Chapter 8. Let's Make a Game! – From Idea to Development

This chapter will show you how to turn an idea into a ready-to-code project and how to break down complex mechanics into small pieces.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Common mistakes made by early developers.
  • Breaking a complex idea into manageable parts.
  • Pen and paper are your friends. Break the game into features!
  • Where you should really start. Fancy game art later, prototype first.
  • The core game components (GameManager, the Player, Physics, and the UI).
  • Target platform, screen resolution, and screen ratio.

Your first game – avoiding the trap of the never-ending concept

As you are aspiring to become a good game developer, you probably have tons of brilliant ideas for games. If not, you probably have one massive idea that you really want to get done yourself as soon as possible. Maybe, you do have some core game mechanics on your mind but just don't know how to code it. Good! This book is precisely for you. We will move away from talking about examples and will focus more on coding actual game functionality.

Before we do that, however, I want to make sure that the idea behind your first game won't take you to a dead end.

I have spoken to many aspiring game developers who have massive multiplier games in their minds, wanting to create another World of Warcraft or Call of Duty as their first big project. That's fine! You should think big, and you never know you might be a part of a great team one day, developing AAA titles in Unity. For now, however, we need to take baby steps to get there. That's why we shouldn't think about such massive ideas that take tens of millions of dollars and the most talented teams in the world to develop. We should rather think a bit smaller. You are possibly a one-man team at the moment without a massive budget, but you have a massive passion for game development. Trust me, this is all that you need to release your first game and be mega proud of it.

Let's agree to hold on and focus to develop and finish a simple game in the next few chapters instead of starting and never finishing something. In this book, we will take up the simple idea of an infinite scroller game. We will use built-in Unity 2D tools, physics, and, of course, a lot of code.

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