Securing the frontend service connection

Let's create the lets-encrypt HTTPs frontend tunnel. Following is the Quick status update:

  • Certificate manager for interfacing with the letsencrypt service
  • Public DNS name for our ingress
  • Certificate for our public FQDN

The missing piece is the connection between our public ingress to the frontend service. The following code will create that for you:

  1 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
2 kind: Ingress
3 metadata:
4 name: frontend-aks-ingress
5 annotations:
6 nginx
7 letsencrypt-prod
8 /
9 spec:
10 tls:
11 - hosts:
12 -
13 secretName: tls-secret
14 rules:
15 - host:
16 http:
17 paths:
18 - path: /
19 backend:
20 serviceName: frontend
21 servicePort: 80

Let's break down the preceding code:

  • Lines 1-2: Specifies that we want the Ingress resource.
  • Lines 3-8: Gives it a name (frontend-aks-ingress) and, uses the nginx ingress, backed by the letsencrypt-prod certificate issuer, along with nginx specific rewrite target rule, to make the browser think that nginx is the root for all html/css/js  files.
  • Lines 9-13: Tells nginx ingress to obtain the certificates from secret tls-secret, which is set by the cert manager once it gets it for the host from the LetsEncrypt service.
  • Lines 14-21: Specifies to nginx that any request that is coming for on the / path is handled by the frontend service on port 80.

You can verify that the service is up by launching You should see the following:

..................Content has been hidden....................

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