General setup options

You can find several configuration options under System | General Setup. Most of these are identical to settings that can be configured in the Setup Wizard (Hostname, Domain, DNS servers, Timezone, and NTP server). There are two additional settings available:

  1. The Language drop-down box allows you to select the web configurator language.
  2. Under the Web Configurator section, there is a Theme drop-down box that allows you to select the theme. The default theme of pfSense is perfectly adequate, but you can select another one here. There are several new theme options available for version 2.4, so if you have not tried these, you may want to do so.

pfSense 2.3 added new options to control the look and feel of the web interface and 2.4 has added some more; these settings are also found in the Web Configurator section of the General Settings page:

  1. The top navigation drop-down box allows you to choose whether the top navigation scrolls with the page, or remains anchored at the top as you scroll.
  2. The Hostname  in the Menu option allows you to replace the Help menu title with the system name or fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
  3. The Dashboard Columns option allows you to select the number of columns on the dashboard page (the default is 2).
  4. The next set of options is Associated Panels Show/Hide. These options control  the appearance of certain panels on the Dashboard and System Logs page. The options are:
    • Available Widgets: Checking this box causes the Available Widgets panel to appear on the Dashboard. Prior to version 2.3, the Available Widgets panel was always visible on the Dashboard.
    • Log Filter: Checking this box causes the Advanced Log Filter panel to appear on the System Logs page. Advanced Log Filter allows you to filter the system logs by time, process, PID, and message.
    • Manage Log: Checking this box causes the Manage General Log panel to appear on the System Logs page. The Manage General Log panel allows you to control the display of the logs, how big the log file may be, and the formatting of the log file, among other things.
    • Monitoring Settings: Checking this box causes the Settings section to appear on the Status | Monitoring page, which allows custom configuration of the interactive graph on that page.    
  5. The Require State Filter checkbox, if checked, causes the state table in Diagnostics | States to only appear if a filter is entered.
  6. The last option on this page, Left Column Labels, allows you to select/toggle the first item in a group by clicking on the left column if checked.
  1. The last three options on the page were added with version 2.4:
    • The Alias Popups checkbox, if checked, will disable showing the details of an alias in alias popups that appear when dragging the mouse over an alias on the Firewall page.
    • The Login page color drop-down box allows you to customize the login page color; the current default color is blue.
    • Finally, the Login hostname checkbox, when checked, will display the hostname on the login page. Having the hostname on the login page can be a helpful reminder if you are managing a large network with several firewalls, but it also potentially gives away what network is being secured.
  2. Click on Save at the bottom of the page to save any changes.
Version 2.4.3 has added Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection to the dashboard widgets.
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