Linear Models

The family of linear models represents one of the most useful hypothesis classes. Many learning algorithms that are widely applied in algorithmic trading rely on linear predictors because they can be efficiently trained in many cases, they are relatively robust to noisy financial data, and they have strong links to the theory of finance. Linear predictors are also intuitive, easy to interpret, and often fit the data reasonably well or at least provide a good baseline.

Linear regression has been known for over 200 years when Legendre and Gauss applied it to astronomy and began to analyze its statistical properties. Numerous extensions have since adapted the linear regression model and the baseline ordinary least squares (OLS) method to learn its parameters:

  • Generalized linear models (GLM) expand the scope of applications by allowing for response variables that imply an error distribution other than the normal distribution. GLM include the probit or logistic models for categorical response variables that appear in classification problems.
  • More robust estimation methods enable statistical inference where the data violates baseline assumptions due to, for example, correlation over time or across observations. This is often the case with panel data that contains repeated observations on the same units such as historical returns on a universe of assets.
  • Shrinkage methods aim to improve the predictive performance of linear models. They use a complexity penalty that biases the coefficients learned by the model with the goal of reducing the model's variance and improving out-of-sample predictive performance.

In practice, linear models are applied to regression and classification problems with the goals of inference and prediction. Numerous asset pricing models that have been developed by academic and industry researchers leverage linear regression. Applications include the identification of significant factors that drive asset returns, for example, as a basis for risk management, as well as the prediction of returns over various time horizons. Classification problems, on the other hand, include directional price forecasts.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • How linear regression works and which assumptions it makes
  • How to train and diagnose linear regression models
  • How to use linear regression to predict future returns
  • How use regularization to improve the predictive performance
  • How logistic regression works
  • How to convert a regression into a classification problem

For code examples, additional resources, and references, see the directory for this chapter in the online GitHub repository.

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