Further learning

Predictive Analytics and Data Visualizations are huge topics and in this book I just introduced the key concepts.

Related to Qlik Sense, we forget a lot of important things. In my opinion, the data load editor is among the most powerful. In order to learn more about Qlik Sense and the Data load editor, you may want to check out:

Learning Qlik® Sense: The Official Guide, Christopher Ilacqua, Henric Cronström, James Richardson. Packt Publishing.

In order to increase your knowledge and learn more about Qlik Sence, I suggested you some books and web sites. A very good source of information and advice can be the Qlik Community:


This is the most active community in the BI landscape.

You also learned how to use Rattle to create predictive models. In this book, we've focused on Clustering, Decision Trees, and Linear Regression; these are the most common predictive techniques. You can use these techniques in your own datasets to provide insights. To improve your Rattle knowledge, the best book is Data Mining with Rattle and R, The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery, Graham Williams, Springer.

The videos listed on this page are also a good source of knowledge:


Rattle also has a very interesting users group:


Finally, if you prefer to learn predictive techniques with R, try Machine Learning with R, Brett Lantz, Packt Publishing.

A funny and very good way to improve your skills in predictive analytics is Kaggle. This is the world's largest community of data scientists. In this community, you can find data science competitions. We've not used the term data science in this book; there are a lot of new terms around analytics, and we tried to focus on just a few to avoid confusion. Currently, we use this term to refer to an engineering area dedicated to collecting, cleaning, and manipulating data to unearth new knowledge. At www.kaggle.com, you can find different types of competitions. There are introductory competitions for beginners, and there are competitions with monetary prizes. You can access a competition, download the data and the problem description, and create your own solutions. An example of a Kaggle competition is the bike sharing example we used in this chapter.

Finally, in Chapter 1, Getting Ready with Predictive Analytics, we introduced Competing on Analytics, by Thomas H. Davenport and Jeanne G Harris, Harvard Business Review Press; if you are worried about how to apply predictive analytics at a business level, start with this book.

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