
Answer the following questions. For Questions 3 – 5, if the rulesetting is not specified in the question, assume the default value for that setting.

  1. When we create firewall rules, what principle should apply?
  2. What is the difference between Block and Reject in filtering traffic?
  3. Our network has two interfaces: WAN and LAN. The only two rules created so far are the IPv4 and IPv6 "Allow LAN to any" rules that pfSense creates when the LAN interface is initially assigned. We create a rule to block Recode with the following settings: Action = Reject; Interface = LAN; Address Family = IPv4 + IPv6; Protocol = TCP; Source = LAN net; Destination = (Recode's IP address). We place the rule at the bottom of the LAN rules table. What happens when we try to access Recode?
  1. Assume we have created the same rule as the one in Question 2, but we place it at the top of the LAN rules table. Now what happens when we try to access Recode?
  2. Assume we have the same ruleset as Question 2, but we also create a floating rule with the following settings; Action = Pass; Quick = Disabled; Interface = LAN; Direction = in; Address Family = IPv4+IPv6; Protocol = Any; Source = Any; Destination = Any. The Block Recode rule is at the top of the LAN rules table.  (a) After we enable the new floating rule, what happens when we try to access Recode? (b) If we change the Quick setting on this rule to Enabled and reload the firewall rules, what happens when we try to access Recode? (c) After we change the Quick setting to Enabled, what effect do the "Allow LAN to any" rules have on traffic?
  3. Name four types of aliases.
  4. Describe three methods of creating aliases with multiple IP addresses.
  5. Name a type of Virtual IP introduced with pfSense 2.0.
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