
In this chapter, we have looked at a few widgets which did not make their way into our example applications.

We saw that the LabelFrame widget allows us to surround a group of widgets with a heading, which can be either hardcoded or tied to a Label widget.

The Checkbutton and Radiobutton widgets were demonstrated, and we saw how to bind them to Tkinter's variables, such as IntVar objects, in order to return the user's choices.

We learned about the OptionMenu and Combobox widgets, which are used to make a choice from a list of pre-defined options. The Combobox acts as a combination of an Entry widget and an OptionMenu widget, also allowing the user to enter their own value if necessary.

If we want to have a tabbed interface, we have now looked at how the Notebook widget allows us to display multiple frames in a window using tabs and we can assign each one a label to display in its tab.

After covering those widgets, we moved on to learning how to create binary packages for our text editor project. After adjusting the application to store its configuration data in the user's home directory, we saw how to create a file, which allows the program to be installed with Python's package manager – pip.

The benefits and drawbacks of pip were mentioned and, then, we looked at packaging for each major desktop operating system independently. We used cx_freeze to create a .exe file for Windows, the AppImage suite to create a .AppImage file for Linux, and py2app to create a .app file for macOS.

That's it for Tkinter GUI Programming by Example. We have now built three working desktop applications and are able to share them with the rest of the world via packaging. I hope this book has shown you how easy it is to turn your simple Python scripts into full graphical applications or build a desktop application from the ground up. Go forth and create! Feel free to share your work with me over on GitHub, where I can be found at I look forward to hearing from you.

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