Implementation of the simple moving average

In this section, the code demonstrates how you would implement a simple moving average, using a list (history) to maintain a moving window of prices and a list (SMA values) to maintain a list of SMA values:

import statistics as stats

time_period = 20 # number of days over which to average
history = [] # to track a history of prices
sma_values = [] # to track simple moving average values

for close_price in close:
if len(history) > time_period: # we remove oldest price because we only average over last 'time_period' prices
del (history[0])


goog_data = goog_data.assign(ClosePrice=pd.Series(close, index=goog_data.index))
goog_data = goog_data.assign(Simple20DayMovingAverage=pd.Series(sma_values, index=goog_data.index))
close_price = goog_data['ClosePrice']
sma = goog_data['Simple20DayMovingAverage']

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, ylabel='Google price in $')
close_price.plot(ax=ax1, color='g', lw=2., legend=True)
sma.plot(ax=ax1, color='r', lw=2., legend=True)

In the preceding code, the following applies:

  • We have used the Python statistics package to compute the mean of the values in history.
  • Finally, we used matplotlib to plot the SMA against the actual prices to observe the behavior.

The following plot is an output of the code:

In this plot, it is easy to observe that the 20-day SMA has the intended smoothing effect and evens out the micro-volatility in the actual stock price, yielding a more stable price curve.

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