features. Suppose we start with 25 people, 10 of whom survived, and 15 of whom died:

Before split






We first calculate the Gini index before doing anything:

How does a computer fit a classification tree?

In this example, overall classes are survived and died, illustrated in the following formula:

How does a computer fit a classification tree?

This means that the purity of the dataset is 0.48.

Now let's consider a potential split on gender. We first calculate the Gini index for each gender:

How does a computer fit a classification tree?

The following formula calculates Gini index for male and female as follows:

How does a computer fit a classification tree?

Once we have the Gini index for each gender, we then calculate the overall Gini index for the split on gender, as follows:

How does a computer fit a classification tree?

So, the gini coefficient for splitting on gender is 0.27. We then follow this procedure for three potential splits:

  • Gender (male or female)
  • Number of siblings on board (0 or 1+)
  • Class (first and second versus third)
How does a computer fit a classification tree?

In this example, we would choose the gender to split on as it is the lowest Gini index!

The following table briefly summarizes the differences between classification and regression decision trees:

Regression trees

Classification trees

Predict a quantitative response

Predict a qualitative response

Prediction is the average value in each leaf

Prediction is the most common label in each leaf

Splits are chosen to minimize MSE

Splits are chosen to minimize Gini index (usually)

Let's use scikit-learn's built-in decision tree function in order to build a decision tree:

# read in the data 
titanic = pd.read_csv('short_titanic.csv') 
# encode female as 0 and male as 1 
titanic['Sex'] ={'female':0, 'male':1}) 
# fill in the missing values for age with the median age 
titanic.Age.fillna(titanic.Age.median(), inplace=True) 
# create a DataFrame of dummy variables for Embarked 
embarked_dummies = pd.get_dummies(titanic.Embarked, prefix='Embarked') 
embarked_dummies.drop(embarked_dummies.columns[0], axis=1, inplace=True) 
# concatenate the original DataFrame and the dummy DataFrame 
titanic = pd.concat([titanic, embarked_dummies], axis=1) 
# define X and y 
feature_cols = ['Pclass', 'Sex', 'Age', 'Embarked_Q', 'Embarked_S'] 
X = titanic[feature_cols] 
y = titanic.Survived 
How does a computer fit a classification tree?

Note that we are going to use class, sex, age, and dummy variables for city embarked as our features:

# fit a classification tree with max_depth=3 on all data from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier treeclf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, random_state=1), y) 

max_depth is a limit to the depth of our tree. It means that, for any data point, our tree is only able to ask up to three questions and make up to three splits. We can output our tree into a visual format and we will obtain the following:

How does a computer fit a classification tree?

We can notice a few things:

  • Sex is the first split, meaning that sex is the most important determining factor of whether or not a person survived the crash
  • Embarked_Q was never used in any split

For either classification or regression trees, we can also do something very interesting with decision trees, which is that we can output a number that represents each feature's importance in the prediction of our data points:

# compute the feature importances 
pd.DataFrame({'feature':feature_cols, 'importance':treeclf.feature_importances_})
How does a computer fit a classification tree?

The importance scores are an average Gini index difference for each variable, with higher values corresponding to higher importance to the prediction. We can use this information to select fewer features in the future. For example, both of the embarked variables are very low in comparison to the rest of the features, so we may be able to say that they are not important in our prediction of life or death.

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