
Most system and package services display their status on the Services page, which can be viewed by navigating to Status | Services. On this page, you will find a table which lists the name of the service (Service), a brief description (Description), and whether the service is running or stopped (Status). There is also an Actions column. By clicking on the appropriate icon for a service, you can either start a stopped service or restart/stop a running service. Normally, it is not necessary to control services in such a way, but you may need to do so in a troubleshooting scenario.

There are three additional icons that appear in some, but not all entries in the Services table:

  • Related settings: This is the icon that looks like three sliders. This links to the settings page for the service.
  • Related status: This icon looks like a bar graph. Many of the services listed have their own page on the Status menu, and if they do, it is linked to here.
  • Related log entries: This icon looks like a logbook page. If the service has its own tab in Status | Logs, it will be linked to here.
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