
In this chapter, we saw how JSX plays an important role in making custom components in React as well as making them very simple to visualize, understand, and write. We also saw how props and state play an important role in making components interactive as well as in DOM interaction to get the value from form fields. With the help of refs, we can call any public method and send a message to our particular child instance.

Also, we explored the React-Bootstrap components by creating an Add Ticket form, which works well on all expected devices as well as on desktop browsers.

In addition, we saw how easy it is to use Firebase Realtime Database with a ReactJS application. With just a few lines of code, we can save the data to the Realtime Database and retrieve the list of tickets from the database in Realtime to make our application Realtime.

In the next chapter, we will do React and Firebase setup on node.js environment and how we can use the Firebase OAuth Providers to add authentication in our application. we'll also explore the react routing for navigation

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