Using the Concat function to store multiple field values in a single cell

The information in orders and invoices is typically stored at the header or line level in the database. However, when we display the sales value for a particular order on the UI, it is sometimes desired that all the products for an order are displayed in a single cell rather than on a separate line. The Concat function is helpful in such a case.

Getting ready

For this recipe we will make use of an inline data load which gives sales information for orders. Load the following order line information in Qlik Sense:

OrderID,Product, ProductID, Sales 
101,Footwear, F21Lon, 120000
101,Tyres, T21Man, 150000 
101,Mountain Bikes, MB32Lon, 195000 
102,Road Bikes, RB12Bir, 225000 
102,Chains, F21Lon, 140000
103,lubricant, T21Man, 56869 
103,Mountain Bikes, MB32Lon, 195000 
104,Road Bikes, RB12Bir, 65233
LOAD OrderID, CONCAT(Product,',') as Products

How to do it…

  1. Create a Table Chart.
  2. Add OrderID as the first dimension.
  3. Add Products as the second dimension.
  4. Add Sum(Sales) as the measure. Label it Sales.
  5. The resultant table should look like the following:
    How to do it…

How it works…

The CONCAT function in the script is used to string together multiple product values in one single string separated by a specified delimiter. The CONCAT function is an aggregation function and would require a Group By clause after the from statement.

There's more…

The CONCAT function can also be used in the frontend instead of the script. In this case, we will have to create a calculated dimension, as follows:

 =AGGR(Concat(DISTINCT Product,','),OrderID)

Name it as Products. As mentioned earlier, being an aggregation function, CONCAT requires an AGGR that is a substitute of Group By used in the script.

See also

The Chapter 5, Useful Functions chapter discusses some cool utilization of functions within Qlik Sense.

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