Regularization and shrinkage – LASSO and Ridge regression

Now that we have covered OLS, we will try to improve on that by using regularization and coefficient shrinkage using LASSO and Ridge regression. One of the problems with OLS is that occasionally, for some datasets, the coefficients assigned to the predictor variables can grow to be very large. Also, OLS can end up assigning non-zero weights to all predictors and the total number of predictors in the final predictive model can be a very large number. Regularization tries to address both problems, that is, the problem of too many predictors and the problem of predictors with very large coefficients. Too many predictors in the final model is disadvantageous because it leads to overfitting, in addition to requiring more computations to predict. Predictors with large coefficients are disadvantageous because a few predictors with large coefficients can overpower the entire model's prediction, and small changes in predictor values can cause large swings in predicted output. We address this by introducing the concepts of regularization and shrinkage.

Regularization is the technique of introducing a penalty term on the coefficient weights and making that a part of the mean squared error, which regression tries to minimize. Intuitively, what this does is that it will let coefficient values grow, but only if there is a comparable decrease in MSE values. Conversely, if reducing the coefficient weights doesn't increase the MSE values too much, then it will shrink those coefficients. The extra penalty term is known as the regularization term, and since it results in a reduction of the magnitudes of coefficients, it is known as shrinkage.

Depending on the type of penalty term involving magnitudes of coefficients, it is either L1 regularization or L2 regularization. When the penalty term is the sum of the absolute values of all coefficients, this is known as L1 regularization (LASSO), and, when the penalty term is the sum of the squared values of the coefficients, this is known as L2 regularization (Ridge). It is also possible to combine both L1 and L2 regularization, and that is known as elastic net regression. To control how much penalty is added because of these regularization terms, we control it by tuning the regularization hyperparameter. In the case of elastic net regression, there are two regularization hyperparameters, one for the L1 penalty and the other one for the L2 penalty.

Let's apply Lasso regression to our dataset and inspect the coefficients in the following code. With a regularization parameter of 0.1, we see that the first predictor gets assigned a coefficient that is roughly half of what was assigned by OLS: 

from sklearn import linear_model

# Fit the model
lasso = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=0.1), Y_train)

# The coefficients
print('Coefficients: ', lasso.coef_)

This code will return the following output:

[ 0.01673918 -0.04803374]

If the regularization parameter is increased to 0.6, the coefficients shrink much further to [ 0. -0.00540562], and the first predictor gets assigned a weight of 0, meaning that predictor can be removed from the model. L1 regularization has this additional property of being able to shrink coefficients to 0, thus having the extra advantage of being useful for feature selection, in other words, it can shrink the model size by removing some predictors.

Now, let's apply Ridge regression to our dataset and observe the coefficients:

from sklearn import linear_model

# Fit the model
ridge = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=10000), Y_train)

# The coefficients
print('Coefficients: ', ridge.coef_)

This code will return the following output:

[[ 0.01789719 -0.04351513]]
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